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三网融合已成为媒体发展所要面临的新趋势,它对广电业的发展而言机遇与挑战并存。三网融合不仅打破了传统的传播媒介的界限,而且开拓了新的信息传播渠道,使信息的传递比以前更加畅通。因此,三网融合背景下,加强对广播电视的改革显得尤为重要。尽管自三网融合以来我国广播电视改革取得了巨大进步,但仍有些问题需要提出与解决。本文旨在研究三网融合背景下广播电视发展现状,针对其出现的问题提出相应的解决策略,为我国广播电视事业在三网融合背景下的进一步发展提供一些可行性的思路。  相似文献   

论广播电视传媒体制与三网融合推广发展革新分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在过去的两年是关键的一年,我国要推进三网融合。2010年,国务院颁布了三网融合的总体方案和试点方案,确定三网融合12个试点地区名单,以制定一个三网融合的目标快速前进。三网融合的新形势下发展广播电视,新的命题和挑战。在此背景下,发展广播和电视的新媒体,促进新老媒体,相互促进,共同发展,合并和广播电视行业的一项紧迫任务。  相似文献   

三网融合是指将广电网、计算机网和电信网的众多内容和服务形式融为一体,为用户提供语音、数据和广播电视等多种服务。广播电视网络是国家重要的信息基础设施,是三网融合的基础网络之一,加快建设下一代广播电视网对推动社会主义市场经济条件下文化繁荣,推动国家信息化发展,满足人民日益增长的精神文化需求,维护我国的信息和文化安全,促进战略性新兴产业发展,加快推进三网融合具有十分重要的意义。本文基于三网融合提出加强广电信息化管理的有效措施。  相似文献   

三网融合的现状及发展趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓三网融合,是指将现行的电信网,广播电视网,以及互联网三个网络进行三网合一。在我国,随着这几年数字电视的普及以及网络的全面铺开,人们对视觉的动态,自然,逼真,网络的传输速度等方面的要求越来越高。在我国,三网融合的理念到了"箭在弦上,不得不发"的地步。三网融合的道路任重而道远,这个需要我们电信行业,广播电视行业,互联网行业共同努力才能最终实现。  相似文献   

2010年国家确定了三网融合的发展战略,广播电视迎来了新发展、新机遇,本文探究技术、业务、产品、相关产业四个三网融合发展重点,为创新发展广电新业态实现三网融合提供借鉴。  相似文献   

三网融合涉及到电信、广播电视业和互联网的管制问题,其核心是市场主体的构建和管制制度的总体设计。世界各国推进三网融合管制政策的基本路径包括:一是允许电信与有线电视业务的双向进入;二是承载与内容管制分离;三是电信与广电实现统一和独立监管。结合我国推进三网融合管制政策设计应考虑的重点问题,提出加快推进我国三网融合的管制对策:走三网融合先试点、再立法、后全国推广的管制改革路线;建立适应三网融合要求的电信和广电管制体制,把实现独立统一的综合管制机构作为长期目标;完善广电和电信业务双向进入的管制政策,形成适度竞争的网络产业格局;完善广电和电信业务双向进入的管制政策,形成适度竞争的网络产业格局;加强三网融合形势下的信息和文化安全管制。  相似文献   

传统广播电视从“听”“看”节目正在向“用”的方向发展。广播电视网、电信网、互联网实施“三网融合”即是向新型媒体转型的标志。这不仅意味着对传统广播电视在三网融合新媒体转型升级下面临的一个挑战,同时也是一个发展的有利机遇。随着高清互动技术的普遍应用,随着广播电视的传播渠道与其他服务渠道更加紧密结合,广播电视机构将不仅仅是提供广播电视内容的一个机构,它的服务范围同时也延伸到通信、交通、医疗、购物、金融等多个领域,它将为广大受众提供除了广播电视之外的更多的超值服务。  相似文献   

中国的"三网融合"使广播电视行业飞速发展,但机遇和挑战总是相伴相生,广播电视行业现行的会计制度已不再适合其目前的行业状况,需要转为企业会计制度,因此探讨如何适应新形势下的现代企业会计制度十分重要。本文先是分析了我国广播电视行业适应新形势下的现代企业会计制度的必要性,然后根据本行业目前的情况提出了相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

鹿俊杰 《民营科技》2009,(10):45-45
IPTV是利用IP方式传输的广播电视服务,也被称为宽带网络数字电视。利用宽带网的基础设施,以家用电视机或电脑作为主要终端设备,融合互联网、多媒体、通信等多种技术,通过互联网络协议(IP)向家庭用户提供包括数字电视在内的多种交互式数字媒体服务。适应“三网”融合大趋势,促进 IPTV发展是个系统工程,需要政府和市场相互协作。强化“三网”融合政策的制度效应、立足 IPTV的规模效应、培育电信和广电竞合效应、推进数字电视等媒体的集群效应,促进我国 IPTV产业快速、协调发展。  相似文献   

三网融合的安全问题引起了不少人的关注。三网融合后台运营体系、监管体系、维护体系面临着前所未有的挑战,其中以网络和信息安全挑战最为紧迫。本文在分析三网融合下的信息安全问题的基础上,提出对我国三网融合监管的几点建议,以更好地解决三网融合的信息安全问题。  相似文献   

姜涛 《企业活力》2011,(7):36-38
三网融合指电信网、广播电视网、计算机网的融合,三网融合是大势所趋,也是三网合作共赢的选择。三网融合涉及诸多方面的融合,这就使得"三网融合"面临不少的困难,随着社会生产飞速发展、科学技术不断进步和市场需要日益增加,必然促进三种网络不断发展和相互融合。  相似文献   

关雪梅 《中国工程师》2014,(3):46-47,43
三网合一是我国当前的国策及发展趋势,也是我国智慧城市建设和信息惠民的必备条件。因此,适用于广电网络三网合一应用的EPON+EoC接入技术也就应运而生。本文主要针对多种EoC接入技术做了全面分析,最后从技术性能、改造成本、运维效率、综合业务运营能力方面对EPON+EoC和现有的EoC接入技术做了全面对比。  相似文献   

刘艳蔚 《价值工程》2014,(10):217-218
在全球新媒体快速发展和加快推动信息化和工业化深度融合的新形势下,充分结合市场机制灵活效应,以三网融合为前提,从产业经济学与传播学角度对新媒体的产业制度、产业组织、产业结构、产业关联进行分析研究,以期有效促进新媒体产业进一步持续、快速、协调发展。  相似文献   

We examine whether bundling in telecommunications services reduces churn using a series of large, independent cross sections of household decisions. To identify the effect of bundling, we construct a pseudo‐panel dataset and utilize a linear, dynamic panel‐data model, supplemented by nearest‐neighbor matching. We find bundling does reduce churn for all three “triple‐play” services. The effect is only “visible” during times of turbulent demand. We also find evidence that broadband was substituting for pay television in 2009. This analysis highlights that bundling helps with customer retention in service industries, and may play an important role in preserving contracting markets.  相似文献   

王根喜 《价值工程》2010,29(28):233-236
本文提出了三联遗传数字,三联变异数字,联遗传数字,联变异数字及互三联遗传数字等数学新概念。并对n个三联遗传数字链,n个三联遗传数字链的2种逐级收敛及逐级收敛的路径等作了重要的论述。旨在构建DNA与RNA的数字模型。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the increased pressure for corporations to engage in corporate sustainability (CS) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in order to address the current crisis of confidence in business, align their activities with the needs and expectations of a broader set of stakeholders, and help tackle the world's grand challenges. We argue that human resource management (HRM) has a potentially vital role to play in contributing to a firm's CS/CSR efforts, but so far has failed to deliver. We explore the reasons for this failure and discuss ways for HRM to play a more prominent role in the design and implementation of a firm's CS/CSR strategy. Building on earlier attempts to integrate corporate responsibility and sustainability into the HRM performance construct, we propose a multidimensional, multi-stakeholder approach to sustainable HRM that encompasses activities aimed both at avoiding harmful consequences for stakeholders and contributing to positive outcomes along the triple bottom line (i.e., people, planet, and prosperity). We discuss implications for research and develop a set of propositions and guidelines for future research.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to extend the triple sampling methodologies to cover problems that arise in linear models. In particular, we aim to study the performance of triple sampling procedures, while controlling the risk of estimating some linear functions of means under the normality assumption. Both point as well as confidence interval estimation techniques are considered. We point out that the goal of controlling the estimation risk is reached in all cases. It is also shown analytically that triple sampling procedures have the same features of the one- by- one sequential sampling schemes.  相似文献   

霍江林  刘素荣 《价值工程》2010,29(14):28-29
根据可持续发展的要求,企业资产管理绩效评价应追求经济效益、环境保护和社会责任三方面平衡发展。文章简要分析了可持续发展对资产管理绩效评价的新要求,从经济、生态、社会三个方面设置了资产管理绩效评价指标体系,并建立了资产管理三重绩效评价模型。  相似文献   

The enterprise excellence and modern sustainability movements have developed along near parallel timelines. Skilled use of enterprise excellence systems has been documented to significantly boost performance across an array of key domains, including financial, human capital, operations and supply chain, and other areas. Notably absent are social and environmental performance, with their absence attributable to the inadequate emphasis on enterprise excellence of these domains. Similarly, although the triple bottom line is core to the sustainability movement, many adherents of sustainability approach its people and planet domains with ardor, yet virtually neglect its profit domain. A simple model of sustainable enterprise excellence and accompanying maturity assessment regimen are introduced and advanced as a means of merging these movements to drive an equity, ecology and economy triple top line strategy to produce triple bottom line people, planet and profit performance with innovation and organizational design playing pivotal roles in both the model and its assessment. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

Triple helix collaborations involving academia, government and industry are believed vital to the success of regional technology development. However, due to differences in culture, organizational functioning and incentive mechanisms as well as the different objectives of the various actors involved, such collaboration is difficult to create and sustain. A case study of the organization called Precarn, a collaborative, which manages a program of triple helix projects, is used here to illustrate how an intermediate organization can help triple helix partnerships towards the successful commercialization of new technologies. The paper contributes to the literature on managing R&D collaborations and innovation networks using organization theories to explain why and how collaborative intermediate organizations can facilitate successful technological adoption and commercialization across innovation networks.  相似文献   

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