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雨山 《上海房地》2013,(12):11-12
2013年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者席勒认为.中国房地产泡沫严重。席勒曾准确地预言美国2000年科技股泡沫和2006年房地产价格泡沫的破裂。席勒此番言论是否能够揭示中国房地产市场的本质?  相似文献   

张延陶 《英才》2016,(4):96-97
密集、大胆而又准确到令人发指的危机预测,令席勒享誉全球。我绝对不会投资北京或者上海的房产。2013年,诺贝尔经济学奖获得者罗伯特·席勒在谈及中国的房地产时如是说。对美国互联网以及房地产泡沫进行了准确的预测,席勒被冠以"泡沫"先生,但其预言的中国房地产泡沫破灭,时至今日仍没有大规  相似文献   

歌德和席勒是好朋友,有一次,他们一起到剧院观看预演。观看过程中,歌德对演员的表演处处挑剔,动不动就发脾气,说话的语气全用命令式,而席勒与歌德则作风完全相反,他始终在称赞演员较为精彩的一面。剧本是席勒的作品,因而去的时候两个人都怀着满心的欢喜。  相似文献   

席勒美学思想在西方美学史上具有崇高的地位。他所撰写的《审美教育书简》系统地阐释了他的美育理论。论文详细论述了席勒美育思想形成的历史背景,以及主要观点,并指出这一思想对于解决我国目前教育问题的指导意义。  相似文献   

企业家似乎也可以分为天真的和感伤的两种类型在土耳其作家奥尔罕·帕慕克谈论小说的文集《天真的和感伤的小说家》中,他引用德国诗人弗雷德利西·席勒在论文《论天真的诗和感伤的诗》中的提法,将小说家和小说读者分为两种类型:天真的和感伤的。而按照席勒更加扩大的说法,人性就天然地有两种不同的类型:天真的和感伤的。歌德是天真者,他自己是感伤者。天真的诗人"与自然融为一体",他们  相似文献   

我很小的时候就听过格林童话,长大了,又听过英雄交响曲、命运交响曲,读过歌德、席勒、海涅的诗歌,对我来说,欧洲融汇了中世纪的教堂、阿尔卑斯的雪山和多瑞河的清波,是一个令人神往的地方。[编者按]  相似文献   

姜苏鹏 《英才》2007,(11):132-132
死气沉沉的皱纹,身经百战的倦态,不屈不挠的神情,每当我凝视伦勃朗晚年的自画像时,会被感动得哑口无言。那一刻,有点忧伤,有点萧瑟,有点温暖……  相似文献   

你称她是“铁腕”管理者,她说她是一个现代“职业经理人”;你夸她是一个“温柔”的妻子,她自我评价是“美丽智慧的现代女性”。这就是本刊《琴心剑胆李亦非》中女主角李亦非给自己速写的主动“自画像”。自画像突出的是“现代”寥寥数语便勾勒出一个充满现代理念和现代风采的“职业经理人”——现代企业家的形象。人类的现代文明创造了蒸汽机的同时,也创造了可与蒸汽机相提并论的公司法人制度——现代企业制度。于是“职业经理人”作为所有权和经营权分离的产物,作为现代企业制度的特征之一,也作为一个市场经济社会最有价值的“短缺资…  相似文献   

《钓愚:操纵与欺骗的经济学》[美]乔治·阿克洛夫罗伯特·席勒著张军译出版社:前沿经济出版社出版时间:2016-02两位诺奖得主乔治·阿克洛夫、罗伯特·席勒认为,市场在为我们带来福利的同时,也带来了灾难。普遍存在的人性弱点、信息不对称等让我们成为"钓愚"中的受骗者。  相似文献   

唐宗礼 《秘书》2013,(6):46
干部考察是干部选拔任用的重要环节,考察工作是否深入、全面、广泛,直接影响考察的效果,进而影响选人用人的公信度。要提高干部考察的客观性、公正性、准确性,减少和避免"带病提拔"现象,必须增强考察工作的开放性。一要建立考察对象自我评价制度。让考察对象对照干部选拔任用条件和组织部门列出的询问提纲提交"自画像",在此基础上,通过组织考察对其自评情况进行验证,以此考  相似文献   

Extant evidence that the self‐employed overestimate their returns by a greater margin than employees is consistent with two mutually inclusive possibilities. Self‐employment may foster optimism or intrinsic optimists may be drawn to self‐employment. Previous research is generally unable to disentangle these effects because of reliance on cross‐sectional data. Using longitudinal data, this paper finds that employees who will be self‐employed in the future overestimate their short‐term financial wellbeing by more than those who never become self‐employed. Optimism is higher still when self‐employed. These results suggest that the greater optimism of the self‐employed reflects both psychological disposition and environmental factors. By providing greater scope for optimism, self‐employment entices the intrinsically optimistic.  相似文献   

This article advances understanding of the prevalence and distribution of dependent self‐employment. Analysing the 2015 European Working Conditions Survey of 35,765 employees in 28 European countries, the dependent self‐employed are found to comprise 4.3% (1 in 23) of the EU workforce, 47% of all those reporting themselves as self‐employed without employees and 31% of all self‐employed. The prevalence of dependent self‐employment, however, is found to have decreased since the previous 2010 survey, is not found to be concentrated among marginalised population groups and is significantly more likely in agriculture, forestry and fishing, arts, entertainment, recreation and other service activities, and the household services sector. The implications for theorising and tackling dependent self‐employment are discussed.  相似文献   

In the healthcare context, both nurses and doctors derive their professional identities from diverse backgrounds, thus resulting in two distinct professions. Becoming a leader and forming a leader identity that is separate from a strong professional identity is a difficult task. However, assuming a leader identity is considered an important aspect of actually being a leader, not just a professional with a leader position. The current article explores authenticity in generic healthcare leader identity formation by utilizing the concept of professional identity. Instead of committing to the humanistic ontological roots of the authentic leadership construct, the research analyzes the concepts of self and authenticity from an existential–experiential perspective. A conceptual framework of self‐sourced healthcare identity formation, including leader identity and professional identity, is presented. The framework shows how leader identity originates in the leader's experiencing self‐in‐situation, which is understood as the source of authenticity. The experiencing self, or the self as a subject, is differentiated from the experienced self, or the self as an object, by which professional identities are formed. The conceptualization provides a way of understanding and developing leadership in fields consisting of strong professional identities. The applications of the framework are also discussed.  相似文献   

为了研究医学专科学生的自我和谐状况与应对方式之间的关系,并找出影响学生和谐的主要因素,给心理健康教育、心理咨询和治疗提供一些参考参考,本文通过采用简易应对方式问卷和自我和谐量表,对557名医学专科学生进行测试。并对测试结果做了技术统计,通过对数据的分析研究发现积极应对方式对自我的灵活性有着正相关的影响,而对自我与经验的不和谐、自我的刻板性、自我和谐是负相关的影响。基于这种分析结果提出了一些改善医学专科学生自我和谐的一些建议,教育部门和教育者要注重医学专科学生的积极应对方式的培养。  相似文献   

This article aims to extend the current treatment of what constitutes leader self‐awareness. Discussion of self‐awareness in organizations and leadership research here focused on one component of self‐awareness; awareness of individual self‐resources. Drawing on Objective Self‐Awareness Theory (OSA theory, Duval & Wicklund, 1972), this paper explores a neglected second component of self‐awareness: the ability to anticipate the views of others. Leaders gain awareness of their influence on others through impulses to self‐focus, which leads to self‐evaluation against extrinsic standards, and insight regarding leader influence. Research and practical implications of the second component of self‐awareness are discussed.  相似文献   

Job crafting refers to the proactive actions employees take to redesign their jobs in order to get a better fit with their competencies, expectations, and wishes. So far, little is known about job crafting's underlying mechanisms. In this study, we examine how two different states of affective well‐being (workaholism and work engagement) relate to job crafting 3 months later and how these well‐being states steer different self‐management behaviours, which ultimately lead to job crafting. Structural equation modelling on a heterogeneous sample (N = 287) revealed that work engagement and workaholism both relate to expansive job crafting through different self‐management strategies. Work engagement relates to challenge and resource seeking via self‐goal setting and self‐observation strategies, whereas workaholism associates with challenge and resource seeking only through self‐goal setting. In addition, the results show a strong relationship between workaholism and self‐punishment. Altogether, the findings suggest that self‐management strategies can function as an explanatory mechanism for different job crafting behaviours.  相似文献   

Subsequent to training IT professionals ( n = 35) in skills for performing effectively in a selection interview, 16 were randomly assigned to a transfer of training intervention, written self‐guidance (WSG). This methodology is based on social cognitive and self‐persuasion theories. The results showed that WSG resulted in significantly higher ratings from an interviewer than did those in the control group. Self‐efficacy for interviewing skill mediated the relationship between WSG and performance. A content analysis of the WSG letters showed that the use of self‐affirming and self‐relevant statements was positively related to performance in the selection interview. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The growing rates of obesity in both developed and developing countries are alarming. Most studies on obesity mainly focus on individuals in developed countries with ready access to food. Limited studies explore obesity in developing countries with limited access to healthier foods. In addition, studies show self‐acceptance and self‐efficacy are essential to healthier well‐being. The purpose of this study is (a) to explore the impact of self‐acceptance on individuals' self‐efficacy to weight management and (b) to investigate the impact of self‐efficacy on individuals' attitude and intention in regard to weight managements. Using data from Indonesia (N = 499), the respondents are divided based on their body mass index. The results show that self‐acceptance significantly influenced individuals' self‐efficacy, especially for individuals who are obese. Furthermore, self‐efficacy did not influence individual attitude toward weight management. Finally, attitude toward weight management only influenced people who are obese and not individuals who are overweight. The results of this study will have significant implications to government, social marketers, and not‐for‐profit organizations in fighting the epidemic in developing countries.  相似文献   

This study identifies key characteristics of human resource management (HRM) practices that contribute to promoting positive learning attitudes and creating a self‐renewal organizational climate. We use a behavioral perspective to develop a framework to show the relationships among learning‐oriented HRM, positive learning attitudes, and a self‐renewal organizational climate. Structural equation analysis is applied to empirically test the relationships and the path model suggests that a learning‐oriented HRM plays an important role in either directly creating a self‐renewal organizational climate or indirectly facilitating positive learning attitudes that foster organizational self‐renewal. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

自密实混凝土的应用与研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国内外自密实混凝土的应用和研究情况进行了总结与分析。对推广自密实混凝土在我国的应用与研究具有积极作用。  相似文献   

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