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看了山西大学教授靳生禾和“山西历史图集”总编审汾鸿(喜)的章《午壁亭与皇城考略》,心中颇有一番感触,不妨也谈一二。  相似文献   

原平大营温泉生态旅游度假区作?为华北旅游度假集散中心,率先成为山西省农业旅游示范点,并已申报国家级。  相似文献   


格言的魅力从小喜欢读书,喜欢引经据典。稍大时,开始摘录名人名言,于是案头便有了一张张不断更换的,录有名言的卡片。一来丰富词汇,二来勉励自己。偶尔引用一两句在作文中,自然增色不少,得到了老师的赞许,心里甜丝丝的,于是更加偏爱那短小精辟的语句。再长些,学...  相似文献   

银滩的美该数夜色。星月当空,辽阔的大海卷成千堆白雪奔跑着冲向银滩,浪从大腿、腰间、胸前扑过去,威武雄壮,顷刻间,却化成了柔情万般,那水是温的,那浪是软的,银滩的海是南国的海,是女人的海。北海的出名,一大半是因为银滩。在这片魅力无穷的海滩上,国家主席江泽民1990年10月曾经为它动了第一锹土。两年后,国务院批准它辟为国家旅游度假区。现在,银滩不仅是国内35个旅游王牌景点之一,还被列为中国5个最美的休憩地之一,接待过中外游客近千万人次,引来众多旅游爱好者对它的好奇与关注。从北海市市中心驱车20分钟,就到了北海…  相似文献   

"家有余粮鸡犬跑,户多书籍子孙贤",这副对联,从我孩提记事起,已铭心刻骨.是外婆的教诲使我至今久久于怀,难以忘却.  相似文献   


冯雷  莜迪 《北方旅游》2002,(10M):76-77
马术运动高雅刺激,西方称其为第一贵族运动,但随着社会的进步和经济的发展,骑马正悄悄地成为现代人的一种生活时尚。马术是奥运会比赛中唯一的一项由人与动物共同合作完成的项目。  相似文献   

21世纪香港旅游魅力HongKongTourisminthe21stCentury香港旅游协会供稿“吃”的魅力“魅力香港万象之都”香港是亚洲首屈一指的旅游胜地,也是一个中西文化荟萃的国际大都会。世界各地的旅客在香港观光旅游、洽谈商务,为香港的酒店、餐...  相似文献   

位于江苏盱眙境内的“第一泉“过去叫“龙泉“,用“第一泉“水酿造的酒在当地有名气.此泉冬暖夏凉,有时自喷有一米多高,小城人就在泉边建了座矿泉水厂,产品远销各地.每到夏天,在“第一泉“和小城之间的路上,小城人会带着各式各样的桶到泉边装水回家饮用,因此,各式品牌的矿泉水在小城就没了市场.……  相似文献   

在泰国的历史上曾有一位堂堂正正的华人皇帝.华人能在泰国当皇帝其中必有段震古铄今的历史,后人还修建一座大庙--郑皇庙供奉这位皇帝,可见非同小可.……  相似文献   

This paper investigates how COVID-19 is impacting different accommodation types, and whether travellers' choices regarding accommodation type are affected by the need for physical distance. Study 1 shows that travellers are very reluctant to book shared flats on Airbnb during the pandemic. However, full flats – controlling for price levels - are preferred to hotel rooms. Study 2 clarifies the process behind the increased choice for full flats, i.e., the need for physical distance. In Study 3, we actively manipulate physical distance and show that assuring physical distance will reduce the concerns towards hotel and shared flat options. Apart from enlightening the psychological process behind accommodation choice, the study offers operators actionable suggestions on how to maximise bookings despite the pandemic.  相似文献   

隆冬的脚步,伴着寒意和酷情渐渐地向我们走近,寒中有酷、酷中有美、美丽"冻"人.  相似文献   

This paper argues that society is saturated with ideas of ‘normal’ ‘healthy’ leisure practice. These ideas reflect an historically specific distribution of power. The case of the hippy convoy and the controversy over the use value of Stonehenge as a leisure resource is examined to illustrate the official ordering of leisure in society and the social reaction to it. The paper concentrates on the events of 1986 leading to the Stoney Cross clearance. The paper concludes by making two general points about the significance of leisure experience in consciousness raising and the importance of deviant leisure for leisure studies.  相似文献   

腾冲,是滇缅公路上的一颗明珠.边境线全长148多公里,境内有直达缅甸的腾密公路,全长217公里.  相似文献   


After the downturn spiral in travel resulting from the Gulf War, marketing professionals had to become extremely creative in trying to attract travelers back to the recreation and tourism markets of the world. However, the events of September 11 inflicted far greater damage to the domestic travel market in the United States than did the Gulf War. The purposes of the study were to examine the perceptions and attitudes of people toward (1) the awareness and acceptance of security measures in travel and tourism, (2) the effects of the September 11 attacks on the tourism industry and industry responses, and (3) the changes of people's travel and recreation behaviors such as destination and activity choices. The individuals surveyed were asked questions concerning their perceptions regarding the effects of the September 11 attacks on the tourism industry and government/business responses, the relative importance of safety in destination/activity choice, security measures at airports, and the changes of their spending patterns, travel decisions, and leisure pursuits. The results of the study indicated that faculty members were more likely to experience the changes of their life, travel decision, and activity choices than students.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the sustainable development of tourism on the island of Texel, The Netherlands. It utilises the so-called 'corporate response model to the macro-marketing environment' to conceptualise the multi-dimensionality of the sustainability concept. This model differentiates among four 'margins' within which a tourism region operates. These margins are 'profit', 'risk', 'ecological' and 'socio-cultural'. The paper discusses a number of issues that are particularly relevant to the sustainable development of tourism. These include economic over-reliance on tourism, environmental management, land use conflicts and liveability. These issues are positioned at the interface between adjoining margins, and they represent spatial practices, conceptualisations of these practices as well as struggles over the symbolic construction of Texel. The analysis also reveals some existing strategies for sustainable development of tourism that are transferable to other regions. Although the case of Texel presents interesting practices and strategies of sustainable tourism, the overall balance in terms of results is still meagre.  相似文献   

深圳没有冬天,冬天如春天,气候宜人,花团簇锦.深圳的山翠,海蓝,水清,树碧,花艳,市内花坛多,绿地多,公园多.在一个明媚的春日,我与老伴携孙子宝娃去游览深圳荔枝公园.……  相似文献   

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