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An attempt is made to bridge the gap between the theorists and modellists approaches to the conceptualization of theoretical constructs. The former approach assumes that every theoretical construct has a surplus meaning over and above its operationalization and measurement as a concept. The latter approach denies this: it only accepts theoretical constructs as functions of relations between observations, i.e. measured concepts.This gap can be bridged by explicating the definition of a theoretical construct before making attempts to operationalize and measure it. An explicated definition should cover all relevant aspects (or: facets) of a construct, systematically brought together in an ideal type model. On this basis, operationalization of the construct can be directly linked to model elements, so that any possibly remaining surplus value is made explicit. The distance between theoretical construct and the measured concept can then be made as small as seems feasible; in principle, the distance can be made zero. The manner in which conservative ideology is conceptualized in a longitudinal research project in the Dutch electorate is presented as an example of this strategy.  相似文献   

A microsociological research which traced the experience of 120 women (during five years of psychotherapy they undertook to resolve existential problems) used different typologies in the organisation of qualitative data. The major typology, of psychosocial identity was of importance not only in data-ordering, but also in appreciating the changes occurring to individuals during the psychotherapeutic process. The other two typologies were essentially of sensitising concepts but also represented structural social elements and broadened the microfocus to include features of four different therapies and therapeutic communities. This article discusses the methodological implications of this technical approach to ordering qualitative data, the actual research procedure used in the creation of the typologies and, in brief outline, their content.  相似文献   

This paper adapts a widespread formalism of Knowledge Representation known in the AI literature as J. Sowa'sConceptual Graphs to the purposes of Content Analysis. It is proposed that instead of nested contexts, negation and modalities could be represented by colouring the links and the nodes of the graphs. This colour-based representation of logic enables the replacement of Sowa's game-theoretical semantics by a matching algorithm. It is also claimed that the resulting local application of negation and modalities is close to the behaviour of negation and adverbs in natural language. Above all, the use of colours restores a unique level in semantic networks. These flat semantic networks are appealing to social scientists because they avoid information redundancy and improve connectivity in the network. Two methods of textual analysis that can take direct benefit from semantic networks (semantic paths distributions and texts clustering) are presented. However, flat semantic networks that remain semantically correct are perhaps even more interesting because they may bridge standard networks with connectionnist networks. In such a perspective, Coloured Conceptual Graphs represent an intermediate but promising step.  相似文献   

In questo lavoro viene fornita una nuova caratterizzazione dell'ammissibilità attraverso un adeguato uso della nozione di ammissibilità parziale. Questa caratterizzazione consente di affrontare le questioni riguardanti la completezza della classe delle decisioni ammissibiliti sotto condizioni «maneggevoli». Fornisce inoltre un approccio unificante al problema della completezza che consente di derivare, come casi particolari, alcuni risultati già noti nella letteratura sull'argomento.
In this paper a new characterization of admissibility is given for general decision problems. It is based on an adequate use of the notion of partial admissibility.A general decision problem is usually synthetized by a triplet (, , ) where is the states (or parameters) space, the set of available decisions and is a family of real valued functions defined on and expressing numerically the consequences of choosing when the state is . The set is regarded as a subset of the space of all real valued functions on endowed with the topology of pointwise convergence.As for as admissibility is concerned all the pertinent information about decisions are contained in the corresponding functionsW .This allows to introduce a notion of partial admissibility through the neigh-bourhoods of this topology. Admissibile decisions are then shown to be limits of monotone non increasing sequences of partially admissible decisions.Moreover this topological characterization allows to prove the completeness of classes of admissible decisions under acceptable systems of conditions which contain as special cases, known results in literature.

Lavoro svolto nell'ambito del Gruppo Nazionale per l'Analisi Funzionale e le sue Applicazioni del C.N.R.  相似文献   

Dr. W. Sendler 《Metrika》1982,29(1):19-54
Summary Let gn be real functions,U ni, 1in, the ordered sample ofn independentU(0,1) distributed random variables, andc ni(), 1in, 01 be (known) real numbers,n=1, 2, ... The random quantity , 01, is studied. Based on a method proposed byShorack [1972] the main result is the weak convergence of to Gaussian processes, where , 01. The convergence is with respect to theSkorokhod [1956]-topologiesM 2,M 1 onD (I) and the -topology onC(I), depending on the conditions imposed on thec ni().  相似文献   

Summary For a random variableX and >0 letU n (X)–X, wheren (x)=nZ iffx(n–/2,n+/2]. Random variables of this type are important in the theory of measurement errors. We derive formulas for the distribution ofU and apply them to the case XN(,2). General conditions for the unimodality ofU are given. The correlation of the measurement errorsXE (X) andU (X) is seen to beO (j) withj depending on the smoothness and asymptotic behavior of the density ofX. This gives a precise sense to the assertion that scale errors upwards and downwards are averagely well-balanced. In the normal case the density ofU is shown to be constant up to , as 0.  相似文献   

In this paper we will discuss some peculiarities of Nash equilibrium which are at odds with its standard applications: (a) the underlying dynamic interpretation, (b) the incentive independency if equilibria are mixed, and (c) the unprofitability if equilibrium and maximin are mixed and the game is 2-by-2. Maximin is proposed as an alternative solution concept in relevant situations.Institute of Economics, University of Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 5, D-2000 Hamburg 13, Germany. This is a substantially revised version of the paper Anti-Nash and an Option for Maximin (Institute of Economics, University of Aarhus, Memo 1989-16), which the author presented at the Fourth Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Augsburg, September 2–4, 1989.  相似文献   

Summary The estimation of parameter in the type of distributionf(x)=b x –1 /b exp (–x b (/b),x>0, is considered, when several outliers of the type , ,r=1,2, ...,k, are present in the data. The estimates of as well as of 's are put in the closed form. Special cases, Weibull, Gamma and Exponential are considered for the case of single outlier. Actual estimates are calculated from the generated samples of size 2 and 3 for the Weibull and Exponential.  相似文献   

K. Takeuchi  M. Akahira 《Metrika》1986,33(1):217-222
Summary Assume thatX() is a continuous time simple Markov process with a parameter . The problem is to choose observation points 0 < 1 <...<T which provide with the maximum possible information on . Suppose that the observation points are equally spaced, that is, fort=1, ...,T, T, ;tt–1 is constant. Then the optimum value fors is obtained.  相似文献   

Past work on the micro-macro problem has often been divisive, with scholars championing either the micro or macro position, and arguing against the other. This work has often stressed the uniqueness of one position (e.g., emphasizing emergence in the macro position or reduction to the micro). There is a recent resurgence of interest, with emphasis on cooperative and integrative attempts to forge a micro-macro link. A review of the literature shows both micro, subjective approaches to the problem, as well as macro-structural approaches, but with an emphasis on the micro. The bulk of the analyses are qualitative. There is a small literature on external or nonsubjective (including quantitative) approaches. The purpose of the paper is to add to the external literature in a way that will complement the qualitative approaches while also being sensitive to the relation between theory and method. The concepts of global macro variables, immutable and mutable micro variables, and immutable distributions are presented. The mutable distribution is the true external link between micro and macro. The mutable distributions have dual micro-macro properties, being formed from the allocation of the individuals in the population into the positions of the respective globals. An individual's position in the multidimensional global structure depends upon his or her particular set of mutable characteristics.Preparation of this paper was partially supported by UCLA Academic Senate Research Grant No. 2884.  相似文献   

Summary LetS be ap×p Wishart matrix with parametersn and . For a rational number =r/s withr ands integers ands positive, letS denote a positive definite matrix such that (S ) s =S r . Using a decision theoretic argument, we prove thatE[(trS)2 trS ]=(np+2+2)E[trS trS ] when =I andnp+2+2 is positive.  相似文献   

This paper develops a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the transition from a central planned economy to a market economy. The model is an extension of Wellisz and Findlay's (1986) model of the Soviet second economy. By distinguishing alternative assumptions about the disposition of the government budget, two model variants — the activist and non-activist — are analyzed. Equilibria of these model variants are computed for various parameter specifications of the Kantorovich ray, which represents the stringency of central planners' direction of the economy. The paper shows that increasing efficiency of the private sector, while it reduces the size of government subsidies to the state sector, does not necessarily increase the net government budget.  相似文献   

In Kalecki's outline for a perspective plan a distinction is drawn between demand-determined and supply-constrained industries. Foreign trade operates on a vent-for-surplus principle whereby supply industries are run at full capacity and excess supplies (demands) are exported (imported). This policy is assessed using a simple two-sector model and is given only qualified support. Modifications to his plan procedure are accordingly suggested.  相似文献   

Dr. N. Henze 《Metrika》1984,31(1):259-273
Summary For independents-variate samplesX 1, ...,X m i.i.d.f. (.),Y 1, ...,Y n i.i.d. g. (.), where the densitiesf (.),g (.) are assumed to be continuous on their respective sets of positivity, consider the numberT m,n of pointsZ of the pooled sample (which are either of typeX or of typeY) such that the nearest neighbor ofZ is of the same type asZ. We show that, as , independently of (.). An omnibus test for the two sample problem f(.)g(.) orf(.)g(.)? may be obtained by rejecting the hypothesisf(.)g(.) for large values ofT m,n.  相似文献   

Summary For sampling inspection by variables in the one-sided case (item bad if variablex>a) under the usual assumption of normality with known variance 2 the operating characteristic is given by , wherep denotes the fraction defective. If instead of a normal distribution ((·–a–)/) there is a distributionF((·–a–)/) whereF is sufficiently regular and normed like , one has the approximative operating characteristic . It is shown that for arbitrarily fixed parametersn andc the function takes the valueL n,c () (p) at the pointp F (p)=1–F(––1(p)). Sufficient conditions for a simple behavior of the differencep F (p)–p are given. In the cases of rectangular and symmetrically truncated normal distribution these conditions are shown to be fulfilled.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es sei {F ,(x); –<<, >0} mitF ,(x)=F((x–)/)–F(x) eine standardisierte Verteilungsfunktion — die Familie der zulässigen Verteilungsfunktionen. Der (früher eingeführte) verallgemeinerte nichtzentralet-Test für die Hypothese {PP 0} mitP:=F ,(x 0) gegen die Alternative {P>P 0} zum Niveau wird mit dem entsprechenden nichtparametrischen Test (Test für die Hypothese {pP 0} über den Parameterp einer Binomialverteilung gegen die Alternative {p>P 0}) verglichen. Für dent-Test wird die relative asymptotische Effizienz bestimmt.Beide Tests lassen sich als Tests für das zur WahrscheinlichkeitP 0 gehörende Quantil einer Verteilungsfunktion interpretieren. Der klassische zentrale Student-Test ergibt sich als Spezialfall (F(x)=(x),P 0=0,5).
Summary Let {F ,(x);–<<, >0} withF ,(x 0):=F((x–)/–F(x) a standarized distribution function — the family of admissible distribution functions. The (earlier introduced) generalized noncentralt-test for the hypothesis {PP 0} withP:=F ,(x 0) against the alternative {P>P 0} at level of significance is compared with the corresponding nonparametric test (Binomial test). The relative asymptotic efficiency of thet-test is determined. Both kinds of tests can be interpreted as quantiltests. In caseF(x)=(x),P 0=0,5 one gets the classical central Student-test.

Dr. M. Haber 《Metrika》1984,31(1):195-202
Summary The asymptotic power of the frequency 2 test depends on a noncentrality parameter, ,Mitra [1958] offered a general expression for , which is rather difficult to apply. This work provides simplified formulae for in various models associated with multidimensional contingency tables.  相似文献   

Voting operators map n-tuples of subsets of a given set X of candidates (the voters choices) into subsets of X (the social choice). This paper characterizes dictatorial voting operators by means of three conditions (the non-emptiness condition A1, the independence condition A2 and the resoluteness condition A3) motivated by the idea of transferring to the social choice properties common to all the voters choices. The result is used to refine Lahiris (2001) characterization and to derive dictatorial results in other three types of aggregation problems, in which choice functions are transformed into choice functions, binary relations into choices and binary relations into binary relations.Received: 20 May 2002, Accepted: 5 August 2003, JEL Classification: D70, D71Antonio Quesada: Present address: Departament dEconomia, Facultat de Ciéncies Económiques i Empresarials, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Avinguda de la Universitat 1, 43204 Reus (Tarragona), Spain. I would like to express my gratitude to the referees for their contribution to improve this paper.Part of this work was done at the Departament dAnálisi Económica, Facultat dEconomia, Universitat de Valéncia, Avinguda dels Tarongers s/n, 46022 Valéncia, Spain.  相似文献   

This paper applies Kim and Wardes (2004) stratified Warners randomized response model to Mangat and Singhs (1990) two-stage randomized response model. The proposed stratified randomized response model has an optimal allocation and a large gain in precision. Hence, the estimator based on the proposed method is more efficient than Kim and Wardes (2004) and Mangat and Singhs (1990) estimators under the conditions presented in both the case of completely truthful reporting and that of not completely truthful reporting by the respondents.  相似文献   

Joachim Kunert 《Metrika》1994,41(1):71-81
We consider the simple block model with random block effects, the block effects having variance b 2 =2;, with 2 the variance of the errors. It is assumed that the experimenter can vary the sizes of the blocks. The universal optimality of certain designs for all over all designs with the same number of blocks and the same number of observations is shown. It is of interest to note that if Balanced Incomplete Block Designs compete, then they perform equally well for =0 and for =, i.e. in the one way classification model and in the simple block model with fixed block effects, but they perform worse for every (0, ).The result is, however, theoretical in nature. It treats a situation which is not very likely to happen in practice. The interest lies in the fact that it provides a counterexample to a conjecture on optimality of designs in mixed models.  相似文献   

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