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目前证券行业竞争日趋激烈,营业部数量的骤增以及服务模式严重同质化,导致佣金快速下滑。整合现有资源,创新服务产品,实施差异化服务以保持其核心竞争力,从而有效保持客户的稳定性和忠诚度,是证券公司面临的重要研究课题。本文在深入研究券商客户特点和服务方式的基础上,设计了客户积分模型,探讨此模型在券商行业的应用,进一步论证积分模型的应用效果,在阻止佣金下滑、提升市场份额方面发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

截至2012年三季度末,我国信用卡累计发卡量已达3.18亿张。随着存量客户规模的不断扩大,如何提升优质客户的忠诚度,进一步实现客户价值最大化,成为各家商业银行必须面对的课题。自2003年发展至今,信用卡积分已成为国内信用卡市场适用面最广、操作最简便的客户维护手段。但是,由于各家银行的积分礼品、积分获取及兑换方式基本相同,对持卡人的吸引力大大降低,对提高信用卡客户忠诚度很难起到促进作用。如何对信用卡积分进行创新,最大限度发挥积分的效用,是信用卡客户忠诚度管理的核心问题。  相似文献   

赵延明  李轶 《中国外资》2013,(10):116-117
客户价值一方面是指客户从券商的经纪服务中得到的投资需求的满足,即券商为客户提供的价值,另一方面是指券商从客户的证券交易中所实现的业务收益,即客户对券商的价值。券商在日趋激烈的经纪业务竞争中,应该采取基于客户价值增值的营销策略,形成注重培养客户价值增值内涵的品牌策略、实行浮动的差别化的价格策略、多级渠道提升的渠道策略和以理财服务为带动的促销策略。  相似文献   

信用卡积分是信用卡业务经营中维持客户忠诚度的重要手段。由于能够稳定现有客户资源,培养客户忠诚度,促进刷卡消费额的增长,吸引非本行持卡人加入,因此,信用卡积分成为各家发卡机构普遍采用的一种客户忠诚计划。  相似文献   

以客户为中心是现代商业银行金融服务的一种理念,是商业银行在市场竞争中取得竞争优势,发掘高价值客户,提高客户满意度和忠诚度,实现银行价值创造的一种多渠道、全方位、关怀式的金融服务模式。其核心就是银行在产品、流程、渠道和服务上,以满足客户需求为前提,以关怀式顾问营销为手段,以提高客户满意度为目标,在实现客户价值的同时,实现银行价值最大化。  相似文献   

现如今客户需求具有多样性和多变性的特点,通过对客户真实需求的分析,通信运营商可以针对性提供通信服务。提升服务满意度,提高客户忠诚度,创造更好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

“兵无常势,水无常形”,为了应对日趋激烈的金融市场竞争,一种创新的营销模式——组合营销在中国工商银行全行范围内提上了日程。组合营销的基础是被组合在一起的产品、服务等因素具有提升客户价值的互补效应或协同效应。组合营销既有利于银行整合内外资源,发挥综合业务优势,降低经营成本,提高客户忠诚度,又有利于客户获取更高价值,从而提升客户贡献度。从以客户为中心的服务理念出发,中国工商银行江苏省常州分行从2005年10月对组合营销进行了积极的探索和实践,让我们一起来看看常州分行“1 N”组合营销模式的创新之道。  相似文献   

项安达  王红 《新金融》2012,(2):9-15
根据对北美市场的调研,零售银行的缓慢增长和大幅下跌的盈利水平仍将继续.为了恢复增长和盈利水平,银行必须赢取客户忠诚度,提高经济回报,同时显著降低成本.贝恩通过对97000位客户的忠诚度调研得出:客户在与银行互动中所经历的卓越服务、便利性和体验是提高银行品牌声誉、维系与客户感情的原因.为了提高忠诚度,银行必须找出客户不满意的根本原因,提供令人愉悦的客户体验.银行应该确定此报告中列出的三类客户互动的优先级,按照渠道和互动类型,深思熟虑地制定战略,实现忠诚客户经济回报的最大化.  相似文献   

王文硕 《上海金融》2012,(5):92-97,119
客户贡献评价模型是基于客户终身价值理论对个人客户群进行精准细分的管理工具。商业银行通过资金营运收入、非利息收入、成本费用、风险成本四个因子评价个人客户贡献,并作为个人客户获取、发展、维护、保留等制定个人客户星级服务策略的决策基础。个人客户星级服务策略较全面地考虑了影响银行经营绩效的因素,注重使用分层服务的方式引导个人客户改变交易习惯,具有准确传达银行经营管理导向、实现以"客户需求为中心"的金融服务差异化、充分利用银行渠道多样化、精准地服务个人目标客户的优点,是提高个人客户价值、忠诚度和满意度,提升商业银行竞争力的高效管理手段。  相似文献   

随着人们收入水平的提高,在生活中越来越多地使用银行卡进行支付,银行卡附加值的高低和功能的多寡,直接影响到客户的财富以及客户对银行的满意度和忠诚度,最终影响到客户终生价值实现的程度,开发出满足客户需求的银行卡产品是商业银行赢得客户的关键环节.本文从客户终生价值的角度对银行卡客户进行价值细分,并阐述了对处于不同阶段和具有不同价值的客户应该如何进行产品开发.  相似文献   

本文立足于最新的客户关系管理理论,结合我国商业银行的实际,从提高客户忠诚度对商业银行的好处、忠诚客户的分类、客户忠诚的形成过程、影响银行客户忠诚的因素、商业银行如何提高客户忠诚度等五个方面对商业银行的客户忠诚问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

网上交易服务质量与顾客满意感的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对网上交易服务质量和顾客满意概念的界定进行实证研究,通过实证研究进一步探讨网上证券交易行业的服务质量和顾客满意的关系.  相似文献   

顾客忠诚度的测量对于市场细分以及制定差异化的市场营销战略有非常重要的意义。本文通过对移动行业顾客忠诚影响因素的研究,提出顾客忠诚度的测量模型,并运用层次分析法来计算出指标权重。  相似文献   

本文在总结个人客户忠诚研究理论的基础上,提出了基于RFM模型的多层级个人客户忠诚度衡量指标及评估模型。作者利用商业银行数据仓库积累的数据,对个人客户忠诚度进行了实证研究,分析和评价了个人客户的总体忠诚度,以及活期存款、信用卡、定期存款、理财类和贷款的分产品忠诚度;结合客户的收入贡献,将个人客户划分为"挚友、藤壶、蝴蝶、陌生人"四类客户群体,并建议在实际业务应用中,对"挚友"客户重点维系;对"藤壶"客户重点营销,提升其价值;对"蝴蝶"客户进行维护时侧重挽留;而对"陌生人"客户要及时辨识,努力唤醒,降低维系成本。  相似文献   

Loyalty-based management   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Despite a flurry of activities aimed at serving customers better, few companies have systematically revamped their operations with customer loyalty in mind. Instead, most have adopted improvement programs ad hoc, and paybacks haven't materialized. Building a highly loyal customer base must be integral to a company's basic business strategy. Loyalty leaders like MBNA credit cards are successful because they have designed their entire business systems around customer loyalty--a self-reinforcing system in which the company delivers superior value consistently and reinvents cash flows to find and keep high-quality customers and employees. The economic benefits of high customer loyalty are measurable. When a company consistently delivers superior value and wins customer loyalty, market share and revenues go up, and the cost of acquiring new customers goes down. The better economics mean the company can pay workers better, which sets off a whole chain of events. Increased pay boosts employee moral and commitment; as employees stay longer, their productivity goes up and training costs fall; employees' overall job satisfaction, combined with their experience, helps them serve customers better; and customers are then more inclined to stay loyal to the company. Finally, as the best customers and employees become part of the loyalty-based system, competitors are left to survive with less desirable customers and less talented employees. To compete on loyalty, a company must understand the relationships between customer retention and the other parts of the business--and be able to quantify the linkages between loyalty and profits. It involves rethinking and aligning four important aspects of the business: customers, product/service offering, employees, and measurement systems.  相似文献   

There is controversy about the effects of loyalty programs in the customer relationship management literature. Although some managers and researchers believe that customer loyalty created through loyalty programs leads to higher firm profits, others have found evidence that loyalty programs do not have a positive effect on firm's profits. In this article, we present our findings regarding the effect of reward cards and affinity cards on customer profitability in the context of credit card industry. We find surprising evidence that customers who own either a reward card or an affinity card generate significantly less profit than those customers who do not have these cards. Equally puzzling is the fact that these customers also have lower average lifetime with the firm. This leads us to a puzzle as to why these practices are widely prevalent in the industry. We find that loyalty cards provide value to the issuers in terms of risk management. They serve as a mechanism to reduce the risk associated with more profitable customers by attracting less risky customers. Thus, through loyalty cards the financial institution is able to balance out the total risk of the portfolio of customers by acquiring customers, who although less profitable, are less risky.  相似文献   

基于客户需求特征的我国私人银行客户服务体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
私人银行业务在我国发展的时间不长,对我国私人银行客户的结构及需求特征的研究和分析尚处起步阶段。鉴于此,针对我国快速扩大的高资产净值人群及其日益增长的金融服务需求,应在研究私人银行客户需求的基础上,以私人银行客户服务体系建设为核心,推动我国私人银行业务持续、稳健发展。  相似文献   

In the 90s a shift from a supply-driven to a demand-driven insurance market has taken place in Germany, and insurance companies have started to create customer loyalty by orientating their marketing policies towards the creation of and maintenance of long-term relationships. However, in the case of insurance services, uncertainty and the “information” factor play an important role. Therefore this article develops the characteristics of insurance services by using the paradigm of information economics and subsequently demonstrates the importance of trust in creating and maintaining long term insurer customer collaboration. Finally the economic implications of relational effects on customers and insurers are set forth. It can be shown that customer loyalty is mainly the result of successful management of customer relation.  相似文献   

文章分析了电子商务顾客忠诚研究的重要性,阐述了国内外电子商务顾客忠诚的研究现状,从顾客E-忠诚的内涵、内容、影响因素和驱动模型几个方面梳理了国内外已有研究。为此,研究电子商务顾客忠诚对电子商务和电子商务企业的发展有重要意义。  相似文献   

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