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The purpose of this study is to investigate the misconceptions emerging in mathematics student teachers’ limit instruction and the reflections of these misconceptions on their teaching. In this study, which used the case study design, regarding the limit concept, four senior mathematics student teachers’ four-hour limit instruction was examined within the context of misconceptions as described in the literature. Mathematics student teachers’ lesson plans, video recordings of the participants’ lessons in which they taught the concept of limit and audio recordings of semi-structured interviews were used to gather data. Participants carried their instruction mostly by demonstrating that the function’s limit is different than the function’s value at \(x=a\) . However, since mathematics student teachers did not have adequate knowledge of misconceptions regarding the limit concept, some misconceptions emerged in their teaching process. Three of the participants made illustrations by making use of the meaning attributed to limit in daily language, and this situation caused students to perceive the limit concept as the maximum value to be reached and as a boundary not to be exceeded.  相似文献   

The methodology of conduct, presented in this publication, allows conducting the study of clients’ satisfaction of services in a complex manner and at the same time, it allows getting to know all problems appearing in the process of their provision. Gap no 5 expresses a general client’s perception of services and allow defining his satisfaction. Gap 4 allows defining in what range the organization provides clients with false and distorted information in its promotion and advertising materials, which in consequence influence on their satisfaction. The result from gap no 4 can be used when planning promotion campaign. Gap no 2 and 3 allow defining if the organization is realizing the planned strategy of quality. It allows defining which employees provide services of a low quality and then by means of the application the appropriate motivation tools it allow to cut it out. Finally, gap no 1 which allow defining problems connected with marketing communication. It allows finding client’s needs which organization does not know and which should be included in its strategy.  相似文献   

This paper examines how district size affects the bargaining power of teachers’ unions and the allocation of school resources. Our identification strategy exploits the fact that 33 states mandate collective bargaining while 5 states prohibited it. In states that mandate collective bargaining, we find that beginning salaries and the premium paid to experienced teachers increase with district size while the teacher–pupil ratio declines with district size. In contrast, in states that prohibit collective bargaining we find a negative relationship between district size and the premium paid to experienced teachers. District size also has a stronger positive effect on beginning salaries and a weaker negative effect on teacher–pupil ratios in states that prohibit collective bargaining. Collectively, our results suggest that more powerful unions bargain for more generous returns to teacher seniority at the expense of staffing ratios and base salaries.  相似文献   


New opportunities are now provided in individual’s lives due to the development of technology. This has led to changes in educational environments as well as technology, which has removed barriers to participation due to the novelty that it presents for teacher and the learners at the same time. The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) environment is the best example of this phenomenon where advanced technology is at the forefront and it is an extension of distance learning. By eliminating barriers such as place, time, background and infrastructure, the Massive Online Open Courses act as a guide for lifelong learning and enables learners to achieve rapid development on the, paving the way for learners to obtain certificates and diplomas at their own convenience, provided they have an Internet connection. The aim of this study is to improve a scale that is related to the determination of the teachers’ perspectives and the level of readiness towards traditional Massive Open Online Courses. Also, it will guide people who study in the MOOC field and provide them with future direction.


Workplace learning is not only for the purpose of improving work skills, but also of establishing linkages between different social resources. Scholars such as Lave and Wenger (Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation, 1991) suggest that a community of practice (CoP) is formed by members’ common interests with a friendly informal atmosphere, within which the participants may feel free, to sharpen their skills and broaden their horizons. The concept of CoPs actually highlights the importance of using social resources to optimize the knowledge within the context of organization. However, because the learning situation is very informal, some scholars suggested that learning within a CoP may be too scattered to manage it well. For this study, the researchers use the concept of CoPs to examine public servants’ workplace learning and lay the focus on shared practices in the public sector in order to reflect on the concept of CoPs. The semi-structured interview method was employed, and most of viewpoints in this study were derived from 10 personnel departments in the public sector in Taiwan including 22 interviewees. The research supports the view that shared practices which are derived from the public servants’ daily official tasks are an important key to members’ informal learning. The concept of official tasks implies a compulsory atmosphere which enables related interactions to be compelled to happen. This will hopefully provide a solution for the loose discipline learning in CoPs.  相似文献   

Mathematics proficiency involves several content domains and processes at different levels. This essentially means that mathematics ability is a complex latent variable. In standardised testing, the complex, and unobserved, latent constructs underlying a test are traditionally appraised by expert panels through subjective measures. In the present research, we deal with the issue of dimensionality of the latent structure behind a test measuring the mathematics ability of Italian students from a statistical and objective point of view, within an IRT framework. The data refer to a national standardised test developed and collected by the Italian National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education System (INVALSI), and administered to lower secondary school students (grade 8). The model we apply is based on a class of multidimensional latent class IRT models, which allows us to ascertain the test dimensionality based on an explorative approach, and by concurrently accounting for non-constant item discrimination and a discrete latent variable formulation. Our results show that the latent abilities underlying the INVALSI test mirror the assessment objectives defined at the national level for the mathematics curriculum. We recommend the use of the proposed extended IRT models in the practice of test construction, primarily—but not exclusively—in the educational field, to support the meaningfulness of the inferences made from test scores about students’ abilities.  相似文献   


This study aimed at investigating the perceptions of teachers and intermediate level students on the use of creative activities integrated into an EFL curriculum at Foreign Languages English Preparatory School (FLEPS). The study has qualitative nature that data was gathered through teachers’ daily diary and students’ semi-structured interviews. The study included 20 intermediate level students studying at the FLEPS. As a result, it was worth stating that the approach to the English language through creative activities or tasks was more effective in developing students’ critical thinking skills and boosted their self-esteem in foreign language learning than the traditional methods being applied at the FLEPS. The research study provides useful findings such as increasing teachers’ positive attitudes and students’ self-esteem and made related implications for the institutional development for further research.


In this paper the constructive and ideological aspects of (business) journalism provide the starting point for an exploration of the images of (outstanding) leadership (re)produced in the Swedish printed media. Using an ethnographic semantics method, articles in five major Swedish publications during two separate weeks were scanned, selected and analysed, resulting in 853 media statements about leadership subsumed under 60 leadership categories. These statements were further categorised and analysed, resulting in 12 underlying leadership themes that together suggest a dominant implicit model of leadership. The results were found to be consistent to some extent with central aspects of a “Swedish leadership style” as reported in previous studies, but they also gave rise to some interesting paradoxes. These paradoxes were partly resolved by introducing a distinction between leadership in a political as opposed to a business context. The analysis shows that institutional contexts seem to generate different implicit models of leadership, but within the same national framework. Excellent leadership is evidently exercised and enacted as an expression of socially constructed institutions and culturally grounded values.  相似文献   

This research contributes to the ongoing debate about differences in teachers’ performance. We introduce a new methodology that combines production frontier and impact evaluation insights that allows using DEA as an identification strategy of a treatment with high and low quality teachers within schools to assess their performance. We use a unique database of primary schools in Spain that, for every school, supplies information on two classrooms at 4th grade where students and teachers were randomly assigned into the two classrooms. We find considerable differences in teachers’ efficiency across schools with significant effects on students’ achievement. In line with previous findings, we find that neither teacher experience nor academic training explains teachers’ efficiency. Conversely, being a female teacher, having worked five or more years in the same school or having smaller class sizes positively affects the performance of teachers.  相似文献   

A corporate strategy is often formulated on the executive floor at headquarters. However, in order to make it live in an organisation, middle management and employees must be involved and make sense of it. These actors thus contribute to, participate in and enact the strategy in processes where it may take on new meanings and forms. This article investigates how ‘Winning Behaviours’, a strategic concept developed on the initiative of top management at the Carlsberg Group in order to improve global integration in the multinational organisation, was recontextualised. It draws upon interviews and observations as well as documents collected at the company headquarters in Denmark and in its subsidiaries in China and Malaysia. Here, expatriate and local managers tried to give sense to the Winning Behaviours in various ways, and employees brought their own local leadership ideals into play when they tried to make sense of the preferred behaviours and turn them into daily practices. The process of creating a new strategic concept and making it live in other sociocultural contexts was facilitated by headquarters staff in the Human Resources and Communications departments, who thus played an important role as change agents in the ‘glocal’ strategy process.  相似文献   

This paper is based upon a juxtaposition of the cash flow-market value performance (alias SVC performance) and historic cost accounting (HC) performance of the US Nonfinancial Corporate Business sector 1946–90. It has two principal objectives: 1. To determine whether, judged on return and variability dimensions, the HC accounting model is an operationally acceptable surrogate for a multiperiod market-based accounting model. 2. To analyse the consequences of HC income-based distributions, i.e., corporate tax, interest and dividend payments based on conventionally-measured corporate income. Three principal conclusions are drawn: i. Notwithstanding their common cash flow component, HC performance indices are not reliable surrogates for SVC performance criteria. The former apparently do not accurately capture changes in corporate valuation and generally understate the variability of market-based returns. ii. The multiperiod HC income of a going concern characteristically overstates its coterminous multiperiod cash flows to a considerable degree. Contrary to common supposition, the former does not therefore constitute a ‘normalized’ or ‘smoothed’ version of a firm's ‘primitive’ cash flows in the sense that the cumulative (multiperiod) values of the two measures tend to converge. iii. As a consequence of ii, HC income and its near relation, taxable earnings, are dubious bases for measuring interest-paying, tax-paying and dividend-paying capacities. Corporate income-distribution decisions based on HC accruals-based profit measures frequently trigger external financing which may cause shareholder wealth losses and wealth transfers from shareholders to lenders. However, ‘fiscal drag’ appears to be the most serious consequence of HC accruals-based income distribution decisions.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the importance of ‘Shari’a scholars’ in the Islamic Financial Services (IFS) sector, which has been a growing global practice since the 1970s. Based on Shari’a Law, IFS firms provide banking, finance and insurance respecting faith-based prohibitions on interest, speculation and risk taking. Although IFS firms operate across a variety of scales and involve a range of actors, this paper focuses on the transnational capacities of Shari’a experts employed by IFS firms. These scholars use their extensive knowledge of Shari’a Law to assess the ‘Islamic’ character of a firm's operations, and assist the development of Shari’a-compliant products. As they embody necessary entry-points into Islamic circuits of knowledge and authority, members of what we dub the ‘global Shari’a elite’ can be regarded as ‘gatekeepers’ of Islamic financial circuits. Drawing on a comprehensive data source we present a geographical analysis of Shari’a board membership, nationality and educational background of 253 Shari’a scholars. The results show that the global Shari’a elite connects a limited number of IFS hubs (e.g. Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, Kuwait City, Manama, and London) to knowledge and authority networks falling outside ‘mainstream’ business and service spheres.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the intriguing issue of whether natural disasters do not only generate negative impacts on society, but, in the long run – under favourable and effective policy and behavioural responses – also positive outcomes. This challenging and novel resilience question is formulated here as the ‘Blessing in Disguise’ hypothesis. There is quite some speculation in the literature on possible long-term and systemic effects of disasters, but there is little empirical evidence supported by solid quantitative analysis on expected positive outcomes. The challenging aim of the present study – to examine under what conditions natural hazards may lead to positive socio-economic outcomes in the long run (‘Blessing in Disguise’) – is empirically addressed from a resilience perspective. It integrates in one quantitative research framework (the ‘Pentagon model’), a Stimulus-Response approach and a Capability-Theory inspired framing of territorial opportunities in coping with natural disasters, and uses a mix of statistical and econometric analyses, such as multiple linear regression analysis, cluster analysis, and a Stimulus-Response adjusted Difference-in-Difference model. Our findings, based on a global comparative study, show that a ‘Blessing in Disguise’ scenario is frequently a valid proposition that may manifest itself differently in different geographic, social-economic, political and institutional contexts. Although there is not a single pattern of development specific in all cases, it is clear that positive recovery trends can be observed both at the state level, and also at the regional level. The analysed data show regularly incremental changes after recent natural disasters (especially in the long term) at country level, but more thorough positive changes can be identified at the regional scale. In conclusion, the management of disasters requires proper response capacities and appears to create a window of opportunity for improved capabilities, but it is only a conditional possibility that may be transformed into a sustainable form of new development.  相似文献   

Schwartz in (Nous,7, 1972, Definition, 3) introduces a generalization of the Condorcet criterion, which is the classical approach to rational choice in the context of cycles, and he defines the Schwartz set. Deb (J Econ Theory 16:103–110, 1977) shows that the Schwartz set consists of the maximal elements according to the transitive closure of the asymmetric part of a binary relation corresponding to a choice process or representing the decision maker’s preferences. This note provides a short and simple proof of Deb’s theorem on the characterization of the Schwartz set.  相似文献   

In Winters’ seasonal exponential smoothing methods, a time series is decomposed into: level, trend and seasonal components, that change over time. The seasonal factors are initialized so that their average is 0 in the additive version or 1 in the multiplicative version. Usually, only one seasonal factor is updated each period, and the average of the seasonal factors is no longer 0 or 1; the ‘seasonal factors’ no longer meet the usual meaning of seasonal factors. We provide an equivalent reformulation of previous equations for renormalizing the components in the additive version. This form of the renormalization equations is then adapted to new renormalization formulas for the multiplicative Winters’ method. For both the standard and renormalized equations we make a minor change to the seasonal equation. Predictions from our renormalized smoothing values are the same as for the original smoothed values. The formulas can be applied every period, or when required. However, we recommend renormalization every time period. We show in the multiplicative version that the level and trend should be adjusted along with the seasonal component.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurs’ networks and the success of start-ups   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The network success hypothesis assumes a positive relation between the networking activities of founders and their start-up’s success. The rationale behind this hypothesis is the theory of socially embedded ties that allow entrepreneurs to get resources cheaper than they could be obtained on markets and to secure resources that would not be available on markets at all, e.g. reputation, customer contacts, etc.

This paper clarifies how entrepreneurial network activities can be measured and which indicators exist to quantify start-up success. It then reviews empirical studies on the network success hypothesis. The studies have rarely come up with significant results. This surprising evidence can be explained by large differences in the way that the dependent and the independent variables were defined and by effects of unobserved variables such as the networking expertise of the founders and the entrepreneurs’ level of existing know-how in the areas of co-operation and networking (‘absorptive capacity’). The major shortcomings of existing network studies are found to be the neglect of different starting conditions, the focus on individual founders’ networks instead of multiple networks in start-ups with an entrepreneurial team, and the assumption of a linear causal relation between networking and start-up success. Accordingly, the paper develops a new, extended model for the relation between entrepreneurial networks and start-up success. Finally, we make some suggestions for the further development of entrepreneurial network theory.  相似文献   

Our major objective is to show that if there are infinitely many alternatives and society can be decomposed into the sum of two non-negligible coalitions, the set of all Arrovian collective choice rules that satisfy the ultrafilter property (its set of decisive coalitions form an ultrafilter), is nowhere dense in the set of all Arrovian collective choice rules. This result entails that (1) almost all Arrovian collective choice rules are non-dictatorial and (2) in any neighborhood of a dictatorial Arrovian collective choice rule, a nondictatorial Arrovian collective choice rule can be found, i.e., the property of admitting a dictator is not a locally stable property for Arrovian collective choice rules in the sense that the property does not withstand a small perturbation.  相似文献   

This critical commentary on Ohlson's paper (in this issue) problematises the concept of ‘successful’ accounting research; highlighting its ex-post, variable nature as a socially manufactured object. Contrasting Ohlson's notion of a singular body of shared ‘common knowledge’ in accounting with the plurality of knowledges valued by different research communities, the commentary advocates a deliberate courting of heterogeneous research paradigms so as to stimulate insightful scholarship. The commentary also reflects on systemic trends underlying the growth of research measurement programmes, and points out that the quest for ‘successful’ research could perversely undermine the generation of memorable and innovative research. Finally, individual researchers are encouraged at each career stage to determine for themselves the intended results to which they aspire, conscious that there are multiple notions of ‘successful’ research and therefore multiple routes to success.  相似文献   

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