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从区域角度透析国际经济法,首要关注的是国际贸易法.经济全球化和经济区域化是当今世界发展的两大趋势.区域化的形式多样,产生原因复杂,并对全球自由贸易产生一定的影响.区域化的发展也对国际经济法的宏观方面有所影响,主要有:区域协定成为国际经济法律的重要组成部分,区域集团成为国际经济法的主体之一,国家经济主权原则在全球化和区域化的共同作用下受到冲击,区域成员的涉外经济法律逐渐趋同等.  相似文献   

当前经济一体化两大形式为经济全球化与经济区域化,本文从经济全球化与区域化影响、趋势及对策三个方面进行详细分析,为我国经济的持续发展寻找有利机会和条件.  相似文献   

方绍明 《财贸研究》1998,9(6):21-23
<正> 战后以来国际经济关系最重要的一个变化是集团经济和集团性质的经济合作迅速发展。经济的区域化、集团化和经济的全球化一样成为当前世界经济发展不可分割和相互促进、相互制约的重要趋势。在区域化经济进行最早的欧洲,各成员国经济的联系和融合已经达到相当高的程度,它已把合作从经济贸易领域进一步扩大到货币和政治领域,制定了在本世纪末下世纪初实现货币联盟和政治联盟的目标,一体化成为开发本国人力、资金和资源的重要手段。在美洲,一体化也初具规模,象美国这样的超级大国也不得不借助于集团或合作来加强本国的地  相似文献   

1994年世界经济一体化和区域化进程都迈出了较大步伐,本文对区域化、集团化与世界经济一体化相悖的观点提出了不同意见,认为,以乌拉圭回合协议和世界贸易组织为代表的全球化,一体化与集团化,多元化实质上都是世界经济一体化;它们是相互推动和促进的,区域化是最终实现一体化的必经阶段,世界经济一体化和区域化、集团化的发展趋势将是二者的合一。  相似文献   

世界经济一体化与区域化发展及相互关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1994年世界经济一体化和区域化进程都迈出了较大步伐,本文对区域化、集团化与世界经济一体化相悼的观点提出了不同意见,认为,以乌拉圭回合协议和世界贸易组织为代表的全球化、一体化与集团化、多元化实质上都是世界经济一体化;它们是相互推动和促进的,区域化是最终实现一体化的必经阶段,世界经济一体化和区域化、集团化的发展趋势将是二者的合一。  相似文献   

2004年5月1日举世瞩目的欧盟东扩终于实现了,为此,欧盟将以新老欧洲组合的整体模式向世界展现欧洲经济和政治新格局。面对经济全球化和区域化的理念和行为上的快速发展和差异变化,国际金融市场主要货币汇率的急剧波动,欧盟东扩、欧元汇率以及美欧竞争等焦点问题都值得关注。尤其是对汇率而言,欧盟东扩之后市场更多的关注则集中在欧元汇率上,即欧盟东扩的作用与欧元稳定的风险。  相似文献   

全球化是一个涵盖经济全球化、政治全球化、文化全球化的整体进程,这三个进程相互联系且相互作用:经济全球化决定政治全球化和文化全球化;政治全球化是经济全球化与文化全球化间的中介,其影响经济全球化和文化全球化的发展;文化全球化受经济全球化与政治全球化的决定,但也具有相对的独立性和演进轨迹。文化全球化与经济全球化和政治全球化间的辩证关系是决定文化全球化发展的一个重要机制。  相似文献   

本文针对当今全球经济发展面临的不确定性因素增强的特点,提出了全球经济的基本格局和特征,如全球经济进入低速增长阶段、经济全球化与区域化并存、世界贸易低增长、外汇市场动荡等,这些长期因素对全球经济发展仍具有重要作用。同时提出了中国经济的对策。  相似文献   

在当今世界经济发展进程中,区域经济合作呈现出加强和巩固的态势.加快东北亚区域经济合作,是世界经济向全球化、区域化发展的必然要求,也是东北亚各国和地区的共同利益所在.天津在推动东北亚区域合作中的辐射作用:可扩大东北亚的自由开放度;推进东北亚银行建设;促进东北亚地区繁荣与发展;推动东北亚各国工业品加工.  相似文献   

跨国公司参与的产业集群与企业国际化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济全球化的深入发展,跨国公司成为经济全球化和区域化的纽带,跨国公司参与的产业集群成为中小企业参与国际竞争的新环境。本文从知识流、人力资源以及跨国公司网络三方面分析了这类集群对企业国际化的促进作用。  相似文献   

As the process of globalization has gained momentum in the past few decades, so too has interest in the effects of globalization on various socioeconomic outcomes grown. In this paper, I investigate the relationship between globalization and primary school enrollment. Both the economic globalization and social globalization measures from the KOF Index of Globalization are utilized in the analysis in order to capture the broad nature of globalization. The results of the panel data analysis indicate that there is a weak relationship between economic globalization and primary school enrollment, whereas the relationship between social globalization and primary school enrollment is both robust and highly significant. Examining the data by groups of countries indicates that relationship between economic globalization and school enrollment is positive and significant in Latin America and the Caribbean and in Asia, while it is weakly negative in Eastern Europe. The positive relationship between social globalization and school enrollment on the other hand is driven by countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and the Middle East and Africa.  相似文献   

在当今时代经营本土化已成为跨国公司全球化经营的前提,其中人力资源的本土化战略又被列为首要战略。人才全球化又是实现公司经营全球化的基础。跨国公司在实现人才全球化过程中缺少共同的价值观,母公司以及海外法人的经营管理体制不够明确。推行人才全球化除了要有中长期的战略之外,必须建立一套完善的执行体制。  相似文献   

全球化是一个历史范畴。早在一百多年以前,马克思就已经在关于世界历史与世界市场、资本主义生产及其固有矛盾、自由贸易、货币与资本、工人贫困化和共产主义与人的全面发展等理论论述中,对未来社会全球化问题作了许多前瞻性的预测与分析。了解马克思的全球化思想,对于了解今天我们所面临的全球化环境,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

The concept of globalization is not new, with the precise meaning and effect open to debate and contest. Despite this, it is becoming clear that globalization does impact on labour and its organization. This introduction attempts to ground and locate the concept of globalization within wider social and economic debates and raises a number of questions concerning the possible effects of globalization on the state, labour markets and labour organization. The introduction concludes by outlining and classifying the contributions comprising this volume.  相似文献   

The focus of this study is to provide theoretical and empirical evidence supporting a new direction of globalization offering the viewpoint of marketing globalization. The result of this analysis suggests a special theory of globalization that can be implemented by the multinational organization. One approach to globalization focuses on a standardized marketing mix strategy to global homogenous markets, while the other focuses on a modified marketing mix strategy to global diverse markets. Multinational corporations can engage in either or both strategies while maintaining a global approach to international marketing.  相似文献   

This contribution concentrates on the response of the trade union movement in Australia to globalization. Firstly, it outlines the evidence of the effects of globalization on labour markets, including the impact on wage inequaliry employment securiry and collective bargaining. Secondly, it looks at the strategic union response to the effects of globalization in terms of trade policy responses, international labour cooperation and traditional industrial campaigns on globalization issues. It suggests that unions can employ a combination of international and domestic strategies to deal with globalization.  相似文献   

Recent empirical research suggests an appended explanation of globalization is necessary. Significant global studies have indicated that converging global homogeneous markets have not arrived, thereby concluding globalization of markets should be reexamined. A didactic examination posits globalization as marketing globalization. Two areas of opportunity for marketing globalization strategy are a modified marketing strategy in diverse global markets and a standardized marketing strategy in homogeneous global markets. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,全球经济竞争的焦点正从货物贸易转向服务贸易,服务业国际直接投资迅速增长,服务呈现出强劲的国际化趋势。本文分析了服务国际化的内涵和主体,重点探讨了促进服务国际化发展的外部环境因素和服务企业国际化的微观动因。  相似文献   


In theory, increased globalization should lead to greater openness to different cultures, thereby reducing consumer ethnocentrism and resulting in improved consumer perceptions and behavior with respect to foreign products. However, empirical studies testing the impact of globalization have met with mixed results possibly due to the effects of globalization occurring at different levels in the mind-sets among consumers. This notion of “multi-layered consciousness” and its effects on country of origin image are proposed and tested in a theoretical model incorporating a dynamic theory of globalization, to supplement the conventional theory of country-of-origin effects. As predicted, results showed that country-of-origin image is negatively influenced by consumer ethnocentrism, but is not positively influenced by globalization, despite consumers' self-perceived global mindsets (i.e., positive attitude toward globalization and subsequent global openness).  相似文献   

经济全球化的和谐发展需要和谐文化的支撑。驱赶当前全球化寒流、抑制文化霸权主义与文化殖民主义、克服文化民族主义和文化发展的本土化倾向,是当前经济全球化发展应该高度关注的课题。应建设和谐文化,追求世界的和谐发展,在和谐文化指导下树立世界和谐的发展观,克服经济全球化带来的消极影响,实现全球多样文化的和谐共处。  相似文献   

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