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品牌信任、顾客满意及关系承诺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于消费者认知与情感层面,可从消费者与品牌的互动关系入手,将品牌信任划分为转移信任、经验信任两种类型。数据分析表明,对品牌信任的这种新划分存在于消费者与品牌的交互过程之中,不仅具有合理性,而且具有深远的理论意义。数据拟合分析结果表明,转移信任对顾客满意的直接作用非常明显,转移信任能够引起顾客满意,同时顾客满意对经验信任的作用也非常强,顾客满意能够导致经验信任。关系承诺与顾客满意度及经验信任之间存在因果关系,但也会受到其他因素影响,因此即使消费者对品牌产品满意或获得了经验上的信任,也不一定会长期使用或推荐某个品牌的产品。鉴于此,为更好地建立、发展并保持消费者与企业间的长期关系,改善品牌管理方面存在的不足,企业要适时调整营销战略与策略。一要重视消费者转移信任的建立,关注实质的产品质量与服务,关注顾客需求,为顾客解决消费过程中出现的问题,通过建立企业品牌信任,提高顾客满意度;二要培养具备专业知识的业务人员,为消费者提供准确而有价值的产品信息,赢得消费者信任,强化企业与消费者之间的关系,维持企业与顾客之间的长久关系;三要选择有效的途径进行品牌传播,举办吸引消费者参与的活动等,从建立品牌信任开始进行新产品、新品牌的市场开拓。  相似文献   

Recently, Hosmer (1994a) proposed a model linking right, just, and fair treatment of extended stakeholders with trust and innovation in organizations. The current study tests this model by using Victor and Cullen's (1988) ethical work climate instrument to measure the perceptions of the right, just, and fair treatment of employee stakeholders.In addition, this study extends Hosmer's model to include the effect of right, just, and fair treatment on employee communication, also believed to be an underlying dynamic of trust.More specifically, the current study used a survey of 111 managers to test (1) whether right, just, and fair treatment influences trust, both directly as well as indirectly via communication, and (2) whether trust influences perceptions of commitment and innovation. Strong support for the study's hypotheses and Hosmer's (1994a) model was found. Such findings support those who argue that moral management may be good management.  相似文献   

Voluntary participation is relevant in (CSOs) and crucial to interpret their mechanisms from the perspective of relationship marketing. This article presents two objectives: the first, from the psychometric perspective, was to examine the effect of trust in affective commitment and in participation in Mexican CSOs; the second from the sociometric view was to identify the prominent actors in civil society. An empirical and explicative research was developed in Mexico through a survey applied to postgraduate alumni, professors, and administrative university personnel. The results showed that trust and commitment are antecedents of participation in CSOs. Additionally, it was found that the size of the operation and the ability to obtain resources do not determine the centrality of the CSO within the social network. This study adds to prior literature the relationship between trust and affective commitment in institutions with participation from self-efficacy understood as the confidence in one’s own capabilities.  相似文献   

跨组织电子商务与企业间信任、承诺关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
跨组织电子商务的发展为合作企业带来诸多优势,并可能会影响到合作企业关系。将经典的关系变量(如信任、承诺和关系价值创造)与跨组织电子商务纳入到模型进行实证研究,结果表明,跨组织电子商务并没有对关系价值创造产生积极影响,而承诺会对跨组织电子商务使用产生积极影响,信任对于跨组织电子商务的使用是否产生影响并不明朗,同时信任和承诺对于关系价值创造的积极影响关系以及信任对于承诺的积极影响关系得到了验证。  相似文献   

客户回报计划已成为一种重要的关系营销手段,但却没有太多研究着眼于回报计划的运作机制。本文研究了回报计划感知价值与承诺和信任的关系以及感知价值通过承诺与信任对客户忠诚的影响,并建立了回报计划运作机制研究模型,之后通过实验设计获取数据验证了此模型。研究结果为营销研究和客户回报计划实践提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

The decision by a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) to take on equity requires trust, due to reliance on the good intentions of the parties involved. Drawing on a social capital perspective, we argue that national interpersonal and institutional trust positively influences SME attitudes towards equity financing. We also hypothesize a substitution effect between interpersonal and institutional trust. Through a large survey of European SMEs in 26 countries, we confirm the presence of these direct and interaction effects. By making explicit the link between trust and attitudes to equity financing we extend the theory on institutional drivers of SME financing.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of security/privacy and social presence of retailers on consumer's e-trust in two different contexts: pure click and click and brick retailers. It explores how e-trust affects consumer attitudes toward websites and WOM. A conceptual model is tested using Structural Equation Modeling, on a random sample of 989 French customers. Results suggest that perceived website social presence and perceived security/privacy exert strong and positive impacts on website credibility and benevolence, which in turn directly influence website attitudes and indirectly influence word-of-mouth. One major difference between pure click and click-and-brick retailers is that the role of social presence in developing online benevolence is more important in the case of pure click retailers. The study concludes with managerial implications that may be useful in retail marketing.  相似文献   

Purpose: Relationship marketing literature has provided support of a multidimensional trust construct; however, there is little consensus on its structure. This article builds on existing theory to propose and empirically test a three-dimensional trust construct including ability, integrity, and benevolence dimensions. Furthermore, the article examines this conceptualization of the construct across different relationship types as established by dependence form.

Methodology: We choose to use a scenario/survey data collection method to replicate specific relationship types for a national purchasing agent sample. This method allows us to obtain adequate sample sizes to compare the relative importance of trust dimensions using structural equation modeling.

Findings: We found empirical evidence to support a three-dimensional trust construct for use in further examination of buyer–seller relationships. In addition, we found differential importance of those dimensions across different relationship forms.

Research Implications: By providing empirical support for a multidimensional trust construct and further specifying the importance of each dimension in various relationship forms, we hope to provide a strong foundation on which to build further trust research.

Practical Implications: In examining trust among purchasing agents, we hope to provide a strong foundation for salespeople to understand how their actions impact their long-term relationships. Understanding that trust in a relationship involves more than simple integrity or completing promises should help boundary spanners develop stronger ties.

Contribution: The main contribution of the article is the concept that trust needs to be researched in ways other than simply asking “Do you trust your supplier?”  相似文献   

This paper is an examination of the role of trust in the previous seven papers in this issue of the Journal. Trust and trustworthiness are briefly characterized; their importance in business itself and in business ethics is briefly described; and each paper is discussed in relation to how trust figures in the ethical issues it raises. The overall discussion brings out the need for further work on the nature of trust and on the elements in business, such as transparency, that apparently help to sustain it.  相似文献   

以在华外资企业采购为视角,从组织间两级信任出发,以关系投资、协同和响应为落脚点,提出并检查了全新的中国本土企业关系管理思路。研究发现:社会责任、公平和可信对组织间信任具有正效应,而创新、公平和可信则显著影响人际信任;组织间信任和人际信任均显著影响关系质量;在环境不确定背景下,组织间信任和人际信任可以有效规避环境波动,确保组织间关系的长期和稳定发展。  相似文献   


Although researchers in the area of channel behavior have examined issues of dependence and trust on satisfaction, commitment and cooperation independently, the joint effects of dependence and trust on the listed dependent variates have received little attention in the literature. This study seeks to fill that void via an experiment conducted in Singapore. Extending on the work of Andaleeb (1996), an experimental design to create treatment groups with differing levels of dependence and trust was used to establish the relationships between the dependent and independent constructs. Research results highlight the important mediating effect of trust on dependence in determining attitudinal and behavioral outcomes. Specifically, all three dependent constructs were rated highly under conditions of high trust, regardless of the level of dependence, pointing to the overbearing influence of trust in shaping channel dynamics.  相似文献   

Adopting a multilevel theoretical framework, we examined how metacognitive and motivational cultural intelligence influence an individual’s commitment to the study of international business (IB). Data from 292 undergraduate and graduate business students nested in 12 U.S. business school classes demonstrated that individuals’ metacognitive and motivational cultural intelligence are positively related to their commitment to the study of IB. Furthermore, there is additional commitment when the classrooms’ cultural intelligence climate is high. We discuss the implications of these findings within a classroom context that involves cross-cultural interactions.  相似文献   

领导信任对绩效的影响作用得到了普遍的关注,但是其影响机制尚不明确.从特征观与关系观的角度,提出了对领导的认知与情感信任影响员工任务绩效的双路径模型.通过结构方程模型分析287对上下级配对样本数据,结果表明,对领导的认知信任并不直接影响任务绩效,而是通过影响员工的注意聚焦间接影响任务绩效;对领导的情感信任一方面直接影响员工的任务绩效,另一方面通过影响员工的情感承诺间接影响任务绩效.  相似文献   

This study examines differences in loyalty formation within logistics outsourcing relationships between Germany and the United States. A model of loyalty formation on the basis of commitment and trust is developed and differences between Germany and the United States are hypothesized. They are tested based on 795 logistics outsourcing relationships in the two countries using structural equation modeling. The results indicate that these relationships differ depending on cultural traits relating to trust and commitment. The findings are relevant for practitioners and academics as they paint a more globally informed picture of loyalty formation within logistics outsourcing relationships in which to base both managerial decisions and future research.  相似文献   

Consumers' Trust in a Brand and the Link to Brand Loyalty   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
Brands are important in the consumer market. They are the interface between consumers and the company, and consumers may develop loyalty to brands. This study proposes that trust in a brand is important and is a key factor in the development of brand loyalty. Factors hypothesized to influence trust in a brand include a number of brand characteristics, company characteristics and consumer-brand characteristics. Respondents representing a broad spectrum of Singapore consumers were surveyed. The findings reveal that brand characteristics are relatively more important in their effects on a consumer's trust in a brand. The results also show that trust in a brand is positively related to brand loyalty. Marketers should, therefore, take careful consideration of brand factors in the development of trust in a brand.  相似文献   


The predictive ability of trust, satisfaction, and commitment regarding a customer's intent to retain professional service providers is explored. Trust, in business relationships, is typically perceived as a consequent of satisfaction and experience. However, professional service customers may be unable to commence relationships without trusting their providers; thus, the stance that trust leads to commitment may not hold. Given the difficulty that professional service customers have regarding their ability to assess their providers' trustworthiness, customers may take trust for granted once the relationship begins. Regression analyses suggest that professional service customers utilize satisfaction and commitment, rather than trust, to determine repurchase intentions.  相似文献   

究竟哪些因素会驱使企业的客户产生信任,对于企业间关系管理具有重要的理论意义和现实意义.我们以传统研究为基础,从企业间信任和人际信任两级信任出发,重点剖析企业声誉、移情、友好和专业能力等四个企业间信任线索.研究结果表明移情和专业能力显著影响人际信任,企业声誉直接导致企业间信任;相对来说,人际信任对于提升购买意向更为重要,而企业间信任却更有效地提高客户的购买比例.  相似文献   

建立在亲戚关系或亲戚式个人关系上的、凭借血缘共同体的宗族纽带而形成和维续的社会关系网络和特殊信任模式,无疑给改革开放以来浙商私营企业组织模式打上了深刻的烙印,并对浙商私营企业的经济绩效产生了重要的影响。  相似文献   


In an attempt to increase customer loyalty amid increasingly competitive business environments, organizations are looking to customer relationship management (CRM) to help provide a solution. In spite of CRM failure rates cited as being as high as 70%, organizations continue to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars on CRM implementations. Attempts of past research to resolve why failure rates are so high have tended to focus on technological factors such as database integration or factors internal to the organization such as system adoption or organizational culture. While these areas are important, reactions of customers may also play a role. This paper uses justice theory to investigate the potential impact that customer involvement in a CRM implementation may have on customer loyalty. Propositions are provided to guide future research.  相似文献   

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