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Empfehlungen für das Auktionsdesign für Emissionsberechtigungen   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
From an economic perspective, auctions are an appropriate mechanism for the initial allocation of emissions allowances, because they tend to be advantageous with respect to distributional and efficiency goals. Different auction designs can lead to different outcomes, though, and so the choice of the auction rules is a critical challenge. Recent developments in auction theory and rich experiences with practical auction design in the energy and many other sectors can help avoiding mistakes and designing an appropriate auction mechanism. This study summarizes the relevant research and concludes with concrete recommendations for the auction design for CO2 allowances. In particular, it analyzes how the strategic options of buyers and sellers depend on the auction rules, and explains how secondary markets for allowances interact with bidding strategies and optimal institutional design.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence on preferences for green electricity, drawing on two stated-preference surveys conducted in 2013 and 2015 among 6000 households. It uncovers a strong contrast between the households – rising general acceptance of supporting renewable energy technologies and their shrinking individual willingness-to-pay for green electricity.  相似文献   

Whilst the conditions for access to the German gas networks have been largely defined the rules for balancing and imbalance pricing are still intransparent and inconsistent. Following the recent publication of a study on behalf of the German regulator in November 2007 the German gas industry has now entered into official discussions about the future organisation of balancing mechanisms for the German gas market, with the aim of ensuring non-discriminatory network access. The objective of this study was to create a comprehensive basis for discussion and to suggest both a market-based model for the procurement of balancing energy by network operators and the non-discriminatory and transparent pricing of imbalances on the shippers’ side, taking account of the specific conditions of the German gas market. This paper explains the options that are currently discussed, provides relevant background and summarises the status quo.  相似文献   

The model of temporary disconnection of renewable energy in case of high energy injection and low demand is thought to be an effective method for reducing investments in electricity networks. However, plant owners need to be reimbursed for foregone sales. According to the currently discussed draft of the Amendment of the German Incentive Regulation Ordinance, these costs can be rolled over to the consumer on a yearly basis, but are part of the cost benchmark with their base year values. This paper shows that this model sets incentives for optimal investments in electricity networks, but violates the participation constraint: Net operators will be exposed to a severe risk of worsening their position in the cost benchmark. In expectation, they will generate losses and investors have no incentive to invest in electricity networks. This problem can be solved by allowing net operators to roll over costs to customers, while considering average reimbursement fees in the cost benchmark.  相似文献   

We analyze the German market for tertiary electricity reserves in 2008. The cost of tertiary reserves of about €200 million accounted for 15% of the total cost of system services. The aim of the paper is to analyze the market structure to reveal possible opportunities for the execution of market power. To do so, we apply various concentration measures for the total market, as well as for all submarkets (i.e., different time frames, positive and negative reserves). We analyze: market shares, Herfindahl-Hirschman-Index, Pivotal Supplier Index (PSI) and the Residual Supply Index (RSI). Based on all concentration indicators, we find that all submarkets are best characterized as tight oligopolies with a (competitive) fringe. The four largest companies always qualify as being jointly dominant according to German competition law. The role of the fringe firms is, however, not negligible, in particular not for positive reserves. Strongest indication for market power is found for negative reserves from 0–8 a.m. Our analysis highlights that relying on single concentration indicators (e.g., market shares) can be misleading. It is sensible and often necessary to consider the full set of indicators.  相似文献   

The present network expansion planning is performed by simulating extreme scenarios in order to proof the security of energy supply. This procedure is associated with high investment costs for equipment which is only needed a few hours per year. Planners have to consider uncertainties and prediction errors for the creation of the extreme scenarios due to the long economic life time of the equipment. The consideration of these influencing factors becomes very complex due to increased utilization of renewable energy sources and frequent changes in the unit commitment of conventional power plants. In contrast to classic load flow methods probabilistic load flow calculation considers the static behaviour of the loads, renewable energies and the power plants instead of only discrete values of nodal powers. These characteristics can be described by probabilistic density functions of load and generation mapped with a probabilistic load flow calculation into a probabilistic density function of the state variables of the energy system (as nodal voltages or line currents). This article presents an overview about existing methods of probabilistic load flow calculations and introduces a newly developed method. The characteristics and the applicability of these methods are verified and the computational burden is analysed exemplarily. Necessary extensions for the mapping of real energy systems and possible approaches for this are presented. The potential and the impact of probabilistic network expansion planning are discussed.  相似文献   

The introduction and establishment of renewable energies is still discussed intensively with the focus on climate-neutral coverage of the global energy demand. In this regard it is a valid option to use biomass as a feedstock. Already today biomass contributes significantly to cover the energy demand in the global energy system. Therefore, the present and future global bioenergy potentials are investigated in the following and compared to the respective biomass use. The results show, amongst others, that the share of biomass for heat, electricity and fuel production will increase worldwide until 2030, although the availability of biomass for energy production is likely to decline in the future.  相似文献   

In the past, Energy Utility Companies (EUC) in Germany bought their electricity demand with a strategy that used planned sales volumes as control factor for procurement. However, this approach has the disadvantage that the open position defined as the difference between electricity sold to the customer and electricity bought at the wholesale market is not monitored. Thus, the price risk is measured incorrectly. To avoid these unnecessary risks, we propose that optimal portfolio management in liberalised energy markets should constantly monitor electricity sales volumes and electricity bought. This approach has the advantage that the open position and thus the price risk can be computed continuously and can thus be managed and monitored. However, higher data requirements have to be fulfilled when this strategy is applied. Nonetheless, the process is manageable with modern IT-systems. The main ideas in this paper can be transferred to the gas market.  相似文献   

Since September 2009, the European market for household lamps is subject to EU regulation 244/2009, which enforces the gradual phase-out of incandescent light bulbs. As of September 2012, only energy-efficient lighting sources such as halogen lamps, light-emitting diodes (LED), or compact fluorescent lamps—often referred to as energy-saving lamps—will be allowed for sale. The EU’s justification for the phase-out of conventional light bulbs maintains that a reduction in the electricity consumed will not only lead to lower energy costs for private households and industrial consumers, but at the same time lead to a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions. This article discusses possible reasons for the slow market diffusion of energy-saving lamps and shows that the investment in energy-efficient lamps does not necessarily lead to significant cost reductions in every case. Drawing on some illustrative examples, we demonstrate that the use of cheaper incandescent bulbs instead of energy-saving lamps can be economically rational in cases of rather low usage times, in which the higher initial purchasing price might only pay off after very long time spans. Furthermore, due to the coexistence with the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), this regulation will not lead to any additional reduction of carbon emissions exceeding the amount caused by the ETS. We thus conclude that the general ban of incandescent light bulbs is inappropriate and should be abolished by the Commission.  相似文献   

Due to the transition in energy supply from fossil to renewable energy sources, energy storage systems are getting more and more important for the security of power supply. Therefore also the modeling of those storage systems in energy system modeling needs to be further discussed. This paper focuses on the levelized costs of energy storage. In the beginning, the existing approaches of calculating those costs are analyzed in a literature review. It will be shown that all of the approaches calculate the levelized costs on the basis of the energy storages’ lifetime. For the usage in energy system modeling it is mandatory that the calculation can be done for variable and shorter time periods. Therefore this work’s approach calculates the costs based on the time of operation in any period chosen. Additionally, the model can be used for any type of storage system. After introducing the mathematical model, the levelized costs of energy storage will be calculated to illustrate the models properties and then verified with reference load profiles for five different energy storage types. Following this, particular input parameters are varied and sensitivities are pointed out. Most of the programs for power plant dispatch calculations use linear or mixed integer linear programing algorithms. As the calculation of levelized costs of electricity is non-linear, most programs use fixed values during the whole time of simulation. In this article the integration of the presented approach into a linear optimization program via recursive and shifted calculation is elaborated. Results are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

PV power plants with east-west-orientation have a lower energy production per installed kWp due to their orientation than those facing to south. Thus they need a reduction of costs to compensate the lack of energy production and to have the same cost effectiveness as PV plants with south-orientation. This paper tries to show, how and if PV plants with east-west-orientation can be more profitable than PV plants with south-orientation. Therefore, the energy production was simulated for PV plants with an orientation to east-west and to south with different inclinations in a place with high irradiation (Freiburg) and a place with low irradiation (Hamburg). A calculation of profitability was made for each PV plant including energy production as well as ascertained costs. This are the main outcomes:
  • The profitability of PV plants with east-west-orientation is not better than the profitability of PV plants with south-orientation.
  • The profitability of PV plants with east-west-orientation is better than the one of PV plants with south-orientation when the costs of mounting systems are much lower for east-west mounting-systems than for mounting-systems with south-orientation and the costs of grid-connection and rent are high too.
  • The profitability of PV plants with east-west-orientation is higher in regions with low irradiation.
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    If the German energy transition is to succeed, environmental soundness should not be the only criterion on the agenda with respect to the restructuring of the energy system. It is rather the security of electricity supply and likewise the social sustainability during the transformation process that has to be ensured. The primary question is how to fulfill this challenge in the light of the legal obligation of a complete nuclear power phase-out in the most cost-effective way. The looming avalanche of costs triggered by record-breaking highs of the expanding solar power systems, promoted under the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), should have made it clear that cost efficiency has only played a minor role so far. According to this study, (real) additional costs for all solar power systems, which had been installed between 2000 and the end of 2011 in Germany, sum up to about 100 billion Euros (prices as of 2011). Since these resources are withdrawn from other societal uses, it is essential that costs for the energy transition in general and in particular the consumers’ costs due to an increased share in renewable energies have to be minimized. For this reason, a new, more cost-efficient and market-oriented promotion/funding system is needed to replace the current system based on the EEG. As suggested by the Monopoly Commission (Monopolkommission 2011), the German Council of Economic Experts (SVR 2011) and recently by acatech, Germany’s National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech 2012), a market-based promotion system with quantity control in the form of quotas for “green” energy would be a more efficient system. If from 2013 onwards, the future expansion of renewable energies would be fostered by a national quota-based system instead of the EEG, the expansion could be more cost-effective, according to calculations of this study. If, for example, the future price for green electricity certificates exclusively accelerated the expansion of on-shore wind power, the overall subsidies for those wind power capacities that may be installed between 2013 and 2020 merely amount to EUR 6.8 billion (current prices) instead of subsidies in the amount of nearly 58.8 billion Euro (current prices) in the case of further sticking to the EEG. This alone should give sufficient reason to replace the EEG as quickly as possible by a market-based support system such as the quota system.  相似文献   

    Power prices in Germany have been surging since the outset of the new millennium. Among the major reasons for this tendency are newly raised taxes and levies on electricity prices, whose introduction is primarily motivated by climate concerns. Without these taxes and levies, net electricity prices would have remained constant for private households. This article discusses these taxes and levies that have been responsible for the cost increases in private households’ electricity consumption. Most influential have been the feed-in tariffs for renewable energies, above all photovoltaics. According to our calculations, the levy for renewables will further increase in the up-coming years, thereby pushing consumers’ electricity cost once again. Our calculations also show that within the next couple of years, there will be a fierce competition among renewable energy technologies, most notably between photovoltaics and wind power. Politics would be well-advised, therefore, to limit the annual capacity of newly installed solar modules in order to avoid both the explosion of consumers’ electricity bills and strong competition among renewables.  相似文献   

    The German government has set ambitious goals for both the expansion of renewable energy supply and electromobility. According to its Energiewende policy, electricity supply from fluctuating renewables is supposed to further increase considerably. This will tend to require a greater provision of balancing reserves. At the same time, supply from conventional dispatchable plants, which used to provide the bulk of reserves, will decrease. Against this background, this article analyzes the scope for an assumed fleet of 4.4 million electric vehicles to supply balancing reserves in 2035. Examining two different future power plant scenarios, it explores the potentials of reserve provision with and without the option of feeding electricity from vehicle batteries back to the grid. Results from an extended open-source power system simulation model show that the assumed vehicle fleet can efficiently provide a substantial share of reserve requirements, also in case the vehicle-to-grid option is not available. Arbitrage on wholesale markets, on the other hand, is negligible under basic assumptions. Likewise, total system cost savings are minor when compared to a pure cost-optimal loading of vehicle batteries. Under alternative assumptions on the future power plant portfolio as well as on battery degradation costs, however, wholesale arbitrage, reserve provision, and system cost savings can be substantial.  相似文献   

    One of the most crucial constraints in operation of electrical power supply systems is the permanent balance between generation and load. Reserve power is held ready to be able to keep this balance also in case of the occurrence of unpredictable events like power plant outages or inevitable deviations of power injections from their predicted values. At this, the allocation of operating reserves is in the field of conflict between level of reliability and cost effectiveness. The amount of reserve generation capacity required in a control area heavily depends on prediction quality which constitutes the need for high quality predictions. This article is about the influence of prediction quality on the amount of reserve generation capacity required in a control area. The algorithms for the assessment of required reserve generation capacity known from literature use the variation calculus technique to account for the aforementioned unpredictable events and prediction errors. In this article, an extension to a convolution-based method is presented in which the uncertainties of the predictions are expressed using intervals. Each parameter is represented by an independent dimension, assuming statistical independence among them. This allows the distinct analysis of each parameter’s influence on the amount of required reserve generation capacity. In addition, two methods for the visualization of the multi-dimensional results are presented, allowing a comprehensive analysis of the parameters’ influences. Standard distribution functions are used to represent the parameters for the simulation and the results are shown as probability density functions of possible imbalances. Based on forecasts of the development of conventional power plants and regenerative generation in the years 2020, 2030 and 2040, the required control power of the future German transmission system is calculated. Influences and dependencies are identified with the extended convolution-based method.  相似文献   

    In Germany too, communication-capable electricity metering systems (CMS) together with time-based differentiation of kWh-rates for energy consumption are increasingly proliferated among household customers. Nevertheless, empirical evidence with respect to preferences of members of this customer group for the design of CMS tariff elements and of time-variant electricity consumption rates is still scarce. The present study captures such preferences by means of conjoint analysis of data obtained in an online survey of 754 German-speaking adults. Examined CMS tariff elements are a one-off installation fee and monthly recurring use charges. The studied characteristics of time-based rates are the number of time/tariff blocks, the maximum spread between kWh-rates for different time windows and the adaptability/predictability of kWh-rates. Most respondents judged multidimensional CMS and electricity consumption tariff offerings mainly in light of the CMS tariff characteristics. The vast majority of the participants perceived kWh-rates, which may change with a minimum lead time of one day as reducing the benefit of CMS and consumption tariff bundles. Tariff preferences on the one hand were only rarely significantly related to customers’ socio-demographic and electricity procurement characteristics as well as their CMS-related expectations/assessments on the other. The willingness to accept CMS-related one-off installation and recurring service charges as well as the propensity to opt for time-dependent electricity consumption tariff variants differing clearly from non-differentiated electricity price schemes appear to be positively affected by customers’ practical application experience with CMS and time-variant electricity consumption rates. Conclusions are drawn for energy suppliers seeking to propagate CMS-based time-variant tariffs among household customers in Germany and for future scholarly research.  相似文献   

    In order to mitigate the global warming issue, the European Commission decided To reduce carbon dioxide emissions in Europe by 2020 by 20% (compared to 1990). This translates into an overall reduction of 1.1 billion tons. The most important Reduction tool in its policy arsenal is the Emission-Trading System (ETS). All ETS industries together are supposed to reduce their CO2 emissions by 421 million tons or 21 % (compared to 2005). With a planned reduction of 421 million tons of CO2, Germany’s ETS industries bear almost a quarter of the Overall reduction burden. The associated carbon leakage problem is only to some extent attributed to the climate protection targets. The planned adjustment of the major allocation mechanism in the third trading phase weights considerably more. In the third trading phase the free provision of benchmark-related emission permits will be replaced with a market-price auction system. A current study of the EEFA-Research Institute examines the effects of auctioning on compatibility, production and employment in Germany.  相似文献   

    Many consumers currently follow the idea of energy self-sufficiency and try to contribute to meet their energy needs in order to become independent and self-sufficient from the central power supply system. In order to achieve load-oriented energy self-sufficiency the provision of energy must cover the full energy demand at any time. Against this background, in this paper the costs and potentials of a load-oriented energy self-sufficiency of single-family homes are analysed. Thereby it is differentiated between electricity-, heat- and energy self-sufficiency. The modelling is carried out with the simulation environment ?Polysun Designer“ which allows a high temporal dynamic simulation of the annual energy demand and supply.The results show that, within the investigated supply variations, the highest levels of energy self-sufficiency can be achieved by an energy supply system completely based on electricity using a combination of PV; heat pump and battery storage. Depending on the building standard, a maximum of 45 (existing buildings) and 71?% (new buildings) of the building’s energy demand can be covered with renewable energy. The economic evaluation however has shown that under present conditions, none of the investigated supply variants can compete with conventional energy supply (public grid connection + gas condensing boiler).  相似文献   

    In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions stemming from the electricity sector, Germany has implemented various instruments during the last ten years. The joint effect of both these instruments and the emissions trading system of the European Union is significant over-regulation. The German support systems for renewable energy and combined heat and power as well as the electricity tax don’t have any positive effect on climate protection any more. In the case of combined heat and power the support system may even result in increases of CO2-emissions. For efficiency reasons climate protection policy in the power sector should be limited to emissions trading.  相似文献   

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