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This study investigates the effects of personal interaction and information technology integration (IT integration) on new service development in business-to-business (B2B) service firms' relationships. Personal interaction, IT integration and new service development are latent variables in a structural model tested with LISREL (N = 138). The relationship between personal interaction and IT integration is strong and indicates that both these constructs are drivers for new service development. Although both these constructs represent diverse ways of interacting, they both positively impact new service development. Hence, managers should not expect IT to replace personal interaction to a great extent in B2B-service contexts.  相似文献   

In theory, IT integration through applications such as enterprise resource planning, manufacturing resource planning, and electronic data interchange provides an organization with the ability to exploit innovation capabilities. Based on survey data obtained from 309 Canadian manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), this study aims to identify the enabling effect of IT integration on the innovation capability of manufacturing SMEs—in terms of growth and productivity outcomes—and to verify if this effect is subject to industry influences. While the firm's innovation capability was found, as expected, to be positively related to the growth and productivity of manufacturing SMEs, the results underline paradoxical effects of IT integration in this regard. While IT integration was not seen to enable the innovation capability of manufacturing SMEs in terms of growth, it was seen to have a disabling effect on this same capability with regard to productivity.  相似文献   

随着知识经济的来临,信息技术在各个行业和部门发挥着越来越重要的作用,但我国目前的信息 技术产业结构不尽合理,而技术创新对产业结构的调整和升级有着重大影响。通过技术创新促进我国IT 产业的发展,有利于IT产业结构优化升级。  相似文献   

IT与金融业务创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈岗 《商业研究》2005,(19):200-202
IT技术可实现金融业超越时空、地域的交换、配置,共享金融资源,对最为广泛的金融信息进行采集和挖掘,做到决策的智能化和专业化。在依靠IT技术实现金融企业的创新中,要从流程优化、金融管理体制、内控程序、服务方向等方面进行创新,把IT和业务紧密结合起来,形成金融企业的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(6):645-653
The use of managerial control ratios for benchmarking IT costs is widely accepted. This installment of Accounting Matters informs CIOs about IT managerial control ratios and the assumptions underlying the use of these ratios in IT cost benchmarking. Incorrect use of these ratios and violation of the assumptions can lead to faulty inferences and costly mistakes. This article proposes a technique for benchmarking IT costs to draw the right conclusions from the data.  相似文献   

How do firms keep abreast of new waves of information technology (IT) innovations such as CRM and Web services? Many engage IT research and analysis (R&A) firms such as Gartner Group and Forrester Research. But how do buyers of IT R&A offerings actually make use of these services, and how useful do they find them? Why do some companies choose not to use IT R&A services? We examine these questions in the context of a survey, and find that users and non-users of IT R&A services can be classified. Users fall into three groups: proactive, reactive and situational. Non-users are either cost-conscious or need-doubters. We compare the different groups and suggest the implications for management.  相似文献   

针对各类商务网络结构的复杂性和动态性,从系统工程的角度,采用复杂自适应系统对企业商务网络演化的过程进行描述,并基于企业商务网络业务流程对IT/EIS功能需求的拉动机制,枸建一个基于Agent和组件技术的、从商务网络的概念集成一逻辑集成一物理集成的信息技术/企业信息系统(IT/EIS)融合扩展模型,来跟踪信息管理技术新进展,扩展商务网络内外沟通与协调以及按需计算的学习功能,变过去仅仅作为提高工作效率和辅助决策工具的传统IT/EIS平台为现代企业的造血系统和神经系统。这一模型有利于提高企业信息化体系建设的有效性。  相似文献   

基于IT能力的企业信息化非技术影响因素研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
企业要想从信息技术应用中获得利润,必须投资于培育整体的信息技术能力,而并非孤立的IT系统。信息技术能力不仅依赖于技术因素,还依赖于非技术因素,单一非技术因素的忽视就能直接削弱企业信息技术能力。很多企业在信息化中对非技术因素缺乏足够的认识和管理,形成了非技术因素管理缺口,从而造成信息化项目成功率不高、效益不高。因此,针对我国企业信息化过程中的非技术因素问题,探索性地提出了构建基于IT能力的非技术因素分析框架,并对高层领导支持、组织变革与变革管理、企业的文化管理三方面的非技术因素以及之间作用机制进行重点分析。对推进我国企业信息化进程和整体信息技术能力的提升具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

In the first part the paper depicts central IT controlling terms and selected IT controlling concepts of the last decade. In the second part a performance oriented IT controlling concept describes central processes of the IT controlling concept by using a three step life cycle model in terms of a reference model. Finally some important results from a current survey concerning the development of IT controlling in German speaking countries are given. Based on these facts the paper describes the needs for action in academia and practice: The role of the IT controller has been established in German speaking countries, but there is disagreement concerning targets, tasks and processes of IT controlling, cost oriented tasks and reporting are dominating the practitioner’s work, established economic methods of IT controlling are not consistently used in companies. This article is also available in German in print and via http://www.wirtschaftsinformatik.de: Gadatsch A (2009) WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK. doi: 10.1007/11576-009-0166-x.  相似文献   

IT企业在面对国内和国际市场越来越激烈的竞争时,必须通过变革其运营模式(OM)达到重新整合企业利润的要素资源。在虚拟运营、价值链理念和P2P技术日益广泛应用的信息经济时代,面对自身和外界的层层压力,IT企业必须转变其运营模式求生存、求发展。  相似文献   

IT项目风险管理保障体系设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
IT项目风险管理保障体系是众多IT风险管理体系、模型和方法得以切实贯彻执行的前提,需要进行系统地规划和设计。由此从组织保障、制度保障和机制保障三个方面,论证了组织类型的选择原理、人力资源的配置方法、机制设计的优化思路,并总结了现有的制度标准和度量体系。  相似文献   

信息化进程中的组织变革与IT治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何建佳  葛玉辉  张光远 《商业研究》2006,16(17):117-120
信息技术对组织的技术性嵌入,改变了组织的内部与外部环境,若要使组织的信息化取得预期的效果,组织的变革是必需的。传统的理论认为,这种变革必然导致组织架构的扁平化、分散化及柔性化。但是在实践中发现,事实并非一定如此,由于监管的困难及委托代理问题的存在,信息化有可能因为人为的因素而导致组织的层级结构得到加强。这就需要组织实施有效的IT治理,使组织变革朝有利于组织发展的方向进行。  相似文献   

中外信息产业技术创新体系建设的特点及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中外不同地区在发展信息产业时依据自身特点,采用不同的模式,形成了各具特色的信息产业技术创新体系。通过对中外信息产业技术创新体系不同特点的研究,力图寻求带有规律性的经验,为我国信息产业技术创新体系的建设完善提供帮助。  相似文献   

陈岗  李卫峰 《商业研究》2006,(22):156-162
IT服务管理的发展历程分为概念酝酿期、思想形成期、理论成长期、标准和方法开发完善期。IT服务管理打通了IT部门和业务部门之间的结构性障碍,全面和系统地实施IT基础架构的管理,计量IT服务成本和效益,为组织IT服务外包提供指导方法。IT服务管理将向组织管理、时效管理、风险管理、成本控制管理、技术管理等方向发展。随着信息技术在组织中的地位越来越突出,IT服务管理必将快速在中国得以应用,并形成一个新兴的IT应用领域。  相似文献   

IT企业员工作为知识员工的代表,在知识经济时代的作用和地位日益提高,逐渐成为人力资源管理的核心。而知识员工的行为风险问题是当前制约IT企业组织绩效的关键因素。从心理契约角度来系统分析IT企业员工行为风险的含义、原因、表现及对策,对我国IT企业员工的管理具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

IT对组织绩效的影响很大程度取决于IT融合。本文在总结前人研究的基础上,剖析IT融合的含义,并对其维度划分方法进行探讨;最后从广度、深度和层次三个维度对IT融合进行划分,并提出IT融合的多维结构模型。本文的研究成果为未来学者进一步深入研究IT融合提供基础,也为企业对其信息化融合水平进行准确定位提供理论依据。  相似文献   

我国IT企业的企业竞争能力主成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张海峰 《商业研究》2005,(11):31-35
IT企业属于知识密集型企业,其产品具有高知识、高附加值的特点。IT企业往往不需要高额的固定资产投资,而其产品的价格、质量、企业竞争能力等要素,很难用通常的办法衡量。因此,对IT企业的研究并不多见。采用统计学中的主成分分析法,对IT企业的企业竞争能力指标进行分析计算,可以得出影响IT企业的企业竞争能力的主要因素,进而得出提高IT企业的企业核心竞争能力的方法。  相似文献   


A growing percentage of enterprises around the world are implementing technologies and systems to support exchanges with suppliers. Through public and private networks, enterprises worldwide, particularly large enterprises, are increasingly connected to their suppliers. However, the role played by information systems and technologies in the context of exchanges with suppliers is not well known. Information technology (IT) has been presented as both a means for diminishing the importance of relationships with suppliers and as a means of enabling new forms of collaboration. We believe this apparent contradiction can be resolved by focusing on the impact of shared IT on firms' two key objectives: efficiency and learning. We hypothesize that shared IT increases both efficiency and learning, but through different mechanisms and under different conditions.  相似文献   

计算机审计中一种基于孤立点检测的数据处理方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
数据处理在计算机审计中非常重要。采用孤立点检测算法,根据预定义的规则自动从被审计数据中查找孤立点;判断检测出的孤立点是否可疑;通过对可疑孤立点进行审计专业判断,从而发现审计线索。与常用的计算机审计方法相比,该方法对行业知识的依赖较少,易发现被审计数据中的隐藏信息,并提高了审计效率。  相似文献   

关于企业内部控制制度的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
现代企业管理制度的核心是完善公司治理结构,良好的公司治理结构是提高企业经营管理效率的基本要素。而科学、有效的内部控制制度,则是现代企业实现其经营管理目标的有力保证。内部控制作为由管理当局为履行管理目标而建立的一系列规则、政策和程序,与公司治理及公司管理密不可分。  相似文献   

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