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一场SUV行业的激战注定要在这个春天打响。这将是一场以自主品牌为主体的自卫反击战。随着长城哈弗CUV、奇瑞瑞虎(T11)、双环CEO等一批新车的渐次登场,自主SUV品牌无疑将与以一汽丰田、东风本田、郑州日产、北京吉普为代表的合资品牌SUV展开一场前所未有的激烈厮杀。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the growing body of business survival literature that focuses on regional determinants of the hazard faced by firms. Using parametric survival analysis, we test the effects of regional innovation on exit likelihood in the US computer and electronic product manufacturing during the 1992–2008 period. The novelty of our approach is in conditioning the effects of metropolitan innovation on firm size. Estimation results suggest a negative relationship between metropolitan patenting activity and survival of firms that started with 1–3 employees. This effect decreases if companies grow. Establishments with more than 4 employees at start-up are insensitive to metropolitan innovation, although size of firms that started with 4–9 employees improves their survival chances. These findings indicate that local knowledge spillovers do not translate into lower hazard. The negative relationship indicates either a creative destruction regime or decisions of entrepreneurs to shut down existing ventures in order to pursue other opportunities.  相似文献   

在国庆56周年前夕,国家统计局在这里召开第一次全国统计系统社情民意调查工作会议。这是我国统计系统认真落实党的十六大和十六届三中、四中全会精神,落实科学发展观,构建社会主义和谐社会的一次重要会议。开展社情民意调查工作,标志着统计工作开辟了新的领域,统计发展进入到一个新阶段。今天会议的目的就是认清形势,统一思想,交流经验,明确任务,自觉为加强党的执政能力建设,  相似文献   

Cognitive heuristics, biases, and overconfidence have been suggested as an explanation for entrepreneurial entry. Nevertheless, empirical research on the subject has produced mixed findings and has under-explored the cognitive mechanisms leading to overconfidence in entrepreneurial settings. In two within-subject experiments, we focus on three cognitive heuristics—reference point framing, outcome salience framing, and anchoring in conjunctive events—and examine their effects on perceived risk, confidence, required and estimated probabilities of success, and the decision to start a new venture. Our findings show that reference point framing and outcome salience framing affect the decision to enter directly and indirectly via risk perception, but do not affect confidence. In addition, the effect of anchoring is contingent on the congruence between its semantic and its numeric influences. Overconfidence only obtains when the numeric and semantic influences of anchoring are aligned and aimed at enhancing the salience of potential positive outcomes, i.e., through high probabilities of success.  相似文献   

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