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英国一直是最具创新实力的世界领导型国家.但其在工业化完成后,由于政府政策等诸多因素,科学技术成果未能有效地应用于社会和经济生产,致使技术创新落后于美国、日本、德国等发达国家.然而战后尤其是从20世纪90年代开始,英国历届政府都十分关注科技与经济两者之间的结合.本文以从二战后为起点,详细地分析了英国历届政府在科技成果转化方面的主要思路和措施,其中一个重要的规律就是政府在技术创新复杂链条中的定位,做到有所为,有所不为.政府的主要作用是提供在技术转化过程中所必须的,而市场机制所无法提供的功能和服务,政府应发挥弥补市场失灵的作用.  相似文献   

2011年,英国的主旋律是财政紧缩和经济复苏.一年来,英国政府相继出台和实施了多项科技政策和措施,确定了2011-2015年4年的科学研究经费削减方案.同时,围绕经济复苏,出台了创新与研究战略,提出发展生命科学产业、建立技术创新中心、全面启动知识产权改革、支持中小企业研发等1 0项具有重要意义的措施,充分体现了科技工作在经济复苏中的重要作用.201 1年也是英国各个领域成果极为丰硕的一年,出台了许多很有影响力的报告,继续引领着世界科学潮流.从2011年英国联合政府实施的诸多政策来看,很多措施是前工党政府科技政策的继续和延伸.  相似文献   

We study the role of different labor market integration policies on economic performance and convergence of two distinct regions in an agent-based model. Production is characterized by a complementarity between the quality of the capital stock and the specific skills of workers using the capital stock. Hence, productivity changes in a region are influenced both by the investment of local firms in high quality capital goods and by the evolution of the specific skill distribution of workers employed in the region. We show that various labor market integration policies yield, via differing regional worker flows, to distinct regional distributions of specific skills. Through this mechanism, relative regional prices are affected, determining the shares that the regions can capture from overall consumption good demand. There occurs a trade-off between aggregate output and convergence of regions with closed labor markets resulting in relatively high convergence but low output, and more integrated labor markets yielding higher output but lower convergence. Furthermore, results differ substantially in several respects as distinct labor market opening policies are applied.  相似文献   

李静  周凤茹 《时代经贸》2020,(10):47-48
为了增强科技企业自主研发能力,促进研发活动更好开展,国家加大对研发成本税前扣除的优惠力度。对科技企业而言,因为科技研发成本支出比较多,研发费用加计扣除优惠显得比较重要。本文结合科技企业研发费用相关税收政策基本概述,重点探讨科技企业如何利用研发税收优惠政策,具体内容如下。  相似文献   

We used a dynamic two-country optimizing model featuring a labor–market friction to analyze the implications of financial market integration for the propagation of macroeconomic policies in an open economy. Our main result is that the labor–market friction we analyzed substantially reduces the magnitude of the effect of financial market integration on the propagation of macroeconomic policies.  相似文献   

In this Introduction, we review the arguments that underpinned the workshop on which the special section is grounded and provide a structured sequence for the contents of the seven selected papers that comprise the section.  相似文献   

Emerging generic technologies seem set to make a revolutionary impact on the economy and society. However, success in developing such technologies depends upon advances in science. Confronted with increasing global economic competition, policy-makers and scientists are grappling with the problem of how to select the most promising research areas and emerging technologies on which to target resources and, hence, derive the greatest benefits. This paper analyzes the experiences of Japan, the US, the Netherlands, Germany, Australia, New Zealand and the UK in using foresight to help in selecting and exploiting research that is likely to yield longer-term economic and social benefits. It puts forward a model of the foresight process for identifying research areas and technologies of strategic importance, and also analyzes why some foresight exercises have proved more successful than others. It concludes by drawing an analogy between models of innovation and foresight.  相似文献   

The Millennium Project involved 237 scientists, futurists, and policymakers around the world in a two-round Delphi on the future issues of science and technology (S&T) over the next 25 years. This is the first of a 3-year study. The study began by asking science attaches to Washington, DC, what questions were worth asking to their leading scientists and issues that were important to explore on an international basis. A series of questions were identified and rated. Actions to address the questions were also suggested and rated. The results are presented in this paper with some regional differences discussed. The next year of the study interviewed S&T policymakers for the management and policy implications of these findings, and the third year developed scenarios based on these implications.  相似文献   

Science and technology have been increasingly looked upon by many countries, particularly the so-called developing countries, as the most important and powerful instruments for bringing about extensive economic growth. The development of a nation, however, neither starts nor ends with economic development alone. It should encompass much more than that if it is both to bear and to enjoy the fruits of economic development. This paper is not intended to dwell on the pros and cons of these conflicting views. Instead, we will discuss the policies and strategies of science and technology development in the industrialization of a developing country from a point of view of industrial growth as the prime source of impetus for national development.Some of the leading industrial sectors in a developing country are geared primarily to breaking the inertia of underdevelopment of many kinds. They introduce technology quite advanced relative to their absorptive capacity, but feeder industries supporting the leader sectors do not necessary require such advanced technology. We desire, therefore, to look at the issue from both the national and the local points of view so that what is thought to be the ideal—“production by the masses” not “mass production,” involving both leader and feeder industries—can be realized.One pressing problem in developing these lead-sector industries was whether or not they could be operated at full or at least near-full capacity. It was found that the allowance was extremely small because of the fact the cost of the capital for these industries, which mostly originated abroad, was very much higher than for the advanced countries. In addition, the adaptation of a lead-sector approach with greater economy of scale necessitated the introduction to industry of new, more, and higher level technologies of an order of magnitude never before experienced. It is an irreversible decision so far as science and technology development are concerned and was an issue of survival or extinction in an ever-stiffening international competition. For these reasons, the Korean government opted to begin with a formulation of intensive policies and strategies for the development of science and technology with many innovative supporting measures.The major elements of the policy guidelines for the 1970s were:
  • 1.Provision of a secure foundation for scientific and technologic growth;
  • 2.Strategic development of industrial technology, and
  • 3.Creation of a favorable climate for science and technology.
This was followed by concrete planning to execute these policies. In this plan, Korea adopted what might be called a three-pronged approach, emphasizing capability build-up—particularly manpower development at various levels—accelerated introduction of foreign technologies, and stimulation of domestic R&D activities. To this end, the implementation plan was formulated with consideration for the institutional and legal factors, among others.For the institutional framework, the Korean approach was somewhat daring. It included the establishment of 1) the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in 1967 as the central policy-making, planning, coordinating, and promotional body in the government; 2) the Korea Institute of Science and Technology, by a special law (KIST Assistant Act) in 1966, as an autonomous, multidisciplinary industrial-research institute chartered as a contract research organization; 3) the Korea Technology Development Corporation, as a financial intermediary to ensure a smooth flow of money for R&D purposes; 4) the Korea Advanced Institute of Science (KAIS) in 1971, in addition to the many existing universities and colleges, as a mission-oriented postgraduate school in selected applied sciences and engineering, to educate high-caliber scientists and engineers in number and in quality sufficient enough to meet the emerging needs of Korean industry; and 5) a huge number of vocational-training institutes along with technical high schools to meet the rapidly rising, almost explosive demand for skilled workers and technicians.The emergence of the Ministry of Science and Technology spearheaded the enactment of several very important laws for the development of science and technology. They include the Science and Technology Advancement Law, the Law for the Promotion of Industrial Technology Development, and the National Technical Qualification Law.  相似文献   

Under what conditions will a carbon tax encourage environmental innovation? Can a regulator design an optimal environmental policy to reduce emissions and to promote clean technologies? This paper studies optimal environmental policy in the situation where a monopoly innovator develops and licenses clean production technologies to downstream polluting firms. We find that (i) a higher emission tax will encourage innovation when the burden of the tax payment in the polluters' costs and/or the price-elasticity of the demand for polluting goods are small, (ii) the innovation-inducing effects of emission tax are inversely related to the emission-reduction (Pigouvian) effects of the tax, and (iii) the social optimum can be achieved by the mix of tax and subsidy. We also show that if the policy instrument is limited to the tax, the second-best tax rate would lie between the marginal damage and the first-best rate. By performing numerical simulations, we also demonstrate that the optimal mix of the emission tax and R&D subsidy can have “double dividend” benefits.  相似文献   

While policy-makers understand the vast benefits of publicly funded and not-for-profit research, governance practitioners have the difficult task of defining processes that can best foster high performance for science and technology (S&T) labs not primarily driven by profits. This qualitative study develops a new taxonomy based on two dimensions, the nature of the funding relationship between the parent organisation and the S&T lab and the degree of interdependence between the lab's research units. We discuss the dynamics uncovered for each of the four archetypes with illustrative cases and argue that high-performance governance of S&T labs requires an internal coherence linking the processes of planning, funding and performance evaluation.  相似文献   

Using a theory which views scientzjc or technological innovation as generated from a re-synthesis of prevzously existzng knowledges and techniques—in general obtained zn various different institutional environments, both inside and outside the firm—policies are proposed for optimizing the mobility (and, hence, interactions) of the carriers of these knowledges and techniques.  相似文献   

The structure and infrastructure of Mexico's science and technology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The structure and infrastructure of the Mexican technical literature was determined. A representative database of technical articles was extracted from the Science Citation Index for the year 2002, with each article containing at least one author with a Mexican address. Many different manual and statistical clustering methods were used to identify the structure of the technical literature (especially the science and technology core competencies). One of the pervasive technical topics identified from the clustering, thin films research, was analyzed further using bibliometrics, in order to identify the infrastructure of this technology.  相似文献   

Using a theory which views scientzjc or technological innovation as generated from a re-synthesis of prevzously existzng knowledges and techniques—in general obtained zn various different institutional environments, both inside and outside the firm—policies are proposed for optimizing the mobility (and, hence, interactions) of the carriers of these knowledges and techniques.  相似文献   

哥斯达黎加政府在出台的科技创新2011-2014国家计划中,确定了7个优先发展领域:地球和空间科学、纳米技术和新材料、生物技术、自然资本、健康(新生疾病)、可替代能源和数字技术.发布了《支持中小企业创新和技术开发计划》法令,作为提高中小企业竞争力的重要机制;其农业政策强调技术创新,与美洲国家区域政策相协调,创新和技术发展成为农业政策的基石;其国家信息通信技术基础设施得到增强,服务收费较往年为低.高科技产品出口名列拉美第一.  相似文献   

Basing his arguments on a historical survey of the development of science and technology, the author argues for the strengthening of the autonomous S and T capacity of the Third World and gives special attention to the need for a recovery and development of traditional technologies. Such a policy would call for a reorientation of production away from an imitative pattern of consumption that favors a great diversity of goods for higher-income groups, and thus requires a widespread importation of technologies. A different productive structure, based on the satisfaction of basic human needs and with greater emphasis on collective rather than individual consumption, could reduce substantially the need for imported technology and lead to an increased demand for local scientific and technological activities.  相似文献   

智利政府重视研发与创新,智利的科研主力军是智利公立和私立大学.智利大学、智利天主教大学和康塞普西翁大学等3所大学被誉为智利“科研基地”.智利拥有得天独厚的天文观测条件,国际上最著名的天文观测台纷纷在此建站.智利天文科学研究具有明显优势,近年来,智利加大了技术创新投入.为提高企业创新能力,政府采取有效措施,促进可再生能源的健康发展,并积极开展同发达国家和新兴国家进行科技交流与合作.  相似文献   

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