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谈我国公费医疗制度的管理与改革杨东雪,闫秀贤40多年来,我国实行了公费医疗制度,充分体现出了社会主义制度的优越性。但是随着我国人口的不断增加和老龄化,疾病构成的复杂化,医学技术进步和药品费用上涨,以及其他体制改革的不断深入,现行的公费医疗制度显示出一...  相似文献   

褚福灵 《经济》2011,(5):54-55
2009年5月,北京市平谷区启动财政拨款单位进行公费医疗并入基本医疗保险改革的试点。此项改革在首都启动,标志着国家决策层开始考虑将已经在地方实施多年的公费医疗制  相似文献   

1999年 1月澳联邦政府发布了《信息经济战略框架》,确定了澳发展信息经济的基本战略,提出了十个需采取行动的重点领域。这其中有二个重点领域是针对电子商务发展的。   一是促进企业使用电子商务。提出要依靠和发挥企业在发展电子商务方面的主导作用,这是政府发展电子商务的基本原则。在这方面采取的重点战略是:在建立一个明确统一的法规框架的同时,促进企业电子商务自律规范的发展;政府率先使用电子商务,确保政府部门提供的网上服务符合世界一流标准,为企业树立样板;特别要推动重点产业以及中小企业使用电子商务。   二是建立…  相似文献   

新中国公费医疗制度1952年第一次以法规的形式正式确立。1956年,制度建设中的奠基工作基本完成,形成了一套较完整的公费医疗制度。新中国初期公费医疗的施行,对增进国家机关工作人员的健康,保证了社会主义建设事业的胜利进展,均起到了积极作用。但是,公费医疗中浪费超支现象也随即出现,并渐变为一种普遍性的严重问题。严重的浪费超支引起党和政府的高度重视和社会舆论的集中关注,1957年开始,在"勤俭建国"方针的指引下,以改进制度为主要应对思路的"反浪费"工作在公费医疗领域深入展开。该项工作一直持续至1965年,改进符合当时实际,其间取得过一些效果,但终因情况过于复杂,未能完全收到预期成效。  相似文献   

长期以来,外国投资对澳大利亚始终具有重要意义。大量外资的涌入,尤其是在资本密集型的能源矿产领域的投入,支撑了澳大利亚经济较快的发展速度。在吸引外资和加大保护本国利益的过程中,澳大利亚政府逐渐发展和形成了一套比较成熟也富有特色的外资审批法律、法规和政策体系,同时也有很丰富的实践经验。本文考察了澳大利亚的外资审查制度,总结了澳大利亚政府在审核外资收购项目时关注的重点、把握的原则,以期提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

新型现代学徒制度:澳大利亚TAFE模式的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白雪  张兵 《经济研究导刊》2008,(15):149-150
澳大利亚成功的职业与技术教育体系的一个重要标志就是新学徒制度在各行业的普及和推广。根据澳大利亚职业教育的特点,总结了这种教育体制对中国的启示,对中国职业教育有一定的借鉴作用。学徒制是一种传统的职业教育形式。随着时代的发展,许多国家在吸取借鉴传统学徒制优点的基础上发展现代学徒制度,作为实施职业教育的一种重要形式,以进一步密切职业教育与劳动力市场的关系。面对日益严峻的青年就业形势,许多国家高度重视学徒制培训在增加就业机会中所起的重要作用,积极发展学徒制培训。  相似文献   

澳大利亚外资审查法律制度及应对建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为传统的外资输入国,澳大利亚政府一直对外国资本持开放态度。2008年金融危机以来,澳大利亚部分企业出现融资困难,积极寻求海外投资,中资企业赴澳投资屡掀高潮。  相似文献   

Das Human-Kapital: A Theory of the Demise of the Class Structure   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The history of society is the history of struggles between social classes.
Karl Marx
This paper suggests that the demise of the capitalists–workers class structure was a socio-economic transformation orchestrated by the capitalists in reaction to the increasing importance of human capital in sustaining their profit rates. Physical capital accumulation in the process of industrialization enhanced the importance of human capital in production and generated incentives for capitalists to support the provision of public education for the masses, triggering the demise of the existing class structure. The implications of the theory are consistent with the voting patterns on England's education reform of 1902.  相似文献   

This article evaluates whether expanding Medicare to cover those between ages 55 and 64 will improve the health status of these near-elderly individuals. We compare the experiences of near-elderly and elderly women with breast cancer and pay special attention to those demographic groups traditionally thought to be disadvantaged. Using unique individual-level data from the National Cancer Institute, we find that expanding Medicare does not improve the probability that a black woman will have her cancer diagnosed early. However, if she does happen to be diagnosed early, a discretE-time hazard model of survival finds that the price effects of insurance will improve her odds of survival.  相似文献   

Though a transition to a fully funded pension system is favoured by many economists, it is not even considered by politicians in Germany. This paper examines the hypothesis that this is in accordance with the preferences of the population. By performing a dynamic CGE analysis referenda on pension policies are simulated. They show that a fully privatizing scheme is not politically feasible in Germany, however long the pre‐announcement period, if the alternatives are the current policy or a partially privatizing policy. This explains why a fully privatizing policy is not an issue in the political debate in Germany. In order to examine what are the reasons for this outcome, the German Bismarckian System is compared to a Beveridge‐System which is similar to the British pension system. Actually, in the latter case, a transition to a fully funded system is what the majority opts for in a dynamically consistent equilibrium. This is evidence that the future of the pension system depends on its history.  相似文献   

Environmental policy design has much to gain from a better understanding of existing voluntary behaviour and motivations. In laboratory experiments, participants often exhibit social preferences such as altruism, spite, reciprocity and notions of fairness. In contrast, traditional neoclassical theory assumes that people act rationally in a way that maximises their self-interest. In environmental markets, social preferences and self-interest interact. We apply experimental economics to test the hypothesis that social preferences are not maintained in the presence of a competitive market institution. In the initial public goods game, many participants were prepared to make costly voluntary contributions. However the introduction of the market institution triggered a ‘market instinct’ in experimental participants. They abandoned the social preferences they were previously expressing and became self-interested profit maximisers. This self-interested behaviour persisted even after the market institution was discontinued. These findings are important to understanding the role and impact of markets for environmental policy.  相似文献   

Many developing countries have given newly privatized incumbent network utilities, especially telecommunications, exclusive rights to serve particular markets. Research to date has explored privatization, competition, and to a lesser extent, regulation. We know little, however, about the effects of the privatization transactions themselves and, in particular, how these exclusivity periods matter. I use original data to investigate this approach to privatization. I find that exclusivity periods are associated with significant increases in the firms sale price. Exclusivity periods are also, however, correlated with a significant decrease in the incumbents investment in the telecommunications network, payphones, mobile telephone penetration, and international calling.JEL Classification: L1, L5, L96, O12I am grateful for the thoughtful comments and suggestions of Luke Haggarty, Tom Hazlett, Phil Keefer, Roger Noll, Russ Pittman, Greg Rosston, David Sappington, Mary Shirley, Lixin Colin Xu, and two anonymous referees. I thank Troy Kravitz for research assistance. I am solely responsible for all mistakes.  相似文献   

The U.S. Medicare program has increased its spending on private Medicare plans in anticipation of larger consumer surplus and higher efficiency. To evaluate the welfare consequences of such policy interventions, I develop an empirical model with endogenous entry. Counterfactual simulation reveals the following: subsidizing HMO entry can be justified to enhance national welfare (no excessive entry); the level of price subsidies in 2008, however, is far beyond the optimal level; and the geographic inconsistency between the subsidies and the Medicare fee‐for‐service costs is another source of inefficiency. Resolving this geographic inconsistency significantly raises national welfare by restructuring entry.  相似文献   

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