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一、研究现状   商务成本,本来是一个与企业商务投资相关的成本分析指标,指企业为维持生产而发生的最小范围的费用,可分为要素成本和交易成本两个方面.要素成本又称硬商务成本,主要指土地价格、劳动力价格、水、电、煤等生产资料费用、办公用房租金和一些基础设施使用费等.   ……  相似文献   

以实地调查为基础,以赣州和周边地市、珠江三角洲为比较对象,从两个层面比较了生产经营成本、生产服务成本、物流成本等商务成本的现状,阐述了赣州商务成本的优势和劣势,指出投资软环境的改善成为商务成本竞争的重要手段.  相似文献   

一、结构性成本动因与成本决策 结构性成本动因是指决定企业基础经济结构如长期投资等相关的成本动因.其形成常需要较长时间,而且一经确定往往很难变动.因此必须慎重行事,在支出前进行充分评估与分析.  相似文献   

一、结构性成本动因与成本决策结构性成本动因是指决定企业基础经济结构如长期投资等相关的成本动因。其形成常需要较长时间,而且一经确定往往很难变动。因此必须慎重行事,在支出前进行充分评估与分析。  相似文献   

中部六省商务成本比较研究——以中部六省省会城市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商务成本是企业在投资决策时考虑的重要因素,也是衡量一个国家或地区综合竞争力的重要方面。文章根据对商务成本内涵的理解,构建了一个多层次的商务成本评价指标体系,分别从商务总成本、要素成本、交易成本等方面,对中部六省省会城市的商务成本进行了比较和分析,并对政府如何进一步降低商务成本、改善投资环境提出了建议。  相似文献   

通过影响投资回报率,商务成本在很大程度上左右着企业的投资抉择,因此也是影响城市引资竞争的重要指标之一.近年来浙江由于商务成本不断上升,大量浙企开始外迁,在引资竞争中也与上海、江苏差距甚远.本文通过对浙江三个经济领头羊城市杭州、宁波、温州及长三角区域四个竞争性城市上海、南京、苏州、无锡的商务成本的比较分析,以期对浙江城市的商务成本有一个清晰的认识.  相似文献   

一个地区的商务成本构成及其变动影响资本区位选择,资本区位选择等级体系则促进了集聚经济的形成和发展;集聚经济在强化资本区位选择的同时,还降低了该地区要素成本和交易成本等商务成本,这进一步吸引了资本的区位选择,从而形成了商务成本、资本集聚的自加强机制。  相似文献   

随着长三角各城市引资竞争的加剧,如何降低商务成本成为各地政府越来越关心的问题。本文在问卷调查和现地调查的基础上,分别从商务总成本以及要素成本、交易成本等方面对长江三角洲地区的杭、沪、甬、嘉、苏五城市的商务成本进行了研究和比较分析,从一个侧面把握了长三角地区的投资环境和产业发展环境,并对如何正确认识商务成本,进一步改善投资环境提出相关建议。  相似文献   

商务成本:长三角产业分布新格局的决定因素考察   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
商务成本的增长具有内生性,随着经济的不断发展商务成本也有不断提高的趋势。传统理论认为中国要降低商务成本,发挥比较优势的观点有一定片面性。制造业和生产者服务业对商务成本的内在构成,即要素成本和交易成本的敏感程度不同。基于不同商务成本构成的差异,制造业和生产者服务业在区域内协同定位,最终形成了地区内产业分布的新格局,即中心城市集聚大量的生产者服务业,而外围则是大量的制造业集聚。这种空间的结构调整作为经济增长的新引擎,对区域经济的发展有着重要的作用。长三角地区上海和南京、苏州、无锡和南通等城市的商务成本和产业分布格局的现状证实了这个结论。  相似文献   

投资是形成和促进经济增长和产业结构演进的重要动因。因此.分析“八五”投资特征,这对于把握投资的变动趋势,意义重大。一(一)总量特征:“八五”时期的固定资产投资呈现规模大、增长快、水平高的特点1.投资规模迅速扩大。“八五”期间全社会固定  相似文献   

董芸 《特区经济》2008,(2):50-52
"商务成本"是近年来比较热门的词汇,很多吸引外资较多的地区都在加强商务成本的研究,因为人们发现外资投入量的多少与商务成本的高低之间似乎有着某种关系,但是,迄今为止,国际上对商务成本或商务环境没有统一而明确的定义。本文结合苏州近几年来吸引外资的状况对商务成本与投资额之间的关系作义粗浅的论述。  相似文献   

Firm productive performances in five Middle East and North African (MENA) economies and eight manufacturing industries are compared to those in 17 other developing countries. Although the broad picture hides some heterogeneity, enterprises in MENA often performed inadequately given the middle‐income status of the MENA economies, with the exception of Morocco and, to some extent, Saudi Arabia. Firm competitiveness is a more constant constraint, with a unit labor cost higher than in most competitor countries, as well as investment climate (IC) deficiencies. The empirical analysis also points out how IC matters for firm productivity through the quality of infrastructure, the experience and education of the labor force, the cost and access to financing, and different dimensions of the government–business relationship. These findings bear important policy implications by showing which dimensions of the IC, in which industry, could help manufacturing in MENA to be more competitive in the globalization context.  相似文献   

公募基金经理的频繁跳槽,会带来股票调仓成本与风险,造成基金业绩表现不佳。本文在分析公募基金经理跳槽现状的基础上,从幸福指数的角度分析基金经理跳槽的动因,并提出提升经理幸福指数的相应对策。  相似文献   

近年来,风险投资行业聚焦于投资者与风险公司之间的匹配问题.但学者们的目光一直致力于使用罗斯的双边匹配方法来研究风险公司与投资者之间的双边匹配.随着金融技术发展及进步,以及算法经济时代的来临,由于金融科技的影响,传统金融业已经发生了根本性的变化.紧跟时代的变化,利用信息服务的动态匹配模型研究云计算影响下风险投资者与创业公司的匹配方法,企图达到两个目的:改变创业企业多轮融资现状,使其可以实现无阶段的随需随融;改变区域性的融资现状,使融资可以实现互联网下的全球无界融资.在新业态层面上,这对风险性的企业权变融资具有重要参考意义.  相似文献   

本文从重庆文化创意产业现状及市场运行的趋势、规模、主体、竞争特性与形式等视角进行分析,结合重庆文化创意产业经济及国内外文化创意产业经济对比,提出了重庆文化创意产业要从产业链角度做好营销的基本观点。  相似文献   

We examine the impact of buyer–supplier relationships within business groups on capital goods trade by taking into account potential simultaneous effects of business group ties on foreign direct investment. We posit that (1) foreign affiliates of business group firms have a greater propensity to import capital goods from the home country, increasing home country exports; (2) if the establishment of overseas affiliates by business group firms attracts foreign direct investment by their capital goods suppliers, business group ties are localized and the ‘trade creating’ impact of business group ties may disappear or even be reversed. Empirical analysis of capital goods imports by 1790 manufacturing affiliates operated abroad by Japanese multinational firms, combined with information on linkages with machinery suppliers within horizontal and vertical business groups, provides broad support for these predictions. Our findings suggest that it may be incorrect to infer from the absence of a simple relationship between business group ties and trade that such ties are unimportant; instead, intra-group ties may be replicated abroad through foreign direct investment.  相似文献   

The migration of people from the developing nations to the industrialized world has created significant minority population concentrations in those industrialized countries. Invariably, the minority population (generally black, Hispanic, and/or Asian) occupies the lower end of the socioeconomic distribution spectrum because of lower levels of educational achievement and higher unemployment rates. The host countries confronted with these issues of minority inequities are exploring a variety of alternatives to alleviate the socioeconomic problems; one of which is minority business development. This article looks at the industrialized countries of Canada, France, Great Britain, Holland, West Germany, and the United States, and how they are addressing the issue of minority business development. The size and diversity of the minority population, the economic, social, and political conditions under which they migrate, and the host country recognition of their status affects the economic climate and the development success of this business sector, formed outside of their native habitats. Although conditions differ from country to country, minority businesses in general suffer from similar problems of capital access, market restrictions, and general management inadequacies. The developmental path of these business sectors are, however, affected by the host country policy and the official programs designed specifically to address their needs.  相似文献   

Do Foreign Investors Care about Labor Market Regulations?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigates whether labor market flexibility affects foreign direct investment (FDI) flows across 19 Western and Eastern European countries. The analysis uses firm level data on new investments undertaken in the period 1998–2001. The study employs a variety of proxies for labor market regulations reflecting the flexibility of individual and collective dismissals, the length of the notice period and the required severance payment along with controls for business climate characteristics. The results suggest that greater flexibility in the host country’s labor market in absolute terms or relative to that in the investor’s home country is associated with larger FDI inflows. JEL no. F21, F23, J0  相似文献   

李雯雯 《特区经济》2014,(3):142-144
大数据时代的到来,推动了传统产业转型升级的步伐。而互联网金融正是大数据应用的缩影,互联网企业利用网络技术和信息数据优势进军金融业,并获得迅速发展。这不仅对金融业的传统业务带来冲击,也将改变金融业的传统商业模式。基于此,文章首先对互联网金融的内涵进行界定,并介绍了互联网金融的发展现状;其次,分析了互联网金融对我国商业银行产生的影响;最后指出商业银行应打造以客户为导向的金融服务模式、建设信息化银行、加强与互联网企业的合作等方面来提升自身竞争力,从而应对互联网金融的挑战。  相似文献   

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