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基于目标责任的绩效考核体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自德鲁克提出目标管理思想以来,目标管理法在绩效考核的过程中得到广泛的应用。目标管理法体现以人为本的思想,强调目标设定过程中员工的参与。文章在目标管理思想的基础上,主张在目标管理绩效考核过程中需要强调责任的追究,通过责任追究机制的建立来保证绩效考核制度的有效性,在此基础上,提出基于目标责任的绩效考核体系设计步骤与实施要点。  相似文献   

自德鲁克提出目标管理思想以来,目标管理法在绩效考核的过程中得到广泛的应用.目标管理法体现以人为本的思想,强调目标设定过程中员工的参与.文章在目标管理思想的基础上,主张在目标管理绩效考核过程中需要强调责任的追究,通过责任追究机制的建立来保证绩效考核制度的有效性,在此基础上,提出基于目标责任的绩效考核体系设计步骤与实施要点.  相似文献   

绩效考核是医院人力资源管理工作中一项极其重要的内容,通过对医院人力资源绩效考核的合理优化,不仅能充分调动医院工作者的积极性,还能有效增强工作者的责任感,以此让医院的人力资源管理实效得到提升。目前,由于医院所施行的人力资源绩效考核管理体系尚有诸多问题存在,以致对医院的人力资源管理水平产生了严重影响。对此,深入分析医院人力资源绩效管理中存在的问题,并根据实际情况提出既契合医院管理现状,又能切实凸显绩效考核效力的有效途径,以期能为医院强化自身的人力资源管理提供参考。  相似文献   

现代人力资源绩效考核方法比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
绩效考核体系是现代企业人力资源管理与开发的核心环节。本文通过对目标管理法、360度、关键业绩指标和平衡计分卡等绩效考核体系进行全面、系统的对比和分析,指出各种绩效考核体系各自缺点及适用范围,从而帮助企业在人力资源绩效管理实践中有效地借助四种考核体系实现人力资源管理效用最大化。  相似文献   

明杏芬 《价值工程》2014,(9):225-226
对高校教师的绩效进行客观公正的考核是高校人力资源开发与管理的一项重要内容,对促进学校发展有着重要的意义。本文对当前三本民办高校以武昌工学院为例,在教师绩效考核中引入目标管理法,探讨了实施目标管理后学校绩效考核的现状,并详细分析了存在考核指标缺乏科学性、考核标准重量轻质、考核内容缺乏灵活性、忽视考核结果的运用这几个问题。  相似文献   

卢志华 《中外企业家》2012,(21):129+133
绩效考核是医院人力资源管理的一个核心内容,在绩效考核工作中遇到一些难以避免的问题及困难。医院管理人员必须针对这些难点进行分析,并采取积极有效的措施和方法加以解决,从而充分发挥绩效考核在医院人力资源管理中的巨大作用。  相似文献   

绩效考核就是利用科学的管理方法对企业员工的实际工作情况进行科学的考核,绩效考核的结果将对国有企业员工的晋升、加薪等有着十分重要的影响,绩效管理是国有企业人力资源管理的重要手段,因此应建立完善的绩效考核体系,使国有企业更好地适应现代社会的实际需要,促进员工潜能的发挥,提升企业的竞争实力。本文就利用目标管理法对国有企业绩效考核体系的构建进行分析和研究。  相似文献   

钟欣 《活力》2023,(2):190-192
针对目前我国大多数企业缺乏规范化绩效考核体系与激励机制,导致绩效考核不能发挥应有作用,以及企业员工满意度下降等问题,本文概述企业绩效考核与激励机制理论,论述企业绩效考核管理与激励机制建设的意义,通过分析企业人力资源管理中绩效考核与激励机制的建设现状,提出了分析企业实施绩效考核管理工作的意义和实施激励机制管理工作的原则,以此为基础研究具体的运行实施策略,以期为企业人力资源管理带来提升效果。绩效考核是人力资源管理的工具,绩效考核在现代企业人力资源管理中具有重要作用,可以充分激励员工,调动员工的积极性,实现绩效的最大化。绩效管理是实现有效激励的保证,绩效考核管理是激励循环体系运行的关键环节。分析部分企业人力资源管理工作中绩效考核与激励机制建设现状可以得知,由于考核方案设计缺陷等原因,许多企业的绩效考核工作不能发挥应有的作用,企业绩效管理往往忽略激励员工的作用,因此本文提出了绩效考核管理与激励机制的运行策略,需要在绩效管理中建立激励机制,提升人力资源管理效果。  相似文献   

绩效考核做为人力资源管理现代化一个不可或缺的部分,被越来越多的企业所重视。令人遗憾的是绩效考核在给企业带来效益的同时也带来了一些不可忽视的问题。本文着重分析了绩效考核的目的以及考核过程中存在的误区,并提出了解决误区建议,为实现更科学合理的绩效考核提供指导。  相似文献   

当今人力资源管理理论正在不断地发展,而绩效考核与管理作为人力资源管理中的核心事宜,其当前更是得到了较为广泛的关注。通过对部分企事业单位人力资源绩效考核与管理状况进行分析可以发现,绩效考核与管理进程存在着一些明显不足,在其相关因素的影响和作用下,一系列不足也演变为了具体的绩效考核与管理问题。基于团队的人力资源绩效考核与管理带有一定特殊性,论文对相应问题进行分析,并就如何在团队视角下进行人力资源绩效考核与管理提出合理建议。  相似文献   

Within the Australian context of a shortage of skilled professionals, this article uses the Harvard model of human resources management (HRM) to conceptualise how changes in stakeholder interests coupled with changes to situational factors affect public sector HRM policy choices that in turn affect HRM outcomes for different types of public sector employees. The findings obtained using path analysis suggest that the proposed model explained almost 50% for nurses and less than 14% for police officers. In the case of nurses, the strong significant relationship between HRM inputs and outputs may provide a further plausible explanation for one of the long-term consequences of new public management – namely, the inability to retain skilled employees (especially those in the health sector) across numerous OECD countries. The implication of these findings is that the present public sector HRM policy choice should be re-examined because of its impact on HRM outcomes. Moreover, public sector employees should not be regarded as one uniform group that responds alike to the same policy. Whilst the merits of pursuing a strong auditing focus may have benefited organisations financially, the benefits can only remain if public sector employees, including professionals, are prepared to work under those conditions. The inability to retain nurses in numerous countries, coupled with past studies that have identified (poor) management as a contributing factor, suggests that past HRM policy choices may have to be replaced by new HRM policy choices that focus on employees' perceptions of well-being. However, more studies using different types of professionals are required to confirm the generalisability of these findings.  相似文献   

The current study seeks to answer a number of key questions concerning the strategic management of frontline employees (e.g. individuals who do not occupy an executive, managerial or supervisory role in functions such as production, maintenance, service and clerical functions) and their contributions towards the performance of small- and medium-sized manufacturing firms in Australia. This study adopts a human capital perspective to examine the employee and organisational performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Australia. We were also interested in seeking to examine the presence of the human resource management (HRM) function of SMEs in Australia and their contribution towards employee and firm performance. Findings from the partial least square analysis identified the antecedents and consequences of a human capital enhancing (HCE) approach for the strategic HRM of frontline employees in Australia's manufacturing industry. Strategic orientations of small- and medium-sized manufacturing firms mediate the contribution of the HRM function in adopting a set of HCE HRM systems. HCE HRM system was found to have a direct and indirect impact on manufacturing performance outcomes. Frontline employees' performance was found to mediate the impact of HCE HRM system on manufacturing performance outcomes. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed in relation to the management of frontline employees in enhancing perceived employee and manufacturing performance.  相似文献   

Research in this special issue converges around important HRM challenges that will shape the direction of academic research in the future. We argue that the nature of these challenges, such as balancing global and local HRM approaches, focusing on people while aiming at performance and, in general, managing in a hybrid cultural and economic system, requires reframing strategic HR in terms of social contract theories. Such theories consider multiple stakeholders and focus research on the employment relationship as unit of analysis, which fits well with the pre-eminence of person-centred management over merely profit-centred goals. We propose theoretically anchored research to guide strategic HRM practices, taking into account Latin America's culture-specific humanistic approach and its labour market institutions.  相似文献   

基于知识的人力资源管理模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘振国  戚啸艳  周长江 《价值工程》2007,26(12):124-127
在综合评述知识管理与人力资源管理理论研究状况基础上,从知识的含义、分类入手,结合人力资源管理自身特点,构造出以企业知识和个体知识为基础的人力资源管理新模式,并从设计理念、运作机制及组成体系三方面分别进行了阐述,对人力资源规划、招聘与配置、培训与开发、薪酬管理、绩效管理、企业文化等五方面的管理措施进行了较为详细的说明。  相似文献   

Globalization influences organizations that compete for customers with high expectations for performance, quality, and cost. Globalization also exerts pressure on the Human Resource Management (HRM) function to adapt to changing organizational needs and add greater value. This paper first reviews global trends, HRM roles, and the implications of globalization and culture for HRM. Using Ulrich’s (Human resource champions: The new agenda for adding value and delivering results. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1997) HRM model and Hofstede’s (Culture’s consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions and organizations across nations (2nd edition). Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA, 2001, Academy of Management Executive 7:81–94, 1993, Organizational Dynamics 9:42–63, 1980) model of national cultural differences, it is argued that knowledge of global business trends, cultural sensitivity, business knowledge, understanding local employment practices, technical skills, and innovation are increasingly important, especially in Multinational Corporations (MNC). The author presented an earlier version of this article at The Association on Employment Practices and Principles (AEPP) conference, New York, New York, October 6, 2006.  相似文献   


The purpose of this research is to investigate the structural relationships between HRM practices, lean production practices, operational performance and firm performance of manufacturing firms that have implemented lean production. The data were collected from the firms operating in Sri Lanka, which fulfilled the selection criteria set for the study. Statistical techniques were used to test the hypothesized relationships. It was found that lean production practices and operational performance mediate the relationship between HRM practices and firm performance; lean duration moderates the relationship between HRM practices and lean production practices in such a way that the longer the duration, the greater would be the adoption of lean production practices. The essential contribution of the findings lie in presenting empirical data valuable for the advancement of research in HRM as well as for making decisions on people management when implementing advanced manufacturing technologies.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of a human resource management (HRM) system, which integrates both content and process of human resource (HR) practices, on organizational performance, through collective employee reactions. The analysis is based on a sample of 1,250 Greek employees working in 133 public‐ and private‐sector organizations, which operate in the present context of severe financial and economic crises. The findings of the structural equation modeling suggest that content and process are two inseparable faces of an HRM system that help to reveal a comprehensive picture of the HRM–organizational performance relationship. Based on the findings that collective employee reactions mediate the HRM content (i.e., organizational performance relationship) and HRM process moderates the HRM content (i.e., employee reactions relationship), the study has several theoretical and practice implications. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study illustrates the fundamental importance of a political understanding in order to improve HRM in both public and private organizations. It complements studies that have found a statistical relationship between public staff management and economic growth by presenting a case study of Morocco, using the strategic human resource management (SHRM) model as a framework.

There are several reasons why HRM in the Moroccan civil service has stagnated, notably unfamiliarity with HRM models and the French administrative heritage. But the fundamental reason is Morocco's political system, where real power resides in the Palace, and where political actors are reluctant to take bold initiatives. Thus a focus on the management level is currently misplaced, and fundamental political action harnessing the authority of the Palace without disempowering other political actors is needed.

The study implies that a political analysis is sometimes a prerequisite for improving HRM in both public and private organizations.  相似文献   

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly adopted within Human Resource management (HRM) due to its potential to create value for consumers, employees, and organisations. However, recent studies have found that organisations are yet to experience the anticipated benefits from AI adoption, despite investing time, effort, and resources. The existing studies in HRM have examined the applications of AI, anticipated benefits, and its impact on human workforce and organisations. The aim of this paper is to systematically review the multi-disciplinary literature stemming from International Business, Information Management, Operations Management, General Management and HRM to provide a comprehensive and objective understanding of the organisational resources required to develop AI capability in HRM. Our findings show that organisations need to look beyond technical resources, and put their emphasis on developing non-technical ones such as human skills and competencies, leadership, team co-ordination, organisational culture and innovation mindset, governance strategy, and AI-employee integration strategies, to benefit from AI adoption. Based on these findings, we contribute five research propositions to advance AI scholarship in HRM. Theoretically, we identify the organisational resources necessary to achieve business benefits by proposing the AI capability framework, integrating resource-based view and knowledge-based view theories. From a practitioner’s standpoint, our framework offers a systematic way for the managers to objectively self-assess organisational readiness and develop strategies to adopt and implement AI-enabled practices and processes in HRM.  相似文献   

Little is known about the satisfaction with employee performance management systems in higher education institutions. In this study, we contribute to this field by focussing on the alignment features of employee performance management systems, on communication related to these systems and on control tightness in the academic unit. An important contribution to the literature is the adoption of an integrated approach to employee performance management in higher education institutions. Employee performance management system features and satisfaction result from a survey to which 589 employees of a Flemish University contributed. Separate estimations are done for different tenure types of academics. The estimation results show that a higher level of internally consistent employee performance management systems, more communication and tighter control are associated with higher academic employee performance management satisfaction. The study also reveals that employee performance management satisfaction depends on the tenure type, suggesting that a diversified employee performance management policy should be considered in universities.  相似文献   

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