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康海波  王晶波 《价值工程》2010,29(1):118-118
英美文学课的教学与文学批评理论(下称文论)有着密切的关系。在文学课教学中,文论对文学作品的理解和欣赏起着指导作用。然而,长期以来传统的文学教学忽视了文论教学的存在。失去了文论的指导,文学教学失去了它应有的活力,因此,在英美文学教学过程中,要加强文论教学。  相似文献   

戏剧一直以来都是人们茶余饭后消遣娱乐的重要表演形式之一,尤其是对于英美文学来讲,戏剧更是至关重要的组成成分.众所周知,戏剧是语言的艺术体现,同时也是行动的艺术体现.一个戏剧的演出是否成功取决于它是否让观众难以忘怀.所以,在目前的英美文学课堂中,教育改革方向也会朝着增加戏剧表演的方向发展,以促进英美文学课堂的教学改革.本...  相似文献   

梁祺 《社会科学动态》2010,(10):226-226
对英语专业的学生而言最重要的一门课程之一就是荚美文学课,它有助于学生对西方文化的了解和文学素养的提高。在教学的过程中教师通常采用填鸭式的教学,低效费时,严重束缚了学生在学习过程的个性化阅读。通过问卷调查来了解英美文学中具体存在的问题,并结合接受美学的理论提出在教学过程中采用的方法的一些建议,希望能给我国当前英关文学教学改革提供一些有益的建议和启示。  相似文献   

梁祺 《企业导报》2010,(10):226-226
对英语专业的学生而言最重要的一门课程之一就是英美文学课,它有助于学生对西方文化的了解和文学素养的提高。在教学的过程中教师通常采用填鸭式的教学,低效费时,严重束缚了学生在学习过程的个性化阅读。通过问卷调查来了解英美文学中具体存在的问题,并结合接受美学的理论提出在教学过程中采用的方法的一些建议,希望能给我国当前英美文学教学改革提供一些有益的建议和启示。  相似文献   

新时代背景下,我国综合国力不断提升,因而对外贸易活动也持续增多.英语作为重要的国际通用语言,在国际贸易中发挥着沟通桥梁作用,所以英语专业相关人才的需求量逐步增长.高职院校作为重要的技术型人才培养基地,承担着为社会输送英语应用型人才的重任.实践表明,英美文学在英语教学工作中能够发挥积极影响,对英语教学质量以及人才培养质量...  相似文献   

新时代下,思想政治教育是高等学校教育中的重要组成部分.高等学校的教育不能仅局限于知识的传授、能力的培养,应当更加注重学生世界观、人生观、价值观的塑造.英美文学是一门提升学生人文素养的课程,本文将探讨课程思政理念融入该课程的必要性及如何具体将课程思政理念融入到该课程教学中,以达到通过学习英美文学这一课程学生的综合素养得以...  相似文献   

英美文学课程是高校英语专业高年级学生的一门必修课,在众多课程体系中占有重要的地位。长期的教学实践证明,如何改革传统的教学模式,使其逐渐转化成良好的师生互动模式并尽快适应社会对这方面人才的需要,是目前英语教学改革的首要任务。本文将针对如何尝试利用多媒体辅助教学手段和借用互动式教学模式,探索出一条行之有效的英关文学教学新理念。  相似文献   

胡敏 《价值工程》2010,29(17):222-223
本文主要论述了英美文学与大学英语教学相结合的重要性和可行性,笔者认为采用英美文学与大学英语教学相结合的教学模式适应我国英语教育改革的需要,有助于培养适应社会需要的复合人才。  相似文献   

1 间接言语行为理论言语行为理论是由牛津哲学家奥斯汀提出来的,是研究语言使用的第一个重要的理论.奥斯汀从1952年开始讲授他的理论.在1955年,他去美国哈佛大学做讲座时,修订了自己的讲稿把题目从《言与行》改成了《怎样用词做事》.该理论认为我们在说话的同时是在实施某种行为.并且说话者在说话时同时实施了三种行为:发话行为、行事行为和取效行为.后来,美国哲学家塞尔在他的《Indirect Speech Acts》一书中完善了奥斯汀的理论,并且以此为基础提出了间接言语行为的概念,与此同时用发展的言语行为理论对间接言语行为作出了极其深刻的论述.  相似文献   

素质教育提倡培养德智体美劳全面发展的人才,各个高校都在大学教育中融合思想政治教育,加强对学生世界观、人生观、价值观的培养,去解决培养什么人的问题。但是由于各种因素的影响,我们发现,单纯地学习专业知识或者进行单方面思想政治理论知识的教学显得单薄又枯燥。为了让学生在学习专业知识的同时还能获得思想政治的学习,我们有学者提出了课程思政的理念。在大学的英语学习中,对于英语的教学更加侧重于实践运用方面,所以英美文学课程的设置是为了培养学生的人文素养,提高学生的文学和文化鉴赏力,同时也有跨文化方面的教育,赢得学生的欢迎。在陶冶学生情操方面也是极有裨益的。但是目前英美文学的教学现状、研究前景不容乐观,仅有文学文化方面的输入,却难有立德树人方面的融合,所以需要我们在课程思政的前提下积极进行探索,探索出最优的教学方式。本文通过分析当下英美文学课程教学存在的问题,同时研究在课程思政这一新角度下的英美文学的课程教学模式,为提高学生英语学习效率提供借鉴,培养综合性英语专业人才奠定基础。  相似文献   

An application of the LeChatelier principle in the field of location theory, particularly focusing on the effect of a change in the opportunity cost of land on the location of the outer boundary of a circular city with many industries, is demonstrated. It is shown that the effect on the outer city boundary will be greater, as more boundaries between industries inside the city are allowed to vary in response to a change in the opportunity cost of land.  相似文献   

In early medieval times, a great change came over Europe. One of its most noticeable aspects was the growth of cities which had been static or declining for centuries. This paper discusses the possibility that the growth was due to the fact that trade was gradually becoming easier. Using the notions of catastrophe theory, it is shown that even a slow improvement in communications could result in a sudden change in the nature of the system, with regions that had previously been unspecialized and self-contained changing over to active concentration on manufacturing or farming. The resulting improvement in living standard could explain the increase in total population which happened concurrently with the growth of the cities. A different explanation is also discussed: cities may have originally grown in response to the pressure of an independently increasing population. It is shown that in this case the growth patterns would be different, making it possible to test which of the two explanations is incorrect.  相似文献   

In an election campaign a politician attempts to combine the resources at his disposal so as to maximize the percent of the votes he receives. This behavior is consistent with an economic model of production where the producer combines inputs in order to maximize output. In this paper the concept of an election campaign as a production process is applied to elections to the U.S. House of Representatives. The three inputs were campaign expenditures, years of tenure in office, and the percent of registered voters in candidate's party. Cobb-Douglas and CES versions of the production function are estimated. Each estimation indicated that the marginal productivity of campaign expenditures was very low. Further, the CES estimation indicated low elasticity of substitution between campaign expenditures and other inputs. This means that it is difficult for a candidate who faces a disadvantage—either because his opponent is an incumbent with several years experience, or because he belongs to a minority party—to overcome this disadvantage by simply spending more money.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the theoretical framework conventionally used by regional economists when analysing labour markets does not allow the spatial dimension of these markets to be discussed in a wholly satisfactory way. Search theory, which has been little used in regional economics, offers a means of overcoming this limitation. A search theory of labour markets is developed which includes as an exogenous variable the cost of travelling between home and work. The theory is shown to imply an inverse relationship between ‘accessibility to jobs’ and ‘duration of unemployment’.  相似文献   

We formulate and study three multi-period behavioral portfolio selection models under cumulative prospect theory: (i) S-shaped utility maximization without probability weighting in a market with one risky asset; (ii) S-shaped utility maximization without probability weighting in a market with multiple risky assets which follow a joint elliptical distribution; and (iii) S-shaped utility maximization with inverse-S-shaped probability weighting in a market with one risky asset. For the first two time consistent models, we identify the well-posedness conditions and derive the semi-analytical optimal policies. For the third time inconsistent model, we assume that the investor is aware of the time inconsistency but is unable to commit to his initial plan of action. Then, we reformulate the model into an intrapersonal game model and derive the semi-analytical subgame perfect Nash equilibrium (time consistent) policy under well-posedness condition. All the three policies take a piecewise linear feedback form. Our analysis of the three models not only partially explains the well documented phenomena of non-participation puzzle and horizon effect, but also extends the two fund separation theorem into multi-period S-shaped utility setting and pushes forward the study on time inconsistency issue incurred by probability weighting.  相似文献   

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