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随着信息技术在国民经济各个领域日趋广泛而深入地应用,各行业对信息系统的依赖程度越来越高。一个大型企业,其业务处理、财务管理、统计分析、决策支持、办公自动化及人力资源管理等无不建立在信息技术平台之上,信息安全问题正变得日益突出。据统计,目前美国每年由于计算机安全问题而遭受的经济损失超过170亿美元,德国、英国的经济损失也都有数十亿美元,法国、日本、新加坡的问题也很严重。在国际法律界列举的现代社会新型犯罪排行榜上,计算机犯罪已名列榜首。据统计,全球平均每20秒就发生1次网上入侵事件,一旦黑客找到系统的薄弱环节,大量用户会遭受损失。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a theoretical model and empirical evidence on the effects of dynamic internal control performance on external financing choices of a company. Using both within-sample and difference-in-difference analysis, we find that after issuing internal control weakness (i.e. ICW) reports under SOX 404, the ICW companies rely more on debt financing and less on equity financing than in previous periods. This effect is more pronounced for the companies with low ex ante probability of internal control weakness. In addition, we show that after correcting the previously reported ICWs, these ICW companies rely more on equity as opposed to debt financing. This result is more pronounced for smaller companies. Our findings suggest that increased (decreased) information asymmetry induced by ineffective (effective) internal control over financial reporting leads a company to follow specific external financing choices to meet its financial deficits.  相似文献   

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - We examine the effectiveness of additional audit effort in lowering the risk of financial misstatements for companies with internal control material...  相似文献   

The external audit of internal control over financial reporting (ICFR) is a very expensive and contentious aspect of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act (SOX). Larger public firms were first required to file a management report on and have an external audit of ICFR in 2004. Smaller public firms were first required to file a management report on ICFR in 2007 but are exempt from the audit requirement. Whereas most related prior research investigates the combined effect of management and auditor reports on financial reporting, this study examines the distinct effect of auditor reports on reporting quality. For companies audited by small auditors, we find evidence that financial reporting quality improves with an auditor report on ICFR. We find no evidence that auditor ICFR reports improve reporting quality for clients of Big 4 or Second-tier audit firms. Our study adds to the debate on the applicability of SOX Section 404 to smaller firms.  相似文献   

Previous studies document that forecast accuracy impacts analyst career outcomes. This paper investigates the influence of forecast accuracy on coverage assignments. I show that brokerage houses reward accurate analysts by assigning them to high-profile firms and penalise analysts exhibiting poor accuracy by assigning them to smaller firms. The coverage of high-profile firms increases the potential for future compensation linked to investment banking and trading commissions. In addition, covering such firms increases analysts' recognition from buy-side investors, which, in turn, increases the likelihood of obtaining broker votes and votes for the Institutional Investor star ranking. Overall, my results indicate that high forecast accuracy leads to increased future compensation.  相似文献   

In this paper, I survey empirical research on the relevance of firms’ financial report information for the evaluation of their risk. I recommend that financial reporting policymakers require or encourage firms to enhance their risk reporting quality in four ways. First, firms should report comprehensive income statements that: (1) use fair value or a similarly information-rich accounting measurement attribute and (2) separate the components of comprehensive income that are primarily driven by variation in cash flows from those that are primarily driven by variation in costs of capital. Such comprehensive income statements would provide users of financial reports with the flexibility to calculate alternative summary accounting numbers and to perform different types of risk assessment analyses. Second, firms should conduct and disclose the results of back-tests of prior significant accrual estimates, indicating any identified trends in and drivers of revisions to those estimates, and describing the effects of those revisions on current or future summary accounting numbers. Third, firms should aggregate and present risk disclosures in tabular or other well-structured formats that promote the usability of the information. Identifying existing best disclosure practices and encouraging new best practices are the most natural way to do this. Fourth, for model-dependent risk disclosures, firms should disclose the primary historical and forward-looking attributes of the models and their implementation in practice, sensitivity of the model outputs, and benchmarking of the models to standard portfolios of exposures.  相似文献   

We argue that financial analysts can be viewed as participants of two tournaments (the “All-Star” tournament and the intrafirm tournament) and examine whether analysts are incentivized by the tournament compensation structure. Using data from 1991 to 2007, we find that interim losers are more likely to increase the boldness of their forecasts in the remainder of the tournament period than interim winners. This finding survives several robustness checks and is more pronounced when the interim assessment date is closer to the end of the tournament period, when analysts are inexperienced, and when the market activity is high. In addition, we show that interim losers’ changes in boldness are less informative than interim winners’. Collectively, our findings suggest that viewing financial analysts as participants of tournaments provides a useful framework for understanding analysts’ behavior.  相似文献   

We examine whether firms that capitalize a higher proportion of their underlying intangible assets have higher analyst following, lower dispersion of analysts’ earnings forecasts and more accurate earnings forecasts relative to firms that capitalize a lower proportion. Under Australian generally accepted accounting principles, capitalization of intangible assets has become increasingly ‘routine’ since the late 1980s. It is predicted that this experience leads Australian analysts to expect firms with relatively more certain intangible investments to signal this fact by capitalizing intangible assets. Our results are consistent with this. We find that capitalization of intangible assets is associated with higher analyst following and lower absolute earnings forecast error for firms with a stock of underlying intangible assets. Our tests suggest a weaker association between capitalization and lower earnings forecast dispersion. We conclude that there are benefits for analysts, for management to have the option to capitalize intangible assets. These findings suggest that IAS 38 Intangible Assets and AASB 138 Intangible Assets reduce the usefulness of financial statements.  相似文献   

萨班斯法案404条款的执行和启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、问题的提出美国总统布什2002年7月30日签发的《2002年公众公司会计改革和投资者保护法案》,即萨班斯·奥克斯利法案(以下简称SOX法案),是继《1933年证券法》和《1934年证券交易法》颁布后给美国资本市场带来最深  相似文献   

针对安然、世通等财务欺诈事件,美国国会出台了《2002年公众公司会计改革和投资者保护法案》,并在2002年7月30日正式签署生效。该法案又被称作《2002年萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》(the US Sarbanes—Oxley Act of 2002,简称萨班斯法案,亦称为SOX404条款),萨班斯法案显示了美国国会强化公司责任的强硬手段,它试图恢复投资者对美国资本市场的信心,从根本上改变了企业的经营环境和法律环境,其目的在于通过加强内部控制,来改进公司治理状况,并最终加强公司的责任。  相似文献   

During the latter half of the 1930s Australian taxation law changes induced companies to adopt a holding company legal structure which increased agency costs associated with external financing. This paper argues that contracting practices designed to minimize these costs played an important part in the evolution of consolidated financial reporting. Consistent with this view the likelihood of consolidation is found to be a function of the presence of cross-guarantees, management's share of a firm's equity, and the number and type of subsidiaries.  相似文献   

We investigate whether social comparison of a firm’s reported selling, general and administrative (SG&A) expenses affects financial analysts’ information uncertainty (and their behaviour). Based on a sample of US firms, we examine whether similarity of a firm’s SG&A to an industry-specific peer-based benchmark (or social benchmark) is associated with analyst forecast dispersion, forecast error and coverage. For external observers, the SG&A relative to sales (SG&A ratio) is a key diagnostic of a firm’s cost behaviour, but interpretational ambiguity of the SG&A signal is likely to incentivise search for information-relevant external cues to set expectations about and assess a firm’s SG&A ratio. Higher similarity to the social benchmark is expected to attenuate information asymmetry between analysts and firms regarding firms’ ability to effectively control overheads, decreasing analyst information uncertainty about cost behaviour and performance. In line with a varying weights model for social comparison, we observe a negative association between SG&A similarity and both forecast dispersion and error of one-year-ahead earnings for firms with a prior SG&A ratio exceeding the social benchmark. Our findings also show a negative relationship between SG&A similarity and analyst coverage, especially for firms with a prior SG&A ratio exceeding the social benchmark.  相似文献   

The determinants of Internet financial reporting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Responding to the widespread adoption of the Internet and the rapidly growing demands for information from stakeholders, corporations around the world are using the Internet for business and financial disclosures. Internet reporting has the benefits of low cost, wider reach, frequency and speed. Despite these benefits Internet reporting varies across companies and across countries. We study Internet financial reporting (IFR), in particular the presentation and content of IFR, of 660 large companies in 22 countries to identify the firm, and environmental determinants of IFR. The study revealed that firm size, listing on US stock exchanges and technology were firm specific determinants of IFR. Given that IFR is not just about the content of disclosure, but also about employing new presentation methods, the environment of disclosure was included in the research. The overarching disclosure environment of a country was found to be an important environmental driver for IFR presentation and less strongly for IFR content. The presentation aspect of IFR was more associated with the identified determinants than the content of IFR, which suggests that Internet presentation technologies were more related to the determinants than the content of the reports on the company Web sites.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to report the extent internal auditors employ structured work programs in SOX compliance programs and the extent external auditors are involved in development of internal audit work programs. Given the link between the internal audit framework established by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission and the development of SOX work papers, we also summarize and explain the May 2013 changes to the COSO Internal Audit Integrated Framework. We further posit the potential effects of these changes on extant structured SOX work papers.  相似文献   

This study examines empirically the extent to which the frequency of interim financial reporting affects stock price volatility over the course of the fiscal year in four countries with different interim reporting regimes: the United States and Canada with quarterly reporting, and Great Britain and Australia with semi-annual interim reporting. It is hypothesized that, in the tradeoff between timeliness and predictive value of the interim reports, semi-annual interim reporting will lead to lesser price volatility after accounting for other potential influences. These expectations are supported in the results found. Moreover, additional tests conducted on American ADRs of British and Australian companies show that those firms have higher volatility than comparable purely domestic firms on their home stock exchanges.
Robert H. WernerEmail:

Review of Accounting Studies - Stock-based compensation (SBC) reduces the value of shareholder equity, ceteris paribus, and is a significant and growing expense for many firms. Despite its...  相似文献   

Paul Rosenfield 《Abacus》2005,41(1):1-20
This article discusses a concept of the focus of attention and its implications for financial reporting, a concept that has essentially been ignored in the financial reporting literature. Ignoring it has made dealing with the conflict between the proprietary and the entity theories of the firm the most intractable problem in financial reporting. Exploring the concept of the focus of attention permits abandonment of the conflict rather than continuation of the attempt to solve it. It permits avoiding the errors committed by those involved in the conflict: dealing with the wrong level of abstraction and incorporating contradictions, fictions, and false assumptions. Applying the concept of the focus of attention helps solve a number of issues not solvable by consideration of the theories of the firm.  相似文献   

We find that cash holdings are more valuable for firms disclosing material weaknesses in the Sarbanes–Oxley (SOX) 404 internal control assessments. We estimate that the value spread for firms with weak controls vs. effective controls is about $0.25 for an extra dollar of cash. Our results are not driven by account-level weaknesses but by more severe, company-level weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting (ICFR). Further, the economic consequences of cash resources significantly decrease with the remediation of previously reported material weaknesses. These results suggest that the favorable (precautionary) impact induced by weak ICFR appears to more than offset the adverse (agency) effect entailed by ineffective ICFR. Overall, our results survive alternative variable specifications, sample splits, matched sample analyses, and a variety of controls.  相似文献   

This paper exploits a natural quasi‐experiment to isolate the effects that were uniquely due to the Sarbanes–Oxley Act (SOX): U.S. firms with a public float under $75 million could delay Section 404 compliance, and foreign firms under $700 million could delay the auditor's attestation requirement. As designed, Section 404 led to conservative reported earnings, but also imposed real costs. On net, SOX compliance reduced the market value of small firms.  相似文献   

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