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近年来,为了提升通心粉制品的质量与安全,并为相关技术法规的研究制定提供条件,俄罗斯相继推出了4项新的通心粉标准。它们是:ГOCT P51865-2002《通心粉制品一般技术要求》,自2002年1月30日实施;ГOCT P 52000-2002《通心粉制品术语与定义》,自2002年12月30日实施,该标准包括123个术语及定义,并对产品质量规定了新的要求;ГOCT P52377-2005(通心粉制品质量评定及验收规则》,  相似文献   

云南省委、省政府出台《鼓励支持和引导个体私营等非公有制经济发展的实施意见》,从2006年12月27日起,对非公有资本放开准入领域,实行平等待遇.鼓励非公有资本投资市政公用项目、进入金融领域和投入教育、文化和医疗领域等。  相似文献   

今年初,石家庄市出台了鼓励全民创业的实施意见,按照“非禁即入”的原则,放宽了对自主创业者经营领域、经营范围、非货币形式出资比例以及经营场所的限制。明确规定凡法律法规未禁止的所有行业和领域,一律向各类创业主体开放。对国家限制的行业和领域,只要符合规定的条件和标准,鼓励各类创业主体进入。严禁在法律、法规规定之外设置限制条件。  相似文献   

崔海强 《科技与企业》2013,(15):156-157
随着城市化发展速度的加快,许多技术领域也随之成熟、完善,本文从非开挖技术的含义切入,简要介绍了非开挖技术的特点,深入分析非开挖技术在排水工程各个环节的具体运用。  相似文献   

随着招标投标领域“放管服”改革的不断深化,国有燃气企业非招标采购管理成为行业领域内的一个关注焦点。本文从国有燃气企业采购特点出发,阐述了非招标采购管理工作的重要性,并探析了非招标采购管理过程容易产生的风险及应对措施,以期为相关企业提高非招标采购管理水平提供有益参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

今年初,石家庄市出台了鼓励全民创业的实施意见,按照"非禁即入"的原则,放宽了对自主创业者经营领域、经营范围、非货币形式出资比例以及经营场所的限制.明确规定凡法律法规未禁止的所有行业和领域,一律向各类创业主体开放.对国家限制的行业和领域,只要符合规定的条件和标准,鼓励各类创业主体进入.  相似文献   

继去年中国人寿、中国平安回归A股后,同样已在海外上市的中国人保也将在今年启动A股上市计划。中国人保集团2008年工作会议上透露,其已成立了推动上市的股改领导小组及工作办公室,今年将深入推进改革重组,包括实质性介入银行、证券等非保险金融领域,并启动A股上市准备工作。这标志着以财险起家的中国人保将实质性进八非保险金融领域。人保集团总裁吴焰表示:中国人保今年要通过重组、收购等方式实质性介入银行、证券等非保险金融领域,培育新的利润增长点。  相似文献   

食品是决定人体健康、劳动能力和生命的重要因素。近 70%的有害物质是通过食物和水进入人体的。食品质量问题至关重要。   由俄罗斯国家标委、卫生部、农业部等部门联合主办的第三届"食品标准化、认证与安全"国际研讨会在莫斯科召开。来自德国、丹麦、以色列、波兰、土耳其、法国、瑞典以及独联体国家的 250多位专家与会。俄方代表在会上披露了俄罗斯食品市场存在的严重质量问题。   第一,据俄罗斯农业科学院统计,在食品领域目前共有近 900个俄罗斯国家标准 (ГОСТ Р )和独联体跨国标准 (ГОСТ ),大约 300个行业标准 (OCT)…  相似文献   

从2003年3月外汇领域反洗钱工作成为各级外汇局的一项重要监管工作。此项工作责任大、任务重、操作复杂。通过外汇领域反洗钱现场检查和非现场监管工作实践,笔者认为当前外汇领域反洗钱工作还存在许多问题。  相似文献   

非煤矿山存在爆破、采空区等事故风险,是高危行业之一。化解非煤矿山事故风险是目前该领域以及国家关注的重要课题。基于此,论文通过了解双重预防标准化体系对非煤矿山的必要性,重点分析建设该体系的有效途径,以期促进非煤矿山企业的健康发展。  相似文献   

李福新 《价值工程》2010,29(7):147-147
虚拟仪器技术,使我们能够在计算机上按照自己的需求来设计实验与仪器,与相应的硬件设备结合使用,方便灵活而且开发周期短。它可以提高实验效率、降低实验成本。本文介绍了自行组建的双波长全光纤OCT系统以及实现该系统信号采集和分析的LabVIEW模块。  相似文献   

Institutional fields are not static, they undergo times of fragmentation and times of settlement. Neo-institutional research has long explained the settlement of fields as either the effect of political manoeuvring of actors, or of discursive activity influencing cultural codes, narratives and symbols. But can these processes really be considered in isolation? In this paper, we propose to adopt a comprehensive view on fields’ dynamics, one that embraces the interaction of political and discursive manoeuvring to explain how fragmented fields manage to settle. To do so, we build on the Gramscian concept of hegemonic practices as discursive and political processes that integrate cultural equivalence among actors with political alliances based on aligned interests. Hegemonic practices align actors in a new historical bloc (a new settlement). Through this lens, we interpret the case of the Italian State steel privatization (1984–1995) and propose a process model explaining what yields fields’ dynamics from fragmentation to settlement. The model highlights the action of diffused agency in field dynamics, thus overcoming the obsolete challenger/incumbent view, and the need of becoming a historical bloc for alliances to stabilize a field.  相似文献   

关于重复建设问题及其治理的再分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋国宇 《物流科技》2005,28(1):102-104
近年来,很多领域的盲目投资和低水平重复建设成为调整优化产业结构,提高经济增长质量和效益的主要障碍之一。本文针对当前重复建设的现状和新特点,对重复建设进行了界定和产生原因进行了分析,并提出了利用产业政策引导和规范的治理思路以及从体制建设的角度寻找重复建设的根本解决办法。  相似文献   

王宁 《价值工程》2011,30(13):77-77
近十年来电子商务的快速发展有目共睹,超过了以往任何一种新兴商业模式。电子商务现已经广泛深入到各个领域,在各行各业中所发挥了强大的作用,本文以钢材市场为研究对象,针对销售过程涉及到的重点问题进行了电子商务的效果分析。  相似文献   

An important disadvantage of the h-index is that typically it cannot take into account the specific field of research of a researcher. Usually sample point estimates of the average and median h-index values for the various fields are reported that are highly variable and dependent of the specific samples and it would be useful to provide confidence intervals of prediction accuracy. In this paper we apply the non-parametric bootstrap technique for constructing confidence intervals for the h-index for different fields of research. In this way no specific assumptions about the distribution of the empirical h-index are required as well as no large samples since that the methodology is based on resampling from the initial sample. The results of the analysis showed important differences between the various fields. The performance of the bootstrap intervals for the mean and median h-index for most fields seems to be rather satisfactory as revealed by the performed simulation.  相似文献   


Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields are notably important for innovation and technological development, which in turn are seen as drivers of social and economic growth. Hence, researchers and policy-makers have paid substantial attention to analyzing and promoting high-growth ventures in STEM fields. However, STEM fields are highly gender-skewed, regardless of whether the population considered is students, faculty members, graduates, top managers, or entrepreneurs. This is noticeable in the small number of women entrepreneurs with STEM backgrounds. This underrepresentation of women in innovation-driven business startups highlights existing gender biases and systemic disadvantages in social structures, making visible the double masculinity that exists at the intersection of STEM and entrepreneurship. This article addresses this issue by combining insights from research about women’s entrepreneurship and research about the gender aspects of STEM fields. We emphasize institutional, organizational, and individual factors influencing women’s entrepreneurship in STEM fields, laying the foundation for the articles included in this special issue. Finally, we discuss the way forward for research on the gender aspects of STEM entrepreneurship to help us create the knowledge needed to close this gender gap.


abstract    I examine how conferences can be occasions for the configuration of emerging organizational fields by describing three that I attended during the development and commercialization of cochlear implants. These conferences served as venues for a variety of activities to unfold, ranging from the exchange of information to the enactment of technological possibilities. A full appreciation of conferences as holistic events, I argue, offers us a particularly valuable entry point into gaining a deeper understanding of how new fields are assembled in real time.  相似文献   

abstract    Despite the centrality of fields as a concept in organizational research, the processes by which fields form and change have not been studied in great depth. By situating action in time and space, field-configuring events (FCEs) offer valuable settings for researchers seeking insight into such processes. This paper develops a theory of accounts as a way to understand a mechanism by which institutional entrepreneurs seek to shape fields and influence the institutions that govern them. Actors produce and distribute justified accounts – narratives that describe the way work in the field ought to be done – and attempt to persuade powerful actors in the field to adopt them as conventions. FCEs can thus be understood as loci for conventionalizing accounts. The theory of accounts and field-level change is illustrated with a case study of a turning point FCE during which competing institutional entrepreneurs in the field of 'non-profit technology assistance providers' present alternative accounts. Successful institutional entrepreneurship comes from recognizing political opportunities to align one's account with the dominant orders of worth in the field, thereby convincing powerful actors to accept one's account as convention.  相似文献   

栾玖阳 《价值工程》2012,31(17):298-299
BP神经网络的智能化特征与能力使其应用领域日益扩大,潜力日趋明显,许多传统信息处理方法无法解决的问题采用BP神经网络后取得了良好的效果,神经网络已被广泛应用于自动化、工程、经济及医学等各个领域。本文重点研究了BP神经网络的原理、算法及其应用。  相似文献   

针对桥梁通航安全评估中桥梁选址合理性分析和船舶在桥区水域的安全操纵问题,采用EFDC模型对拟建铜陵长江公铁两用大桥水域的三维流场进行了数值模拟,并将模拟结果作为航海仿真的外部环境场,用于船舶操纵模拟试验,模拟结果显示桥梁选址合理,但需注意扫弯水对船舶操纵的影响。  相似文献   

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