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This paper investigates food expenditure patterns of working-wife families, focusing on the allocation of food dollars between two major time-saving options: meals prepared away from home and convenience foods. Data are drawn from the U.S. 1983 Consumer Expenditure Survey. Analysis of variance and regression techniques are used to compare expenditure patterns of families grouped by the wife's hours worked and her earnings. The findings suggest that working-wife families prefer the purchasing of meals prepared away from home to that of convenience foods. In particular, families with high-earning, full-time working wives buy the most meals prepared away from home, while the greatest expenditures on convenience foods are observed for families with moderate-earning working wives.  相似文献   

Households with children spend more on food at home than do households without children. On the other hand, compared with households without children, households with children who are at least 12 years of age are associated with higher expenditures on food away from home expenditures. Households with employed spouses are associated with lower expenditures on food at home. Other determinants of expenditures on food at home are seasonality, house ownership, region, household size, education, age and income. House ownership, region, household size, race, education and income also affect expenditures on food away from home.  相似文献   

Differences in food expenditures in married‐ and single‐parent families are examined using the Consumer Expenditure Survey Diary Component (1990–2003). Single parents, compared to married parents, allocate a greater share of their food budget to alcohol and food purchased away from home; conversely, they spend a smaller share of their food budget on vegetables and fruits. Compared to married parents, single fathers spend a greater share on alcohol and food purchased away from home and a lesser share on vegetables, fruits, meat and beans, desserts and snacks, and prepared foods. Single mothers, compared to married parents, spend a greater share on grains and nonalcoholic beverages and a lesser share on vegetables and alcohol. Single mothers and fathers differ from each other in almost all categories of food and beverage expenditure. We also find important differences based on the employment status of parents in the household: families where all parents are employed, irrespective of family structure, spend a greater share of their food budgets on food purchased away from home and a lesser share on vegetables, fruits, milk, and meat and beans compared with married‐couple families in which the mother is not employed. We discuss ways in which family structure and parental employment status may be associated with food purchasing decisions.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between consumer unit type and expenditures on food away from home using microdata from the 1989 Consumer Expenditure Survey. A log-linear model is used to purge the effects of income and race/ethnicity from the consumer unit type/food-away-from-home expenditure relationship. The income-and race/ethnicity-controlled propensities to purchase food away from home among eight consumer unit types are revealed in simple percentage form. These adjusted percentages are discussed in regard to current and future business strategy designed to address industrywide declines in expenditures on food away from home. The results offer support for some existing strategies as well as provide the basis for viable alternatives. Log-linear purging is shown to be a valuable tool for consumer researchers.  相似文献   

The present study supplements Canadian consumer expenditure survey data with unique time use data to analyze family life cycle decisions regarding allocation of full income to market purchased consumption goods, home production, and leisure time. Results confirm that young children's presence causes families to increase their shares of full income allocated to home production and to decrease the shares of full income allocated to leisure. As a share of full income, expenditures for market goods steadily increase while expenditures for women's home production diminish as children age.  相似文献   

A path model was tested to ascertain the relationships between certain socio-economic and demographic variables, the percentage of household meals prepared and eaten at home (secondary household production), food expenditures, and the household's reported adequacy of food consumed. Significant positive predictors of secondary household production of food were the age of the head and household size. Negative predictors were education of the head, income of the head(s) and number of hours worked by the household head(s). By far the most important predictor was the number of hours worked. The strongest predictor of food expenditures was household size. Other positive predictors were income of the head(s), number of household heads and the degree of urbanization. Negatively affecting food expenditures was secondary household production of food, indicating the ‘saving’ effect of preparing meals at home. The household's reported adequacy of their food was predicted by the positive effect of education of the head, age of the head, tenure, hours worked by the head(s) and number of household heads. Although the number of hours the heads are employed decreased the percentage of meals prepared at home, and the percentage of meals at home negatively affected expenditures, the number of employment hours had no effect on food expenditures.  相似文献   

This study investigates the factors affecting food away from home expenditures in the United States using county level data. Results generally indicate that counties with higher labor force participation rate of women, higher number of college graduates, higher number of employed individuals, higher number of females, and higher number of whites and AsianslPacific Islanders as well as counties with lower number of hispanics and lower number of family households spend more on food away from home than others.  相似文献   

In a study of college students, affective credit attitude (feeling about using credit cards) and gender influenced college students' credit purchasing. Affective credit attitude predicted the purchase of clothing, electronics, entertainment, travel, gasoline, and food away from home. Females purchased clothing; males purchased electronics, entertainment, and food away from home. Gender was more influential in predicting financial management practices than was affective credit attitude, with female students employing a greater number of financial practices. A path analysis model showed gender differences in the relationship between financial practices, financial stress, affective credit attitude, and the number of credit cards with a balance.  相似文献   

Data on 2,810 elderly households were drawn from the Bureau of Labor Statistics 1990 Consumer Expenditure Survey. Multivariate Tobit analysis was used to examine spending pattern differences between households with a reference person aged 65–74 (young-old) and households with a reference person aged 75 and older (old-old). Significant differences in spending were found for expenditures on food at home, food away from home, alcohol and tobacco, housing, apparel and apparel services, transportation, bealthcare, bentertainment, personal care, and personal insurance. The impact of socio-demographic factors on expenditures by either age group was not uniform.  相似文献   

Data on 214 lone-parent families and 1,133 two-parent families were drawn from the Canadian 1990 Survey of Family Expenditures to examine their expenditure patterns. Tobit analysis was used to estimate marginal propensities to consume and income elasticities of 14 expenditure categories. Statistically significant differences between lone-parent families and two-parent families were found for the marginal propensities to consume and the income elasticities for expenditures on food at home, household operations and personal care.  相似文献   

Many researchers have devoted much time and effort to explain the undesirable health outcomes associated with an excessive intake of certain types of fast foods. Particularly vulnerable, are young adults who move out of their parents' homes to live on their own, and then begin to rely on the multitude of so‐called “food away from home” options which are convenient, available and even desirable in their social circles. This study investigated young adults' consideration of the consequences of their consumption of food eaten away from home due to concern about unacceptable habitual behaviour that might negatively affect their future households. The survey involved 395 young adults up to 25 years of age who completed a structured questionnaire which relied on an established Consideration of Future Consequences scale. Data analysis involved exploratory factor analysis, t‐tests and Anova. Findings revealed some concern about the immediate consequences of respondents' fast food consumption, but concern about the future consequences seemed rather distant in their minds. Although significant differences were confirmed within gender and among population groups with regard to immediate concern about their fast food consumption, the means were nevertheless low throughout indicating that much needs to be done to sensitize young people about every day food consumption that might have dire consequences for their future health.  相似文献   

The Sproles Consumer Interest and Priorities questionnaire was administered to 3,036 American home economists, who were pursuing careers in business, in order to develop a profile of the clothing attitudes and activities of that segment of the consumer market who (1) have been enrolled in home economics programmes at the college level, and (2) have been employed in businesses created for profit or associations supported by profit-making companies. Sixty-four per cent (1,950) of the survey forms were returned. A majority of the respondents evidenced a consciousness of clothing styles worn by others, an understanding of the importance of fashionability within social situations, an awareness of personal clothing expenditures and an appreciation for the economic value of home sewing. Application of these principles, however, was individualized, as evidenced by contrasting methods of clothing acquisition, varied willingness to purchase clothing at sales or used clothing establishments, and diverse tendencies toward buying clothing on impulse. Only 22% of the sample perceived themselves to be fashion leaders.  相似文献   

In this paper, an Error Correction Mechanism model of U.S. clothing expenditures for the period 1929–1987 is estimated using recent developments in modeling nonstationary variables. Using clothing expenditures as an example, the pitfalls of conventional modeling of nonstationary variables and the advantages of a new modeling procedure that takes into account the properties of data for valid inference about population parameters are pointed out. The basic findings obtained by estimating an Error Correction Mechanism model of clothing expenditures are (1) the demand for clothing is income inelastic both in the short run and in the long run; (2) the price elasticity of demand is unitary in the long run but greater than unity in the short run; (3) an increase in the unemployment rate reduces U.S. clothing expenditures both in the short run and the long run; and (4) an increase in the number of elderly (above the age of 65) increases clothing expenditures in the short run and reduces expenditures in the long run. However, the shortrun impact of an increase in the elderly population on clothing expenditures is statistically insignificant.  相似文献   

Family member and per capita clothing expenditures are estimated via tobit, using 1980–1981 Consumer Expenditure Survey data. Occupation categories are developed and implicit wage rates imputed for each wife in the sample. Employed-wife households have higher expenditures for clothing than do nonemployed-wife households and wife's occupation differentially affects family member expenditures. Wife's implicit wage is not significant, while wife's unearned income has a positive impact on all categories of expenditures except for infants. These results indicate that it is not possible to generalize across family members about the influence of income and socio-demographic variables on clothing expenditures.  相似文献   

This paper studies expenditures on clothing for children and their parents using the individual consumer as the basic unit of analysis. The effects on clothing expenditure of the age, sex, and race of the household member, the composition, location, and total expenditures of the household, and the education and occupation of the parents are analyzed using multivariate Tobit analysis. Data are taken from the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey, 1984–1985.  相似文献   

Using the USDA Healthy Eating Index, a nutrition index based on nutrient profiling, and a measure of calorie density, we compare the healthiness of food choices at home and away from home by two samples of consumers. Along with simple statistical procedures, we use a method employed by financial economists to evaluate mutual fund performance. Data are from the 2009–2010 and 2013–2014 NHANES food surveys. We find that consumers with healthier home diets tend to show less attention to nutrition when away from home. While this may reflect a lack of nutrition knowledge, we suggest they are also a reflection of deliberate choice, of regarding restaurant eating as a “treat,” as at least one survey has shown.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the changes in total non‐durables expenditures, prices and US demographics on demand for different clothing categories and shoes in a time‐series framework. The basis for the demand model was the almost ideal demand system model. Demographic variables included in the model were age distribution of US population (median age and variance) and proportion of non‐white population to the total US population. The results indicate that total non‐durable expenditures and price variables are significantly related to consumers’ non‐durable budget allocations for clothing categories and shoes. The results of the study also show that, among the demographic variables examined in the study, the median age and non‐white population were significant variables affecting US aggregate non‐durable expenditure allocation on men's and boy's clothing and shoes. All the demand elasticities with respect to total expenditures, own, cross‐price and demographics were also estimated.  相似文献   

Calculations of the environmental burden from a model family's consumption show that family activities associated with eating make up more than one-third of the family's total consumption of resources and discharges to the surroundings. Car transport and residential heating together also account for one-third of the family's resource consumption and discharges to the surroundings. The remaining third of resource consumption and discharges to the environment relates especially to the consumption of goods during leisure activities around the home, clothing, hygiene and health as well as cleaning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether maternal employment is related to adolescent evening meal practices and to examine the attitudes of adolescents regarding the mother's role in evening meal preparation. A questionnaire was administered to 1,180 high school students in a suburban area of North Texas. Results indicated that maternal employment affects adolescent evening meals in the number of meals (i) offered per week, (ii) fully prepared by mother, and (iii) eaten away from home. Adolescent participation in meal preparation was higher for the employed group. Attitudes are different between the sexes and those with employed and unemployed mothers.  相似文献   

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