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所谓液体生物燃料,简而言之,就是以动、植物为来源的液体燃料。目前,世界范围内产业化运作的液体生物燃料主要包括生物柴油和燃料乙醇。生物柴油是以可持续生产供应的植物油脂(如豆油、菜籽油)或动物油脂为原料制取的脂肪酸甲醋。生物柴油既能经济有效地将太阳能经植物的光合作用转换为动态能源,供柴油发动机的车辆应用,又是可再生和具有生物可分解性的植物油脂加工油品。乙醇(又称为酒精),是以玉米、小麦、薯类、糖蜜或植物等为原料,经发酵、蒸馏而制成。乙醇既是一种能源,又是一种良好的汽油增氧剂和高辛烷值调和组分。将乙醇进一步脱水再经过不同形式的变性处理后成为变性燃料乙醇。燃料乙醇加入汽油中作为品质改善剂,混和为乙醇汽油,能显著降低汽车尾气中的有害物质,达到净化空气的功效。目前,一些国家将乙醇汽油作为汽车燃料来用。  相似文献   

如今大多数火力发电厂,发电成本中燃料占据举足轻重的比例,燃料管理部门主要负责原料供应和协调各供应商和各大发电公司之间的纽带。都试图通过自己的努力减少燃料的成本,进而使发电成本力图降到最低。燃料结算往往涉及到众多资金项目,而每笔结算往往数额较大,占据资金链条上至关重要的环节。结算时间相对紧迫,结算金额以及交易方式,要在短期内完结。  相似文献   

在"市场煤、计划电"的电力市场环境下,燃料成本是影响火力发电企业竞争能力和盈利能力的主要因素。文章结合火力发电企业特点,从影响燃料成本的主要因素分析入手,就加强燃料成本管理需采取的措施进行探讨。  相似文献   

化石能源价格上涨对世界经济造成了严重影响,为减少对进口化石能源的依赖,世界各国加快了生物燃料的开发和生产.文章介绍了生物燃料发展的背景和全球生产、消费生物燃料的情况,用福利经济学分析方法分析生物燃料生产对各相关利益人的影响,并对生物燃料的发展提出相关建议.  相似文献   

在石油价格暴涨暴跌,汽车尾气排放升格为环境污染第一元凶的21世纪,汽车发动机和动力燃料工业正面临着重大变革。这就是"燃料电池发动机"替代常规汽油的能源科技大变革。"氢燃料汽车"或说"氢汽车"将成为主流。2000年的4月10日,世界上第一台燃料电池摩托车在台湾面世,标志着中国人开始加入这一21世纪最重要的能源科技的竞争。而在此前,当环境保护已成为推动全球资源重新配置、国民经济结构调整和企业可持续发晨的重要力量,几乎所有的世界大汽车公司都在开发自己新一  相似文献   

2009 年9 月,戴姆勒公司、德国政府及几家公司宣布了一项在德国建造1000 个氢充气站的计划。丰田公司也在夏季宣布, 要力争在2015年开始生产氢燃料车。本田、通用、现代等公司都在实施氢燃料车的计划。本田已经实际实施研制计划,并通过大力补贴将该车型交到几个客户手中。通用汽车公司虽集中主要力量打造充电式混合动力车C h ev y Vo l t,不过仍然期望到2015 年实现氢燃料电池技术的商业化。  相似文献   

<正>随着经济的飞速发展,汽车已经进入寻常百姓家,汽车尾气排放和污染问题愈加严重,节能减排已经成为我国经济发展的主要任务。在汽车工业未来发展的前景方面,同济大学汽车学院董尧清教授有着独到的见解。乘用车柴油化将是未来汽车发展方向凭借着近50年的汽车柴油机及其燃料喷射系统的设计、研究和开发经验,董尧清教授指出,目前柴油车在节能、经济、环保、安全、耐用、性能、规模化等方面都具有自身的优点,与同等排量的汽油车相比,油  相似文献   

从技术角度出发,对Derwent数据库中收录的玉米燃料乙醇领域的专利进行统计分析,分别从申请年、IPC(Inter-national Patent Classification)分类、德温特分类等方面深入分析了玉米燃料乙醇领域的世界专利产出整体情况、重点技术领域、应用领域及主要机构专利情况。  相似文献   

正大气污染控制产业可划分为燃料燃烧污染控制、工业废气控制、汽车尾气控制三个细分领域,从区域总体情况来看,美国、欧盟、日本是全球大气污染控制产业的引领地。美国重点企业。纳可环技公司(Nalco Fuel Tech):位于伊利诺伊州,目前该公司已成功地研发出以废气脱硫为主的并同时脱硫脱氮的SOXOUT技术。该技术的脱硫  相似文献   

石油替代战略和环境保护压力是美国决定发展燃料乙醇的主要原因,土地资源丰富是发展燃料乙醇的基础保障。以法案形式确立政策措施,利用财政补贴、减税、直接投资、砾发资助和贷款担保等手段支持生产企业成为产业发展的主体;以补贴、消费税减免和关税保护等手段鼓励本国乙醇汽油消费;以扩大种植面积和减少出口保障原料供应,同时积极推动纤维素乙醇商业化。  相似文献   

Promoting sustainable development requires evaluating the technical and policy options that will facilitate the adoption and use of energy efficient and less polluting cooking stoves and practices. The transition from traditional to modern fuels and devices has been explained by the “energy ladder” model that suggests that with increasing affluence, a progression is expected from traditional biomass fuels to more advanced and less polluting fuels. In this paper we evaluate the energy ladder model utilizing data from a four-year (1992–96) case study of a village in Mexico and from a large-scale survey from four states of Mexico. We show that an alternate “multiple fuel” model of stove and fuel management based on the observed pattern of household accumulation of energy options, rather than the simple progression depicted in the traditional energy ladder scenario, more accurately depicts cooking fuel use patterns in rural households. The “multiple fuel” model integrates four factors demonstrated to be essential in household decision making under conditions of resource scarcity or uncertainty: (a) economics of fuel and stove type and access conditions to fuels, (b) technical characteristics of cookstoves and cooking practices; (c) cultural preferences; and (d) health impacts. This model also allows better estimates of the expected fuelwood demand and indoor air pollution in rural households.  相似文献   

At present, the development of renewable energy relies mainly on government support. The government invests in a considerable number of projects to improve public welfare and to assist in poverty relief If China is to replace fossil fuels on a large scale with renewable energy sources, the production costs and prices of renewable energy must be brought down. All countries are facing the challenge of moving to a more secure and low-carbon energy system without weakening economic and social development. In this regard, China is facing an even greater challenge in terms of economic cost, as cheap coal remains the main energy form. Technical innovation and industrialization in the area of renewable energy is an important means of lowering cost. China is in for a period of high-speed development of its economy and the rising demand for energy is irreversible. If the technical progress and development speed of renewable energy lags behind the growth in demand, it will be difficult to realize the improvement of its energy structure.  相似文献   


The benefits of biofuels depend on the feedstock, conversion pathway and local context. This paper assesses biofuels technology readiness and developments to provide foresight to biofuels development in Southern Africa. Efficient conversion pathways, coupled with biomass from waste or high-yielding energy crops, will reduce both the costs of biofuels production, and the environmental impacts. Compared to petroleum fuels, the current commercial biofuels (ethanol, biogas and biodiesel) typically offer carbon emission reductions of 30–50% but are marginally more expensive. The extent of biofuels market penetration will therefore be influenced by mandates (blending targets) and subsidies (green premium). Advanced biofuels promise greater efficiencies and carbon emission reductions at reduced cost but will require further research and development to reach commercialisation. If developed appropriately, biofuels can reduce carbon emissions and improve energy security, while enabling sustainable agriculture and improved natural resources management.  相似文献   

The paper considers possible approaches to the comparison of traditional and alternative motor fuels. We present estimates of the economic efficiency of fuels in relation to possible price ratios, expected environmental damage during the operation of vehicles in urban and rural areas, and the projected technical and economic parameters of the compared technologies. It is shown that in the long term until 2020–2030 alternative fuels will be used effectively in numerous passenger vehicles, particularly, in urban areas with high crude oil prices.  相似文献   

This paper examines conditions for the competitiveness of hydrogen versus conventional hydrocarbon motor fuels. The economic efficiency of different alternative fuels is analyzed on the basis of specially designed models that can incorporate a broad variety of technical and economic parameters of fuel production, distribution and use. Main attention is paid to consequences of air pollutant emission, which stimulate interest in the use of alternative, in particular, hydrogen, technologies. The total, energy and environmental costs of conventional and hydrogen technologies of motor transport are calculated and parameters of hydrogen technologies at which they can become commercially attractive to users are evaluation.  相似文献   

李秋林 《科技和产业》2024,24(13):38-42
化石燃料的迅速枯竭和环境问题正在推动能源结构向可再生能源进行过渡。目前,运输消耗的燃料主要来自化石能源,更强的运输需求对环境和气候有很大的威胁。氢燃料电池动力汽车使用氢能是化石燃料的清洁替代品。对氢燃料电池在国内最新的政策和市场应用情况进行总结,对其关键技术进行介绍,并对现有的应用场景进行分析,梳理其未来的发展趋势,为氢燃料电池动力汽车在物流运输行业的未来发展提供参考和指导。  相似文献   

Energy usage provides one striking example of processes and conditions of development and underdevelopment in South Africa and the concomitant inequalities in fulfilment of basic needs. Access to affordable and convenient fuels increases as households shift from underdeveloped rural and peri‐urban areas to the developed metropolitan centres. The form and quantity of fuels used by households is constrained by levels of urbanization, the availability and cost of fuels, and household income.

The energy supply problems in developing areas centre on two critical and immediate issues. Firstly, in rural areas the demand for fuelwood is exceeding supply with quite devastating social, economic and environmental consequences. A fuelwood supply and demand model has been developed which indicates the urgency for implementing afforestation programmes, although lack of sufficient suitable land implies that other energy supply strategies will also have to be considered. The second major problem is that the standard, most convenient and affordable domestic energy supply option, electricity, has still not been made available to many black townships and most peri‐urban areas. With increases in population and urbanization, the problem of adequate household energy supply is shifting to peri‐urban areas, which experience major social and economic costs as a result of dependence on costly and inconvenient fossil fuels and batteries. Electricity has been shown to be the most economical and preferred option.  相似文献   

This paper challenges the idea that emissions of greenhouse gases simply increase over time with income. It adopts a 200‐year perspective and includes the important flows of greenhouse gases related to agriculture, not just the CO2 from fossil fuels. The result is that the pattern of Swedish total greenhouse gas emissions over time resembles an N. In contrast, when only emissions from fossil fuels are counted, the pattern over time resembles an inverted U. Among the most important factors generating emissions in agriculture, forest management was especially important, but in addition, draining of wetlands for agriculture played a substantial role.  相似文献   

Observations in a North Indian village indicate that changes in social relations have played an important role in diminishing the accessibility of poor villagers to the local non-commercial fuels. As a result, they are seen to rely increasingly on least preferred toxic plants as fuel. Existing trends of shift in cropping pattern away from crops giving woody residues, and of declining tree-cover provided by orchards, indicate decreasing availability of local fuels in future. Alternatives for improving the utilization of local resources are seen to be ineffective with respect to the poor who are unable to invest in new conversion technologies and have restricted access to resources like common-lands. Accordingly interventions for improving local fuel availability would be of little help unless supplemented by measures to strengthen the social and economic position of the poor.  相似文献   

The paper examines the welfare effects of the Danish subsidies granted for the electricity production from wind power. This policy has induced a remarkable development of the Danish windmill industry resulting in a dominant position on the world market. The article demonstrates a strong learning-by-doing productivity growth in the Danish windmill industry and it analyzes the costs and benefits of this infant industry case. The costs consist of the efficiency loss from diverting electricity production from using fossil fuels to utilizing wind power. Benefits are the reductions in the environmental damage of using fossil fuels, however, the main benefits are related to the emergence of a new export sector. As the value of the windmill firms at the stock exchange by far exceeds that of the accumulated distorted losses in electricity production, this case demonstrates a successful infant industry strategy. JEL no. D2, L5, L6  相似文献   

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