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一、2008年我国出租车集体罢运的概况与主要案例 世界性金融危机不仅影响到中国的金融业,也波及到城市的出租车行业.2008年全年,中国一共发生出租车集体罢运事件22件,大约有15000辆出租车,司机大约15000~30000名.  相似文献   

城市出租车是一个提供公共服务并且直接关系公共利益的行业,在城市道路运输中占有十分重要的地位。重庆等地出租车集体罢运的直接原因在于黑车多、份钱高等,而行政垄断体制导致的公司化剥削是其根本原因。改革与完善现行的出租车行业管理体制与运营模式,尽快搭建出租车运营群体利益冲突解决协调机制,实行政府宏观管理与协会、公司微观服务相结合的个体化运营模式迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

以重庆、三亚、汕头等地接连出现的出租车罢运风波为线索,运用利益寻租的相关理论。分析发现出租车行业寻祖行为发生的主要原因有高额的预期经济租金、各利益相关主体之间存在一定的利益联系、对寻租行为进行规制的相关法律陷入操作性不强、执行难的困境及我国社会目前处于转型期,相关体制不健全、不配套。最后,建议采取打破“行业垄断”,厘清政府与市场的边界、政府出资成立出租车公司、直接经营出租车运营业务和借鉴台北、香港等城市“兼而有之”的治理模式等措施来治理出租车行业的寻租行为。  相似文献   

我国的出租车行业群体性事件应对工作取得令人瞩目的成绩,但也存在不少的问题,面临许多的困境。维稳的形势和任务要求地方党委和政府巩固群体性事件应对效果,解决群体性事件应对问题,走出群体性事件应对困境。  相似文献   

中国出租车市场的政府管制行为相当明显而突出,现有模式引起了媒体和学界相当关注与讨论。本文认为现有很多城市的出租车市场政府管制并无充分理由,管制目标也并未达到,在规范的竞争市场上,任何政府部门都应该是中立的。出租车行业的政府管制和行业垄断,往往造成了一次又一次寻租。必须打破垄断、引入竞争遇到的关键问题,这需要消费者、立法机构、司法机关和社会舆论等多层面的共同努力。  相似文献   

道路运输管理部门作为政府行业管理的职能部门,行使着政府赋予的管理职能,肩负着道路运输市场行业管理的职责。随着我国依法治国,依法治运建设步伐的加快,如何建立一支精简、高效、廉洁的运政执法队伍,将是摆在运管部门面前的一道新课题。文章首先阐述了加强运政执法队伍建设的必要性,其次详细分析了运政执法队伍的现状及存在的问题,最后提出了加强运政执法队伍建设的建议与措施。  相似文献   

自网约车在中国兴起以来,网约车的监管问题一直是困扰理论界的一大难题,至今仍处于争论与探索当中。不少城市有将网约车纳入到出租车传统的监管体制中进行监管的倾向,此种严格的市场准入与价格规制路径会导致对网约车的"过度监管"问题。基于网约车的创新性,提出对网约车采取一种宽松的非经济性规制策略,并以此为契机推动出租车行业监管体制的改革,使得出租车的监管方式向网约车靠拢,保证二者在同样的监管环境下公平竞争,将实现网约车与出租车的融合运营、协调发展。  相似文献   

燃气行业是比较典型的网络型公用事业,具有自然垄断性的特征,所以我国政府长期承担公用事业建设与运营管理责任。然而,随着燃气行业技术的发展和我国市场经济的深化,燃气行业的改革已经悄然兴起。燃气行业的改革主要是引入竞争机制和政府规制的改革。燃气行业引入竞争主要可以采取业务分离和纵向一体化的自由接入这两种方式。燃气行业规制改革则需要制定公用事业法、建立独立的规制机构和科学定价机制。  相似文献   

北京:部分电动汽车充换电站布局图公布北京电动出租车试点范围将进一步扩大,6月底之前,房山、平谷、昌平、怀柔、密云、延庆均有电动出租车上路。5月20日,北京市电力公司在延庆总结了充电出租车一年多以来的试点效果。目前,延庆县运营有50辆电动出租车,  相似文献   

网约车是共享经济时代出租车市场的新业态,其在给人们出行带来便捷和多样化选择的同时,也受到传统出租车行业的抵制,各国政府对网约车的发展都进行了一定规制。我国是第一个承认网约车合法性的国家,但相关政策实施效果并不尽如人意,网约车市场明显萎缩,一些细则难以有效实施,网约车规制需要进一步创新。网约车和传统出租车各有优势,网约车规制不能着眼于数量限制,而应促使二者将自身优势最大化以满足市场需求;国家要明确方向,地方则应根据实际补充完善,地方政府在网约车规制创新中应发挥积极作用;要通过政企联动实现对网约车的大数据“互联网+”监管,也应充分发挥行业协会作用,完善行业监管和自我监管。  相似文献   

基于布洛维的“生产政体”理论,探究出租车行业“三输一赢”发展困局的成因。通过对市场竞争、国家干预、劳动过程三个维度进行分析,发现出租车行业发展困局的根源在于出租车公司利用市场条件及制度环境,通过劳动过程对司机进行了严苛的劳动控制,从而接连引发劳动抗争。最后,基于以上分析提出破解行业困局的政策建议。  相似文献   

在作业成本制度下,每个作业都可以细分为若干成本动因。随着现代企业生产过程的复杂化和精细化,作业成本动因的数目也日趋增长,这直接导致企业核算成本的急剧增加,使得成本管理工作更加繁琐和不经济。通过将被不同产品消耗比例相同或接近的成本动因的科学合并,便可以在降低核算成本的同时,获得满意的产品成本精确度。因此,需要对成本动因合并方法的合理性进行数学分析,以实例说明成本动因合并矩阵模型的应用机理。  相似文献   

近年来,我国大城市黑车数量逐年增加,管制机构的专项治理不仅耗费了大量资源,而且并未实现预定目标。世界各国管制出租车市场的经验表明,管制目标的实现取决于合理的进入限制标准与公共定价。本文在简要阐释出租车市场需要经济管制的基础上,首先分析在自由进入条件下黑车存在的原因,继而以北京、上海两座大城市出租车市场为例剖析黑车数量逐年增加的原因,着重探讨进入限制标准、公共定价水平与管制效应问题。  相似文献   

ERP代表了信息技术与先进管理思想的融合,是企业信息整合和业务流程重组的主要驱动力之一,同时也对企业的营销管理产生巨大的影响。ERP环境下营销管理系统起着核心作用,它主要由市场管理、销售管理、产品管理、客户管理、服务管理和决策支持六个相互联系的子系统构成。  相似文献   

Since exporting is the most popular mechanism by which firms engage with international markets, understanding the drivers of export market performance is key to explaining firms’ international competitiveness. The literature posits that the effective implementation of planned export marketing strategy is a key determinant of the performance of firms operating in international markets. Yet little is known about the specific nature and drivers of export marketing strategy implementation effectiveness. In this study we build on the implementation literature in marketing and strategic management to develop a new conceptualization of export marketing strategy implementation effectiveness. Drawing on dynamic capabilities theory, we empirically examine the export marketing capability antecedents and performance consequences of export marketing strategy implementation effectiveness in the context of manufacturing firms that are exporting to international markets. Results indicate that effective implementation of planned export marketing strategy contributes to export market and financial performance, and that marketing capabilities play an important role in enabling effective marketing strategy implementation in export venture operations.  相似文献   

Although professional sports are a major interest for consumers and a soaring contributor to economic growth, very little is known about how sports brands are built over time and what makes some sports clubs’ market performance so much stronger than others. Based on a unique dataset of 40 German professional soccer brands tracked from 1963 through 2014, this research studies how the value drivers recruitment, winning, and publicity feed sales-based brand equity (SBBE) and attendance. One of the novel findings is that not only do strong brands benefit from higher levels of SBBE, but they are also able to leverage SBBE more effectively the longer they are on the market, which widens the gap between strong and weak brands across time. We also find that the effect of the value drivers on attendance evolves from direct to indirect via SBBE. Overall, the increasing brand leverage effect yields important implications for marketing theory and for sports brand management.  相似文献   

Toward a theory of repeat purchase drivers for consumer services   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The marketing discipline’s knowledge about the drivers of service customers’ repeat purchase behavior is highly fragmented. This research attempts to overcome that fragmented state of knowledge by making major advances toward a theory of repeat purchase drivers for consumer services. Drawing on means–end theory, the authors develop a hierarchical classification scheme that organizes repeat purchase drivers into an integrative and comprehensive framework. They then identify drivers on the basis of 188 face-to-face laddering interviews in two countries (USA and Germany) and assess the drivers’ importance and interrelations through a national probability sample survey of 618 service customers. In addition to presenting an exhaustive and coherent set of hierarchical repeat-purchase drivers, the authors provide theoretical explanations for how and why drivers relate to one another and to repeat purchase behavior. This research also tests the boundary conditions of the proposed framework by accounting for different service types. In addition to its theoretical contribution, the framework provides companies with specific information about how to manage long-term customer relationships successfully.
Caroline WiertzEmail:

Evidence within the marketing literature has shown that marketing capabilities are important drivers of firm performance. However, very little is known about how firms improve their marketing capabilities via the embedding of new market knowledge. Organizational learning theory provides us with a theoretical lens through which we can examine how existing customer-focused marketing capabilities may be improved and new customer-focused marketing capabilities may be created via marketing exploitation and exploration capabilities. In addition, this study investigates whether ambidexterity in marketing exploration and exploitation exists and finds that firms cannot do both at high levels without risking a negative impact on customer-focused marketing capabilities. This study also presents findings demonstrating how improving the two customer-focused marketing capabilities in our study, brand management and customer relationship management, impacts objective financial performance.  相似文献   

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