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聚焦于公司创业过程中的新事业投资决策过程,试图通过对比成败案例,揭示其决策过程的规律,尤其注重刻画创业决策者主体的决策表现及其特征。以口语回溯法和半结构化访谈相结合的手段,调研了13家企业负责人,遴选出两家成功企业与两家失败企业,作为案例采写的主要对象。通过详细的案例描述与对比,研究结果发现:①创业警觉性、以往知识和创新性认知风格是机会识别的关键性要素;②成功决策需兼顾创业机会的可行性和盈利性,决策者应更多采用变革式的新事业投资机会;③成功决策有赖于决策者高度内化的、富有洞察力的预见性,一旦有效识别机会,便会快速付诸于执行,果断排斥外在情境的干扰。  相似文献   

伦理型领导对领导有效性的研究是领导学研究的重点和热点之一。但是,现有研究很少涉及伦理型领导在中国情境下的适用性。本文以中国企业为对象,运用相关统计与分析方法对随机抽样获得的问卷调查数据进行研究,试图探索出中国情境下实施伦理型领导的可行性和必要性,以及应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
Milton Friedman argued that the social responsibility of firms is to maximize profits. This paper examines this argument for the economic environment envisioned by Friedman in which citizens can personally give to social causes and can invest in profit‐maximizing firms and firms that give a portion of their profits to social causes. Citizens obtain social satisfaction from corporate social giving, but corporate giving may not be a perfect substitute for personal giving. The paper presents a theory of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and shows that CSR is costly when it is an imperfect substitute. When investors anticipate the CSR, shareholders do not bear its cost. Instead, the entrepreneurs who form the CSR firms bear the cost. Shareholders bear the cost of CSR only when it is a surprise, and it is to such surprises that Friedman objects. A social entrepreneur is willing to form a CSR firm at a financial loss because either doing so expands the opportunity sets of citizens in consumption‐social giving space or there is an entrepreneurial warm glow from forming the firm. Firms can also undertake strategic CSR activities that increase profits, and a social entrepreneur carries strategic CSR beyond profit maximization and market value maximization. The paper also examines the implications of taxes and the effect of the market for control for the sustainability of CSR.  相似文献   


The paper explores evolution and current state of the Russian corporate governance in cultural context. Russia has a relatively short history of corporate governance, and securities market and stock capital play a less significant role, compared to the West. The evolution of culture and corporate governance is analyzed in a comparative setting. Under the Soviet framework, business and corporate developments were non-existent or severely restricted. The post-Soviet capitalism is characterized by dynamic and turbulent developments in corporate governance and business culture. The paper examines the Russian findings from the recent international studies of culture and explores cultural impact on corporate governance in the country.  相似文献   

在动荡、融合的产业环境中,企业可以通过构建生态优势整合来源于外部的竞争能力,从而取得协同效应,放大自身的竞争优势。核心企业作为生态圈的主导企业,其生态优势的构建关乎整个系统的升级与创造。但是现实中,核心企业在生态圈自组织演化过程中取得的生态优势是残缺的、不持久的。鉴于公司创业精神与活动在核心企业重构生态圈的过程中提供了重要的支持,本文从公司创业的视角探讨生态圈的重构过程,并以此探讨核心企业构建生态优势的路径。研究表明:公司创业精神的渗透开启了核心企业构建生态优势的过程,并且公司创业的实现路径为构建生态优势提供了机会开发、平台开放以及资源整合三种动力机制,推动核心企业主动构建生态优势。本文研究拓宽了学界关于企业战略和商业生态系统之间关系的理解,刻画了范围更宽的战略边界,鼓励更多学者关注商业生态系统构建的问题。  相似文献   

University mergers and consolidations are on the rise, and the trend is likely to continue in the near term future. Such a trend is significant, as a university consolidations are inherently challenging and require strong and well‐developed leadership to be successful. In the current paper, a low‐cost leadership development program (the Authentic Leadership Pipeline program) that was initiated and developed to meet the leadership needs of Augusta University, the institutional result of the consolidation of Georgia Health Sciences University and Augusta State University is described. In addition, an initial pilot evaluation of the program that examined reactions and subjective perceptions of learning and behavior change is described. The findings were promising and suggest a high level of satisfaction, significant learning, and new behavior. Implications, applications, and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

谢忠泉  温雯 《价值工程》2006,25(7):117-120
大量的理论研究和企业实践证明了领导文化与企业文化有着密切的关系,领导文化不同于企业文化,并且领导文化在企业文化建设中起着核心作用,从领导文化建设做起是建设企业文化的有效途径。建设领导文化的过程实质上是一种领导价值观念和思维方式的变革过程。领导文化建设必须将领导者、被领导者及环境三个变量有机地结合起来。  相似文献   

The field of sustainable corporate entrepreneurship is in a nascent stage. By developing a position matrix of companies with respect to their corporate entrepreneurship and sustainability performance, we make conceptual contributions to an integrated perspective on elements supporting a sustainable corporate entrepreneurship process. We propose that such a process without evolving corporate sustainability is misleading. Methodologically, we investigate publicly available index ratings to assess strategies for and qualitative measurement of the sustainable development and innovation performance of eight top‐ranked international companies. Findings show that the strategies of the identified companies correspond well to our typology and allow suggestions of where efforts for corporate sustainability and/or entrepreneurship could be reinforced to gain or maintain a benchmark position. The article will clarify underlying elements of, and help to advance strategies for the implementation of, a sustainable corporate entrepreneurship process. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

In this introductory article for the special issue of Journal of Management Studies, entitled ‘Leading Entrepreneurial Ventures: Individual and Team-Based Perspectives’, we leverage insights in the extant literature as well as those insights developed by the authors of the four articles published in response to our call for papers. Overall, we explore multiple nuanced questions with regards to research on entrepreneurship, research on leadership, and their intersection. Our goal is to begin to help guide research on entrepreneurship and leadership, and their intersection, for the next decade.  相似文献   

创业导向对企业而言具有战略意义,企业的管理层对企业的成长和组织经营决策有着重要影响,创业导向能否通过对高管激励来影响企业的绩效值得深入研究。本文选取2009年上市的中国创业板制造业、服务业等365家企业2013—2017五年的数据进行研究,研究发现:创业导向对企业绩效有显著的正向促进作用,高管货币薪酬激励和权益薪酬激励对企业绩效有显著的正向促进作用,创业导向对高管薪酬激励与企业绩效的调节效应显著为负。  相似文献   

Research at the interface of corporate entrepreneurship (CE) and family firms’ domains has grown steadily based on the premise that family firms’ specific elements uniquely affect CE antecedents, strategies, and outcomes. However, much remains to be uncovered. In this article, we offer a theoretical advancement of a corporate entrepreneurship process model for the case of family firms organized around the categories of ontology (i.e., domain redefinition), epiphany (i.e., new components and mechanisms), and heterogeneity (i.e., family firm variety and contingencies). This development paves the way for an agenda for future research and for possible generalizations to non‐family firms.  相似文献   

Starting a new business is easy. Leading a start‐up and transitioning from founder to CEO is hard. As a result, less than 1 in 25 new companies will grow to have 50 or more employees. This article examines three important challenges faced by entrepreneurial leaders at start‐up: developing a vision, achieving optimal persistence, and executing through chaos. The article also considers three capabilities needed by founders who seek to continue to lead their companies during the growth stage of the entrepreneurial process: strategic thinking, coaching, and self‐evaluation. The Siegfried Group, LLP, a leading national CPA firm that provides Leadership Advisory and Talent Delivery services to Fortune 1000 organizations, is used as a brief case study to illustrate key challenges and capabilities associated with entrepreneurial leadership.  相似文献   

abstract We use transformational leadership theory to explore the role of CEOs in determining the extent to which their firms engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR). We test this theory using data from 56 US and Canadian firms. CEO intellectual stimulation (but not CEO charismatic leadership) is found to be significantly associated with the propensity of the firm to engage in ‘strategic’ CSR, or those CSR activities that are most likely to be related to the firm's corporate and business‐level strategies. Thus, studies that ignore the role of leadership in CSR may yield imprecise conclusions regarding the antecedents and consequences of these activities. We also critique transformational leadership theory, in terms of its overemphasis on charismatic forms of leadership. This leads to a reconceptualization of transformational leadership, which emphasizes the intellectual stimulation component in the context of CSR.  相似文献   

培育大学生企业家精神对促进大学生全面发展、完善高校素质教育体系及推动创新型国家建设均有重要意义。本文首先阐述了企业家精神的内涵,然后在总结国外发达国家培育机制的基础上,从营造校园创业文化氛围、完善创业教育课程体系以及优化创业教育师资队伍等方面提出了我国高校大学生企业家精神的培育路径。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We develop a theoretical framework for describing, modelling, and predicting entrepreneurial strategies by corporations in transitional public policy environments. Drawing on research in entrepreneurship, real options, and strategic management under uncertainty, we demonstrate how corporations affected by government policy can use entrepreneurial strategies to exploit discontinuities generated by uncertain and unstable public policy environments. We argue that specific strategies will be effective depending on the degree and slope/inflection profile of policy change. Four strategies are identified: preemptive, optioned, synchronized, and adaptive. We develop propositions and provide illustrations to show how each of these strategies has helped firms respond to transitional policy environments. We conclude by offering a discussion of the utility and limitations of the framework and its potential application to other managerial circumstances in which uncertainty is pervasive, and by describing opportunities for further research, including empirical testing of our model.  相似文献   

包容性领导是一种当前备受关注的新型领导方式。本文通过对国内95家企业共665位员工进行问卷调查,主要考察包容性领导对员工敬业度的影响、组织认同的中介作用和平衡互惠的调节作用。研究结果显示:包容性领导显著正向影响员工敬业度;组织认同在包容性领导与员工敬业度之间起到中介作用;平衡互惠在组织认同与员工敬业度之间起到调节作用;并且平衡互惠正向调节组织认同对包容性领导与员工敬业度的中介作用。因此,企业应该采取开放包容的领导方式,通过提高员工的组织认同感,提升员工敬业度。  相似文献   

We extend the cultural entrepreneurship perspective by investigating how entrepreneurs in deprived contexts gain legitimacy by leveraging proprietary and public places in their entrepreneurial storytelling. Inspired by the sociology of place, we present a longitudinal study of ten new venture journeys over four years in Kasoa, Ghana. We identify three distinct ways places are used in entrepreneurial narratives: projective significance of place, connective significance of place, and authoritative significance of place. We show how impoverished entrepreneurs construct and communicate places in diverse ways, not only as locations, but also as material and symbolic resources that provide legitimacy for their venturing activities. Drawing from our findings, we generate a model of place-based cultural entrepreneurship and elaborate place as a central resource in cultural entrepreneurship and new venture creation in deprived contexts.  相似文献   

企业家精神是企业成长和经济增长的重要因素。本文认为企业家精神是一个层次模型,只有通过综合特质、愿景、胜任力和文化网络这四个层面才能揭示企业家精神的全貌,通过对温州企业案例的分析,检验了该模型的不同层次在国际创业背景下分别应进行怎样的适应性调整。最后,本文指出了该研究可能存在的问题,并对后续研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

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