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The development of curricular and cocurricular leadership experiences is often a complex undertaking, second only to the complexities of learning how to lead effectively. The current article outlines the shared and diverse experiences of two leadership faculty charged with coordinating academic leadership programs at separate institutions. Both faculty members were previously student affairs professionals and chose to educate undergraduate leaders in the classroom while providing research for the leadership consortium. Additionally, both faculty members continue to partner with student affairs to facilitate strong curricular and cocurricular student experiences. The current article shares a practical approach to providing ongoing strategic practice opportunities for future leaders enrolled in academic, undergraduate leadership education programs while suggesting the creation of a common leadership language for both academic and cocurricular programs.  相似文献   

Teaching midgrade leaders at the Command and General Staff Officers Course (CGSOC) located in Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, comes with many unique challenges. At CGSOC, students arrive having led soldiers in combat and having served in leadership positions in the United States Army for at least 10 years. When they walk into the classroom and see an instructor with a dress shirt and tie—not in a uniform—their immediate thought is, “What can this civilian teach me? I have fought in foreign lands and had to watch people die and lead soldiers through intensely difficult circumstances.” Through most of their careers, their approach to learning in Professional Military Education (PME) has been through training. CGSOC is the first time they experience learning from mostly an educational pedagogy as opposed to training. We focus on teaching how to think instead of what to think. At CGSOC we use an Experiential Learning Model (ELM), based on Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory. The ELM takes Kolb's experiential learning cycle and superimposes five steps on the preferred learning styles described by Kolb. We promote student‐to‐student dialogue, drawing out the experience resident in the classroom, and add leadership theory to reinforce the learning.  相似文献   

王斌 《价值工程》2011,30(11):263-263
复退军人从熟悉的军营到几乎完全陌生的铁路企业,面临着职业的转型,那么进行岗前培训成为必然。通过对复退军人岗前培训的实践,并结合自己对新的教育理念的学习体会,谈复退军人岗前学历教育中课堂教学方式的几点思考,说明了根据教学内容和教学对象不同,所采取的不同教学方式。  相似文献   

The author explored 24 commonly used instructional strategies in student leadership development programming recently profiled in the leadership education literature. Through a national web‐based survey, this study asked leadership educators teaching classroom‐based academic credit‐bearing undergraduate leadership studies courses how often they used certain instructional strategies. Leadership educators showed a preference for discussion‐based pedagogies as well as instructional strategies that promoted conceptual understanding and personal growth. Although the infrequent use of tests and quizzes in leadership education was anticipated, the sparse use of highly experiential skill‐building activities such as simulation, role play, and games was surprising.  相似文献   

Leadership development and practice have traditionally been quite narrow, with a decided focus on the analytical realm of leadership. However, the contemporary climate of corporate scandal and resultant loss of societal confidence, coupled with the evolving demands, needs, and expectations of employees, point to the potential need for a more holistic approach to leadership. Thus, this article proposes how management education and leadership development programs can develop holistic leaders that are adept at operating in the analytical, conceptual, emotional, and spiritual domains of leadership practice. An integrated model for holistic leadership development and practice that addresses all four of these domains is proposed, and grounded in both established and emerging leadership development theory. Additionally, a leadership development classification scheme is proposed based on classroom, job, and organizational contexts.  相似文献   

The triple bottom line of fiscal, social, and environmental success considerably alters how organizations (and stakeholders) measure sustainable success. More important, however, is the conceptual shift required to understand and successfully lead organizations within this increasingly accepted paradigm. This article uses a mixed‐methods approach to explore the conceptual development of a sustainability ethic in aspiring leaders. More specifically, the authors report research examining the curriculum and pedagogy of a leadership education effort, in this case a college‐level course, aimed at effecting change in both individual aspiring leaders and their immediate community. The article describes the philosophical and research base for the curriculum and specific activities with their pedagogical approach. Results show evidence of increased awareness, importance, and commitment to sustainability as well as changes in how students conceptualize sustainability leadership. Findings offer insights for further developing leadership education for sustainability.  相似文献   

梁艳 《价值工程》2011,30(28):163-163
高校学生思想教育工作渗透感恩教育内容,既是高等教育本身的目的,也是目前大学生感恩观念缺失的需要;要明确对大学生感恩教育的内容,在高校思想教育工作的各个环节中有效地渗透感恩教育,以培养大学生健康的生命价值观。  相似文献   

李生策 《价值工程》2012,31(21):252-254
社会的快速发展,使大学生的知识价值理念也发生了巨大变化,大学生对于知识价值理念已经没有了一个共识,这与社会对知识的认可度和尊重度降低有着直接的关系。但是现在社会已经进入到知识经济时代,尊重知识,学习知识是社会的发展的客观要求,所以我们要重视大学生知识价值理念的变化,采取多种措施,如转变学生价值观念,倡导实践为先;注重学生个人价值,强调独立自主;加强课堂价值教育,改变教育理念。通过这些措施,不断构建大学生知识价值理念,使大学生有一个正确的、积极的知识价值理念。  相似文献   

The current article makes a distinction between pedagogical delivery and “disciplinary foundations” in our approaches to leadership studies. Although the liberal arts are helpful in the delivery of leadership content in the classroom, it is argued that the content, at its core, remains a social science enterprise. Therefore, leadership programs should help students understand how leadership works as a social phenomenon. The current article shows how the McDonough curriculum moves students beyond leadership training (with its focus on skill building), using a social science–based working definition of leadership. Leadership education provides the opportunity to organize the curriculum using the social science lenses. By moving the focus away from the leader and examining instead the complex interaction of multiple components, a deeper understanding of how leadership works under different contexts, influenced by a variety of societal norms and values can be obtained.  相似文献   

This research reports on an investigation into the changing perspectives of educational leaders from the Asia‐Pacific region attending an AusAID‐funded Australian Leadership Award Fellowships (ALAF) program hosted by Australian Catholic University's (ACU National) Flagship for Creative and Authentic Leadership (the Flagship). The ALAF program aimed to strengthen the capacity of educational leaders from the Asia‐Pacific region to work more effectively in education systems and to better manage the competing demands of governments, education bureaucracies, educational organizations, and funding agencies. The research focused on how the Fellows viewed leadership, and how they viewed themselves as leaders before and at the conclusion of the program. What emerged was a growing interest in intercultural leadership and the concern for sustainable leadership.  相似文献   

When followership is incorporated into the classroom, it is often an adjunct to leadership and its theories and, thus, opportunities for the social construction of followership are diminished. The current paper provides insights into classroom practices used to develop students' constructions of followership through reflective and visual teaching strategies, facilitating co‐construction of meaning in the classroom. An agenda for increased focus on followership learning, underpinned by visual method pedagogy, is provided to inform and inspire others to apply this disruption in mainstream leadership programs across other academic (and corporate) institutions.  相似文献   

The United States is still dealing with institutional racism in higher education. For most of the past two centuries, African Americans were forced to attend segregated colleges and universities. Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) played a particularly important role during that long period. In many states, there would have been no institutions of higher education at all, were it not for federal legislation (the Morrill Act of 1890), the actions of religious institutions, and the persistent efforts of black Americans to gain an education, despite the obstacles. Even the seemingly race‐neutral G.I. Bill of 1944 had the pernicious effect of reinforcing racial segregation in both higher education and housing. Given this history, it comes as no surprise that some predominantly white institutions of higher education (PWIs) do not show a sustained commitment to educate African‐American students in this country, although they are often eager to recruit black student athletes for their various sport programs without much regard to the education received by those same athletes. Our inability as a nation to even talk intelligently about these intractable educational problems is disturbing. Indeed, diversity is not paramount for some PWIs, particularly in regards to hiring minority faculty. Perhaps more significantly, HBCUs are still necessary in our society today because they have been the mainstay of educating African Americans at the college and university levels. Black communities throughout our nation are still being devastated by economic polarization and by racial discrimination endemic to higher education at white institutions. The need to address the problem of racial discrimination in higher education remains as strong as ever.  相似文献   

Reviewing the data regarding effects of student debt on students’ financial outcomes following college – whether successful graduation or premature exit – makes clear that there is a price to pay for having to borrow money to go to college. Indebted college graduates have lower net worth, less home equity, and compromised ability to accumulate assets, as compared to their peers with the same level of education but no student debt. They may also experience poorer educational outcomes, with independent effects on earning power and, then, later wealth accumulation. Especially given the relationship between initial household wealth and children's later educational outcomes, these findings about the post‐college financial outcomes of indebted students and graduates raise the specter of ongoing, sustained, and cross‐generational perpetuation of societal divides. In the United States, higher education is valued not just as a good in itself, but also as a means to the end of greater economic security and the primary lever for economic mobility. Evaluating student loans through this lens underscores the long‐term, volatile, and often hidden effects of student loan dependence and raises the stakes for consideration of alternative approaches to higher education finance.  相似文献   

In his germinal writing, The Child and the Curriculum, John Dewey (1902) made the forceful case for the development of a curriculum that could integrate and valuate students' desires and needs as crucial elements of education. Similarly, Ralph Tyler's (1949) famous and widely influential curriculum rationale called for the participation of the entire community as an element of curriculum decisions, but this element of his work has been largely absent from educational discourse, especially in a time of national accountability in elementary, secondary, and even postsecondary institutions. In this symposium, we offer a position paper by Dr. Cathy Kaufman that seeks to return students' needs to the forefront of curriculum planning for an interdisciplinary audience. Our respondents, Robert Millward, Ted Pappas, and Winnie Younkin, themselves representing interdisciplinary backgrounds and interests, add their own perspectives to this intersection of leadership education, and the all‐too‐often muted voice of the student in the curriculum development process.  相似文献   

张徐 《价值工程》2014,(1):187-189
随着我国信息化技术的发展,信息化管理是信息经济条件下高等院校发展的方向,教务管理信息化的建设更是高校管理信息化建设的重要环节。本文分析了一种在校院二级教学管理模式下的高等学校考试管理系统,通过设计完整的考试管理流程,提供完备的管理功能,为能够合理的安排考试时间,分配考试教室和监考人员提供技术保障,从而显著减轻了教务管理人员输入、核对信息及考试时间地点安排上的工作量,另外考试管理系统的效率高、排位迅速方便、随机性高、存储量大等优点能够极大地提高考试管理的效率和质量,是学校考试工作信息化,正规化的重要途径,也为校院二级考试管理的推进提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

奚军秀 《价值工程》2012,31(18):182-183
在现代教育技术条件下,利用网络优化第一课堂教学的同时,也应适时地、有计划有目的地利用网络开设大学英语教学的第二课堂活动,使课内教学得到有效的延伸和补充,并与课内教学相互渗透、有机结合,从而构建现代化的大学英语立体化教学模式。  相似文献   

An act of leadership is always an act of practical theory. We lead because we hold visions of the world as it ought to be, because of the not yet, because of the potential that we see in ideas and people. Yet, there still exists a perceived binary between leadership theory (in the strong sense) and leadership practice, a binary that divides organizations, classrooms, and the differing bodies of leadership literature. In this Symposium, Duncan Waite and his colleagues discuss the barriers they have faced in bringing theory to the educational leadership classroom, as well as the promise they feel theory holds for more productive, equitable, and humane schooling organizations.  相似文献   

An act of leadership is always an act of practical theory. We lead because we hold visions of the world as it ought to be, because of the not yet, because of the potential that we see in ideas and people. Yet, there still exists a perceived binary between leadership theory (in the strong sense) and leadership practice, a binary that divides organizations, classrooms, and the differing bodies of leadership literature. In this Symposium, Duncan Waite and his colleagues discuss the barriers they have faced in bringing theory to the educational leadership classroom, as well as the promise they feel theory holds for more productive, equitable, and humane schooling organizations.  相似文献   

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