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《World development》1987,15(7):877-897
This study focuses on the nature and determinants of labor market differentiation and household-level poverty in urban Juba, Southern Sudan, using data collected in a recent sample survey of enterprises. It finds that indices of human capital play a significant role in labor market outcomes but imperfections in the product and capital markets lead to a highly skewed distribution of income. Demographic factors at the household level are also important in accounting for economic status. The paper concludes that income differentiation and poverty are much more diverse than the simple formal-informal sector dichotomy of the labor market, which is frequently found in the literature, would predict.  相似文献   

文章首先分析了中国城乡收入差距现状,之后选取了城乡人均物质资本差距、城乡人力资本差距、城乡劳动力市场一体化程度和城乡社会保障差距四个影响城乡居民收入差距的影响因素进行实证分析。结果表明,城乡人均物质资本差距和城乡劳动力市场一体化程度对城乡居民收入差距有正向影响,城乡人力资本差距和城乡社会保障差距对城乡居民收入差距有负向影响。  相似文献   

Recent work by labor economists has suggested that differential labor market treatment of minorities (e.g., occupational segregation) may vary across local labor markets. This study assesses whether changing economic conditions in a local labor market affects the degree of occupational segregation by race and gender in the United States. Our empirical analysis finds evidence that the relative occupational structures of white women and black males are systematically related to changes in certain local labor market conditions.  相似文献   

This paper examines inequalities between white and black and brown populations in Brazil within occupations that require university degree. The main result confirms that once reached the university degree, blacks/brown usually obtain smaller but comparable income to that of whites. Although some racial discrimination in labor market may exist, such result corroborates other studies that identify schooling differentials as the main reason for the high income inequality found in Brazil.  相似文献   

人与特定社会形态浑然一体,人的发展受制于在生产力发展水平基础之上所形成的社会形态。文章认为,在自然经济形态下,经济的发展虽然赋予了劳动者部分人身自由,但中国传统社会制度和伦理道德又无时不在和无处不在地、有形和无形地制约着个体的发展。商品经济的发展,使众多劳动者具有独立的人格地位和劳动力产权,去提升自我素质,并通过提高人力资本价值,促使个体得到了更为全面和自由的发展。在社会主义市场经济条件下,应通过公共支援等方式保障人的生存权利、公平竞争权利、学习权利、创造权利,并且用社会主义制度来保证收入初次分配和收入再分配的调节、提高居民收入比重、遏制城乡差距、完善覆盖城乡居民的全社会保障体系等目标的实现。  相似文献   

广东经济发展过程中出现农村劳动力迁移量和城乡收入差距同时扩大的现象,本文从农村迁移劳动力在城市劳动力市场上的就业分布和农村劳动力迁移对城乡人力资本差距的影响两方面对此与传统经济学理论相悖的现象进行了分析.本文认为农村劳动力迁移没有缩小城乡收入差距一方面因为农村劳动力在城市劳动力市场受到歧视,一般在城市次要劳动力市场就业;另一方面因为农村劳动力迁移扩大了城乡人力资本差距,从而扩大了城乡收入差距.  相似文献   

健康人力资本与性别工资差异   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王鹏  刘国恩 《南方经济》2010,28(9):73-84
现有对性别工资差异的研究大多是基于教育、经验等人力资本对工资的影响进行分析而忽视了健康人力资本的作用。本文运用中国健康与营养调查数据,将健康人力资本引入工资决定模型,对我国劳动力市场上健康人力资本对工资的影响以及性别工资差异进行了实证分析。研究发现:健康人力资本是影响我国居民工资收入的重要因素;我国劳动力市场上存在明显的性别工资差异,女性工资显著低于男性;利用Oaxaca—Cotton的分解方法发现性别工资差异中大约只有20%可以被个体特征合理解释,余下的部分被认为是对女性的歧视和没能观测到的因素所致。健康人力资本对工资的边际贡献在性别之间的差异是性别工资差异的重要来源。  相似文献   

This article uses the decomposition analysis developed by Neumark and the 1987 CPS data to investigate the relative importance of human capital and labor market structure in explaining the observed wage differential between white males and blacks (both male and female). We find that labor market structure, as opposed to differences in human capital, explains a relatively large portion of the wage gap between white males and blacks. In addition to blacks and whites being paid different wages for the same work, they are also given unequal opportunities. This means that narrowing the human capital gap between the races will not be enough to close the wage gap, as argued by human capital theorists. It is equally important to pursue policies that provide access to higher paying jobs and industries for blacks.  相似文献   

江苏省农村居民家庭收入差距具有区域差异性、农业贡献递减性和工资性来源主导性等基本特征。就业选择对收入区域差异影响的分析表明,劳动力产业转移的收入效应单调递增,不同劳动力转移模式的收入效应各异,行业技术密集度的收入效应为正。缩小农村居民收入差距应发展县域经济,推动农村劳动力最大限度地向非农产业转移;细化劳动力市场,提高农村劳动力就业层次;拓展人力资本投资渠道,提升就业稳定性和收入水平:加大政府引导干预力度,完善农村劳动力就业的外部环境。  相似文献   

Towards a new tax covenant   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Sijbren Cnossen 《De Economist》1995,143(3):285-315
Summary In The Netherlands, the high tax burden on employment income cripples the labor market, whilst the highly differentiated, if low, tax burden on capital income distorts the capital market. Building on the experience with dual income taxation in the Nordic countries, a new tax covenant is proposed comprising lower average and marginal tax rates on labor income and a more even-handed treatment of capital income. Specifically, capital income should be taxed at a low, proportional rate. Flanking measures are required to improve the workings of the labor market; notably, social benefits for people who can work as well as housing subsidies should be reduced. More fundamentally, a change in the social order is desirable which places greater weight on equal opportunities instead of equal outcomes.Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when the treadeth out the cornDeuteronomy 25:4 The author is grateful to Richard Bird, Lans Bovenberg, Flip de Kam, Jeroen Kremers, Ruud de Mooij, Leif Mutén, and Peter Sørensen for their stimulating comments on an earlier version of this article.Adapted from the Dutch version of the commencement address delivered at Earsmus University Rotterdam on November 8, 1994. Amounts in guilders can be converted into dollars by applying the exchange rate: Dfl. 1=US$ 0.63 (March 31, 1995).  相似文献   

张清霞 《乡镇经济》2009,25(4):77-81
基于浙江农村固定观察点1993—2007年的调查数据,运用五等分和基尼系数及相关指数对农村居民的收入差距及其演变趋势进行考察,并对考察结果进行分析。结果发现,浙江农村居民的收入差距不仅始终较大,已经处于差距偏大行列,而且近年在高位波动中呈现攀升态势,导致“两极”分化较为严重;浙江农村居民的收入差距主要源于农村工业化进程中非农就业机会和非农收入分配的不平等,是市场机制对人力资本的正常回报。因此,其最优的解决措施应是在保持经济效率的基础上,为各个阶层提供更加公平的发展机会和分享社会成果的机会。  相似文献   

Black women are one of the hardest working groups in the country. However, hard work is not always properly rewarded. The existence of wage inequities based on race has been shown to exist (Darity The Journal of Human Resources XVII: 72–91 1982), and black women have not been exempt from its implications. In addition, African American women still experience higher unemployment levels than their white female counterparts. In papers examining black women in the nursing profession, their income and earnings volatility, and inequities in their employment, Richard McGregory, Bradley Hardy, and Linda Loubert provide an overview of where black women stand in the U.S. labor market with respect to work and earnings. While these pieces show that African American women have made significant inroads into the American labor market there is still further to go.  相似文献   

吴传琦  张琪 《南方经济》2021,40(4):18-36
从市场经济体制的建立到经济社会高质量发展,我国不同部门市场化程度有所差异,劳动供给的部门异质性随之体现。基于中国劳动力动态调查数据,结合汉森门槛回归模型和劳动供给模型,依托部门市场化程度的差异性,文章探讨了工资对劳动力个人供给的非线性影响及其部门异质性。主要得出以下研究结论:第一,我国市场部门与公共部门劳动力的个人劳动供给有所差异。第二,工资与个人劳动供给呈现非线性关系并且存在部门异质性。实证分析结果显示,工资对个人劳动供给的影响存在三个"突变点",工资门槛均使得工资"激励效应"加强并呈现逐步增加的趋势。第三,劳动供给的工资门槛存在性别、城乡和行业异质性。第四,随着年龄增长、人力资本积累,个人劳动时间供给趋于降低,签署书面劳工合同使得市场部门劳动力工作时间显著增加,而政治面貌显著影响公共部门劳动供给。总体来看,无论是市场部门还是公共部门,我国劳动力个人供给曲线均未"向后弯曲",国民经济高质量发展、改善收入分配格局、提升居民幸福感等议题需持续关注。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic shocked the economy of China in early 2020. Strict lockdown measures were implemented nationwide to prevent the further spread of the virus. During the lockdown period, many economic activities were affected, which had repercussions for the nation's overall employment. Vocational graduates were among the most affected by the crisis. To estimate the causal effects of COVID-19 on the full-time employment of vocational high school graduates as well as their monthly income and hours worked by week, we exploit variations in the intensity of the pandemic in time and across space using survey data from vocational schools from six provinces in China. The results of the difference-in-differences (DID) estimates indicate that being located in counties with high pandemic intensity significantly reduced both the employment in full-time jobs of vocational graduates as well as their monthly income. Our study's analysis demonstrates that the effects of COVID-19 on the labor market can be attributed to the large-scale contraction of labor demand of the enterprises that were hiring vocational graduates. To cope with this situation, vocational graduates took various measures, including reducing consumption, drawing on their savings, searching for new jobs, taking on part-time jobs, borrowing money, and attending new training programs. In addition, the empirical analysis finds that there were heterogeneous effects with respect to gender, family social capital, the industry in which the vocational graduate was participating, and whether the individual was in a management position.  相似文献   

文章认为,中国当前运行的经济是社会生产和分配由政府和资本共同主导的双导型社会主义市场经济。当前的中国双导型经济体制下,体现社会主义本质的多元资本非公有积累条件未设定、资本收益者责任的制度安排严重滞后、资本收益者的权利和义务不一致,这就必然造成政府对社会生产和分配失去控制,资本对劳动力收益的分占、非公有资本对公共资源的排他性使用和超占、强势资本对弱势资本的挤压、公有资本变异的现象不可避免。对人生存和发展保障来说,其造成的直接后果就是资本收益最大化不断给社会制造就业难、买房难、读书难、看病难、养老难等问题。中国必须做好社会主义的市场经济的制度建构工作,在体现社会主义本质的情况下实行社会主义市场经济的双导型生产和分配、在社会主义的制度安排内管理双导型生产和分配的全过程,对多元资本非公有积累条件进行社会主义改造。  相似文献   

This article uses a simple variation of the Solow model to study the interrelations between economic growth and the labor market. We show, both analytically and empirically, that income and capital per worker in the steady state depend positively on flexibility of the labor market; that the steady-state unemployment rate depends positively on the rate of population growth and the productivity growth rate and negatively on the savings rate and flexibility of the labor market; and, finally, that labor market flexibility affects convergence toward steady state.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes theoretically and empirically the impact of intergenerational transmission of human capital on the income mobility in China. We use a three-period overlapping-generations (OLG) model to show that the human capital transfer plays a remarkable role in determining the parent-to-offspring investment in human capital and the intergenerational elasticity of income. We then estimate a simultaneous equations model (SEM) using the 1989–2009 China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) data to verify our theoretical predictions. The results show that (i) human capital, measured by health and education, is directly transmitted from one generation to the next, reflecting the parent-induced inequality of development opportunities among offspring in China; (ii) the estimated intergenerational income elasticity increases from 0.429 to 0.481 when the direct transfer of human capital is accounted for, suggesting that omitting this mechanism would overestimate China's income mobility. Our findings provide policy implications on strengthening human capital investments among the disadvantaged groups, reinforcing reforms that promote equality of opportunity, and improving the efficiency of labor markets in China.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of investments in human capital on the economic well-being of black and white women immediately following marital disruption. It also explored the extent to which the observed differences in income between the two groups were due to differences in the levels of qualities (endowments) or differences in the impact of these qualities (discrimination). The average differences in endowments explained almost two-thirds of the income gap between black and white women. Most of this explanatory power was due to differences in educational attainment, work experience, and region.  相似文献   

We assess whether occupational segregation in metropolitan labor markets is associated with the wages of, and contributes to racial/ethnic wage disparities among, less-educated men. To measure occupational segregation in metropolitan low wage markets, we create a segregation index measuring segregation between white, black, and Latino male high school-only educated workers and high school dropouts in 95 metropolitan labor markets utilizing a unique dataset of the structural characteristics of the ninety-five largest US metropolitan labor markets. We use regression, fixed effects, and generalized least squares estimation techniques to test whether this index is associated with wages and racial wage inequality among these men. The analyses reveal that in metropolitan labor markets characterized by more racial and ethnic segmentation in the low wage market, wages are lower among black and Latino men in particular, and racial-ethnic wage disparities among similarly less-educated white, black, and Latino men are higher.  相似文献   

徐凯 《科技和产业》2024,24(10):60-64
共同富裕目标的核心是增加居民收入和缩小居民收入差距,人力资本水平的提升能增加劳动者的收入。劳动收入份额作为收入分配的一项重要指标,有利于改善初次分配不平等,缩小收入差距,进而促进共同富裕目标的实现。利用2011—2021年中国30个省份的数据,运用固定效应、中介效应模型,实证分析人力资本对共同富裕的影响以及劳动收入份额在两者之间发挥的作用。研究发现,人力资本水平的提升能够促进共同富裕,且该结论在进行一系列稳健性检验后仍然成立;中介效应分析表明,劳动收入份额在人力资本对共同富裕的影响之间起到中介的作用;异质性分析表明,在东部和经济规模大的地区,人力资本对共同富裕的促进作用更为明显。  相似文献   

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