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This paper describes the sources and extent of income instability among a representative sample of South Korean farm households during 1965–1970. An index of income instability is included in a consumption function to estimate its effects on saving-consumption behaviour. Authors conclude that the households studied saved large amounts and that part of this saving was due to unstable incomes.  相似文献   

This article presents a policy research agenda for the promotion of farm/non‐farm linkages in South Africa. Our premise is that promoting the participation of small farms and small agroindustrial businesses in these linkages will have a strong impact on employment and income for the poor. We argue that there is potential for growth in linkages. The first question of the policy research agenda concerns the current status of linkages, and we note the dearth of research on this. The second question concerns the constraints on and prospects for promoting linkages from the demand side, and the third question treats the same concerns from the supply side. The fourth question is rooted in the duality in South Africa's non‐farm and farm sectors, and asks whether, and how, small and large agroindustrial businesses and farms will compete or relate in ‘business linkages’ that can benefit intersectoral linkages. The final question concerns the impacts of and alternatives for policies and programmes to spur linkages.  相似文献   

This article provides evidence on the extent of de-agrarianization, the nature of rural employment, and rural-urban differences in employment in Zaire. The composition of employment by industry is examined using data from Zaire’s 1984 Census. Increased schooling was associated with a greater propensity to be involved in nonagricultural employment. Since 1990, Zaire’s chronic economic crisis has become acute and is intertwined with the political crisis resulting from President Mobutu’s resistance to popular calls for democratization. In these circumstances, de-agrarianization is effectively put on hold. Nonagricultural employment opportunities have diminished considerably, and an increasing proportion of the country’s population is being pushed back to subsistence agriculture. An earlier version of this article was presented at the African Studies Centre-International Labour Organization workshop on “De-agrarianization and Rural Employment,” May 10–12, 1994, Leiden, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

In this study, we compare the patterns of time allocation of the young (age 25–39) and the elderly (age 65 or above), the employed and the unemployed, male and female Japanese households. We examine how economic rationality and the Japanese culture play their roles in determining the patterns of time allocations. Views are proposed that (1) the persisting male–female gap in the non-market domestic working hours observed in Japan is better explained by the Japanese culture than the Japanese tax system or male–female wage differential, (2) the relatively low wage-elasticity of labor supply of Japanese young males is an indication of the fact that young males enjoy considerable amount of on-the-job leisure. Further, we observe that (3) the life-cycle pattern of time allocation to sleep (and other time use for health care) is of the U-type so that the elderly invest more time on health care than the young, (4) sleeping time decreased in 1986 as compared to 1976 in Japan which might be due to the improvement of medical technology, and (5) contrary to US experience, higher wages are associated with longer hours of sleep for the Japanese young. The Appendix Aprovides a restrictive time-allocation model with special reference to time use for health care which provides theoretical support for empirical findings.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the determinants of firewood consumption in a poor township in rural northern China, with a special focus on the relationship between households' economic wealth and firewood consumption. We find strong support for the poverty–environment hypothesis since household economic wealth is a significant and negative determinant of firewood consumption. Firewood can therefore be considered as an inferior good for the whole population in the rural area under study, although further evidence shows that at the top of the wealth distribution, there might be a floor effect in the decreasing firewood consumption. Besides economic wealth, our analysis also shows that the own-price effect is important in explaining firewood consumption behavior, the price effect gaining importance with rising incomes. Finally, increasing education is also found to be a key factor in energy consumption behavior, especially when dealing with energy source switching behavior.  相似文献   

This paper reports an application of household survey data collected from grain producing areas in five provinces of China to issues of the determinants of rural inequality. Previous studies suggest that non-agricultural activities have been the major cause of rural income inequality, which has important implications for policy formulation. However, our results show that inequality within the grain producing areas was also very high, with differences in crop income as the major source of inequality. The policy implications are also different from those of previous studies. While some suggest that an increase in agricultural income can reduce inequality, our results indicate that this is not universally true. In some cases, whether the increase in crop income has come from state procurement also matters. These results call for a more cautious and area-specific approach to policy formulation as far as inequality is concerned.  相似文献   

We estimate China urban household energy demand as part of a complete system of consumption demand so that it can be used in economy-wide models. This allows us to derive cross-price elasticities unlike studies which focus on one type of energy. We implement a two-stage approach and explicitly account for electricity, domestic fuels and transportation demand in the first stage and gasoline, coal, LPG and gas demand in the second stage. We find income inelastic demand for electricity and home energy, but the elasticity is higher than estimates in the rich countries. Demand for total transportation is income elastic. The price elasticity for electricity is estimated to be −0.5 and in the range of other estimates for China, and similar to long-run elasticities estimated for the U.S.  相似文献   

'The economy grew by 3,0 per cent in 2000. This was the fastest growth since 1996, buoyed by a strong recovery in household consumption spending and an increase in exports of over 7 per cent in real terms' (Trevor Manuel, Minister of Finance, Budget speech, 21 February 2001). 'Growth won't solve our problems. The faster the economy grows, the faster will be the creation of jobs for the highly skilled. So there will be more, not fewer, problems with income disparity' (Iraj Abedian, Standard Bank Group Economist, cited in Financial Mail , 2001a). The aim of this article is to examine the extent to which economic growth, experienced in 2000, improved the financial and economic conditions of South African households, by analysing a national representative survey of 2 700 adult South Africans conducted by the Human Sciences Research Council in September 2000. The survey results were analysed by disaggregating data by race, gender, area type, province and Living Standard Measure (LSM). The theme emerging from this article is that although the majority of households were negatively affected financially and economically, proportionally more Africans, women, rural residents and poor households were hardest hit. Although South Africa achieved a 3 per cent economic growth rate in 2000, there is limited evidence to suggest that this growth trickled down to the majority of households.  相似文献   

In the wake of economic development and raised living standards, Chinese pork consumption has risen significantly. As a response to the increased demand and active government support, the national hog sector, which was traditionally dominated by small backyard farms, is featuring a quick restructuring towards large-scale breeding enterprises. With the transformation of the hog sector, environmental externalities have become a very serious concern. Foremost non-point source pollution resulting from the leakage of pig waste into surface water and groundwater resources is seen as a serious threat. Via data envelopment analysis (DEA), we approach the question of efficiency gains from both technical and environmental perspective along a 2012 sample of 371 Chinese hog farms. Our results suggest that especially mid-size hog farms in transition face low environmental efficiency and high pollution abatement costs due to limited waste disposal options. Existent policies turn out to be yet hardly effective in decreasing environmental externalities. In some provinces, projects for rural biogas production could help to improve waste management. However, especially small farms require state support towards improving storage and transportations facilities.  相似文献   

This article attempts to briefly review the history of ASEM. The birth and development procedures of ASEM as well as the outcomes of the two ASEMs in 1996 and 1998 are reviewed. Contending issues are also raised at the macro level. Finally, existing limitations of the meeting will be pointed out from an Asian perspective.  相似文献   

The lack of progress on reducing poverty in Third World countries, and its growth during the 1980s, show that one of the fundamental goals of development has not been met. Addressing the renewed concern with poverty requires knowledge about the factors affecting poverty. This paper uses logistic regression analysis to estimate the effects of variables on urban, rural, farm, and nonfarm poverty among households in Costa Rica. Results show the complexity of the issue, and imply policies to expand education through the secondary level, to create more opportunities for rural off-farm employment, and to increase market opportunities and incentives for staple crop farmers.  相似文献   

The positive effects of trade liberalisation on several dimensions of poverty have initiated studies of the trade–poverty relationship. Trade liberalisation accompanies institutional reforms that help to reduce institutional barriers against the poor. This study examines the impacts of trade openness and institutional reforms on rural household welfare at the provincial level through the analysis of the determinants of welfare of rural households in Vietnam. The study employs a model of micro-determinants of growth and tests it on the data from the Vietnam Household Living Standards Surveys (VHLSSs) of 2006 and 2010. What makes the study different from some other studies of the same vein is that it attempts to directly capture the institutional effect on welfare. The study finds that, in the provinces with high institutional reforms and trade openness, the welfare of rural households improved. Institutional reforms in Vietnam appeared to be sluggish in the late 2000s. In particular, both access to land and lower informal charges were the important determinants of welfare improvement over time. These findings suggest that Vietnam should maintain its development by accelerating the process of institutional reforms, thereby helping poor households to improve standards of living.  相似文献   

During the period 1994–1995 the Chinese Economy Research Unit (CERU), University of Adelaide, Australia and the Department of Policy, Reform and Law, Ministry of Agriculture (MoA),1 the People's Republic of China, jointly designed and conducted an annual sample survey of about 1000 farm households in five Chinese provinces: Guangdong, Jilin, Jiangxi, Sichuan and Shandong. The CERU-MoA survey is a part of the ACIAR (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research) project on China's grain production and marketing during 1994–1996.2 Based on this survey a large database has been established which contains cross-household data on population and labour, land, grain production and marketing, food consumption, income and related policy issues.3  相似文献   

Despite the importance of as comprehensive as possible damagecost estimates to cost benefit analyses of global attempts toreduce greenhouse gas emissions, few researchers have attemptedto monetize the direct impact of climate change on households.This study uses the hedonic technique to measure the amenityvalue of the climate to German households. Evidence suggeststhat the amenity value of climate variables is capitalized mainlyinto hedonic house price differentials. Overall, German householdsappear to prefer warmer winters with less rainfall. Combiningestimates of amenity values with the predicted changes in climateassociated with the IPCC's A2 emissions scenario we find thatthe overall impact of climate change on German households, whilstnegative, is typically not statistically different from zero.This occurs in part because the prediction is for warmer butwetter winters and also because the amenity value of some climatevariables cannot be measured with sufficient precision.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the claim that working conditions for farm workers and domestic workers in South Africa can be analysed in terms of the constitutional prohibition against servitude. Recent research and statistics suggest that for most of these workers the conditions fit the accepted definition of servitude. Although a finding that the constitutional right to be free from servitude has been violated is not a straightforward matter, the existing research provides the empirical and legal predicates for such a finding. The appropriate remedy for violations of the 1996 Constitution's prohibition against servitude is the creation, by the state, of a comprehensive and coordinated programme designed to realise the manumission of these workers. The use of law as a tool for social transformation has inherent limits. At a minimum, however, a legal finding of such a constitutional infraction obliges the state to employ all available means at its disposal to restore the dignity of these workers.

No one may be subjected to slavery, servitude or forced labour. (Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Section 13)  相似文献   

There are few comprehensive studies of household consumption in China that covers all commodities due to data restrictions. This prevents the calculation of inequality indices based on consumption. This lack of coverage also makes analysis of policies that affect consumption difficult; economy-wide models used for analysis often have to employ simple consumption forms with unit income elasticities. We estimate a translog demand system distinguished by demographic characteristics, giving price and income elasticities that should be useful for policy analysis. We estimate separate functions for urban and rural households using household expenditure data and detailed commodity prices (1995–2006). This allows future analysis of social welfare and inequality based on consumption to supplement existing studies based on income. To illustrate an application of the model, we project consumption composition based on projected prices, incomes and demographic changes – aging, education improvement and urbanization.  相似文献   

Off‐farm wage returns to school education are estimated using sample survey data gathered in rural KwaZulu. The results show that returns to school education are relatively high for both men and women. Conclusions are drawn regarding structural changes and appropriate policy in rural KwaZulu.  相似文献   

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