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The authors develop an approach to decompose a market-level matrix of own- and cross-price elasticities to reveal potentially overlapping preference segments. The approach is grounded on the premise that markets may be represented by a parsimonious number of relatively homogeneous segments. Market-level elasticities are expressed as functions of segment weights and within-segment market shares. These relationships permit segment weights and within-segment market shares to be estimated from the market-level elasticity matrix and patterns of brand substitutability to be analyzed. The approach is illustrated with data on the grocery coffee category.The authors wish to thank M/A/R/C Inc., Las Colinas, Texas and Information Resources, Inc., Chicago, Illinois for their assistance in collecting the data used in this study. This research was supported in part by the Dean's Fund for Faculty Research of the Owen School.  相似文献   

Does manufacturer advertising for a brand stimulate or suppress retail price promotions? This study addresses this controversial issue. The authors develop an analytical model that shows that the relationship between manufacturer advertising and retail price promotion depends on the role of advertising. If advertising differentiates brands and suppresses consumer response to retail promotion, then the relationship is negative. But, if advertising is informative enough to increase consumer response to retail promotions, then the relationship is positive. A follow-up empirical analysis shows a strong positive relationship between category advertising expenditure and size of retail price discount, and between advertising and discount frequency. The finding supports the informative role of advertising in the context of retail price promotions. The implications of these findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Competition and price discrimination in the market for mailing lists   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines whether mailing list sellers, when faced with additional competitors, are more likely to try to segment consumers by offering additional choices at different prices (second-degree price discrimination) and/or offering different prices to readily identifiable groups of consumers (third-degree price discrimination). We utilize a dataset that includes information about all consumer response lists derived from mail order buyers (i.e. lists derived from catalogs) available for rental in 1997 and 2002. Our results indicate that increased competition leads to an increased propensity to price discriminate along each of the dimensions we investigate. These results hold for both second-degree and third-degree price discrimination. Further, list owners offer menus with more choices in more competitive markets. These results, taken together with results from other empirical studies, suggest that the connection between competition and increased price discrimination is a result that applies broadly.
Raphael ThomadsenEmail:

Focusing on two determinant aspects of retail competition, prices and catchment area, this paper aims to specifically investigate the importance of the relative price density function. We answer such questions as whether it pays for a store to offer more low-priced items in a given category than its close competitors and whether a retailer should have a consistent assortment in terms of price tier frequency across all categories. To tackle these issues, we use a store-level panel database provided by IRI covering 34 categories and 150 stores in one province.  相似文献   

新媒体时代,广告主如何在海量信息中使品牌所要传达的信息准确到达目标消费者,并促使其产生反馈?本文围绕这一问题,以市场营销学、传播学、消费者心理学为理论基础,将互联网、终端、内容产品等新兴营销传播工具纳入品牌传播体系,建构以“告知——认知——体验——共享”为核心的“品牌创新传播层级模型”,并提出了差异、整合、互动三大导向性原则,以期为广告主更好地控制品牌信息、提高传播效率提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper proposes and illustrates an approach to measuring one aspect of brand equity, viewed as a price premium and defined as the increment that a brand name contributes to the price of a product above and beyond that justified by its quality (where quality is determined by an assessment of the relevant attributes, features, or characteristics). Two illustrative studies apply the proposed measure to consumer-electronics products found in home-theater or audio-video entertainment centers. Study 1 uses data presented byConsumer Reports to regress market price on overall quality and on dummy variables coded to represent brand names. Here, the results for home-theater products suggest a conspicuous absence of incremental brand-name effects. Study 2 generalizes this result by analyzing data for various electronic products offered by theCrutchfield Catalog. Across six product categories, when controlling for differences in an attributes-based index of product quality, a significant brand-related price premium appears to occur only for Carver. This finding again casts doubt on the importance of brand equity in the market for consumer electronics.The author gratefully acknowledge the support of the Columbia Business School's Faculty Research Fund.  相似文献   

出口相似度与贸易竞争:中国与东盟的比较研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文从商品域和市场域两个纬度测算了中国与东盟在自由贸易区之外的第三方市场(或世界市场)上的出口相似度指数.研究表明,中国与东盟出口结构(产品结构和市场结构)趋同态势越来越显著,它反映的是双方在产业转移和传递的国际分工格局调整中相似的演化路径,这意味着中国与东盟在出口上越来越强劲的竞争具有长期性.最后对中国-东盟自由贸易区前景进行了初探.  相似文献   

Medical technology adoption is a major contributor to rising health care expenditures in the US. Multiple market failures provide incentives for hospitals to adopt technologies. Unrestricted entry may result in excess capacity and reductions in output that are inefficient with respect to cost and quality. We analyze the effects of hospital entry in the market for coronary artery bypass graft surgery on the number of procedures performed at both the market and firm levels, using California data from 1983 to 1990. We test the hypothesis that entry has differential effects on hospital output in a market with nonprice competition, depending on market structure. Results show that as the proximity of the nearest competitor increases with entry, hospital output declines. Holding distance to the nearest competitor constant, increasing the number of competitors results in a smaller, but still significant, decrease in output. When there are few incumbents nearby, however, output does not change significantly with entry, suggesting "business-augmenting" effects that result in increased physician referrals offset much of the conventional "businessstealing" effects.  相似文献   


Great advances have been made in recent decades enriching the economic theory of innovation and in understanding the role innovation plays in the survival and success of businesses. Advances have also been made in theoretical and empirical research into the relationship between innovation and industry structure. In what follows I comment on these advances and point to areas in which more theoretical work might extend our understanding of the links between innovation and industry structure.  相似文献   

地区竞争、土地供给结构与中国城市住房价格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
皮亚彬  李超 《财贸经济》2020,(5):116-130
为了分析地区竞争下地方政府间土地供给结构的策略互动及其对住房价格的影响,本文在归纳梳理中国土地供应法规特征的基础上,构建一个同时考虑居住用地需求和工业用地需求的两城市模型,探讨地方政府干预土地供给结构的动机及其经济后果,并基于2006—2015年城市面板数据对提出的理论假说进行检验。研究发现,在城市建设用地总量受约束的条件下,地方政府有激励以减少居住用地为代价提高工业用地供给,进行招商引资竞争;与市场起主导作用的情形相比,地方政府干预土地供给结构时,工业用地的供应量更高,居住用地的供应量则偏低,工业地价与居住用地的价格差异增大;地方政府对土地供给结构的干预,从供给和需求两方面共同推高了房价。此外,地方政府干预土地供给结构会影响到相邻地区的供地策略。研究对加快推进房地产市场长效机制改革、从供给侧解决高房价问题具有启示意义。  相似文献   

张群群 《财贸经济》2004,(11):25-30
本文运用国际金融市场特别是期货市场的统计数据和案例材料,从横向竞争、纵向竞争、会员资格的开放和会员的多样化、竞争的资本密集程度的提高这几个方面,总结了交易所面临的竞争挑战.对美国占全球期货市场份额变化的分析表明,传统金融市场强国逐步丧失了绝对的垄断地位.但全球期货期权交易市场集中度的提高,却揭示了当前交易所服务市场竞争格局的复杂性.  相似文献   

The impact of price and price changes should not be ignored while designing algorithms for predicting customer choice. Consumer preferences should be modeled with consideration of price effects. Businesses need to consider for efficient prediction of an individual's purchase behaviour. Personalized recommendation systems have been studied with machine learning algorithms. However, the price-aware personalized recommendation has received little attention. In this paper, we attempt to capture insightful economic results considered in the marketing and economics disciplines by employing modern machine learning architecture for predicting customer choice in a large-scale supermarket context. We extract personalized price sensitivities and examine their importance in consumer behaviour. The employed data collected from a supermarket chain in Germany consists of implicit feedback based on customer-product interactions and the price of every interaction. We propose a two-pathway matrix factorization (2way-MF) model that is price-aware and tries to memorize customer-product interaction's implicit feedback. The proposed models achieve better model performance than standard Matrix Factorization models widely used in the industry. The approach was re-validated with data from supermarket chain in Taiwan. Other industries can adopt the proposed framework of modeling customer's preferences based on price sensitivity. We suggest that further research and analyses could help understand the cross-price elasticities.  相似文献   

比较优势理论与期货市场竞争发展格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
期货市场是以现货市场为基础的衍生市场.根据比较优势及相关理论,期货市场的比较优势主要来自于所在国家或地区的要素条件、需求状况、竞争对手及产业政策.世界期货市场以及美国、欧洲、日本等国家或地区内期货市场竞争格局的变迁充分证明,具有比较优势的国家和地区或以具有比较优势的产业为基础的期货市场,在竞争中将因此而形成相应的比较优势.不同国家或地区间、一个国家或地区内期货市场所处的环境各不相同,因此发展期货市场必须根据所在国家或地区的环境特点,推行与之相适应的发展模式和产业政策,以形成自身的比较优势,在竞争中获取有利地位.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether price discounts by national brands influence private-label sales and vice versa through meta-analysis of 261 cross-price elasticity estimates from sixteen product-chains. On average, price reductions by national brands and private labels have more or less equal influence on each others' sales. However, there is greater variation in the effect of private-label price cuts across national brands. National brands with large market shares decrease private-label sales through price cuts but are seldom affected by private-label discounts. National brands with lower relative price have greater influence on private-label sales and are also affected more by private-label price cuts.  相似文献   

Marketing managers commonly employ complex price plans. Surprisingly, limited and conflicting evidence reports how customers perceive and react to complex prices. This study examines perceptions about price complexity and shows that customers tend to prefer simple prices. Two experimental studies show that perceived price complexity negatively affects customer perceptions of price fairness and influences product choice because customers negatively evaluate the transparency of the firm's pricing practices and infer higher total prices. Customers comparing alternate offerings may therefore prefer simple over complex prices, even when the latter are less expensive. Study results suggest limiting price plan variations positively affects customer inferences about transparency and fairness, and thus customer choice.  相似文献   

Social entrepreneurship research has often focused on the benefits and challenges of designing hybrid organizations that integrate competing institutional logics to tackle social problems using market-based methods, especially in developing economies. Drawing on case evidence from the Safe Water for Africa program, we show how and why pricing new products at other than market prices offers a seductive but dangerous mechanism for managers seeking to pursue dual objectives in hybrid organizations. We identify five strategic and operational challenges with ethical implications that manifest as pricing dilemmas and show how and why they are likely to elicit moral dilemmas among stakeholders of social entrepreneurship who are not equally committed to both social and economic objectives.  相似文献   

For decades, managers have analysed, planned and implemented long-term brand strategies based on customer mindset metrics (MSMs). Typically, such MSMs are customer satisfaction, liking, brand preference and Net Promoter Score (NPS). One of the core pillars, in brand management literature, is the assumed link between certain customer-based brand assets, often operationalized as MSMs, and future long-term market performance. However, few studies have systematically and broadly evaluated how the most common MSMs relate to actual performance data. This study investigates the link between the customer MSMs, most commonly used by practitioners, and their relationships with actual market performance. The paper explores 10 MSMs and 14 market performance metrics, in 10 categories, in the Swedish fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) market. The study is based on survey data from 2007 that is compared to purchase panel household data from 2007 and 2010. Although MSMs are highly correlated to each other, their relations to brands' long-term market performance differ. A more nuanced approach to the MSM-market performance link is proposed, as there appears to be no single “silver bullet” MSM to rely on. Using a cash flow-oriented framework, the authors recommend opting for different MSMs depending on which of the three generic types of market performance (enhanced, sustained or accelerated) are targeted.  相似文献   

This paper empirically compares the traditional preference measures of ranking and rating in conjoint analysis with a direct monetary measure of product value — reservation prices. Experimental results are as expected. While reservation prices do very well in terms of fit, they are inferior in terms of predicting choice on a holdout sample. In addition, surprisingly little difference is found in the performance of ranks and ratings.  相似文献   

Rapid consolidation in the hospital industry, as health care markets respond to consumer pressures for more cost-effective delivery of health care services, has focused increased attention on antitrust enforcement theories and actions. This paper reviews the Federal agency challenges of four recent hospital mergers that have all been denied by the courts, but for varying reasons. Questions raised include the appropriate definition of the product and geographic markets, the extent of realizable merger-specific efficiencies and the influence of non-profit status on hospital behavior. The lack of conclusive empirical economic evidence on these topics undoubtedly contributes to the current divergence of opinion among regulators, courts and hospitals. This paper also identifies how each of the subsequent papers in this special issue contributes valuable findings to inform the lively debate.  相似文献   

For the past four decades, dozens of researchers have studied consumer price knowledge, often with disagreements on the extent of consumer' ignorance about prices. While some of these disagreements have been attributed to research design variations among studies, no inquiry has yet been made on the role of the economic environment on consumer price knowledge. Nevertheless, environmental factors such as interest rates, unemployment, and economic growth may significantly influence consumers' knowledge of prices. Certain economic environments may therefore provide marketers with the ability to utilize pricing tactics which rely on limitations in consumers' knowledge of product prices. Using a meta-analytic framework, this paper synthesizes the results of 297 previous price knowledge studies to document the effects of inflation, unemployment, GDP growth, interest rates, country of study, and passage of time on consumer price knowledge. The meta-analysis results demonstrate that economic factors have considerable influence on explaining variations in consumer price knowledge. Managerial and public policy implications of the findings in light of turbulent economic environments are discussed.  相似文献   

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