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目前社会责任会计在实务中存在的难题,或多或少地与缺乏相关规范有关,因此笔者提出有必要建立社会责任会计准则。我们主要从经济学"需求—供给"角度,分析了我国社会责任会计准则的需求主体和制定主体。  相似文献   

碳排放权配置与交易已在全球范围内逐步展开,相关会计准则的缺位使得会计信息缺乏可比性、一致性和决策相关性。会计确认和计量是碳排放权会计准则建立的关键。对碳排放权的权能分析发现其具有基于物理量的碳产权和基于价值量的碳财权权能,会计主体可"二分"为以获取碳产权为目的的消费方和以获取碳财权为目的的投资方,分别确认为"环境资产"和"投资性环境资产"。碳排放权的会计计量应建立在技术计量与经济计量的基础之上,以分别获取碳产权对应的物理量和碳财权对应的价值量,初始计量以实际成本入账,后续计量应允许成本与公允价值共存。研究提出碳排放权会计准则应以产权保护为导向建立其会计确认、计量和披露的逻辑框架;应以碳排放权会计准则的普适性、前瞻性和稳定性为基础建立碳排放权会计的实务模式;碳排放权会计准则的制定在内容上应为其他环境资产会计留有空间。  相似文献   

一、会计信息供给体系现代会计理论的研究都是以向信息使用者提供决策信息为目标,并在此基础上探讨会计信息的供给和需求。会计信息的供给主要经历三个过程,即会计信息的产生、鉴定和披露,这三个过程相互衔接,且由不同的主体根据不同的准则来完成。会计信息的产生是会计信息供给体系的基石,它是由企业会计人员完成的。在会计法的指导下,财政部制定了会计准则,并陆续颁布了具体会计准则、股份制公司会计制度等用以规范企业会计信息的产生。企业会计人员按照这些会计准则的要求,并结合企业的实际情况,对企业发生的交易或事项进行确认…  相似文献   

会计准则作为利益相关者长期重复博弈的结果,其运行过程中主体的充分参与和信息沟通有利于提高准则制定的质量和执行的效果,因此主体间的互动如何影响和推动会计准则的完善与发展值得深入研究。按照准则的运行流程和主体权责范围,本文将会计准则运行主体分为制定主体、执行主体和监管主体,对主体间互动机制的作用路径与实践表现进行了研究,以证监会的"监管报告"为例着重分析了制定主体与监管主体的互动关系,探讨了我国会计准则运行主体互动机制存在的价值与意义,最后结合我国会计准则运行主体互动机制的现状,从机构设置、权责安排和对话机制推进上对未来完善我国会计准则运行主体互动机制提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

借鉴金融深化理论,本文通过对保险深化的定义、内涵和决定因素进行全面阐述,从而提出保险深化理论,并运用保险深化理论对改革开放后中国保险业的发展历程进行了实证分析。提出中国保险深化的进程实质是产权明晰和国家产权逐步退出的过程,属于典型的供给主导型制度变迁,下一步中国保险深化的攻坚和关键是国有保险主体的产权改革。  相似文献   

美国保险企业会计模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪90年代以来,我国的保险市场供给主体不断得到扩充,尽快制定我国保险会计准则,对保险企业的会计核算与财务报告进行规范已成为促进保险市场适度、公平、有序竞争,以及保险业实施对外开放与国际化经营的必然要求。通过对保险业最为发达的美国的保险会计模式进行考察,对于我国制定保险会计准则可能会具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

从产权结构多元态势这一视角分析公共产品的供给效率,不同产权安排形式在公共产品供给中存在着效率条件及非效率解,树立产权结构多元态势的经济发展观是实现公共产品有效供给的最佳路径选择.  相似文献   

信息税与证券市场财务信息披露模式转变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨政  涂建明 《涉外税务》2004,(12):17-21
本文在反思现有披露制度缺陷的基础上提出建立一个更能体现证券市场信息公开原则,基于信息税的强制性、有偿性的财务信息披露模式,以达到明确财务信息披露责任主体和塑造有效财务信息需求主体,以及完善政府有关部门在会计准则等公共信息产品等方面的供给服务,并改善注册会计师执业中的独立性等对策目标。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的飞速发展,越来越多的微观经营主体认识到了审计工作在经营活动中的重要性,微观经营主体的审计范围也在逐渐的扩大,人们对审计的要求也日益提高,随着新会计准则的颁布,不仅仅给微观经营主体的会计工作带来了很大的影响,给审计工作也带来了一些风险,因此我们要对会计准则给审计工作带来的风险有一个正确的认识,本文从新会计准则的变化为出发点,分析了会计准则对审计风险的影响,并提出了几点防范审计风险的措施,目的在于降低微观经营主体审计风险,将审计工作的重要作用发挥到最大化。  相似文献   

王礼平  罗茜 《中国金融》2003,(14):35-36
作为经营货币的特殊企业,商业银行提高自身盈利能力、实现利润最大化是其生存和发展中最重要的任务。盈利性是商业银行在各种内外因素的作用下实施经营管理的综合结果,而良好的产权结构、完善的公司治理、健全的市场结构等则是提高商业银行盈利性不可或缺的重要因素。优化产权结构是提高商业银行盈利能力的重要条件我国国有商业银行的产权高度集中,而股份制商业银行虽然实现了产权主体多元化,但股东之间并没有形成相互牵制的合理状态。股份制是国有银行产权改造的最佳选择,国有银行股份制改造的基本目标应是解决产权主体单一的问题,实现产权…  相似文献   

This article investigates the role of political influence, as well as accounting tradition and the equity market, in China's recent changes in accounting regulation. We find that the Chinese government, in part self-motivated and in part under external pressure, has been active in developing accounting standards in harmony with international accounting standards. However, it has retained a uniform accounting system in the Enterprise Accounting System issued in 2000 to accommodate the special circumstances of a transforming government, strong state-ownership, a weak accounting profession, a weak and imperfect equity market, and the inertial effect of accounting tradition and cultural factors. This article also contributes to existing models of accounting system classification by illustrating the need for considering political influence as a factor that affects the rate of transition towards full implementation of international accounting standards.  相似文献   

The paper addresses two distinct aspects of disharmony in international accounting standards setting. The first aspect relates to the political economic context of financial accounting standards. This is illustrated by the Chinese standards setters’ decision to allow the pooling of interests method of accounting for business combinations despite the prohibition of this method by both the FASB and the IASB. This decision by the Chinese standards setters appears to have been based on political economic factors related to the need for industrial reorganization in China rather than a desire to serve the needs of global capital markets. The second aspect of disharmony relates to the role played by differential understandings of the fundamental objectives of financial reporting in an international context. The IASB's goal of producing one set of global accounting standards to serve the needs of global capital markets has led to a reduction in the number of permissible accounting methods and a move towards the fair value accounting model. In particular, the IASB concluded that the acquisition method of accounting for business combinations should be the only method allowed for business combinations. In contrast, the Chinese standards setters have recognized the existence of both mergers and acquisitions, and in response they created two different methods of accounting for business combinations. Effectively, the Chinese standards setters developed an alternative approach to accounting for business combinations which challenges the IASB's goal of achieving international accounting convergence through the fair value model.  相似文献   

本文考察了新、旧准则下合并报表净利润对银行信贷决策有用性的变化,以及新、旧准则下合并—母公司净利润差异对银行信贷决策有用性的变化。研究发现,合并报表净利润是银行信贷决策的重要依据,新准则下合并报表净利润与债务契约的相关性减弱,且公允价值变动损益高的公司更明显。论文还发现,新准则实施后,合并—母公司净利润差异与企业获得银行借款的相关性减弱,说明新准则下的合并母公司净利润差异为银行信贷决策提供了新的信息含量。  相似文献   

Inflation and foreign exchange raise new issues with respect to accounting representations of equity value. For example, inflation creates an earnings illusion as an artifact of the mismatching of expenses based on allocations of historical costs with current revenues in determining earnings. This mismatching distorts mappings of aggregate earnings and book values into equity value such that value‐relevant information is lost. In this article we consider the consequences of inflation and foreign exchange accounting policies, including those contained in accounting standards, on the value relevance of bottom‐line accounting numbers. Policies are identified that achieve efficient accounting in the sense that aggregate (comprehensive) earnings and book values are sufficient for an accounting representation of equity value. The linear relations that emerge provide predictions on capitalization coefficients that help explain results of empirical inquiries. As well, our analysis provides a theoretical foundation for policies contained in accounting standards that contributes to the resolution of controversies such as that concerning foreign exchange accounting.  相似文献   

本文研究新会计准则在合并财务报表方面的变迁对少数股东权益和损益信息含量的影响。2006年2月15日颁布并于2007年实施的"新合并财务报表准则"(企业会计准则第33号——合并财务报表)相对旧准则做出了修改:规定少数股东权益在合并资产负债表所有者权益项目下单独列示;少数股东损益在合并利润表中净利润项目下单独列示。本文发现,新会计准下,少数股东权益的价值相关性显著提高,且显著高于净资产其他组成部分的价值相关性提高程度;少数股东损益信息含量显著增加,且增加量显著高于盈余的其他组成部分带来的信息增加量。本文的经验证据支持了新会计准则中合并财务报表的实体理论,研究结论说明,新会计准则的实施使得合并财务报表具有更多信息含量。  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of foreign equity and board membership on corporate strategy and the management of internal costs of banks headquartered in Portugal using proprietary data maintained by the Central Bank. The findings reveal that foreign equity reduces both total and operating costs, and foreign board membership reduces domestic banks’ dependence on revenues from traditional areas of business and enhances the potential for generating revenues from non-traditional areas of business. These results are controlled for a variety of standard accounting ratios used in the literature. We argue that foreign equity and board membership forces banks to redirect corporate strategy and to reduce internal costs.  相似文献   

Accounting academics and practitioners have been known to question whether accounting research is as efficacious as it might be. This paper focuses on capital markets-based research in accounting and how its potential contribution to the wider regulatory process can be realised more fully. Examples used are: research on corporate regulation; the move to 'harmonise' accounting standards; accounting for R&D; accounting for goodwill; and equity accounting.  相似文献   

In his interesting reflections on accounting standard setting, Kevin Stevenson raises the issue again – applying business accounting standards to the public sector. This matter has been the subject of debate for the past decade. I argue that because the nature and roles of governments differ fundamentally from those of business, governments require a set of accounting standards tailored to suit their special needs. Their accounting systems must report the appropriate information required for the efficient management of the nation's financial affairs.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the optimal design of accounting standards may depend on the institutional characteristics of the political and economic system. There are several varieties of capitalism, and it is not obvious which of these varieties is best. Moreover, the existence of different varieties of capitalism arguably promotes economic progress. This being the case the paper urges a cautious approach to the imposition of a single set of global accounting standards for all companies. The forced adoption of single form of accounting runs the risk of severely restricting the different forms of capitalism that can develop. It also privileges one particular way of doing business over alternative forms that currently exist or, more importantly, may exist in the future. In effect the forced adoption of a single form of accounting can be viewed as a form of restrictive practice that prevents alternative and superior ways of doing business from taking shape. International accounting standards optimised for stock market based capitalism are not necessarily optimal for other forms of capitalism and, since stock market capitalism has lost credibility as a way of doing business, the world may be better served by encouraging alternative forms of capitalism to develop with accounting standards tailored to their needs.  相似文献   

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