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This article empirically investigates the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) for CO2 emissions in the cases of 11 OECD countries by taking into account the role of nuclear energy in electricity production. The autoregressive distributed lag approach to cointegration is employed as the estimation method. Our results indicate that energy consumption has a positive impact on CO2 emissions in most countries in the study. However, the impact of trade is not statistically significant. The results provide evidence for the role of nuclear power in reducing CO2 emissions only in some countries. Additionally, although the estimated long-run coefficients of income and its square satisfy the EKC hypothesis in Finland, Japan, Korea and Spain, only Finland's EKC turning point is inside the sample period of the study, providing poor evidence in support of the EKC hypothesis.  相似文献   

In this paper we offer a possible explanation for the empirical finding that the pollution-income relationship (PIR) for flow pollutants is an environmental Kuznets curve (EKC), i.e. inverted-U shaped, but that the PIR for stock pollutants is monotonically rising. We analyse an overlapping generations model with two pollutants: The flow pollutant causes immediate damages, but the stock pollutant harms the environment only in the future. Hence, a succession of myopic governments lets stock pollution grow with income. In contrast, the flow pollutant follows an EKC whose downturn might be caused by the neglect of future damages and by ever rising stock pollution: Without the stock pollutant the PIR for the flow pollutant can increase monotonically. We also show that the turning point of the EKC for the flow pollutant lies at lower levels of income and of flow pollution if stock pollution is high and harmful. This casts doubts on most empirical EKC studies because they assume that the turning point occurs at the same income level in all countries. However, it is consistent with recent empirical findings that the income level at the turning point of the EKC varies across countries.  相似文献   

根据环境库兹涅茨曲线理论,本文选用1996—2008年中国省域面板数据,研究了东、中、西部地区人均碳排放EKC的存在性。研究结果表明:第一,东、中部地区存在人均碳排放EKC,而西部地区入均碳排放与经济增长呈线性关系。第二,东、中部地区人均碳排放EKC拐点到达的时间不同,东部地区较晚而中部地区较早,并且碳排放强度下降会促使拐点提前到达。第三,东、中、西部地区人均碳排放均存在较强的排放惯性,当期经济增长会对未来几年的环境质量产生影响。  相似文献   

This article investigates the Environmental Kuznets Curves (EKC) for CO2 emissions in a panel of 109 countries during the period 1959 to 2001. The length of the series makes the application of a heterogeneous estimator suitable from an econometric point of view. The results, based on the hierarchical Bayes estimator, show that different EKC dynamics are associated with the different sub-samples of countries considered. On average, more industrialized countries show evidence of EKC in quadratic specifications, which nevertheless are probably evolving into an N-shape based on their cubic specification. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the EU, and not the Umbrella Group led by US, has been driving currently observed EKC-like shapes. The latter is associated to monotonic income–CO2 dynamics. The EU shows a clear EKC shape. Evidence for less-developed countries consistently shows that CO2 emissions rise positively with income, though there are some signs of an EKC. Analyses of future performance, nevertheless, favour quadratic specifications, thus supporting EKC evidence for wealthier countries and non-EKC shapes for industrializing regions.  相似文献   

The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesises that emissions first increase at low stages of development then decrease once a certain threshold has been reached. The EKC concept is usually used with per capita Gross Domestic Product as the explanatory variable. As others, we find mixed evidence, at best, of such a pattern for CO2 emissions with respect to per capita GDP. We also show that the share of manufacture in GDP and governance/institutions play a significant role in the CO2 emissions–income relationship. As GDP presents shortcomings in representing income, development in a broad perspective or human well‐being, it is then replaced by the World Bank's Adjusted Net Savings (ANS, also known as Genuine Savings). Using the ANS as an explanatory variable, we show that the EKC is generally empirically supported for CO2 emissions. We also show that human capital and natural capital are the main drivers of the downward sloping part of the EKC.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2006,56(2):176-189
We analyze the effect of fuel mix, model specification, and the level of development on the presence and size of a turning point in the relationship between income and energy use and/or carbon emissions. The results indicate that fuel mix, the specification for income, and the level of economic development affect conclusions about whether there is a turning point in the relationship between economic activity and energy use and carbon emissions. Including fuel shares generally reduces the size of a turning point that is estimated from a panel that includes observations from both OECD and Non-OECD nations. But this result varies according to the level of development. For OECD nations, there is limited support for a turning point in the relationship between income and per capita energy use and/or carbon emissions. For non-OECD nations, there is no turning point in the relationship between income and either energy use or carbon emissions. Instead, the relationship is positive. Together, the results indicate that forecasters and policy makers should not depend on a turning point in the relationship between income and energy use or carbon emissions to reduce either.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI), trade and industrial emissions in member countries of the Central American Free Trade Agreement–Dominican Republic (CAFTA-DR) between 1979 and 2010. Our model is based on extant literature about the Environmental Kuznets’ Curve framework. In this study, we consider sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon dioxide (CO2) as our dependent variables. Our key independent variables are FDI and trade. Our study finds evidence that foreign investment and trade have had a negative impact on our selected emissions. However, our models also estimate turning points which are below the current GDP per capita values for all CAFTA-DR member countries. This is an encouraging trend in terms of the potential reduction in emissions in the region.  相似文献   

Empirical studies of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) examine the presence or otherwise of an inverted U-shaped relationship between the level of pollution and the level of income. Customarily, in the diagram of EKC the level of income is shown on the horizontal axis and that of pollution on the vertical axis. Thus, it is presumed that the relationship between income and pollution is one of unidirectional causality with income causing environmental changes and not vice versa. The validity of this presumption is now being questioned. It is being asserted that the nature and direction of causality may vary from one country to the other. In this paper, we present the results of a study of income–CO2 emission causality based on a Granger causality test to cross-country panel data on per capita income and the corresponding per capita CO2 emission data. Briefly, our results indicate three different types of causality relationship holding for different country groups. For the developed country groups of North America and Western Europe (and also for Eastern Europe) the causality is found to run from emission to income. For the country groups of Central and South America, Oceania and Japan causality from income to emission is obtained. Finally, for the country groups of Asia and Africa the causality is found to be bi-directional. The regression equations estimated as part of the Granger causality test further suggest that for the country groups of North America and Western Europe the growth rate of emission has become stationary around a zero mean, and a shock in the growth rate of emission tends to generate a corresponding shock in the growth rate of income. In contrast, for the country groups of Central and South America, Oceania and Japan a shock in the income growth rate is likely to result in a corresponding shock in the growth rate of emission. Finally, causality being bi-directional for the country groups of Asia and Africa, the income and the emission growth rates seemed to reinforce each other.  相似文献   

The linkage between per capita GDP and sulfur emissions for 12 Western European countries was analyzed over a period of more than 150 years. The analysis also looked at the impact of air pollution regulations on the shape of the income–pollution relationship. At both the aggregate and country levels, we find an inverted U-shaped relationship and the estimated turning points of most countries are plausible. In addition, environmental regulations are found to lower the EKC and they can also shift the turning point of the curve. In some cases, the shift is to the left and in a few to the right.  相似文献   

Combining two data sources on emissions with value-added and employment data, this paper constructs six data bases on sulfur dioxide (SO2) intensities that vary across countries, sectors and years. This allows us to perform a growth decomposition exercise where the change in world manufacturing emissions is decomposed into scale, composition and technique effects. The sample covers the period 1990–2000, and includes 62 countries that account for 76% of world-wide emissions. While manufacturing activity has increased by a rough 10% (scale effect), we estimate that emissions have fallen by about 10%, thanks to the adoption of cleaner production techniques (the technique effect) and a small shift towards cleaner industries (between-sector effect). As output and productivity gains have been biased towards large emerging countries like China and India, which are both clean in terms of emissions per unit labor and dirty in terms of emissions per dollar, the sign and magnitude of the between-country effect depends on the choice regarding the scaling factor ( − 2% for employment,  + 25% for value-added, with a corresponding adjustment of the technique effect). The paper also shows that these estimates are robust to changes in aggregation across entities (regions or countries) and across industries, and that composition changes are correlated with changes in prices and trade intensities.
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.   相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate the effects of urbanization on pollutant emissions and energy intensity in selected Asian developing countries after controlling for the effects of disaggregated (renewable and non-renewable) energy consumption, trade liberalization, and economic growth. We use both linear and nonlinear panel data econometric techniques and employ recently introduced mean group estimation methods, allowing for heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence. However, to check the robustness of our panel results, we also apply the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL)-bound testing approach to country-level data. In addition, the relationship between affluence and CO2 emissions is examined in the context of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis. The estimation results identify the population, affluence, and non-renewable energy consumption as major factors in pollutant emissions in Asian countries. However, the results of the EKC hypothesis show that when countries achieve a certain level of economic growth, their emissions tend to decline. Whereas nonlinear results show that renewable energy, urbanization, and trade liberalization reduce emissions, linear estimations do not confirm these outcomes. Thus, substitution of non-renewable for renewable energy consumption, cautious and planned urbanization programs and more liberal trading regimes may be viable options for sustainable growth of these developing Asian economies.  相似文献   

Since its first inception in the debate on the relationship between environment and growth in 1992, the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis (EKC hereafter) has been subject of continuous and intense scrutiny. The most recent line of investigation criticizes the EKC hypothesis on more fundamental grounds, in that it stresses the lack of sufficient statistical testing of the empirical relationship and questions the very existence of the notion of EKC. Attention is in particular drawn on the stationarity properties of the series involved—per capita emissions or concentrations and per capita GDP—and, in case of presence of unit roots, on the cointegration property that must be present for the EKC to be a well-defined concept. Only at that point can the researcher ask whether the long-run relationship exhibits an inverted-U pattern. On the basis of panel integration and cointegration tests for sulfur, Stern (2004) and Perman and Stern (1999, 2003) have presented evidence and forcefully stated that the EKC hypothesis does not exist. In this paper we ask whether similar strong conclusions can be arrived at when carrying out tests of system fractional integration and cointegration. As an example we use the controversial case of carbon dioxide emissions. The results show that more EKCs come back into life relative to traditional integration/cointegration tests. However, we confirm that the EKC hypothesis remains a fragile concept.   相似文献   

A transition towards the adoption of clean energy sources in electricity generation is essential to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. The present study aims to examine the EKC hypothesis by taking into account nuclear energy in 18 OECD countries for the period 1995–2015. This study employs panel dynamic Generalised Method of Moments (GMM) and panel Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares (FMOLS) to investigate the effects of electricity production from nuclear source, electricity production from non-renewables and trade openness on CO2 emissions. The empirical findings suggest that EKC hypothesis is valid in OECD countries where nuclear energy plays a pivotal role in protecting the environment. On the contrary, non-renewable energy sources tend to increase CO2 emissions. Our results support the notion that electricity generated by nuclear source leads to lower CO2 emissions without retarding the long run growth in OECD countries. The findings also provide important policy insights and recommendations not only for OECD countries, but also for developing countries in designing appropriate energy and economic policies.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between pollution and income at household level. The study is motivated by the recent literature emphasizing the importance of income distribution for the aggregate relation between pollution and income. The main findings from previous studies are that if the individual pollution–income relationship is non-linear, then aggregate pollution for, say, a whole country, will depend not only on average income, but also on how income is distributed. To achieve our objective we formulate a model for determining the choice of consumption of goods in different types of household. Furthermore we link the demand model to emission functions for various goods. The theoretical analysis shows that without imposing very restrictive assumptions on preferences and the emission functions, it is not possible to determine a priori the slope or the curvature of the pollution–income relation. The empirical analysis shows that, given the model used, the pollution–income relation has a positive slope in Sweden and is strictly concave for all three pollutants under study (CO2, SO2, NOx), at least in the neighbourhood of the observed income for an average household. We also show that altering the prevailing income distribution, holding average income constant, will affect aggregate emissions in the sense that an equalization of incomes will give rise to an increase in emissions. One implication is then that the development of aggregate pollution due to growth depends not only on the income level, but also on how growth is distributed.  相似文献   

The cointegration technique is used to examine the long‐run and short‐run relationships between the real Malaysian trade balance with the real exchange rate, domestic and world incomes. The results suggest that a real ringgit exchange rate depreciation improves the trade balance in the long run. World and domestic incomes are also found to be important determinants of trade balance. The significance of world income on trade balance indicates that Malaysia is prone to external shocks. An error‐correction model is then estimated to study the short‐run dynamics of the effects of exchange rate. The impulse response analysis shows that the effect of exchange rate on the trade balance lasts for about three years. A devaluation of ringgit will initially improve the trade balance, albeit small, after which the trade balance starts to deteriorate, and then improves again suggesting that there exists a delayed J‐curve.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the dynamic relationship between income, trade, and environmental quality as measured by carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, disaggregated by source (oil, gas, and coal). Using time series data spanning from 1980 to 2006, 21 countries, including G7, BRIC, and middle and low income economies, we consistently find the existence of a long-run relationship between income, trade, and carbon emissions (from oil in particular). This is important because the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently determined that CO2 emissions indeed pose a threat to human health and welfare.  相似文献   

The European Commission has proposed air quality standards for NO2, SO2 and PM10 to be in force by 2010. The present paper presents a study that gauged their costs and benefits. An analysis of the expected emissions for 2010 (reference emission scenario), using simplified air quality models, showed that non-compliance with these standards will occur in cities only, not in rural areas. Most compliance problems are expected for PM10, least for SO2. Central estimates of the costs to meet standards range from 21 MECU (SO2), to 79 MECU (NO2) to 87--225 MECU (PM10). The estimated benefits are 83--3783 MECU (SO2), 408--5900 MECU (NO2), and 5007--51247 MECU (PM10). Uncertainties are high, due to errors and incertitude in various steps of the methodology, mainly the estimation of the human health effects, in particular effects on mortality, and in the valuation of a statistical life. In the case of PM10, additional uncertainty results from the small size of the air quality database. Notwithstanding the uncertainties, the indications are that the benefits exceed the costs.  相似文献   

The environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) could arise from the scale effect in abatement technology as emphasized by Andreoni and Levinson (2001) or from the induced policy response as suggested by Grossman and Krueger (1995). This paper incorporates these two contrary views into a model and quantitatively evaluates their relative importance in shaping the EKC of U.S. water pollution. Our main findings include: (a) some scale effect in abatement technology must exist, otherwise the turning point of the EKC will be unreasonably high; (b) the scale effect alone is not sufficient to explain the practical occurrence of the turning point of the EKC; and (c) the scale effect features critically in the induced policy response as well. (JEL H41, O40, Q20)  相似文献   

This paper tests if the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis exists for ASEAN-5 countries in an annual sample data that covers 1971–2013, by utilizing Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) methodology. The empirical findings give support for the EKC hypothesis for Thailand only, after considering the structural breaks. Furthermore, the paper tests the EKC hypothesis for a panel data of the ASEAN-5 by adopting the Pooled Mean Group (PMG) methodology. The results show that the long-run estimates provide no evidence for the EKC hypothesis. Finally, the paper examines the causality between the CO2 emissions and GDP. For individual countries, bidirectional causality was found in the case of Thailand and Malaysia, plus unidirectional causality running from GDP and squared GDP to CO2 emissions was found for Indonesia, but a unidirectional causality running from CO2 emissions to GDP and squared GDP was found for the Philippines, however, no causality effect was found for Singapore. Furthermore, the pairwise Dumitrescu and Hurlin Panel Causality test show a bidirectional effect between CO2 emissions and both GDP in addition to squared GDP.  相似文献   

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