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This study adopts the CoVaR methodology to analyse the tail risk relationships among European sovereigns, which provide arguably important information for policymakers to identify countries that should come under close scrutiny during the current debt crisis.  相似文献   

This paper examines the mean-reversion property of real interest rates. Many past studies have reported puzzling outcomes of the mean-aversion of real interest rates for a number of countries. In the article, we employ panel unit root tests and carry out half-life estimation based on the bias-corrected bootstrap. These findings of the paper provide strong evidence that, in both major Western and East Asian capital markets (including several emerging ones), real interest rates are mean-reverting. In addition, we find evidence that the degree of mean-reversion of the real interest rates is positively correlated with that of output growth, which is consistent with the implications of standard intertemporal behavior.  相似文献   

Arbitrage-free models for valuing interest rate securities posit that stochastic changes in spot or forward interest rates (forward rate “speed”) follow a diffusion process. This paper extends the Heath, Jarrow and Morton [Bond pricing and the term structure of interest rates: a new methodology for contingent claims valuations, Econometrica 60 (1992) 77-105], HJM framework by allowing diffusive shocks to both the “speed” and “acceleration” of forward rates. The arbitrage-free restriction on forward rates is identified and involves volatilities of the speed and acceleration dynamics and their correlation. Although the extended forward rates remain in the diffusive framework and evolve continuously, they may exhibit large changes over short intervals (as with jumps) due to stochastic acceleration. Comparisons of bond prices show that the proposed model generates more complex and intricate shapes for the restricted forward curve with the same number of stochastic factors and volatility.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the expected life-time utility and the hedging demands in an exchange only, representative agent general equilibrium under incomplete information. We derive an expression for the investor's expected life-time utility, and analyze his hedging demands for intertemporal changes in the stochastic unobservable growth of the endowment process and the changing quality of information regarding these changes. The hedging demands consist of two components, which could work in opposite directions so that a conservative consumer may end up having positive hedging demands. Our results are qualitatively different from those prevailing under constant growth (cf. [Brennan, M.J., 1998. The role of learning in dynamic portfolio decisions. European Finance Review, 1, 295-306; Ziegler, A., 2003. Incomplete Information and Heterogeneous Beliefs in Continuous-Time Finance. Springer, Berlin, Chapter 2].  相似文献   

The creation of a common cross-border stock trading platform is found, by use of a Flexible Dynamic Component Correlations (FDCC) model, to have increased long-run trends in conditional correlations between foreign and domestic stock market returns.  相似文献   

Extant solutions for state-contingent process switching use first-passage time densities or differential equations. We alternatively employ transition probabilities. These conditional likelihood functions also have obvious appeal for econometric analyses as well as derivative pricing and decision making under absorption and extinction.  相似文献   

Empirical research analysing contagion has become increasingly fragmented. Different definitions of contagion have resulted in different methods being deployed to analyse financial transmission channels. This paper devises a novel econometric strategy where the nature of interdependencies, magnitude of interdependencies and transmission channels selected for inclusion can change over time. We thus appeal to multiple definitions of contagion, distinguishing between: interdependence, contagion through interdependence and abrupt contagion through changing linkages. Using our approach we analyse different crisis episodes in Latin America. Results generally indicate interdependence not contagion during the currency crises of the 1990s and Argentine crisis of 1998–2002. During the global financial crisis, results indicate abrupt contagion from the US to Argentina and Brazil. Mexico, however, experiences contagion through existing interdependencies with the US. Results also show that macroeconomic and uncertainty channels play a role during different crises not just financial channels. By establishing whether or not different interdependencies and transmission channels are present during different crises our model switching approach provides new insights.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a seasonal version of the Solow–Swan growth model and acquire an empirical income convergence equation. We take this equation as a basis to investigate whether income convergence exists in an OECD sample. To do this, we propose the test statistics under various asymptotic properties for some of the seasonal frequencies in the context of nonstationary heterogeneous panels. Critical values and moments of our statistics are generated and their finite sample performances are examined via Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Ruxing Xu 《Economic Modelling》2011,28(5):2143-2153
This paper proposes a new lattice framework for valuing convertible bonds (CBs) and asset swaps on CBs (CBASs) with market risk and counterparty risk, where interest rate is assumed to follow a mean-reverting square root process. The reduced-form approach is generalized to include a constant elasticity of variance (CEV) process for equity price prior to default. In order to approximate the CEV process while taking into account stochastic interest rate and the correlation between stock price and interest rate, I first propose a transform that is uncorrelated with interest rate, and then construct a new lattice method which can ensure the validity of branching probabilities for all nodes. The lattice framework performs properly when it is used to value European call options. Based on the empirical results in Duffie et al. (J. Fin. Econ. 83(3): 635-665, 2007) and Jankowitsch et al. (J. Bank. Fin. 32(7): 1269-1285, 2008), a novel default intensity process is constructed which is specified as a function of time, stock price, and interest rate. When valuing the asset swaps, the counterparty risk is taken into consideration. Based on the results of the numerical experiments, the impacts of different parameters on the prices of CBs and CBASs are explained.  相似文献   

This paper shows stochastic versions of (i) Michel's (Econometrica 58 (1990) 705, Theorem 1) necessity result, (ii) a generalization of the TVC results of Weitzman (Management Sci. 19 (1973) 783) and Ekeland and Scheinkman (Math. Oper. Res. 11 (1986) 216), and (iii) Kamihigashi's (Econometrica 69 (2001) 995, Theorem 3.4) result, which is useful particularly in the case of homogeneous returns. These stochastic extensions are established for an extremely general stochastic reduced-form model that assumes neither differentiability nor continuity.  相似文献   

The commonly-used version of the double-hurdle model rests on a rather restrictive set of statistical assumptions, which are very seldom tested by practitioners, mainly because of the lack of a standard procedure for doing so, although violation of such assumptions can lead to serious modelling flaws. We propose here a bootstrap-corrected conditional moment portmanteau test which is simple to implement and has good size and power properties.  相似文献   

The Global Newton Method for games in normal form and in extensive form is shown to have a natural extension to computing Markov-perfect equilibria of stochastic games.  相似文献   

Taiwan launched the first case of real estate securitization in 2005. The interrelationship between Taiwan Real Estate Investment Trusts (T-REITs) and the aggregate equity markets and segmented industries has drawn the interests of both investors and academia. This paper employs Toda and Yamamoto's (1995) procedure and the generalized impulse response approach to uncover the extent and the magnitude of the relationship between T-REITs and aggregate and segmented stock prices. We collected daily data of the first two issued T-REITs, Fubon No.1 and Cathay No. 1, from March 2005 to March 2010 and October 2005 to March 2010, respectively, to examine their causal relationships with aggregate stock markets, the financial sector, and the construction sector. The empirical results indicate that all variables have break points, reflecting shocks from the Subprime Mortgage Crisis or deregulation of the Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors (QDII) for Mainland Chinese to invest in Taiwan. We also discover that an individual T-REIT may lead or lag behind stock price indices due to its capitalization scale or business type. The transitory initial impacts of innovations in T-REITs on stock price indices are observed herein.  相似文献   

One of the most enduring problems in econometrics is how to properly account for heterogeneity among firms. Threshold regression models are intuitively appealing methods to deal with this issue. We consider a fixed-effect panel data stochastic frontier model (Schmidt and Sickles, 1984; Martin-Marcos and Suarez-Galvez, 2000) and, relying on Hansen (1999, 2000a), we propose an estimator that accommodates multiple thresholds. Our model assumes absence of any unmeasured time invariant heterogeneity across firms as in Greene (2005, p. 277). Slope and threshold parameters can be estimated using a within estimator combined with a grid search over the threshold parameters. Testing for threshold effects is problematic because threshold parameters are not identified under the null hypothesis, a case of the so-called Davies' problem. We apply the bootstrap procedure proposed by Hansen (1999, 2000a) to test for the presence of thresholds. An asymptotic confidence set for the threshold parameter can be obtained by inverting an LR test, using the distribution result presented in Hansen (1999, 2000a). Our empirical application features a panel of Quebec dairy farms. We use farm size as the threshold variable. The presence of a trend in the specification matters for the determination of the number of thresholds. Technical efficiency scores and rankings of farms estimated from competing model specifications are highly correlated and do not vary significantly across groups of farm sizes defined by the threshold parameter values.  相似文献   

In a market for a quality-differentiated good with heterogeneous set of consumers and a local firm facing competitive imports from abroad, we examine private and social incentives for quality innovation. For differential tariff regime, we show that both the private and social gains increase with the tariff protection for the low-quality segment of the domestic market for any given tariff on high-quality imports. But for some very high costs of innovation, the local firm may not undertake a socially desirable innovation. The pro-competitive effect, on the other hand, ensures that quality-distortion-at-the-bottom occurs only for very high levels of tariffs.  相似文献   

This exploratory paper is among the first to examine the impact of stock exchange mergers on informational market efficiency. We focus on the merger of Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa e Porto (Portuguese Stock Exchange) with Euronext in 2002 (that created Euronext Lisbon). To investigate this question we perform numerous statistical tests: serial correlation test (ACF test), runs test, unit root test (Kwiatkowski, Philips, Schmidt, & Shin, 1992), multiple variance ratio test (Chow & Denning, 1993) and ranks and signs test (Wright, 2000).The results indicate that the Portuguese Equity Market is inefficient in weak form during pre-merger period implying that investors possessed an opportunity to earn abnormal returns though small in magnitude. The results, sensitive to the methodology used, indicate a mixed evidence of improvement in market efficiency during the post-merger period. Although the findings are mixed, yet most tests show a tendency of improved efficiency.  相似文献   

Using a real‐time random regime shift technique, we identify and discuss two different regimes in the dynamics of credit spreads during 2002–2012: a liquidity regime and a default regime. Both regimes contribute to the patterns observed in credit spreads. The liquidity regime seems to explain the predictive power of credit risk on the 2007–2009 NBER recession, whereas the default regime drives the persistence of credit spreads over the same recession. Our results complement the recent dynamic structural models as well as monetary and credit supply effects models by empirically supporting two important patterns in credit spreads: the persistence and the predictive ability toward economic downturns.  相似文献   

Abstract .  Some cultural goods are consumed socially and are characterized by the same consumption network externalities as languages. Also, producers of new cultural goods in any one country draw on the stock of ideas generated by previous cultural production in all countries. For such goods, costless trade and communication tend to lead to the dominance of one cultural style, increasing utility in the short run but reducing quality and welfare in the long run. Increasing protection while keeping communication costs low may stimulate production of cultural goods that are 'compatible' with the dominant style, adding little to the stock of usable ideas.  相似文献   

Recent financial turmoil (e.g., the 2008–2009 global financial crisis) has resulted in financial contagion-induced instability becoming one of the major concerns in the fields of economics and finance. In this paper, we extend the network analysis of financial contagion from three perspectives. First, given that cross-holding of claims and obligations among financial institutions can be viewed as input-output linkages, we model the financial system and the contagion mechanism by introducing the classic Leontief input–output framework. Second, based on this modeling process, we propose a simple contagion algorithm to study how financial system heterogeneity influences its stability. Third, to mitigate financial contagion, we propose several concrete intervention policies based on two widely used prudential approaches—forced mergers and capital injections. The performance of these intervention policies is then evaluated by comprehensive numerical experiments. Our study has significant implications for financial regulation and supervision.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamic relationship between interest rates, inflation and economic growth using a long dataset for the UK. The approach adopted enables us to identify structural breaks in the dynamic system (vector autoregression (VAR)). We find interest rates respond much more strongly to growth and inflation over recent decades, and forecast error variance decomposition analysis indicates there is increasing interconnectedness between the variables in recent years. Economic policymakers need to carefully monitor the linkages between these variables and be prepared to adjust their monetary policy tools when faced with structural changes.  相似文献   

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