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基于1998年1月-2010年11月的月度数据,利用协整理论以及误差修正模型等方法对国际大豆市场和国内大豆市场之间的关系进行实证分析.研究结果发现:国际国内大豆市场价格之间在长期具有均衡稳定的协整关系,国际市场大豆价格的波动显著影响着我国市场大豆价格的变动;国际大豆价格波动向国内市场传导的过程具有由短期波动到长期均衡的自我修正的动态机制;国际国内大豆市场反向的因果关系并不成立,国内大豆市场对国际大豆市场影响有限.因此,为维持我国大豆市场价格的稳定,需要采取有效措施,建立国际价格预警体系,提高国内大豆产量,完善农产品期货市场,充分发挥农产品进口及收储政策的调控作用.  相似文献   

20世纪上半期,中国革命的伟大实践,马克思主义研究的日益深入,为马克思主义经济思想中国化提供了丰富的营养.中国的先进分子运用马克思主义,论证了中国经济的性质,剖析了中国半封建半殖民地经济形态的基本规律,构建了新民主主义经济思想的框架,形成了马克思主义经济思想中国化发展的三大“节点”,对马克思主义经济思想的发展,以及20世纪下半期中国经济的改造产生了深远影响.  相似文献   

基于对商业银行资本充足率与盈利能力之间联系的理论假设,采用我国商业银行2004-2009年的数据,对36家商业银行的资本充足率与资产收益率进行回归检验,结果表明商业银行资本充足率对其提升盈利能力起到了正的显著作用.同时,商业银行成本效率、市场竞争程度对其盈利能力均有着显著的作用.经过样本细分,外资银行参股、不良贷款率等对于已上市及全国性商业银行的盈利能力也有着较好的解释能力.  相似文献   

The cooperation of technology and capital is just same as the two sides of one coin, which are independent to each other but depend on each other If one wants to awoid the tragedy and failure, the combination like the two sides of the coin shall be realized in the true sense. If not having a common goal and if not being open with each other, it is supposedly difficult to reach the ideal effect to realize such combination.  相似文献   

This paper tells about the layout of a business letter and explains some impacts of a unified layout on a company.  相似文献   

This research examines whether suppliers’ capabilities impact OEM customers’ dependence on the supplier and thereby generate customer loyalty. Using a sample of purchasing managers focusing on a single key component supplier, we examine three supplier capabilities, two dependence dimensions, and three aspects of customer loyalty. Core offering capability increases the customer firm’s benefit-based dependence. Operations capability has a more comprehensive effect, enhancing both benefit-based and cost-based dependence. Benefit-based dependence leads to relational loyalty and, through its effect on relational loyalty, to insensitivity to competitive offerings and future purchase expansion. Cost-based dependence motivates insensitivity to competitive offerings, but does not affect relational loyalty or purchase expansion. The supplier’s communication capability is associated with relational loyalty, but this effect does not flow through the customer firm’s dependence. The divergent pattern of antecedents and effects of benefit-based dependence and cost-based dependence may explain the inconsistent and insignificant research findings in previous research on dependence. Our results suggest that adopting a bi-dimensional model of dependence more fully captures the theoretical domain of dependence, thereby permitting researchers to better examine its role in supply chain, channel, and marketing relationships.  相似文献   

The 1920s marked the beginning of the diffusion of the gasoline tractor in North American agriculture. The tractor was a labor-saving technology by virtue of its speed of operation, reducing labor input per acre. During the same decade, immigration policies of the USA and Canada diverged sharply. While the USA implemented immigration quotas, Canada admitted large flows of Eastern Europeans, provided their destination was the Prairie West. With the essentially homogeneous nature of the plain on either side of the international border, this divergence in policy sets up a natural experiment that allows us to test the effects of different changes in labor supply on the adoption of labor-saving agricultural technology. We show that although Canadian farmers had earlier adopted tractors at the same rate as farmers in the USA, the relatively slower rate of adoption of the tractor on the Canadian Prairies following the policy divergence can be attributed to Canada’s shift to a more open immigration policy. We conclude that changes to macro-policies can have unexpected consequences as illustrated by this example of tractor diffusion.  相似文献   

One of the criticisms of factor analytic applications is that it is seldom used in verification of hypothesis and thus most of the interpretation is ex post facto. This paper presents a discussion and application of a technique, Multiple Group Solution, which can be used to verify a hypothesis about the number and nature of factors in a set of data. For this procedure to be meaningful, it is important to hypothesize factors a priori on the basis of existing theory or previous related research. The application of this technique is concerned with the criteria used to evaluate product managers. Because the role of the product manager includes such diverse areas as appraising markets and products and utilizing the various resources available within the company, a question arises as to what evaluative criteria should be used. The superiors of product managers were asked to rate nineteen criteria on their importance for appraising product management performance. The results of a principal component analysis were then compared to “a priori” hypothesized factors.  相似文献   

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