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就在本期截稿时,1月15日,国家发改委发布通知,决定自1月15日零时起将汽、柴油价格每吨分别降低140元和160元。国家统一下调成品油价格,压缩了中石油和中石化的降价空间,或可使两巨头的“竞价战”告一段落。  相似文献   

国家发改委宣布,2012年5月IOH起下调成品油最高零售价格,幅度确定为汽油330元/吨,折合0.24元/升,柴油310元/吨,折合0.26元/升。这是成品油价格7个月来首次下调,此前已连涨两次共计900元/吨。随着本次油价下调,不少城市的93#汽油售价跌破8元,重回7元区。成品油价格年内首次下调,你感觉如何?  相似文献   

国家发改委19日宣布,自6月20日起将汽油、柴油价格每吨提高1000元,航空煤油价格每吨提高1500元。  相似文献   

这已经是国家发改委第17次出手调低药价了。长期居高不下的药品价格似乎“在劫难逃”。但过往十余次未果的药品降价潮又令人对此次的组合拳能否达到预期效果,心存疑虑。  相似文献   

国家发改委日前发出通知,将汽、柴油价格每吨均提高480元,测算到零售价格90号汽油和0号柴油(全国平均)每升分别提高0.36元和0.41元。对此,国家发改委有关负责人介绍说,综合考虑国内经济形势、成品油市场供求情况及下游用户承受能力,国家适当控制了提价幅度。适当上调国内成品油价格,有利于调动炼油企业生产积极性,保障国内市场供应,同时有利于合理引导社会消费,促进节能减排。  相似文献   

10月初,国家发改委下调了成品油最高零售价格,汽柴油均下调300元/吨,大约每升分别降0.22元、0.26元。这是今年以来国内首次对成品油价格进行下调,而此前已经连续上涨四次。  相似文献   

#油价# 新浪微博一周讨论次数:599139次 国内油价上调本在意料之中,但这次涨价却显得有些尴尬:国际油价正在下跌,国内油价迎面涨价。2月24日,国家发改委发出通知:自2月25日零时起,国内成品油零售价格将上调,其中汽油上调幅度为300元/吨,柴油为290元/吨,折合全国90号汽油和0号柴油价格平均每升分别上涨022元和0.25元。  相似文献   

成品油价格飞涨使吉尔吉斯斯坦人关注起哈萨克斯坦来:为什么哈萨克斯坦每年都要出台限制燃滑油料出口的决议?难道这个石油资源丰富的国家没有汽油卖给吉尔吉斯斯坦吗?  相似文献   

国家发改委正在酝酿第17次药品降价。此次降价将涉及16种抗生素和6种新进医保目录的药品,降幅平均高达60%以上,个别品种将达93%。如果这一降价方案被通过,那么将是历次药品降价幅度最大的一次。  相似文献   

20次降价撼不动坚挺药价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了遏制药价虚高现象,医药行业进入了政策降价的密集期。今年8月底。发改委再次决定对99种抗微生物药品的零售价格进行调整,共涉及400多个剂型规格,平均降价幅度为30%,降价金额为43亿元。但药品降价了,降价药品却不见了,这让人再次对药品降价政策的实际效果产生了怀疑。[编者按]  相似文献   

面对席卷而来的国际高油价,中国2011年第2次上调国内成品油价格,成品油消费进入"跨八"时代。原油作为一国的工业血脉,近年来越来越多地表现出其金融属性,成为大国博弈的政治砝码。牵一发而动全身,  相似文献   

Spot to retail price pass-through behavior of the U.S. gasoline market was investigated at the national and regional levels, using weekly wholesale and retail motor gasoline prices from January 2000 to the present. Asymmetric pass-through was found across all regions, with faster pass-through when prices are rising. Pass-through patterns, in terms of speed and time for completion, were found to vary from region to region. Spatial aggregation was investigated at the national level and the East Coast with the aggregated cumulative pass-through being greater than the volume-weighted regional pass-through when spot prices increase. These results are useful to the petroleum industry, consumers, and policy makers by providing a basis to estimate the retail price effects that result from a change in spot price.  相似文献   

原油作为世界生产过程中必不可少的能源动力以及化工用品原材料,它的价格波动通过各种方式传导至人们的日常生活中。通过对国际原油价格波动的梳理,文章将原油价格引入中间品生产函数,通过最终品的产出以及工资利率的确定,研究了原油价格波动对中国工资、利率、物价的影响机制。文章研究发现,国际原油价格因素对我国的宏观经济具有显著的冲击影响,影响到了原材料价格以及进口商品价格,通过中间品价格的传导对消费品价格、工资具有较强影响,但对利率水平影响较弱。  相似文献   

Persistent shortages of electric power and of capital to fund power system expansion have recently prompted the Indonesian government to allow the private sector to supply electricity. Price has become a controversial issue—both the retail price private producers would charge the public, and the wholesale price at which they would seil in bulk to the state utility, PLN The government has traditionally kept the retail price below cost to support economic development objectives, and subsidies have covered PLN's losses. Opponents of private power argue that without subsidies private suppliers would have to raise the retail price to unacceptable levels—according to PLN, almost 50% more per kilowatt-hour than its own price. The paper assesses PLN's claim by quantifying hidden subsidies, and demonstrates that, if these were properly taken into account, the average retail price per kilowatt-hour for 1980–93 should have been 46% higher than it was.  相似文献   

顾列铭 《上海经济》2006,(11):41-42
2006年10月,第100届中国出口商品交易会在广州如期进行,在国家调低出口退税率和欧盟对中国鞋征收反征销税的压力之下,中国纺织服装和鞋类生产商按照早已酝酿好的既定方案,纷纷提高了出口商品报价。  相似文献   

The intensity of competition among firms depends on commuting patterns, as has been noted, because commuters can reach any store located on their route to work without incurring any incremental travel costs. We incorporate this insight into our estimation of a retail gasoline price function for Lexington, Kentucky, by treating each commuter route as a separate market. Competition in these markets, however, displays an asymmetry because all the commuters travel to the Central Business District (CBD). To accommodate this asymmetry, we treat the market segments on each side of a firm as distinct submarkets and include independent variables (number of competitors and submarket length) from each submarket. Both sets of structural variables influence gasoline prices in the expected direction, but the variables representing the submarket near the CBD have significantly stronger effects. Refinements show that a firm's strongest competition comes from sellers of different brands and from its nearest neighbor.  相似文献   

黄欢 《今日重庆》2014,(17):56-56
水为万物之源,水更为民生之本,在有着千年历史文化的垫江县,每一滴水都饱含浓浓的民生情结。重庆市委、市政府大力实施民生事实一年以来,垫江县水务在这项工作中积极行动,为民务实。  相似文献   

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