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贾瑞峰 《时代金融》2014,(14):78-79
作者在文中首先分析了在保定农业产业发展中民间资本面临的机遇,然后分析了保定民间资本进入农村金融市场面临的困难,最后探讨了民间资本进入保定市农村金融市场的对策建议。  相似文献   

南昌市民间投资近年来有较快增长,对南昌经济的发展起到了重要的作用,但由于各方面因素的影响,南昌市民间投资在投资政策、投资环境、投资空间、投资结构、投资潜力等方面也表现出亟待解决的问题。文章通过对南昌市民间投资现状、问题的分析,得出促进南昌市民间投资良好发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   

文章从放宽民间投资市场准入、加强和改善政府服务、营造公平竞争的投资环境、发挥政府投资的引导带动作用、积极助推民间投资快速发展、推进政府和社会资本合作(PPP)模式等方面阐述了甘南州民间投资情况,分析了当前民间投资的问题在于进入公共服务领域不多、投融资渠道不畅、规模及总量偏小、短期投资行为相对明显、发展环境不宽松等问题,提出了相应的对策及建议:进一步拓宽民间投资的领域和范围,加强民间投资的服务、指导和规范管理,加强民间投资信息平台建设.  相似文献   

税务总局日前就进一步贯彻落实税收政策促进民间投资健康发展发出通知,要求各级税务机关加大税收政策落实力度,促进民间投资健康发展。同时对现行税收政策规定中涉及民间投资的优惠政策也进行了系统梳理。税务总局日前就进一步贯彻落实税收政策促进民间投资健康发展发出通知,要求各级税务机关要充分认识发展民间投资的重要性,坚决贯彻执行中央决策部署,加大税收政策落实力  相似文献   

民间资本的发展及其金融选择   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
民间资本已成为激发中国经济发展内生动力和活力的主要源泉。国务院"新36条"强调要进一步鼓励和引导民间投资,要把鼓励和引导民间投资健康发展工作摆在更加重要的位置,切实促进民间投资持续健康发展。中共中央"十二五"规划建议从历史的角度和战略的高度提出了促进民间资本发展的方略:鼓励扩大民间投资,放宽市场准入,支持民间资本进入金融服务等领域。本文对民间资本发展的现状与制约、金融业与民间资本发展,以及民间资本进入金融业的路径选择、政策取向等问题进行了分析与探讨。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国民间投资不断发展,已经成为国民经济中的重要组成部分。近年来,围绕如何促进民间投资健康发展,国家、省、市相继出台文件,确保民间资本在项目审批、建设、运营等环节与国有资本享受平等待遇,为民间资本营造公平竞争的投资环境。  相似文献   

今年上半年,民间投资总规模达到9.37万亿元,大约比2010年同期翻了一番.1-8月,民间投资占国内固定资产投资的比重为62.1%,增长25.1%,增长速度高于国有投资,显示出当前国家各项政策措施对民间投资健康发展的推动作用.然而,民间投资仍面临三方面障碍.保护好民间投资积极性,需要从法律、体制、资金、监管等多方面着力.  相似文献   

浙江民间投资发达,逐渐成为带动浙江经济快速发展的主要动力,也成为我国市场经济发展中的一大亮点。十七大报告提出创造条件让更多群众拥有财产性收入,从宏观层面为民间投资提供了政策支持;而《关于鼓励和引导民间投资健康发展的若干意见》(新36条)的出台,则从微观层面为民间投资提供了具体的政策引导。十二五时期,民间投资将迎来一个快速发展的阶段。作为资源小省、经济大省的浙江,在民间投资领域有哪些经验值得借鉴,哪些部分仍需努力推进,值得探讨。  相似文献   

林啸 《云南金融》2011,(6X):137-139
浙江民间投资发达,逐渐成为带动浙江经济快速发展的主要动力,也成为我国市场经济发展中的一大亮点。本文通过对浙江、山东、江苏、广东这四个民间投资相对发达的省份进行比较分析,从政策制度、投资领域、投资形式、企业结构等方面入手,探求浙江民间投资发达背后所蕴含的原因。并在此基础上,提出进一步促进浙江民间投资的政策建议。  相似文献   

林啸 《时代金融》2011,(18):137-139
浙江民间投资发达,逐渐成为带动浙江经济快速发展的主要动力,也成为我国市场经济发展中的一大亮点。本文通过对浙江、山东、江苏、广东这四个民间投资相对发达的省份进行比较分析,从政策制度、投资领域、投资形式、企业结构等方面入手,探求浙江民间投资发达背后所蕴含的原因。并在此基础上,提出进一步促进浙江民间投资的政策建议。  相似文献   

章卫东 《会计研究》2007,(12):63-68
定向增发新股成为股权分置改革之后中国上市公司股权再融资的主要工具,本文从理论上解释这种现象,并运用中国证券市场定向增发新股、整体上市的数据,对宣告定向增发新股、定向增发新股实现集团公司整体上市的公司股票价格的短期市场表现进行了实证研究。实证研究结果表明,上市公司宣告定向增发新股和宣告定向增发新股实现集团公司整体上市都有正的财富效应,并且上市公司通过向控股股东或控股股东的关联企业定向增发新股实现集团公司整体上市的宣告效应要好于其他类型的定向增发新股的宣告效应。  相似文献   

Why Are Buyouts Levered? The Financial Structure of Private Equity Funds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Private equity funds are important to the economy, yet there is little analysis explaining their financial structure. In our model the financial structure minimizes agency conflicts between fund managers and investors. Relative to financing each deal separately, raising a fund where the manager receives a fraction of aggregate excess returns reduces incentives to make bad investments. Efficiency is further improved by requiring funds to also use deal-by-deal debt financing, which becomes unavailable in states where internal discipline fails. Private equity investment becomes highly sensitive to aggregate credit conditions and investments in bad states outperform investments in good states.  相似文献   

王勇 《金融论坛》2005,10(1):45-49
宁波市民间资本数量可观,活动剧烈。调查表明,宁波民间资本借贷活跃,地下钱庄发展迅速,民间炒房现象较严重,其危害性应引起有关部门的高度重视。为达到引导民间资本的投资流向,疏导其投资渠道,避免投资失误和投资渠道阻塞不畅,减少炒房现象,抑制房地产价格上扬,为需要资金的民营企业解决资金缺乏的问题等目的,作者建议应采取相应的对策。  相似文献   

运用期权博弈方法,从无政府担保基本情形出发,构建 PPP 项目特许权期决策模型,考量政府参与风险分担对特许权期的影响。结果表明,收益波动率一定的情况下,特许权期随着政府最低收益担保期望价值的增加而减少;而在政府最低收益担保期望价值一定的情况下,特许权期随着收益波动率的增加而增加。鉴此,政府应根据项目的风险收益情况实施弹性特许权期制。  相似文献   

We study how listing status affects investment behavior. Theory offers competing hypotheses on how listing‐related frictions affect investment decisions. We use detailed data on 74,670 individual projects in the U.S. natural gas industry to show that private firms respond less than public firms to changes in investment opportunities. Private firms adjust drilling activity for low capital‐intensity investments. However, they do not increase drilling in response to new capital‐intensive growth opportunities. Instead, they sell these projects to public firms. Our evidence suggests that differences in access to external capital are important in explaining the investment behavior of public and private firms.  相似文献   

孙亚 《中国外资》2008,(2):72-73
民营企业"外资化"已对我国外资的管理体制提出了严峻的挑战……  相似文献   

“新36条”做出了一系列针对性安排,来解决民间投资在诸多领域所遭遇的准入难问题。  相似文献   

We examine investment banks' networking function in capital markets, using a sample of Private Investments in Public Equity (PIPEs). We argue that investment banks develop relationships with investors through repeat dealings, and that investment banks' networks of relationship investors form the basis of their networking function. We find that investment banks, especially those with larger investor networks, help issuers attract investors. Correspondingly, an issuer that desires more investors is more likely to hire an investment bank than place the shares directly. We also find that issuers pay higher fees to hire investment banks with larger investor networks. Our empirical findings suggest that the networking function of investment banks is important in securities offerings.  相似文献   

A model in which banks trade toxic assets to raise funds for investment is analyzed. Toxic assets generate an adverse selection problem and, consequently, the interbank asset market provides insufficient liquidity. Investment is inefficiently low because acquiring funding requires banks to sell high-quality assets for less than their “fair” value. Equity injections reduce liquidity and may be counterproductive as a policy for increasing investment. Paradoxically, if it is directed to firms with the greatest liquidity needs, an equity injection will reduce investment further. Asset purchase programs, like the Public–Private Investment Program, often have favorable impacts on liquidity, investment and welfare.  相似文献   

In China, between 2006 and 2013, local public debt crowded out the investment of private firms by tightening their funding constraints while leaving state-owned firms' investment unaffected. We establish this result using a purpose-built data set for Chinese local public debt. Private firms invest less in cities with more public debt, with the reduction in investment larger for firms located farther from banks in other cities or more dependent on external funding. Moreover, in cities where public debt is high, private firms' investment is more sensitive to internal cash flow.  相似文献   

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