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本文以广东省佛山市348家制造企业为样本,研究企业国际化程度与技术创新的关系,主要结论包括:整体而言,企业国际化对技术创新具有积极的影响,企业制定并实施"走出去"战略,是提高自主创新能力的重要途径。具体来说,企业海外销售额占总销售额的比重越高,其可能获得的发明专利与实用新型专利就越多;与世界500强企业的合作,也能够促进企业获得更多的发明专利,然而这种影响可能包含在企业规模对技术创新的作用之中。  相似文献   

本文认为,自主创新的主体是企业,最重要的载体是企业竞争力,最终的标志是经济竞争力的实现,自主创新需要有一种强烈的内在冲动和有效的制度支持。自主创新能力的提高不仅体现在科研水平的提高和技术能力的提高上,更重要的是体现在产业竞争力的提高上。从研究能力→研究成果→一种生产方式→一种稳定的生产能力→产品的销售能力,最后再到企业竞争能力,每一个环节都蕴含了大量的智慧,需要企业和技术拥有者努力,需要制度保障,需要政策支持,才能成功实现这种转换。文章提出,自主创新应注意以下几个问题:第一,技术战略一定要与品牌战略和市场扩展战略相结合;第二,技术创新一定要有很好的制度创新来保障;第三,重视文化力因素对技术创新的作用和影响;第四,充分激发国民内在的创新激情。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(4):509-529
In this article we describe the history of the Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium (Nat.Lab.) in the Netherlands in the period 1914–1994. The article aims at considering three main research problems. Firstly, we pay attention to the process of institutionalisation of industrial research and development (R&D) in the twentieth century. Secondly, we place the history of the Nat.Lab. in the context of innovation in the Netherlands. Finally, we investigate the role of this industrial laboratory in its company, Philips Electronics. The historical account shows that the Nat.Lab.'s mission changed over time in accordance with the changes in its context and adapted its structure, culture and external contacts according to the needs of each new mission. Throughout time it remained a unique place for multidisciplinary research for the company.  相似文献   

The Australian subsidiary of Dutch multi-national enterprise Philips came under secret service surveillance and faced risk of government takeover as enemy property during World War II. It was also excluded from Australian government contracts for war-related communications equipment at a time when it was forced to reduce civilian production. These threats to its assets and operations required the firm to develop an adaptive corporate strategy in order to respond to the political imperatives it faced; not just minimising political risk, but also taking advantage of the opportunities that war-related production offered during the war years and after.  相似文献   

高校是实施科技兴国战略、提高知识创新和技术创新能力的主力军,因此,提高高校的科技创新能力,使高校在社会经济发展中更好地发挥作用,为国家的科技发展事业做出更大的贡献已是当务之急。通过分析高校科研发展面临的新特点和发展趋势,就高校提高科技创新能力的途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The department store as a retail format created special demands on the organization of staff and the creation of a harmonious and productive workplace. Despite a lack of theoretical knowledge of human resource management strategy, early 20th century department store owners used the business strategy to guide strategic decisions about internal communication and staff training. The most obvious area of training was in selling. However, the more innovative department stores also recognized the need for management development programs. This study examines how the business strategy which embraced business growth, efficiency and effectiveness, building the firm's image and creating a supporting culture, strategically guided selected human resource management policies and practices in an Australian department store.  相似文献   

中国的菲利普斯曲线分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国菲利普曲线不规则程度加大及经济体制转轨与其进程密切相关。其经济体制转轨时期的菲利普曲线变化体现出中国特色的经济特点。研究菲利普斯发展斜率为负、自然率假说与斜率为正的菲利普斯曲线,弄清通货膨胀率和失业率之间的变动关系并逐步放开价格管制政策,对从所有制结构和产业结构着手解决我国失业问题具有现实意义。  相似文献   

Today Philips is one of the largest foreign investors in EastAsia. The foundation for the company's East Asian position waslaid by investment in Taiwan in the 1960s and early 1970s, ata time when this country and the rest of the region were stilllargely ignored by other European investors. This article investigatesthe motives for Philips to play a pioneering role among Europeanfirms in large-scale investing in Taiwan. The author uses thetraditional method for direct investment analysis, known asDunning's eclectic paradigm. He also addresses shortcomingsin this method regarding individual company behavior, by addinga corporate governance analysis that is based on Freeman's stakeholdertheory. The resulting analysis shows that, although locationalfactors constituted the main precondition to direct investmentby Philips, the crucial reason Philips made its early investmentsin Taiwan was its chief executive officer's enthusiasm for thisparticular project.  相似文献   

工程化人才是我国科技队伍的重要组成部分。工程化人才队伍的质量如何,是否能够胜任科技全球化的挑战,直接对落实科技转化为生产力和科教兴国战略产生重要影响。而作为培养工程化人才的主体之一,企业所采取的管理策略对工程化人才的培养和发展同样至关重要。文章从分析我国企业对工程化人才培养所采用的管理策略入手,剖析工程化人才培养和发展中存在的问题,并据此提出对策建议。  相似文献   

We examined firm-level and country-level antecedents of R&D internationalization strategies, focusing on differences between enterprises in emerging and advanced economies. Previous research often focuses on the relative importance of home-base-exploiting versus home-base-augmenting knowledge transfer strategies. We suggest that country-level and firm-level effects differ for the two strategies, and hence, we examined each strategy independently. Collecting data in China, India, the United States, and Germany, we demonstrated that firms' relative technological position as a firm-level characteristic can explain differences in home-base-exploiting strategies between emerging and advanced economies. In contrast, home-base-augmenting is more closely related to exploratory institutional environments, a country-level factor. Thus, either firm- or country-level antecedents can gain a dominant role, depending on the strategy implemented.  相似文献   

This research examines the impact of the firm's product innovation strategy on performance results. A total of 19 strategy dimensions were uncovered, which capture the specific elements of firms innovation strategies. Three dimensions of performance, independent of each other, were also identified and were found to be closely linked to the strategy adopted. For a high-impact new product program, an aggressive strategy emphasizing sophisticated technologies, heavy R&D spending, and a focused program was found appropriate. In contrast, a conservative strategy featuring avoidance of new markets and new product classes and a close synergy with the firm's technological resources resulted in a high success rate program. Finally, a high overall performance was the outcome of a balanced strategy: technologically aggressive, market oriented, and synergistic.  相似文献   

Much research in the relatively new area of International HRM has concentrated on the problems of expatriates and expatriation issues (Scullion, 1995; Brewster & Harris, 1999). These are often related to concerns that they face in working in a foreign environment; particularly, such issues as cultural difficulties and other factors associated with assignment failure (Harzing, 1995; Forster, 1997). However, there is very little research on what expatriates do as managers in a foreign context, and how this relates to overall business and HRM strategy in the organization as a whole. This article is a small contribution to this growing debate, and examines the strategic relationship between the HRM department at national HQ and how its strategy and policy is translated by expatriates at subsidiary levels in a relatively small organization operating in 37 countries. The article focuses most particularly on the tensions between local autonomy of the organization's various overseas units and the attempts by its headquarters to achieve control. We particularly examine the role of HRM in attempting to find this balance. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This article applies digraph theory to the theory of technological regimes. The first part of the paper identifies a number of links between the evolutionary approach and a particular version of the neoclassical approach to the economic analysis of technological change. Both these approaches are shown to take the body of presently-available technological knowledge as a quantifiable magnitude allowing firms varying in strategy, structure and core capabilities to explore a range of feasible alternatives within the frontiers imposed by such knowledge. The second part of the paper therefore considers technological knowledge to be a cognitive empirical structure which can be better defined and calculated by using the theorems of digraph theory.  相似文献   

泛珠三角经济圈九省(区)科研能力综合评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在拟订打造“泛珠江三角洲经济圈’’计划的过程中,科技合作是首先提出的课题。客观、科学地评估区域内各地区科研能力,并围绕结论提出一些有针对性的建议有十分现实的意义。  相似文献   

This study develops a conceptual model of the 7 V′s of big data analytics to gain a deeper understanding of the strategies and practices of high-frequency trading (HFT) in financial markets. HFT is computerized trading using proprietary algorithms. Empirical data collected from HFT firms and regulators in the US and UK reveals competitive asymmetries between HFTs and low-frequency traders (LFTs) operating more traditional forms of market trading. These findings show that HFT gains extensive market advantages over LFT due to significant investment in advanced technological architecture. Regulators are challenged to keep pace with HFT as different priorities to the 7 V′s are given in pursuit of a short term market strategy. This research has implications for regulators, financial practitioners and investors as the technological arms race is fundamentally changing the nature of global financial markets.  相似文献   

黑龙江省是我国农业大省,科学构建农业生产函数,合理测算各项投入对于农业产出之间的数量关系和农业技术进步的贡献率,有助于从总体上了解黑龙江省农业发展状况和科技进步水平,对指导黑龙江省农业生产和制定未来发展战略有着重要的参考价值.振兴黑龙江农业,应更多投入资金,提高农业基础设施的水平,加强农民的技术培训,进一步提高农民的素质,促进农业生产的发展.  相似文献   

企业的竞争情报部门已逐步成为企业管理的决策者之一,而反竞争情报是指阻止或防碍竞争对手获得本企业竞争情报的信息研究。因此,反竞争情报工作尤为重要。文章以阐述反竞争情报的含义为出发点,结合企业战略环境的分析,研究反竞争情报战略的制定和实施方案。  相似文献   

This research was conducted with a sample of 215 Chinese companies from the electronics industry. It shows that the different technological innovation capabilities have a positive impact on product innovation, beginning with the linkage capability, and then moving to the production capability, and ending with the investment capability. The research also shows that product innovation has a mediating effect on the relationship between different technological innovation capabilities and firm performance. Copyright © 2013 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(3):405-414
The phenomenon of big data—large, diverse, complex, and/or longitudinal data sets—is having a stark influence on organizational strategy making. An increase in levels of data and technological capabilities is redefining innovation, competition, and productivity. This article contributes to both practical strategic application and academic research in the strategic management domain by presenting a framework that identifies how big data improves functional capabilities within organizations, shapes entirely new industries, and is a key component of innovative and disruptive strategies used by learning organizations to diversify and break down barriers of traditionally defined industries. This framework provides an appropriate basis for internal corporate strategy discussions that surround big data investments by explaining how firms create value through various approaches. In addition, we offer guidance for how firms might derive their own big data approach through the merits of aligning data strategy aspirations with data strategy authenticity.  相似文献   

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