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Changes in economic, demographic, and cultural factors in West Germany during the past decades are briefly described, as well as changes in consumption patterns and the way the major marketing variables have been used and implemented. Special attention is paid to the upheavals caused by the German reunification. Implications for marketing management are drawn by proposing eight bipolar constructs.  相似文献   

Centrally located at the cross-roads of the main European Cultures that constitute its roots, Belgium can in many respects be regarded as a miniature Europe. Indeed, most general economic and consumption tendencies that have a grip over Europe, also reign the Belgian society.Yet, Belgium's macro marketing mix exhibits a number of particular characteristics. The remarkably developed retail apparatus and extensive product assortments are typical of a small but rich consumption society. At the same time, promotional expenditures remain modest, and price competition in major sectors is fierce.In view of the future, the foregoing aspects characterize Belgium as a potentially attractive test market for internationally oriented firms. Conversely, it appears to be an interesting commercial arena only for marketers with high cost efficiency, or with superior targeting skills allowing them to cater to the needs of small market segments with considerable purchasing power.  相似文献   

The 1980's for Portugal was a period of remarkable changes and a number of events influenced the decade significantly. Changes in environmental variables had great impact on the behaviour of Portuguese consumers and the marketing management of firms. This article reviews the changes along a number of variables which are relevant for decision-making in marketing in Portugal. Economic environment, demographic developments, cultural and attitude changes, variables related to Portuguese consumers and changes in macro marketing-mix will be assessed. The future trends of these variables will be reviewed and their implication for marketing management in the remaining years of this century will be considered.  相似文献   

The decade of the 1980s was a difficult time for companies marketing goods and services in Ireland. The business environment was dominated by high unemployment and economic recession, due to a combination of internal and external factors, which dampened consumer confidence and restrained spending. Fortunately, the economy is recovering rapidly in the 1990s, with low interest rates leading to greater confidence which, in turn, is promoting both increased investment and consumer spending. The prospects for the remainder of the 1990s look favourable assuming stability in the business environment.This paper describes key features of the Irish economy, demography and society which determine the nature of the consumer market, and examines the variables that affect its performance. It also outlines the structure of the macromarketing environment and highlights important trends. It concludes with a discussion of the future outlook for the market and examines some of the implications for marketing management.  相似文献   

Since the publication of quantified dietary guidelines in 198314, interest in food related issues has both increased and diversified. This paper describes changes in these issues and marketing response to these changes. There is, however, a marketing challenge which goes beyond reaction to individual issues and specific crises such as salmonella or listeria. This broader marketing challenge is the general increase in interest in food and in food related issues. This paper asserts that this phenomena itself is the greatest challenge to food marketers and further, that in today's consumer environment, it is a challenge which must be addressed without delay.

There is currently a merging of food and environmental/conservation issues along with the general increase in public awareness and information campaigns relating to “green” issues. This highlights the need for organisations in the food sector to take immediate action to rebuild customer confidence in the industry and in producers and in information produced by them. This problem is a shared one throughout the industry and when addressed will restore a more stable environment for competitive product marketing.

This paper is presented as a demonstration of the importance of the holistic view of research—of looking at the total situation and putting the issues or hypotheses in context of the total situation. It draws on a variety of sources, secondary and primary whilst also taking into account environmental factors such as media coverage and the particular history of the situation such as the distribution of the Villejuif list of food additives in 1986. It is, the paper concludes, important that a market situation is understood and reacted to in a sympathetic way for a marketing strategy to be successful.  相似文献   

This article considers the changing scope of research into UK food superstores over some three decades. Rather than catalogue changing market shares by format, we seek instead to show how such change links to national policy agendas. Academic research has evolved to address the growing complexities of the social, technological, economic and political impacts of the superstore format. We exemplify this by tracing the progression of retail change in Portsmouth, Hampshire, over 30 years. We discover that academic research can conflict with the preconceptions of some public policy makers. The position is exacerbated by a progressive decline in public information – and a commensurate rise in factual data held by commercial data companies – that leaves policy makers with a choice of which data to believe. This problem casts a shadow over the objectivity of macro-policy as currently formulated. Concerns currently arise because the UK Competition Commission (2006–2009 but ongoing) starts each inquiry afresh with a search for recent data. Furthermore, it has recently called for changes to retail planning – the very arena in which UK superstore research commenced.  相似文献   

The Food Standards Agency was set up in April 2000 to protect the health of the public and the interests of consumers in relation to food. Its principal purpose is to put the consumer first. But what does this mean in practice? The Agency is finding ways to help consumer organizations and consumer representatives contribute more effectively to its work. However, consumer organizations cannot hope to represent the full range of consumer perspectives, and so the Agency is keen to reach out to individual consumers using a variety of innovative mechanisms. This article will describe why the Agency was established and how it achieves its main objective of putting the consumer first. It will discuss how the Agency is developing and testing new ways of working to ensure that the consumer perspective is fully accounted for when developing and evaluating policies, including setting up an influential new Consumer Committee. It will go on to highlight a number of recent innovative consumer consultations and structures that have been established to involve consumers in Agency policy making. It will discuss these processes and how the lessons that have been learnt are informing future Agency strategies. The article will then describe how the Agency protects consumers through effective risk communication strategies and how its Annual Consumer Attitudes Survey will help it measure success so that it can continue to set new stand‐ards in putting consumers first in relation to food.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the involvement and participation of citizens and consumers in UK public services. It reflects on levels of involvement over a 30‐year period and maps this accordingly. Using models of participation, the paper reviews the citizen and consumer concepts. Conclusions are drawn about involvement and participation in practice and how this will develop in the future.  相似文献   

In 1999, Central Government launched an initiative to establish Consumer Support Networks (CSNs) throughout Scotland, England and Wales. The purpose of the networks is to improve access to high quality consumer advice services. Information and advice agencies will join together to provide expert, accurate and timely advice for consumers. By April 2002, 191 networks had been established covering in excess of 99% of the population. Only one local authority area in England has yet to establish a network. This paper reviews the development of consumer information and advice provision in the UK and considers the context for establishing CSNs. It also examines the need for consumer advice, the role of Central Government and the quality framework. Each CSN will conduct a gap analysis and assess the need for consumer advice in the local area. This will enable the network to develop a good understanding of consumers in the area and to take a more strategic approach in planning service developments to meet the identified needs. Consumer Support Networks aim to improve the provision of consumer information, education and advice. The literature suggests that consumers who are well educated regarding their rights are empowered through an increased ability to exercise them. Clearly branded advice services, marketed effectively to the public should result in higher levels of consumer awareness and, consequently, improve access to services. It is also expected that better flows of information between agencies will result in greater protection for consumers. Sharing ‘best practice’ nationwide should stimulate service improvements throughout.  相似文献   

Recent subject benchmarking statements by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (2002) have included the subject of consumer sciences at bachelor's level. This is significant in that part of the aim of subject benchmark statements is to describe the nature and characteristics of specific degree level subject areas and to identify the ‘typical substantive core’. Consumer science/studies have therefore been defined as: ‘interdisciplinary subjects which seek to understand the relationships between the consumer and the economic, technical, social and environmental forces which influence the development and consumption of goods and services’ (QAA, 2002). If we are seeking, therefore, to encourage empowered consumers, we need to have an understanding of how the context of consumption and consumerism is positioned within current course structures. During the last five years developments and change in both the subject area and courses has made it increasingly necessary to explore the boundaries and development of degree level courses in the subject area in the United Kingdom. Research is therefore being undertaken to investigate the existence of a unique body of knowledge that currently defines the subject field, given its inter and multidisciplinary focus. This research has also aimed to track the changes and developments in courses and to map the forms of knowledge within the subject field between higher education institutions. This has been undertaken by comparing original studies of degree content areas, interviews and surveys of core academic staff and undertaking a recent follow up of this work. The results of this research will be available for presentation at the conference.  相似文献   

Consumer sciences and consumer studies as a recent interdisciplinary degree area in higher education in the UK has had limited published research either on the subject heritage or its disciplinary identity. Since the major subject review was undertaken by the Council for National Academic Awards 17 years ago, the research investigation aimed to study how consumer studies and home economics had moved to consumer sciences and consumer studies. The research has therefore involved a survey over a 15‐year period of development and changes of institutions and degrees and a content analysis of programme outlines and national benchmarking to reveal changing trends in how the subject has been conceptualized. The comparison used data from 1992, 1999, 2003 and 2007 to map degree programme and institutional changes. External and internal political and economic factors influenced subject growth, decline and development. It was found that the number of degree programme titles had remained relatively stable, with still a balance between BA and BSc degrees but that this disguised many changes in institutions and degree titles. The content analysis of trends was undertaken, comparing 1992, 1999, 2003 and 2007. Subject benchmarking statements introduced in 2002, currently being revised in 2009, were compared with programme content themes in 2003 and 2007. The content analysis showed that the overall approach or principles, areas of study, context, perspectives and processes for degree programmes at the undergraduate level had developed noticeably over the last 15 years and had been clarified by benchmarking guidelines. Themes of behavioural change, consumer ethics, consumer services, skills and education, sustainability and well‐being had developed with applied contexts depending on programme orientation. A model has been proposed to illustrate the current conceptualization of the subject in the UK at degree level, and Chenoweth's definition of consumer sciences and consumer studies has been redefined for the UK. It is recommended that there should be more theoretical reflection on the interpretation and development of the subject.  相似文献   

Since the development of wine sales via supermarkets in the UK in the 1970s wine consumption has more than doubled so now the UK is the largest wine import market (by value) in the world. Wine is now consumed by approximately 61% of the UK adult population on a regular basis. For many social wine consumption has become part of their lifestyle. Given the international importance of the UK wine market, plus the increasing incorporation of wine into regular consumption behaviour, it is remarkable how few academic studies have been undertaken into the consumption behaviour of moderate, social UK wine consumers. This paper aims to start developing that knowledge, thus adding to our understanding of consumer behaviour in general. The results show that consumers use wine in very sophisticated ways via purchasing, gifting and consumption. The findings also show that social interaction with wine varies significantly, dependant upon occasion and environment. Behaviour also varies if the purchase, as gift and/or for consumption, is perceived as a private or public activity. This paper places UK wine consumer behaviour within a social context, and is able to show that all consumers display a range of behaviours in relation to wine which are situation and occasion dependant.  相似文献   

Consumer education is an integral part of the consumer empowerment mix. Over recent years the importance of consumer education as a vital tool for protecting consumers and making them better informed has been increasingly recognized in the UK. As part of the developing policy debate in the UK, the National Consumer Council (NCC), one of the key consumer champion bodies, has been arguing the case for a national strategy for consumer education. In order to establish whether a national strategy was needed and, if so, how a strategy could be structured and introduced, the NCC carried out a national consultation. In excess of 100 responses were obtained from a very broad range of organizations. This paper provides a review of the secondary data gathered for the NCC research. It was found that although there are many organizations and networks involved in consumer education in the UK, it lacks focus, is fragmented and is not efficient or coordinated. The research highlighted a need for a strategic approach to place educated and empowered consumers at the heart of the marketplace.  相似文献   

The question has been raised of whether UK consumers have benefitted or suffered a decline in standards as a result of the UK's membership of the EC. Additionally some have queried whether the UK itself has fulfilled its obligations of implementing European Community law in this field. This article addresses these questions, concentrating on areas the authors deem to be of specific relevance to UK consumers, namely, product liability, package holidays, misleading advertising and enforcement. The treatment of these areas is preceded by a discussion of the basic philosophies underlying UK and European Community consumer protection policies.
Zusammenfassung Die Vollendung des gemeinsamen Marktes und der Verbraucherschutz aus englischer Perspektive Es ist eine Diskussion darüber entstanden, ob britische Konsumenten als Folge der Mitgliedschaft Gro\britanniens in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft eher einen Vorteil erzielt oder eher einen Nachteil erlitten haben. Zusätzlich wurde gelegentlich in Zweifel gezogen, ob Gro\britannien selbst bei der Einführung europäischen Gemeinschaftsrechts in diesem Bereich überhaupt seine Verpflichtungen erfüllt hat. Bei der Behandlung dieser Fragen konzentiert sich der vorliegende Beitrag vor allem auf Gebiete, die nach Meinung der Autoren für englische Konsumenten von Bedeutung sein dürften, nämlich Produkthaftung, Pauschalreisen, irreführende Werbung und Rechtsdurchsetzung. Die Behandlung dieser Bereiche wird eingeleitet durch eine Diskussion der gedanklichen Grundlagen, die einerseits der britischen und andererseits der europäischen Gemeinschaftspolitik im Bereich des Verbraucherschutzes unterliegen.

Joan Hunter was formerly a Lecturer in the Faculty of Law at the University of Dundee; she is now a trainee solicitor.  相似文献   

Changes in many environmental (exogenous) factors during the eighties and early nineties affect marketing management and consumer behaviour in the Netherlands. Some of these factors relate to the effects of the economic recessions in the early eighties and the early nineties. Other factors are autonomous trends in a number of economic, demographic, and cultural factors. These factors determine a “macro marketing mix” for marketing management decisions of companies. In this article, we discuss the changing consumer environment and its impact on production and retailing of consumer goods and services in the Netherlands for the last decade of this century. This information on the Netherlands, as well as on the other nations of the European Community, is relevant for marketers operating in, or considering entering, the Dutch market. For governmental decision makers and scientists this information on future consumption and marketing is relevant for their policy and research.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examined the consumption of Indian foods among groups of English and Indian people living in the UK. Both convenience and freshly made Indian foods were included in the research. The aim was to explore attitudes (based on ethnicity) towards, and the consumption of, Indian foods. The means–end model and laddering methodology were used in interviews with 24 respondents, 12 from each group (English and Indians). The personal values ‘social life’, ‘health’, ‘adventure’, ‘enjoyment’ and ‘savings’ were found to be the most important for English respondents whereas ‘enjoyment’, ‘good life’, ‘health’, ‘religion’ and ‘culture’ were the most desirable value ends for Indians. The results provide an insight into English and Indian peoples’ perceptions of Indian food that can be used in promotion and marketing positioning of branded Indian foods, sauces and accompaniments.  相似文献   

‘Development’ and the globalization of consumption is leading to a breakdown of biological and cultural diversity, erosion of food security, an increase in violence and devastation for the global biosphere. We urgently need to shift away from economic globalization and homogenization towards localization and diversification.  相似文献   

Sustainable consumption is one of the major goals of the affluent European societies in their quest for sustainable development. A key player in sustainable consumption is the sustainable or green consumer. The aim of this study was to examine the profile of the Greek green consumer based on the study and empirical analysis of engagement in selected 3R (reduce – reuse – recycle) activities. In addition, the attitudes on certain issues related to sustainable consumption of the consumers were examined and analysed. Empirical analysis is based on the use of a cross‐section data set. An extensive survey of 300 Greek consumers via a questionnaire was carried out in the first trimester of 2008. The sampled households were located in five of the main and most representative regions of Athens, with respect to the socioeconomic characteristics (sex, age, income group, education level) of their residents. Respondents were asked to answer questions examining the 3R concept on daily issues such as solid waste generation and water and energy consumption. Empirical results are based on the estimation of regression models. Econometric models are estimated for each question explaining engagement in 3R activities. Empirical results suggest that sociodemographic characteristics do specify engagement in 3R related activities. In particular, age and income are the most influential factors that determine this engagement. In addition, our study reveals that four out of five Greek consumers identify global climate change as the most important issue of our time. However, only one in five of the respondents are willing to change their lifestyle in order to mitigate the negative environmental impacts of our everyday activities; compared with men, women are more willing to do so. One in two consumers report that eco‐friendly products are more expensive than standard ones. However, when questioned as to whether they would pay a higher price for products with less environmental impact, almost four out of five responded favourably.  相似文献   

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