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基于营销思维的人力资源招聘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从市场营销学的角度看待企业的人力资源招聘活动,将市场营销学中部分思想运用于人力资源招聘活动中,把人力资源招聘活动看成一种营销活动,视薪酬等为招聘的"核心产品",将定价、促销策略、营销渠道、"以顾客为中心"等理念贯穿于人力资源招聘活动中,使企业的人力资源招聘工作多元化,促进企业人力资源管理的发展。  相似文献   

近年来,关于人力资源激励机制不同的企业做出了不同程度的调整,而在人力资源激励活动中融入不同理念已经较为普遍了,市场营销理念就是其中一种比较常用的理念。企业的人力资源激励活动可以看成是一种营销活动,而酬报就是激励制度当中的首要激励元素,科学适度的将市场营销理念融入到人力资源激励活动中,能够让企业人力资源的发展更加多元化,同时能够将企业发展提高一个层次。本文基于市场营销理念对人力资源激励活动做了一定的分析和研究,希望可以以此促进企业发展理念的建立和满足企业人力资源发展的需要。  相似文献   

激励是企业人力资源管理的重要环节,同时也是企业发挥职能能动作用的重要手段,市场经济下,企业多会采用市场营销的理念来指导人力资源激励工作,在这种激励模式下,可将企业的激励活动看作是一次影响活动。本文在阐述市场营销及人力资源激励理念内涵的基础上,分析企业人力资源激励中市场营销理念应用的具体内容,并结合企业人力资源激励现状和问题,指出市场营销理念下企业人力资源激励的具体策略,期望能最大程度地发挥企业员工潜力,在加快企业运营速度和营销效果的同时,扩大企业的活力空间,推动企业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

罗妮 《商业文化》2021,(6):34-35
拥有高素质的人才队伍是支撑企业创新发展的必要条件。要提升人力资源核心竞争优势,重点是要通过完善全方位的激励机制,推动人才队伍发展改革创新,全力打造一支政治可靠、业务精湛、甘于奉献的优秀人才队伍,提升人力资源效能,提供坚强的人才保证和广泛的智力支持,以人力资源效能的提升带动企业内在竞争力的提升,为企业创造更多价值。因此,如何完善激励机制建设成为当前人力资源管理的重要课题。本文以F供电局为例,通过分析员工激励需求,研究基于物质和非物质激励双轮驱动的全方位激励体系,建立"激励积分卡+激励菜单"的个性化激励模式,推进物质激励与非物质激励"双轮"驱动,充分激发员工的工作积极性和创造性。  相似文献   

<正>营销外包,是企业将营销活动尤其是渠道的开发与管理全权委托给一个拥有专门技能和网络的外部机构,企业只是在战略上进行全程监控和规定收益回报的下限,其他的营销风险全部由外包机构承担;加之将生产、人力资源管理、财务管理等价值链环节也外包给了专业的外部机构,企业可以将核心能力集中于"产品研发+品牌经营"的关键性领域,以获取巨额"净值"回报。  相似文献   

杨文端 《华商》2008,(20):12-12
本文详细阐述了人力资源管理基本理论,同时,阐述了什么是企业家,并具体分析了企业家应具备的基本条件和素质。本文重点研究了企业家在人力资源管理中的作用。一家企业的人力资源管理工作开展得是否有效,在很大程度上取决了企业家本人对于人力资源管理的理解以及在其本人的日常工作活动中是否切实发挥了自己在企业中的"人力资源管理第一人"的作用。具体分析了企业家在人力资源战略制定方面、在人员配置方面、在企业文化建设方面、在员工激励方面、在打造高效团队方面的"第一人"作用。  相似文献   

作为劳动密集型行业,餐饮业人力资源管理的重要性不言而喻。本文将人力资源管理界学者提出的最新理论"病毒式激励"引入餐饮业人力资源管理领域,结合对我国餐饮业人力资源管理现状的分析,提出完善职位分析及职位评价、建立与企业战略协同的人力资源规划、采用以病毒式激励为核心的人力资源管理机制等建议,以期为餐饮业人力资源管理的改善提供启迪。  相似文献   

薪酬管理的重要性在于保持内部岗位间具有一定的公平性;对于公司周边或在同行间具备一定的竞争力;对于人员今后发展具有较强的激励作用;在介绍E企业营销人员薪酬激励方案的基础上,分析了激励方案的利弊,强调薪酬激励对营销人员管理的重要作用,探讨薪酬设计在人力资源管理中的应用。  相似文献   

营销人员的人力资源管理是企业内部管理的核心问题之一。目前在众多中小型企业中存在着营销管理怪现象:销售出问题的时就结果导向,销售相对稳定的时就抓过程监控,对营销人员的选拔、培养、考核、评价缺乏系统化管理。从营销岗位特性出发,提出了以营销人员个性为基础,探索"以人为本"的营销人力资源管理模式建设。  相似文献   

王金艳 《现代商业》2012,(32):173-175
人力资源管理从产生至今,经过近一个世纪的发展,早已超越了原来仅对培训、选拔、绩效管理、薪酬设计的单个功能的人事管理,而是演化成为目前为保持组织持久竞争力而进行的一种开发人的"活的资源"的管理体系,无论是观念还是实践活动方面都表现出战略性特征。本文结合战略性人力资源管理在现代企业的初步应用,阐述了战略性人力资源管理在现代企业发展中具有的重要地位和作用。要通过实施战略性的人力资源管理,实现现四大核心职能,即人力资源配置、人力资源开发、人力资源评价和人力资源激励,从而构建科学有效的"招人、育人、用人和留人"人力资源管理机制。  相似文献   

The Customer Concept: The Basis for a New Marketing Paradigm   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Recent developments in both marketing theory and marketing practice make it necessary to formulate a new marketing paradigm. This paradigm consists of three elements: (1) a concept, which is the core of the paradigm, (2) a set of activities, and (3) a domain. The customer concept is the new marketing concept. It is a management orientation which maintains that firms establish relationships with selected individual target customers with whom superior customer values are designed, offered, redefined and realized in close cooperation with other partners in the marketing system such as suppliers and intermediaries, in order to realize long-term profits through customer satisfaction, partner- and employee satisfaction. The new marketing activities include decisions with regard to the firm's stated vision, objective(s), strategy, organizational structure, culture, information system, marketing instruments, business processes and human resource management. The new marketing domain encompasses the broader interpretation of marketing as the central concept in the behavior of the firm. The customer concept implies a reorientation of marketing to one that places the customer in a pivotal role.  相似文献   

基于内部营销的战略性人力资源管理运行模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内部营销与人力资源管理的关系非常密切。在战略性人力资源管理日益兴起的今天,如何将内部营销管理哲学和管理方法运用于战略性人力资源管理中,如何实现有效的战略性人力资源管理,如何充分挖掘和调动人的潜力,是理论界和实践界面临的现实问题。只有认清内部营销与战略性人力资源管理的契合点及本质区别,才能构建起基于内部营销管理工具的战略性人力资源管理运行模式。  相似文献   

Internal marketing issues have been discussed widely for a number of years yet this remains an area in marketing with many fundamental questions unanswered. Previous research has not satisfactorily addressed a number of crucial issues in its development. The lack of attention to detail has hindered its progress and thus relegated it to the sidelines. As part of a wider study which investigates internal marketing from a transaction cost perspective, this paper sets the scene and explores the different views and applications of internal marketing. It addresses those fundamental questions that have not been thoroughly considered in the past. What are the principles that form the foundations for internal marketing? Does internal marketing belong in all organizations? Is internal marketing merely synonymous with good human resource management or should the organization pursue internal marketing in conjunction with external marketing activities? Then, with the transaction cost framework in mind, this paper considers how internal marketing can be measured and whether it is necessary, merely nice, irrelevant or indeed illegitimate.  相似文献   

Over the last number of decades, as a result of regulatory, technological and changing consumer dynamics, many service organisations operate in an increasingly competitive and dynamic external environment. These changes have led to service companies trying to both recruit and retain profitable customers. In order to compete effectively, do companies focus on transaction and relationship marketing activities only or on the balanced delivery of both? Apart from a small body of work (Brodie et al. 1997; Coviello et al. 1997; 2002), the literature has treated transaction and relationship marketing in an isolated and non-integrated fashion. In particular there has been limited consideration of the pertinent issues facing service organisations trying to integrate these two perspectives in practice. This article describes an in-depth study of a service organisation's transaction and relationship marketing activities. In this study theory was used in the development of a conceptual model. This model was used as a framework to guide the study and data collection using one retail bank case. The data were analysed in relation to the transaction and relationship marketing focus and activities of the bank. The findings indicate that resource investment in some aspects of transaction and relationship marketing activities, in practice, was unbalanced compared to the resource investment in a wide range of support activities. The study has implications for research and theory and to those attempting to deliver both transaction and relationship marketing in the context of dynamic and competitive environments.  相似文献   

Shopper marketing refers to the planning and execution of all marketing activities that influence a shopper along, and beyond, the entire path-to-purchase, from the point at which the motivation to shop first emerges through to purchase, consumption, repurchase, and recommendation. The goal of shopper marketing is to enable a win–win–win solution for the shopper–retailer–manufacturer. Shopper marketing has emerged as a key managerial practice among manufacturers and retailers, who are eagerly embracing innovations in the different aspects of shopper marketing. We review current and potential innovations in shopper marketing. We identify the managerial challenges to achieving new win–win–win solutions among shoppers, manufacturers, and retailers in shopper marketing and outline future scenarios and research issues related to these challenges.  相似文献   

从营销人员的工作性质、企业因素和个人因素三个方面,强调了激励营销人员的重要性和必要性,分析了目前企业营销激励中存在的问题,如薪酬设计不全面,缺乏符合不同利益需求的激励,个体目标与企业目标不一致等,提出了创新激励营销人员的具体方法,如优化薪酬设计,实施有效的培训,培养员工成就感、归属感,充分授权并指导,发挥员工的最大潜能,以达到留人、用人的目的。  相似文献   

内部营销是把营销的视角从企业的外部转移到了内部.以企业的人力资源管理为出发点和手段来达到使顾客满意的目的。将内部营销理念引入到旅游景区经营之中,通过员工关系管理策略实现员工满意,最终获得顾客满意和顾客忠诚,形成景区的竞争优势。  相似文献   

实现中小企业集约型增长的市场环境分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
集约型增长是中小企业可持续发展的必由之路,而中小企业的增长方式主要是受市场环境的影响。根据市场竞争对企业资源配置作用的理论,分析集约增长必需具备的市场环境,即市场竞争的完全性、流杨的信息环境与低信息获取成本、充分的人才流通环境、积极的融资环境。  相似文献   

The motivation for this special issue came from the growing attention and debate on what constitutes Entrepreneurial Marketing (EM). Research in EM was first pursued collectively by the Special Interest Group of the American Marketing Association about three decades ago. Recently, there is widespread recognition of the significance of entrepreneurship and innovation to marketing, and indeed the importance of marketing in successful entrepreneurship. Whereas many scholars view that EM is more suitable for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), there is also now a growing recognition of the important role of entrepreneurs in any marketing activities including at the corporate, community and social level. In light of this, it is not surprising that the government, industry and academics are recognising the contribution of EM to explain a range of issues. Although entrepreneurship and marketing are individually acknowledged as a major element in improving firm performance, their dynamics are still an area with limited theory and empirical work being undertaken. These issues have been highlighted in many international marketing and entrepreneurship conferences in the last 10 years. Indeed this special issue was proposed after EM special sessions held at the 2013 AMS WMC (Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress) in Melbourne and ANZMAC 2013 (Australia and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference) in Auckland, New Zealand. The collection of papers presented in this Special Edition of Journal of Strategic Marketing was selected from the papers submitted at the close of the call for papers and following double blind review process. From the review process, authors of five submissions were selected and compiled into this [special issue on the Anatomy of Entrepreneurial Marketing]. It is our intention that this special issue becomes a valuable resource for both scholars and practitioners alike.  相似文献   

Traditional human resource management does not consider adopting a marketing approach in creating a positive company image to enable the recruitment of better employees. Recently, however, many scholars have attempted to apply marketing principles to recruitment management. Marketing can help create an effective image for a firm and position the firm as a good place to work. The study here examine ways marketing management relates to recruitment marketing in the hospital industry and finds that a hospital's sustainable competitive advantage, marketing strategy, and employment brand equity can influence the intention of medical doctors to pursue job opportunities.  相似文献   

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