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在日本生活,不免要和政府部门打交道,从服务角度说,我对日本的政府工作人员印象不算差。一来,这里绝少门难进,脸难看的场面,日本的政府工作人员态度都很好,往往是你刚一进门,就主动上来招呼了,办事的时候也是一副笑脸,让人感到纳税人的骄傲;二来,崇尚廉洁,决不受礼,和他们一起出门办事,买饮料都会自己付钱。  相似文献   

吴鸣 《企业文化》2009,(5):65-66
要与众不同,需要企业深入了解本土的文化,这里不仅仅包括中国本土文化,而且随着国际化深入,更要了解外国本土文化,唯有扎根本土,才能生根发芽,开花结果。  相似文献   

孟繁礼 《乡镇论坛》2011,(23):44-45
“麦熟一响,蚕老一时”,言简意深,意思是每年的麦收正是夏季多风多雨的季节,农人们经过一秋一春的辛勤劳作,好不容易盼来个小麦大丰收,这个时候,农户们要争分夺秒赶好天收割打轧,尽快让小麦颗粒归仓,决不能把到嘴边的粮食让老天爷夺走。时代不同了,收割打轧的机械化替代了过去单靠人力劳作的历史。每到麦收时节,一望无边的田野,金灿灿的麦穗,风一吹,麦浪滚滚;  相似文献   

乐山是一个人杰地灵的地方,自古这里丈人辈出,宋代苏轼父子三人,当代文化巨人郭沫若就是他们的杰出代表。现今,这里是投资的热土、兴业的福地。今年,是中国人民人寿乐山中心史公司个险部成立的第14个年头,期间团队起起伏伏,经历了两次筹建。201O年,陈俊梅临危受命,加盟人民人寿,挑起了乐山个险部发展重担。接手半年就完成了全年任务,全年完成保费140077,分公司达成率排名第一,保费排分公司第五。面对骄人的成绩,陈俊梅对于采访总是很低调,这大概就是梅花的气质和风格吧!  相似文献   

俗话说,民以食为天,随着生活水平的提高,老百姓对于吃的要求也是越来越高,不仅要吃的健康科学,更要吃的绿色环保。但是近年来,食品安全事故层出不穷,问题食品之多,涉及范围之广,造成恶果之重,已经达到了令人“谈食色变”的程度。明天,我们应该吃什么?--已经成为了全社会广泛关注的话题。  相似文献   

周振龙 《乡镇论坛》2014,(15):43-43
在山东省宁阳县伏山镇,有一个叫白马庙的村庄,据说是治水英雄大禹的出生地。相传,公元前21世纪,黄河泛滥成灾,沿岸一带。洪水肆虐,土地淹没,房倒屋塌,器物被毁,世人流亡,一片萧条景象。  相似文献   

某楼房自出租后,房主便不断地接到房客的投诉,房客说,电梯上下速度太慢,等待时间太长,要求房主迅速更换电梯,否则他们将搬走,已经装修一新的楼房,如果再更换电梯,成本显然太高;如果不换,万一房子租不出去,更是损失惨重。  相似文献   

企业管理者对一个企业来说有着决定性的作用,目前,国内大多数企业的管理者都精于业务,偏重经营,强调业绩,而疏忽管理,从而导致部分企业发展缓慢或停滞不前,甚至经营寿命不长。尽管他们也知道制度管理的重要性,并建立了各种制度,但往往不能持久地执行,  相似文献   

你是最好的吗?也许你有这个自信,但一定要有验证的方法:也许你没这个自信,但事实证明了你的优秀,让人大吃一惊。方法也好,事实也罢,全都存在于比较之中。  相似文献   

智能探测车是一款基于嵌入式开发系统的智能检测系统,智能化是它很好的优势,其涉及无线通讯协议,成像原理,传感器检测,机械平衡,路径识别,模式识别,视频流收集的方方面面。通过铺设有规律,特别的黑白赛道,运用摄像头进行检测黑白引导线的方式,识别路径,沿着赛道进行探测,并实时发送赛道各个方面信息。如果你是探测营救人员,你只需要带着一个笔记本电脑,插上我们配置的蓝牙终端,小车就会自动配对并开始沿着预定轨迹进行识别,中途的探测我们可以通过通信协议的上位机软件发送指令,对小车进行实时行进控制,达到智能探测的效果。  相似文献   

In their classic work, Von Neumann and Morgensterndefined a game as simply the totality of the rules which describe it. Theydid not, however, elaborate a theory of rules. Such considerations lead toconceptualizing rules and rule configurations as mathematical objects, specifyingthe principles for combining rules, developing the theory of revising,replacing, and, in general transforming rules and rule complexes. Themathematics is based on contemporary developments at the interface ofmathematics, logic, and computer science. This article, drawing on themathematical theory of rules and rule complexes, extends and generalizes gametheory (GGT). The theory of rule complexes is used to conceptualize andanalyze diverse social relationships, roles, and games as particulartypes of rule complexes. A social role, for instance, is the major basisof an individual's action in a game. It consists of at least four majorcomponents – which are mathematical objects – in the determinationof action: value complex, model of reality (including beliefs and knowledgebases), a repertoire of acts, routines, programs, and strategies, and modalities,role-specific algorithms for determininig or generating action in gamesettings. The article focuses on three types of action modality routineor habitual, normative, andinstrumental modalities. The theory: (1) provides a cultural/institutionalbasis for a theory of gameswhere games, social relationships, and rolesare formalized in terms of rule complexes; (2) explains human action as a formof rule application or rule-following action, which underlies allmodalities of action; (3) formulates the theory that actors construct an action or make choices amongalternative actions by making comparisons and judging similarity (ordissimilarity) between an option or options considered and their norms and values,and, in general, determine whether or not, and to what degree, a value,norm, or goal will be realized or satisfied; (4)reconceptualizes ``game' as a social form and makes a distinction between open and closed games.  相似文献   

沈皓婉 《价值工程》2010,29(13):245-247
从社会和政治变化、电子音乐流派的发展,形成了电子音乐,科学和技术的发展对电子音乐有重大的影响。他们是四个不同历史时期的发展——未来派,法西斯主义,达达派、电子音乐的时期。从最早使用:麦架,嘘声,窃窃私语,爆炸等。音乐和表达感情的表现,在阶级斗争,政治变革和经济危机、发展迅速的电子音乐,用在许多不同的零件,例如播放音乐、电影、电视等,都成了一个必不可少的组成部分的音乐市场。  相似文献   

Epidemic forecasting has a dubious track-record, and its failures became more prominent with COVID-19. Poor data input, wrong modeling assumptions, high sensitivity of estimates, lack of incorporation of epidemiological features, poor past evidence on effects of available interventions, lack of transparency, errors, lack of determinacy, consideration of only one or a few dimensions of the problem at hand, lack of expertise in crucial disciplines, groupthink and bandwagon effects, and selective reporting are some of the causes of these failures. Nevertheless, epidemic forecasting is unlikely to be abandoned. Some (but not all) of these problems can be fixed. Careful modeling of predictive distributions rather than focusing on point estimates, considering multiple dimensions of impact, and continuously reappraising models based on their validated performance may help. If extreme values are considered, extremes should be considered for the consequences of multiple dimensions of impact so as to continuously calibrate predictive insights and decision-making. When major decisions (e.g. draconian lockdowns) are based on forecasts, the harms (in terms of health, economy, and society at large) and the asymmetry of risks need to be approached in a holistic fashion, considering the totality of the evidence.  相似文献   

试论加强煤炭企业财务管理的有效途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张铭 《价值工程》2011,30(14):136-137
加强煤炭企业的财务管理,要在科学发展观的指导下,更新观念,抓好财务自身建设;要通过多种教育途径,提高财务人员素质;要建立和优化机制,抓好资金管理,降低生产成本,实行多元财务监控,获取最大利润;要抓好信息系统建设,利用现代网络技术手段,提高财务管理效率.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the fashion industry, one characterised by issues such as dramatic shifts in the scale and power of major retail buyers in the market, the advent of retailer own brands, and the nature of sourcing and supply chain decisions, issues that are increasingly global in nature. The aim of this research is to explore the nature of relationships between UK high street multiple fashion retailers and their contracted suppliers, many of whom are entrepreneurial firms by most definitions of the term. Four core themes emerge from the literature and provide a framework for the research, namely, power, process, partnership, and people. The research approach was qualitative, and conducted over a period of twelve months. The paper ends with an agenda for future research.  相似文献   

Resource-rich African countries are often saddled with high external indebtedness. Yet, their management of resource endowment, a logical source of debt repayment, also remains a challenge, alongside their characteristic weak institutions. We investigate the relationship between external indebtedness and welfare whilst considering the pervasive influence of both natural resource rents and the quality of institutions. Using a two-stage analysis, we find that the quality of institutions, mineral- and oil-resource rents negatively affect indebtedness, while rents of aggregated natural resources, which include agricultural commodities, increase indebtedness. In the second stage, we find that welfare is enhanced by the quality of institutions, mineral- and oil-resource rents. These sets of results are interestingly conditional on the degree of resource endowment and the income level of countries, alongside the interesting effects of external indebtedness on welfare, both of which, importantly, nuance past results on the “resource curse”. Furthermore, the proxy for welfare matters: the human development index proxy reflects more the theoretical expectations of unsustainable indebtedness on welfare, than does the GDP per capita alternative. These and other results of our paper, which hold useful policy guides for African countries, are robust to alternative estimation techniques and other checks.  相似文献   

丁胜 《企业技术开发》2009,28(6):128-129
文章用人文主义的文化分析方法,指出了公民意识是特定法实践结构基础上产生的法律意识及其对法治发展的能动关系,并在与法律意识、法律权威、法律信仰、道德等相关概念的辨析中明确了其作为国家观念、法律传统、文化的不同层次属性。由此,从发展的角度看,法治系统又是一个包括制度要素和主体要素的运动系统。  相似文献   

Understandings of informality commonly derive from research undertaken in states perceived as lacking the capacity to regulate the practices of their populations. This Interventions forum aims to expand the geographical parameters of empirical research on urban informality. A more global approach, we argue, also necessitates questioning assumptions that undergird this concept—in particular the underlying conception of the state. In this vein, this collection of papers aims to rethink theories of the state through the lens of informality, and vice versa, to inform and refine the concept of informality through a more thorough understanding of states. In so doing, the contributions engage with concepts that have been central both to theories of the state and to the study of informality, namely governance, agency, legitimacy, sovereignty and legality. Following this introduction setting out our theoretical approach, the Interventions forum unites five empirical studies that discuss the nexus of informality and states in contexts that have been researched less extensively from this perspective, each tackling one of the above‐mentioned concepts. Based on these different entry points, the papers provide novel angles on a state‐theoretical understanding of informality. A concluding essay brings these approaches together, reflecting on the possibilities of translating concepts to different sites.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of economic crises on the subsequent economic, performance, economic reform, democratization and institutional change. Our analysis is based on a sample of post-communist countries, most of which experienced severe economic, crises during the 1990s. We find that the severity of crisis has a positive impact on the subsequent pace of economic reform, economic growth and, with a delay, on investment and institutional change. Episodes of high inflation, moreover, translate into lower subsequent inflation. Crises thus serve as catalysts of reform and institutional change and lead to better long-term economic performance.  相似文献   

控保建筑作为一种特殊的房地产类型,在价值(价格)的评估方面有其特殊原则、特别考虑因素和特有估价方法和途径,实施估值的人员必须站在较长时间序列的背景下,在充分了解和掌握建筑物的文化背景、历史背景、技法背景的前提下,从建筑本体和外部两个角度,给予历史、艺术和科学的价值估算。  相似文献   

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