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The late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping (Right) at the 3rd Plenary Session of the 11th Cenltral Committee in 1978 when he pointed out that"Banks should perform all the functions of banks in the real sense". Over the last 20 years.China has been undergoing a long period of reform in its finan- cial system,an important part of the country's overall economic reform,and an area where many remarkable achieve- ments has been made.This has also been a period during which China's financial sector has gradually become commer- cialized and market-oriented.  相似文献   

Fixed-asset investment prices:8.6% 1' Prices indices of fixed-asset investment rose 8.6 percent year-on-year in the first quarter,said the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on April 23.This NBS report represents for the first time that fixed-asset investment prices indices were re- ported on a quarterly basis;previously,the index was calculated once a year. Driven by rises of building material prices and labor costs,the cost of construction and in- stallation engineering,which represents about 60 percent of total expenditures on fixed assets,went up 12.4 percent.  相似文献   

F-nviewoftheoptimisticclimateamongthe-ChineseDeoDlefollowingtheSino-IJStheWTOAgreement,MLXueRongiiu,PresidentoftheWTOResearchSocietyandProfessorattheUniversityofinternationalBusinessandEconomics,pointedout:tOparticipateintheWTOprovidesexactlytheright...  相似文献   

Accordingtomostexperts,theforeigntradesituationisnotoptimisticin1999.ThefollowingisanabstractfromanewinvestigationreportoftheSocialSurveyInstituteofChina(SSIC).PublicConfidenceTheChinesepublic'sforecastforChina'seconomicsituationin1999has28.4%thinkingof8%ofeconomicgrowth,25.7%thinkingofhigherthall8%and55.9%thinkingoflowerthan8%.Butmostpublicopinionisagainsthigheconomicgrowthinthenextfewyears.OnlyIS.5%ofthepublicholdtheideaofaslump.About37.6%ofthepublicthinkthattheireconomicconditionswill…  相似文献   

China's banking regulators, after years of study and preparation, are preparing to launch the long-awaited deposit insurance scheme, which is the "missing link" of the country's banking regulatory frame-  相似文献   

A Bite on Apple     
Creative is the worldwide leader indigital entertainment products for thepersonal computer and the Internet.Creative was founded in Singapore in1981 with the vision that multimediawould revolutionize the way peopleinteract with their PCs. Sincelaunching t…  相似文献   

Yes,the earthquake is a desper- ate disaster to China,but what we could see from this havoc is more than ruin itself.Every story under the name of love touched our hearts and souls.With their moving and touching voices hovering above the seis- mic zone,let's dry our tears and do our best to rebuild the land of abundance...  相似文献   

A Note on Qi Pao     
Probably nobody would refrain from admiring the unique Oriental look of the Qi Pao, a close-fitting woman's dress with a high neck and slit skirt. Many people, however, do not know that the common dress of Chinese women in ancient times was not the Qi Pao but the skirt. During the years between 200 and 300, A. D., most men and women were dressed in skirts. And later, the skirt  相似文献   

In this paper I briefly summarize Pastin's views on the problem of good business thinking (GBT) and the solution (Perspectival Analysis) which he offers. In discussing Pastin's solution I offer a number criticisms which call for further elucidation on Pastin's part. Specifically, I challenge his vagueness on which perspectives a manager must consider, the manner in which the moral components of these perspectives are to be evaluated, and whether Pastin is not in the end committed simply to an economic account of GBT. Finally, I contend that Pastin's account of GBT errors in being too intellectualistic and too individualistic. George G. Brenkert is Associate Professor at the University of Tennessee. His most important publications are Privacy, Polygraphs, and Work in Business and Professional Ethics Journal 1, No. 1 1981; Strict Products Liability and Compensatory Justice, in Business Ethics: Readings and Cases in Corporate Morality, edited by W. Michael Hoffman and Jennifer Mills Moore (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1984); and Marx's Ethics of Freedom (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983).  相似文献   

1981InJuly,the6thPlenareSessionofthe11thPartyCentralCommitteeadoptedtheDecsiononCertainHistoricalProblemsofthePartySincetheFoundingofthePeople'sRepublic,whichstipulatedclearythattheState-ownedeconomyandcollectiveeconomyarethebasiceconomicformsinChina,andthelaboringindividualeconomyinacertainscopeisanecessaryimplementofthepublic-ownedeconomy.InJuly,theStateCouncilissuedSomePollcyReguationsonTownshiPNon-agriuledIndividualEconomy,puttingforwardthesighficantPrincipleofrestoringanddevelo…  相似文献   

ByQianYouweistaffEditorAnopportunityalwayscoexistswithachallenge.AndtheadoptionofasinglecurrencybythememberstatesoftheEuropeanUnion(EU)willcertainlyraisethecompetitivenessoftheirenterprises.FiercecompetitionwilloccurnotonlyinEurope,butontheinternationalmarketaswell,particularlyinthefinancialfield.TwodaysaftertheEUdeclaredthelaunchoftheEurofromJanuary1,1999,China'sForeignMinistryspokesmansaidatapressconference,'ChinathinksthattheadoptionoftheEurowillforcefullypushforwardEurope'sintegrat…  相似文献   

Chinese people would never for- get the moment-14:28,on May 12,2008,as the 8.0-magnitude earthquake shook the whole of Sichuan;at that moment the world's at- tention was focused on the southwest of China-the homeland of the Giant Panda.  相似文献   

Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing said Saturday the common interests of China and the United States are on the increase rather than on the decrease.Li made the remarks at a press conference on the sideline of the annual session of China's top legislature.Li, who served as Chinese Ambassador to the United States in Washington in 1998-2001, said no matter where he is, he is al-  相似文献   

Again,the Chinese government has recently adjusted the export tax rebates upon 2831 catego- ries of goods,accounting for 37% of the nation's total export products.Export rebates on most products have decreased by 2% to 4%,and some have had an even steeper reduction.For instance, the export tax rebate has plummeted from 11% or 13% to zero on cement and chemical products,which are called  相似文献   

Under the impacts of natural disasters, this year's summer grain yield per hectare reached 4.4893 thousand kg, a 0.4% decrease of 20.4 kg from that of last year. Du Zhixiong, researcher from the Rural Development Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that although the summer grain yield per hectare dropped, the wheat production exceeded last year and the main grain production regions such as North China kept a stable growth of production. The overall sound performance of Chinese grain production and the huge grain stocks substantially lessened the impacts of the 0.3% slight drop on the grain supply.  相似文献   

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