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基于企业战略,对各备选项目进行战略符合度评价,从中选择一个或者多个项目作为企业实施战略目标的重要途径,这是企业投资决策中经常要面对的多目标决策问题。本文构建了基于企业战略的项目评价指标体系,运用突变理论,通过逐层递阶归一计算,确定各备选项目总突变隶属度,进而对其进行评价和排序,从中选择最优项目进行投资。该方法有效避免了各级评价指标权重的确定,减少了主观判断随意性所产生的负面影响。实际案例表明,该基于突变理论和战略符合度评价方法能够实现对战略型项目进行有效选择。  相似文献   

P. M. Rao 《R&D Management》1990,20(4):329-335
This paper is a case study of financial planning issues concerning funding, pricing, and the organization of corporate research and development (R&D) activity faced by American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) after the break up of the Bell System. The paper concludes that from the standpoint of financial planning, and in the context of firms similar to AT&T, a variant of the predivestiture model, rather than a profit centre model or a market model, appears to be the most efficient way of funding, pricing and organizing corporate R&D activity.  相似文献   

项目后评估方法与项目后评估制度   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据国务院关于投资体制的决定,论述了建立项目后评价制度的必要性;阐述项目后评价的理论与方法;电力项目投资大、周期长、不确定因素多、风险大,不仅要加强项目的前评价,而且要重视项目的后评价。  相似文献   

项目团队成员绩效考评研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
项目团队成员绩效考评是项目人力资源管理的关键环节之一,是整个人力资源管理的基础。科学、公正、合理的绩效考评,对团队成员的激励、薪酬、晋升都具有重要意义。引入模糊综合考评理论,在阶段性考评的基础上着眼于对项目成员进行综合绩效考评,为项目绩效考评对项目团队成员进行绩效考评提供一种思维方式。  相似文献   

基于模糊理论的BOT项目风险评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
B0T是国际上出现的一种新的项目管理模式。在分析了BOT项目风险构成的基础上将模糊数学方法与层次分析法相结合,建立了模糊层次综合评价模型,为BOT项目评价提供了一种主客观相结合的分析方法,并列举此模型应用案例。  相似文献   

主要研究常用经济评价标准,回收期、净现值、内部收益率、收益国一成本比率,并从理论上指 们所依据的假设条件和引用时的局限性。  相似文献   

根据国家发展和改革委员会发布的《固定资产投资项目节能评估和审查暂行办法》的相关规定,结合项目实际对煤炭建设项目节能评估报告书在对标内容中对标指标的分类、选取依据做了总结说明。  相似文献   

依据我国项目的技术经济评价的现状及其发展,论述了项目跟踪经济评价的含义、特点。进而,在阐明项目跟踪经济评价的内容与基本方法的基础上,对指标体系进行了探讨。结合案例对跟踪经济评价作进一步的阐释,从而建立了相关的项目跟踪经济评价体系。  相似文献   

发展中国家由于社会和经济发展水平低,在电力市场化改革中遇到了很多教训。电力市场的目标模式是零售竞争型、但发展中国家受制度、资本市场、人力资源、技术的约束,难以直接实现目标模式。渐进式改革路径更适用于发展中国家的电力市场化改革。  相似文献   

A generalized current research information and costing system for management of an agricultural research programme is described by reference to the Agricultural Research Current Information System (ARCIS) of the Agricultural and Food Research Council of the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between perception of environmental uncertainty (PEU) and environmental scanning behavior of Chief Executive Officers of 47 manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The results indicated that perceived uncertainty in the environment was significantly higher for the task environment sectors than for the remote environment sectors; and as perceived uncertainty increased in a sector of the environment, scanning frequency and scanning interests also increased. The results were compared with those of prior research in the area of environmental scanning. The results show both the economic and political legal sectors of the environment to be more salient for Nigerian manufacturing executives than for their American counterparts.  相似文献   

针对模块化柔性加工单元快速响应设计技术中的加工设备选择方案,研究了相应的评价及决策方法。采用编码量化的方法评价方案的可行性,便于计算机处理。层次分析法的引入较好的解决了复杂因素情况下方案的决策问题。  相似文献   

胜利三采注聚项目经济评价探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对胜利油田三采注聚项目特点和性质进行分析的基础上,认为该类项目应该采用增量法进行经济评价,以增量评价指标作为项目投资决策的依据。  相似文献   

从微观角度,依据我国现行财税制度和价格体系的要求,阐述了高校基本建设投资项目财务评价的职能、原则、内容、重要意义,以及评价指标的确定和计算方法。  相似文献   

根据建没项目审计形势的要求,为了改善审计环境和提高审计工作效率,文章提出了构建建设项目财务效益审计系统,运用信息系统工程的方法对该系统作了功能需求、业务流程及信息流程分析,在系统分析的基础上设计出整个系统总体结构。事实证明,构建建设项目财务效益审计系统不仅是可行的,更是极具潜力的。  相似文献   

建设项目财务评价指标--投资回收期浅析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
投资回收期是建设项目可行性重要财务评价指标之一,投资回收期可分为静态投资回收期、动态投资回收期、静态追加投资回收期、动态追加投资回收期。分析四种计算方法的利弊和适用条件,并在此基础上探讨投资回收期计算方法的选择及应用,建议以动态投资回收期及动态追加投资回收期为主,作为投资回收期评标指标。  相似文献   

The relative importance of a multitude of factors forthe allocation of expenses towards R & D are assessedin an empirical study of the Canadian biotechnologyindustry. The results show that patent protection andstrategic alliances facilitate R & D spending. Theresults also show that early-stage firms spend agreater proportion of the expenditures on R & D, whilefirms engaged in R & D in platform technologies andfirms with high debt-equity ratios spend a lowerproportion of their expenditures on R & D. Demand pulland competition variables are insignificant factors. Finally, counter to our expectations, R & Dexpenditures are more intensive among firms engaged inR & D in areas in which consumer controversies are morepronounced.  相似文献   

绿色供应链是现代工业发展的趋势,目前关于绿色供应链在建筑行业中的应用还很少。给出了一种采用DEA方法的建筑企业绿色分包伙伴的选择的评价方法。  相似文献   

为了顺应绿色供应链发展的趋势,H企业与供应商建立绿色战略合作伙伴,实现双方的共赢。文章综合考虑了质量、服务、环境、成本、技术五大因素,建立了科学合理的供应商评价指标体系;采用FAHP法和熵值法对各指标进行主观和客观组合赋权,利用灰色关联TOPSIS法进行供应商评价排序,选出最佳的供应商作为绿色战略合作伙伴;最后通过算例计算以及结果对比分析,验证了FAHP/熵值法/灰色关联TOPSIS模型的稳定性和有效性。  相似文献   

Since modern China was closed to the outside world until 1979, research on management issues within organizations operating in the Chinese context is a relatively recent phenomenon. In this study, we analyzed this body of research by performing a citation analysis on 226 research articles on this topic published in 20 leading English language academic journals over the past 16 years (1984–1999). The citation impact analysis identified the 52 most cited articles and the academic journals as well as the most influential authors on this research. We examined the issues or topics in these 52 influential articles and suggest some directions for future research.  相似文献   

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