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Abstract . Henry George's land reform ideas became known in Germany not through his writing or speaking but through the efforts of Michael Flürscheim, an industrialist and pioneer social reformer, who first presented those ideas to the public. The American's idea that the land value tax was the only legitimate source of government revenue as the only economic surplus had found no acceptance among German socialist leaders. It was a capitalist, Flürscheim, who was inspired by George's theories and wrote and spoke about them. Flürscheim brought about the foundation of the first German land reform organization. Though it failed, a successor became the largest such association in the world.  相似文献   

农地征收出让中的土地增值收益分配关系到“三农”发展甚至整个经济社会发展。尽管国家不断地提供农地征收补偿标准,但农地非农化征收与出让过程中农民的土地收益占土地出让收益比例偏低,而地方政府的收益份额则居高不下。研究结果表明,保障农民土地收益权、构建农民长期分享土地增值收益机制需要改革现行征地补偿制度,在合理的土地增值收益测算方法的基础上,确定增值收益分配比例、分配方式及建设用地与农民留用土地的比例,建立国家土地基金制度及国有土地资产经营制度。  相似文献   

Abstract . The tension between Henry George's reformism and his laissezfaire liberalism was resolved through a system of natural liberty George derived from the relation between Adam Smith's ethics and economics. Crucial for George's nonutilitarian philosophy of government was the interdependence between the moral sense (sympathy) and the prevailing socioeconomic order. In the appropriate institutional environment, the role of the government was diminished since the pervasive moral sense insured justice by monitoring the individual's pursuit of economic self-interest. In contrast, a defective socio economic order required government intervention. For example, land monopoly and the maldistribution of income undermined the role of sympathy, promoted excessive self interest and the breakdown of the system of natural liberty. Government action through the single tax eliminated the “fear of want,” restored an operative moral sense and guaranteed justice in society. Under these conditions, government can provide additional services for a growing society without being susceptible to “corrupt and tyrannous” behavior.  相似文献   

Abstract . The problems and contradictions which arise when an economically “poor” region is mandated to remain environmentally “pure“ are examined. The Adirondack region of New York State is such an area, being now protected by the 1972 Adirondack Park Land Use Plan. This limitation on development for environmental reasons has serious consequences for the 120,000 permanent residents within the park boundaries who, through their legislators, vigorously opposed the controls. A number of examples of the conflicts which have arisen are cited and a framework for “comprehensive” rather than “fragmented”planning is suggested.  相似文献   

The Jerome Levy Economic Institute at Bard College presented a program arranged by Professor Kris Feder on “Land Wealth and Poverty,” on November 2-4,1995, Two of the talks presented are here reproduced with more to follow in subsequent issues of this Journal. J. Ted Gwartney, former senior appraisal officer of the Bank of America presented the view that a 4% tax on the value of land, as broadly defined, could provide revenue adequate for the removal of all other taxes. Professor Nicolaus Tideman argued the case of morality of taxation at the local level.  相似文献   

Abstract . According to a line of European social philosophers from Marx to Habermas, the development of society is characterized by a process of rationalization, accompanied by alienation and objectification of labor and human relations, and more generally a degradation of what Jürgen Habermashas called the person's “life world.” But the facts about small and medium sized business, as disclosed by empirical investigation, offer a different picture, one of small and medium size enterprises (SME) with a number of attributes associated with social organization on a small scale, of e.g., personality and independence. These can provide a counterweight to its disadvantages and limitations and therefore can be seen as values from a social philosophical point of view. Economically the same attributes make SME vulnerable to the market power and competition of big business. The new technology offers threats to SME, but also opportunities.  相似文献   

Until recently, urban land and housing markets in Indonesia seemed to function well. Informal-sector development provided low-income housing affordably. Through government programs, formal-sector developers could build housing for all but the poor. Since 1989, however, daily conversation pictures land speculation as rampant and formal-sector housing as rising beyond the means of the middle class. Newspapers carry stories of conflicts between small landowners and large developers with government officials in between. This article investigates this situation by addressing two related questions: are urban land prices rising “too fast?”; how do land regulations and development practices affect costs, and who pays these costs? The article includes quantitative estimates of urban land prices, changes in urban land supply, movement of land through the permitting process, and the effect of development regulations on costs. Data come from a literature survey and interviews of some of the largest formal-sector developers in Indonesia. A principal finding concerns a development regulation called a “location permit” and the “social function” of land in Indonesian law. Although helpful as a means of assembling land in Indonesia's highly fragmented land markets, location permits allow formal-sector developers to hold land off the market and pay low prices to small landowners. Ultimately, the “social function” of land under Indonesian law holds down the price formal-sector developers pay for land, but not at the price at which they sell their product. The article concludes by proposing reforms to the regulatory process.  相似文献   

Land value taxation (LVT) as desirable U.S. tax policy was brilliantly set forth by the American publicist and economist, Henry George, in the book Progress and Poverty, published 100 years ago. Economists concerned with state and local taxation have generally accepted the basic elements of George's analysis. The absence of substantial LVT legislation despite the economic efficiency and ethical strengths of land as a tax base arises from two sources. First, the public perception of land has not separated land's attributes from those possessed by other property. Second, land ownership data have not been gathered and publicized. Groups favoring taxes that promote economic justice and efficiency should support efforts to develop land ownership data. It would be an important first step toward fully utilizing the potential of LVT.  相似文献   

Abstract . Henry George's classicism was evident in his acceptance of “hard core” assumptions inherent in classical economic analysis, notably that rational self-interested behavior exercise in competitive markets maximized economic welfare. However, George's “stage theory,” the “Law of Human Progress,” led him to reject the classical nexus between social and economic welfare. The emergence of an exchange economy improved efficiency and economic welfare, but institutional changes lagged behind, particularly the redefinition of property rights. Consequently, economic growth based on land as a private rather than public good widened the gap between economic efficiency and social welfare. Hence George's paradox of poverty amidst progress. George resolved the equity efficiency conflict by treating land as a public good. Then, the sale of monopoly rights to land through the “single tax” on land rents captured the difference between the private and social costs of land use.  相似文献   

Abstract . The economic plight of Botswana's poor has worsened as a direct consequence of the mining sector's success. Their condition results from the process by which economic expansion and modernization has taken place. It has created an economic elite composed of a government bureaucracy and an emerging military “salariat,” and a small group of corporation officials and managers. The elite have joined white farming families as the country's largerscale land and cattle owners, purchasing land and cattle from savings out of relatively high salaries in the mining and public sectors. They have drilled boreholes for water and mechanized their farms and ranches. In effect, the elite have enjoyed access to the revenue from mining; their wealth is a product of that sector's growth, and the consequence is the emergence of a dual Botswana. One is rich, the other is poor, and the emerging clash between rich and poor could destabilize and threaten an African success story.  相似文献   

The proportion of multinational corporations (MCs) in a developing country (DC) has little to do with the degree of corruption of local culture that takes place. Rather, policy decisions taken by governments of DCs determine whether or not multinationals have a positive or negative impact, according to the author's research in Liberia among foreign managers, African supervisors, and Liberian workers. Even though Liberia has an “open door” policy toward MCs, very little violence has been done to Liberian culture. The reason is two-fold: 1) multinationals have maintained tight enclaves and have generally refused to integrate their values, managerial and otherwise, with those of the Liberian society; and 2) Liberian government officials have done little to generate Liberian interest in the business field or to force multinationals to play a more participative role in the society. The result has been “growth without development,” in the sense that the country's growth rate has increased over the years, but the Liberian people remain very much underdeveloped. A change of policy could bring about continued growth with development and without cultural disintegration.  相似文献   

Institutions cannot “work” by themselves, that is, without necessary efforts for enforcing, preserving, and improving them. For many economists, these efforts represent the costs of the economic system at work. Nowadays in institutional economics, the costs of running the economic system are generally called “transaction costs.” This article will offer a critical approach on the significance of transaction costs. This study highlights the necessity of subordinating the efficiency criterion to the ethics criterion, not only in the human action area, but mostly in institutions, as rules of the game in the society.  相似文献   

Abstract . Henry George delivered his famous “Moses” lecture in 1878, just one year prior to the publication of his masterwork. Progress and Poverty. The many parallels in the thinking of both George and Moses suggest that George may have been greatly inspired by Moses. George appreciated Moses’concern with improving this world rather than the hereafter. Moses, like George, advocated a minimum role for government. Moses proposed a thoroughly equitable distribution of the land which would generate fair taxes and avoid the exploitation so denounced by George. Land accumulation by the few would be prevented by requiring the return of ownership to the original owners every fifty years. George, the humanitarian, is also sympathetic with Mosaic reforms restoring human dignity such as the cancellation of oppressive debt every seventh year, and relief from drudgery every sabbath day and sabbatical year.  相似文献   

土地使用管制是政府配置土地资源、干预土地市场的一种方式。纠正土地使用的外部性、提供公共产品是管制的主要目的。土地使用管制的存在是必要的,但是人们必须注意加强对其效果的研究。这些效果有些是积极的,有些是消极的。土地使用管制本身是有成本的。随着社会的发展,土地使用管制方式越来越多样化、弹性化和市场化。由于管制而给有关主体造成的影响可通过税费或者补偿的方式予以再调整,以维护社会公平,并达到特定的社会目标。本文通过对国内外有关文献的回顾,得出了几点对我国土地制度有益的启示,这些制度包括耕地保护制度、用途管制制度和城市土地出让制度。  相似文献   

Abstract . Henry George's revision of classical economics was based on a new “hard core” assumption linking efficiency, equity, and social welfare to a revised concept of property rights in land. However, rather than create new core supporting “protective belt” theories, George either accepted or, when necessary, modified existing classical theories especially those which threatened his new hard core, for example, classical “wages-fund” theory. Consequently, George's adaptation of the Ricardian “stationary state” model was less accurate than mainstream classical economics in its predictions concerning the behavior of the distributive shares of income over time, and the effects of technological change on economic growth and economic welfare. Without its own protective belt, George's classicism became a special case of classical economics whose value, nevertheless, existed in its effective criticism of classical property rights theory.  相似文献   

Abstract . An “industrial policy” for the U.S. appears from the writings and statements of its advocates to involve modification of federal tax laws and expenditures to allow a largely unchanged set of business institutions to better serve the public interest. It employs planning but it is planning of the sort the U.S. has always had. Those who oppose all government activity in the private sector oppose it, not realizing that the anti-trust laws, for example, do not interfere with the economy's operation but aid it to function beneficently. It is those whose activities are anti social who are loudest in their demands for business “freedom.” Does the U.S. need a more efficient economic system? Intercountry comparisons show that in many areas it lags. To achieve stability of income and employment as well as productive efficiency, the U.S. has many policy options it can consider—and it must.  相似文献   

Abstract . The opportunity provided by the American Bicentennial for a re-examination of our political values is also an opportunity for a closer look at the political philosophy of Thomas Jefferson. Although Jefferson has been placed, with John Locke, in a “heavenly city of the eighteenth century philosophers” who sought new defenses on behalf of medieval spiritualism and divine law, the present essay contends that Jefferson's epistemological commitments differed from Locke's, and that Jefferson's political theory was far more “modern” than Locke's with respect to the key notions of rights, property, and consent. Some of Jefferson's political conclusions differed from those of Locke either in degree, such as in the details of representation, or in kind, such as in regard to the ownership of property.  相似文献   

The scope of this is paper is to provide new empirical evidence on the value relevance of employee stock options (ESOs) in Europe. We show, empirically, that the market participants when pricing a firm's equity place approximately the same valuation weights on the ESO‐deferred compensation expense (the so called “ESO asset”) and the compensation option liability (the so called “ESO liability”). Our empirical findings support the theoretical work of Ohlson and Penman who suggest that the deferred compensation expense be treated as a contra‐liability. The second contribution of our work rests on the nature of the ESO expense. We show that the distinction between persistent and non‐persistent ESO expenses is of critical importance for the market participants. Accordingly, an improved accounting disclosure should assist the investors in assessing the long‐term goals of the ESO plans at the firm level.  相似文献   

Land ownership, as commonly understood today, originated with the enclosure movement during the English Tudor era almost four centuries ago. Karl Polanyi referred to this “propertization” of nature as the “great transformation.” That land, water, and air was a social commons is now archaic and forgotten, and with it the classical economic concept of rent, which was, in theory, once paid to royalty as the earth's guardian. Garrett Hardin's article, “The Tragedy of the Commons,” raised alarm about the abuse and loss of this realm, and he recommended constraints and privatization to prevent this. Most people view titles to landed property much as they do their household goods, but Henry George saw that the earth should be seen as a common resource and its value taxed to benefit everyone. This would restore economic equilibrium to market exchanges and pay for government services. The capture of natural resource rents can supplant taxes on wages and capital goods, and it comports with all textbook principles of sound tax theory. This policy can be the modern replacement for the commons, and implementing resource rent capture is both economically and technically feasible.  相似文献   

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