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随着Internet网络技术的快速发展,一种全新的商务运作方式——电子商务应运而生了。电子商务可以使商家与客户更紧密的联系起来,更快的满足客户的需求,也可以让客户在全球范围内选择商家,商家可以在全球范围内销售产品。在这些电子商务中,电子商务网站是比不可少的,应用软件是电子商务网站中的载体,从客户购物到付款都是通过软件来实现。  相似文献   

电子商务发展中急需解决的若干问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电子商务使得现代流通业具有不断增长的供货能力、不断增长的客户需求和不断增长的全球竞争三大特点。商务活动的国际化、信息化和无纸化使企业获得更多的流通业机会,从而能够扩大市场份额、降低经营成本、树立企业形象,增强企业的竞争实力,以此获得更大的竞争优势。然而,正在众多商家和企业为电子商务而高呼万岁之时,电子商务在发展过程中所暴露的种种缺陷也为我们亮出了红灯,如果不得到及时解决,必将严重阻碍电子商务的发展。全球标准统一问题:电子商务是基于计算机软件以及通信网络基础之上的经济活动,人们可以利用跨越国界的计…  相似文献   

集结了IBM全球的人力、物力及重要的合作伙伴资源,第一次为中国客户展示IBM在整合、创新和基础设施方面的全线能力,以及最新电子商务发展动态的“IBM论坛2002”在北京隆重召开。来自全球的业界专家和资深演讲人、IBM的合作伙伴、中国各行业的嘉宾以及新闻媒体两千多人莅临了这一盛会。IBM大中华地区董事长及首席执行总裁周伟焜先生在致辞中谈到:“自电子商务问世至今,它已经使全球的商业模式发生了巨大的转变,信息化、数字化、网络化为企业带来了强大的动力。电子商务让我们切身体会到了世界的变革,社会的进步。今年是中国进入…  相似文献   

吴健  王新庄  余蓉 《商业研究》2004,(24):165-167
论述国际物流与互联网电子商务的关系 ,指出跨国公司物流是国际物流的主要形式 ,合理的物流对实现互联网电子商务和跨国公司营销活动起着十分重要的作用。我国加入WTO ,随着国际贸易的发展和全球经济一体化的形成 ,强调深层次开展国际物流的必要性  相似文献   

随着新世纪的到来,我们越来越能感受到经济全球化的浪潮;跨国公司的兼并此起彼伏,互联网已把世界浓缩为一个“村落”,电子商务下的国际金融资本比人体的血液流动得还快……全球经济一体化,使各国的经济都在向外扩展,整个世界连接的更加紧密,而跨国公司和跨国经营正是推动经济全球化进程的决定性力量。大力发展海外企业、参与跨国经营是我国在当前世界经济形势下融入的经济全球化的战略选择。本拟就此问题加以探讨。  相似文献   

智能代理在电子商务客户关系管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着电子商务的发展,企业的营销模式和管理理念也在不断发生变革。为了适应全球市场经济的竞争,企业目前最为关切的问题已经变成如何吸引客户、获得客户和维护客户,客户关系管理在企业中的地位越来越重要。本文分析了基于电子商务的客户关系管理,介绍了智能代理在电子商务客户关系管理中的应用,力图为我国电子商务的发展提供一些借鉴经验。  相似文献   

标准化战略作为跨国公司的一种战略模式,给企业带来了规模经济和低成本优势,已成为当今跨国公司在全球市场迅速扩张的有力武器。现实发展和理论研究表明,信息技术和电子商务已成为影响服务企业标准化程度的重要因素,其影响实质上是通过将服务数字化来实现的。鉴于此,本文构建了服务数字化影响跨国公司营销标准化战略的关系模型,分析了服务数字化程度的驱动因素以及数字化程度影响营销标准化战略的内在机制。  相似文献   

电子商务税收问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子商务作为一种新兴的交易方式,冲破了国界、地域的距离限制,使企业交易和跨国公司的贸易手段更加灵活。同时,对现有的经济运行与管理模式产生了极大的冲击,尤其是引发了许多税收方面的问题。我国作为一个发展中国家,针对电子商务引发的税收问题,应予高度重视,并从实际出发采取相应策略,迎接电子商务带来的挑战。  相似文献   

在经济全球化的浪潮下,全球化供应链管理越来越受到跨国公司的重视。文章通过对跨国公司全球供应链发展动因的分析,探讨了跨国公司在我国实施全球供应链管理战略的新趋势。结合上海建设国际贸易中心的实践,文章提出加强其跨国采购中心和国际研发中心建设,使整个上海成为跨国公司的国际供应链中心,从而为上海国际贸易中心建设服务。  相似文献   

李宏伟  高洋 《商业科技》2014,(6):165-166
随着互联网逐渐普及,大多数的企业会认识到,人力发展电子商务对于企业的发展是非常重要的,电子商务企业为了更加方便快捷,不受时间,地点为全球客户介绍自己产品,提供实时的企业在线招投标,低成本商业贸易以及企业的售后服务,及时、准确地收集客户进行相应的反馈信息,商业化经营发展全过程的同时达到一个新的电子商务商业模式也为各种新的和更有效的会计模式提供了广阔的空间和可能,对传统会计产生影响是非常大的。通过对传统会计领域电子商务影响分析,提出了对传统会计的发展策略。  相似文献   

Global supply chains are growing rapidly, and the ability to manage cross border logistics operations has become a necessity to maintain a competitive advantage in a dynamic environment. This research addresses current gaps in the literature by investigating the buyer–supplier integration dynamics in a global context with a focus on the antecedents and outcomes involved in the process. Empirical data from 320 U.S. based manufacturing companies that source from overseas was collected and used to test the framework. In addition to providing empirical evidence for the importance of orientation on collaboration, operational coordination, and integration this research explains how manufacturing companies can enhance the flexibility of their global suppliers and how that impact their logistics as well as overall firm performance. Managerial and research implications are provided as well as areas for future research.  相似文献   

Supply chain scholars have begun to recognize the institutional influences on supply chains, yet scarce attention has been directed toward the fact that global supply chains often comprise different institutions. This omission represents a severe shortcoming because the understanding of what constitutes legitimate behavior may vary substantially between contexts. This conceptual study employs the institutional distance concept to the case of supply chain sustainability risks. It focuses initially on paradoxical situations in which both the buyer and the supplier fully comply with stakeholder expectations within their own legitimacy contexts, yet the buyer's stakeholders still withdraw legitimacy from and harm the buyer. The study analyzes the causal microfoundations of how and why such paradoxical risks manifest, drawing on stakeholder theory and institutional theory. The analysis shows that accounting for the differing legitimacy contexts is necessary for explaining these risks, thereby substantiating our initial claim that institutional distance matters to global supply chains. The study yields important implications for corporate practice in that it highlights an inherent trade‐off in many global supply chains.  相似文献   

A significant conceptual and practical challenge for companies is how to integrate triple bottom line (TBL) sustainability into their global supply chains. In supply chain research, the classic economic perspective—the business of business is to be profitable—still dominates, followed by coverage of the environmental dimension; the social dimension is underrepresented. Stakeholders, however, are calling for a TBL perspective that simultaneously includes environmental, social, and economic gains. While there have been recent theoretical advances on how to characterize supply chains in terms of their structure, how to connect these insights into supply chain design for TBL sustainability has not been studied. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to move the theory of supply chain forward into the sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) research agenda. Toward that purpose, the paper analyzes the sustainable supply chain design (SSCD) at social businesses, incorporating the physical chain and the information and financial support chains. Four social businesses located in Haiti are used as cases of innovative supply chain structures for TBL sustainability. By analyzing the supply chain structures and boundaries of these social businesses, three supply chain configurations combining physical and support chains are presented.  相似文献   

This paper examines the economic impact of implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the supply chain operations of multinational corporations (MNC). Because they have global supply chains in emerging markets, MNCs face certain operational challenges. For example, unethical operations often result in a huge loss to MNCs in the long run, even though their initial cost seems to be low. In this paper, we extend the Bullwhip Effect theory in supply chain management to the ethical operations context, and define and evaluate a special Bullwhip Effect due to Unethical Operations (BEUO). Using economic data from various sources including Ford, Toyota, and GM in the auto industry, we first estimate the indices of BEUO for the three companies and demonstrate the economic necessity for MNCs to incorporate CSR with supply chain operations. We then propose a coherent approach, blending what we term the bottom-up and proactive methods, to achieve such an outcome. The bottom-up approach requires MNCs to switch their focus on stakeholders, shifting from shareholders to consumers and workers, and on decision levels from public relationships to supply chain operations. The proactive approach recommends initializing specific CSR operations to mitigate the negative impact of BEUO. Both theoretical analysis and case studies are conducted to evaluate our developed propositions that MNCs adopting the proposed CSR operations will in the long run achieve better economic performance. Recommended actions for implementation, based on best practices, are also presented.  相似文献   

This article suggests that under weak institutional arrangements, adverse economic conditions, and institutional voids in a late liberalizing economy, local firms that are part of the global value chains of multinational enterprises develop international networks as a balancing strategy to engage in exploratory innovations. We argue that local firms do so in order to counter the negative influences of local institutions on exploratory innovations. Using exploratory in-depth qualitative analysis, we study the suppliers of motorcycle parts in Pakistan that are working with leading Japanese and Chinese motorcycle assemblers. The results suggest that in adverse economic situations local institutional factors can sustain only the development of exploitative innovations. As a balancing strategy, motorcycle part suppliers develop international networks with global Tier 1 suppliers, international trade fairs, and international institutions. This strategy helps circumvent the negative influence of home institutional factors on developing exploratory innovations. Our study highlights the importance of global networks as a balancing strategy for creating exploratory innovations by firms in a late liberalizing economy.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to study differing demographic factors affecting fast-food customers loyalty towards national or international fast food chains. A variety of variables used to gain a holistic view, which includes factors such as quality, price, food and demographic profile of consumers affecting loyalty of fast food chains. The study adopts the theory and method of the trust-commitment-loyalty explanation chain and examines the consumer survey adapted from Fast food by Sahagun et.al (2014). The present analyses 542 filled questionnaires in which systematic sampling is used. Indians prefer global fast food chains compared to Indian fast food chains. Loyalty towards global brands is higher than that for Indian brands because they are found to be of better quality which leads to higher frequency of visit and recommendation of the brands to their friends and colleagues. There is ethnic variation towards global and Indian fast food chains.  相似文献   

The rapid development of emerging market firms and their foray into global value chains has attracted significant attention. In this perspectives paper, we draw on case studies from the automotive industries in India and China, to describe the coevolution of domestic firms and advanced economy multinational enterprises (AMNE) entrants. We first show that domestic firms that used catch-up strategies such as capability upgradation, investments into internal R&D and globalization through mergers & acquisitions have managed to succeed in local markets as well as climb into global value chains. We next illustrate that the strategy adopted by the most successful AMNEs involves combining the formation of vertical partnerships with local sub-assembly suppliers and horizontal collaborations with local network orchestrators. Simultaneously weaving together embeddedness in these two cortical sides of the local business eco-system on the one hand and within its global corporate value chain networks on the other – generates a “double helix” effect, whereby its local and global capabilities reinforce each other. The double helix improves cost competitiveness and pushes the product innovative envelope in both local and global markets.  相似文献   

This study examines the payoff of various initiatives taken by Vietnamese manufacturers to increase their bargaining power relative to global buyers and capture a larger share of the value generated in global value chains. The study focuses on functional upgrade initiatives (i.e., product development, after-sales services, distribution, and promotion) and negotiation process initiatives (i.e., market intelligence and improvement of negotiation skills). A structural equation modelling method is used to analyse the data collected in 2017 from 354 Vietnamese manufacturers inserted in global value chains. The study finds that all initiatives, except after-sales services, significantly strengthen the manufacturers' bargaining power, which, in turn, enhances their export performance.  相似文献   

建立海外工业园、打造企业海外经营的“航母”,正成为本土企业构筑全球价值链的新模式。区别于传统的对外直接投资模式,不确定性和非对称性异域经营环境的“航母”模式,具有节约交易成本、风险规避、快速学习、规模递增以及贸易便捷等多种优势。文章以泰中罗勇工业园为例,分析了“航母”模式的资源基础、组织网络、运行机制和能力架构,形成“航母”的实体资源能力、与众多利益相关者的协作能力以及“航母”平台与栖驻企业之间的边界决策能力。结合案例分析,提出了“航母”模式的“高集聚、本地化与合法性”三大动态构建路径与潜在风险,并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the role of international hubs in a fashion retailer's sourcing strategy. In order to compete more effectively in a dynamic fashion market, retailers have adopted a low cost, offshore sourcing model to supplying their domestic market. There are three approaches which have been used to implement an offshore sourcing strategy; direct sourcing from the HQ, the use of intermediaries and international hubs. The aims of the research were to understand the motives behind the development of international hubs, identify their stages of development and determine both their strategic and operational role within fashion companies' global strategies. Research was carried out through semi-structured interviews with the heads of 3 international hubs, one buying office and the head of merchandising at the HQ in the UK of a subsidiary of a major UK fashion chain. Results show that hubs evolve from buying offices to multifunctional units, specialising in supplying particular products to the market. Although hubs perform important operational functions, there was little intra hub coordination and the headquarters exerted considerable control over their hubs with regard to overall sourcing strategies.  相似文献   

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