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审计监督是党和国家监督体系的重要组成,财政审计能对政府财政收支的真实性、合法性和效益性进行有效监督。以省以下地方审计机关人财物管理改革这一试点政策为准自然实验,从地方政府财政治理视角出发,运用双重差分法分析提升地市级审计机关独立性对地方政府财政支出效率的影响。研究发现,审计机关人财物管理改革能够有效提高地方政府财政支出效率,试点地区财政支出效率提高1.87个百分点。异质性分析结果发现,审计独立性的治理效应在财政透明度低、距离省会城市远和财政自主程度高的城市更大。通过进一步的机制分析,发现试点政策通过提高审计监督质量和优化财政支出结构两条路径提高地方政府财政支出效率。研究表明提高地方审计机关独立性可以对地方政府财政支出产生积极的治理效应。  相似文献   

This study deals with an analysis of allocation of government authority between local and central governments. Using a relatively simple model, we examine three classes of issues: First, what type of public project is implemented under a (de)centralized system? Second, is the size of governments (or public projects) larger or smaller when the system is (de)centralized? Third, should the system be (de)centralized? Which level of government should be allocated an authority? The most interesting result of the analysis is that the optimal allocation of authority varies with the cost differential between local and central government in a non-monotonic way.  相似文献   

选取不同审计体制、经济发展水平、民主程度的81个国家的面板数据,在对国家审计本质特征、审计结果公告能力与国家治理能力的相关指标进行界定和测度的基础上进行实证研究发现,国家审计独立性和审计对象确定权对审计结果公告能力有显著的正作用,审计结果公告能力对国家治理在政府效能、法治水平和财政预算透明度方面也有显著的正作用,而不同审计体制下对审计结果公告能力在国家治理中作用的发挥并没有显著的正作用。在此基础上,提出了要加强审计独立性和权威性,推进审计结果公告制度,健全审计整改责任制,从而完善我国的国家审计制度,逐步形成与国家治理体系和治理能力现代化相适应的审计监督机制。  相似文献   

This paper gives an insight into changes in intergovernmental grants structure, focusing on the type of public project. Presenting a simple model which incorporates the endogenous determination of project type and grants structure, the results show that as the relative cost encountered by central government in collecting public funds increases, the central government tends to choose types of projects which local governments prefer and adopt block grant systems. The resulting equilibrium is compared with an optimal solution based on an utilitarian welfare function. Received: December 22, 2000 / Accepted: September 20, 2001  相似文献   

政府审计信息公开是腐败治理的重要途径。政府审计信息是审计机关控制的并反映所有政府审计关系人各种审计行为信息的总称。政府审计行为是最重要的政府审计信息对象。政府审计信息可以根据行为主体、行为发生逻辑、行为性质、行为对象、行为发生时间进行分类。目前在信息公开实践中,政府审计信息边界模糊、体系不完整,影响了政府审计信息公开作用的发挥,因此需要准确把握政府审计信息的边界,建立科学审计信息内容体系,优化审计信息公开的内容结构。  相似文献   

以2007—2020年我国省级面板数据为样本,研究国家审计与政府预算执行绩效之间的关系及其作用机理。从实证角度验证了国家审计对政府预算执行绩效的提升作用,发现政府预算执行绩效具有空间自相关特性,同时国家审计对政府预算执行绩效的影响存在正向空间溢出效应;国家审计通过直接和间接两条路径促进了政府预算执行绩效的提高,政府效率和市场环境在间接路径中发挥了双重中介作用;2013年全国地方政府债务审计对政府预算执行绩效产生了明显的事件冲击效应;地方发展和审计强度差异均会对国家审计提升政府预算执行绩效产生明显的调节作用。  相似文献   

本文在一个三阶段动态博弈框架下,对政府随机审计过程中的政府审计机关与政府审计对象以及国家与政府审计对象之间的动态博弈特征进行了分析。分析结果显示:政府审计机关与政府审计对象之间存在一个纯策略纳什均衡,而国家和政府审计对象之间存在一个混合策略纳什均衡。政府审计对象接受国家实质性审计的概率是政府审计对象被政府机关审计发现违规或不作为后的惩罚倍数的单调递减函数,而政府审计对象的违规或不作为的概率分别是政府审计对象被政府机关审计发现违规或不作为后的惩罚倍数和政府审计对象的应尽义务或责任的单调递减函数,却是政府审计机关审计行为成本的单调递增函数。同时,结合研究结论和中国政府审计全覆盖的现实,给出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

地方政府性债务因关系到区域财政金融安全与经济安全而受到前所未有的关注。新形势下,从国家治理角度来看地方政府性债务审计,可以全面深入地认识地方政府性债务的本质问题。要充分发挥地方政府性债务“免疫系统”功能,需要构建地方政府债务审计治理基本路径,建立健全地方政府性债务审计治理机制,防范地方政府性债务风险,维护国家财政金融安全与经济安全。  相似文献   

在供给侧结构性改革和审计全覆盖的大背景下,本文探讨了经济责任审计覆盖率对地方国有企业杠杆治理的影响。研究发现,经济责任审计覆盖率的提升可以有效降低地方国有企业的有息负债率;从地区层面来看,在政府干预程度较大的地区该影响更为显著;从企业层面来看,在金字塔层级较多的上市公司中该影响更为显著。进一步分析发现,经济责任审计覆盖率的提升会降低地方国有企业获得的贷款期限,同时提高企业贷款使用效率和地区的信贷配置效率。本文的研究结论可为国家审计在国资国企改革中发挥作用提供一定的启示。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the exact D-optimal designs for estimation of the unknown parameters in the two factors, each at only two-level, main effects model with autocorrelated errors. The vector of the n random errors in the observed responses is assumed to follow a first-order autoregressive model (AR(1)). The exact D-optimal designs seek the optimal combinations of the design levels as well as the optimal run orders, so that the determinant of the information matrix of BLUEs for the unknown parameters is maximized. Bora-Senta and Moyssiadis (1999) gave some conjectures about the exact D-optimal designs based on their experience of several exhaustive searches. In this paper their conjectures are partially proved to be true.Received: January 2003 / Accepted: October 2003Partially supported by the National Science Council of Taiwan, R.O.C. under grant NSC 91-2115-M-008-013.Supported in part by the National Science Council of Taiwan, R.O.C. under grant NSC 89-2118-M-110-003.  相似文献   

论政府绩效管理与绩效审计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
通过对我国政府绩效管理框架的描述以及政府绩效管理体系下政府行为对审计目标、审计范围和审计质量等方面的影响分析得出:政府绩效管理与绩效审计之间存在密切联系,且这种联系是多向的、混合的,有时甚至还是负向的。为此,针对我国绩效管理方式、政府行为给绩效审计造成的不利影响,提出改进我国绩效审计的若干政策建议。  相似文献   

Using a panel of 308 observations over the period 1989–1996, we analyse how Flemish municipalities react to budgetary shocks. We address two questions: whether governments respond differently to tax than to grant windfalls and whether responses to positive and negative shocks are symmetric. Our results confirm the recent findings on U.S. local governments that reveal asymmetric responses to positive and negative windfalls. We also find evidence of different responsiveness to tax and grant windfalls. Received: November 2000 / Accepted: September 2001 RID="*" ID="*" We thank Roger H. Gordon, Stanley Winer and participants of the 1998 EEA meeting in Berlin where a previous version of this paper was presented for stimulating comments.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how legal liability influences audit quality and audit fees, particularly in the presence of government intervention. Since 2010, all Chinese audit firms were required to transform from a structure of limited liability company (LLC) to limited liability partnership (LLP), which removes the cap on the liability exposure of negligent auditors. By adopting this natural experiment, we document the following findings: first, after audit firms reorganize as LLPs, auditors are more likely to (1) issue modified audit opinions and going-concern opinions, (2) constrain clients’ earnings management, and (3) charge a premium in audit fees, which suggest that exerting unlimited legal liability on negligent auditors improves both audit quality and audit fees. Second, the effect of the LLP adoption is more pronounced when auditors are from local audit firms, and clients are controlled by local governments. Further analyses suggest that the stock prices of clients positively react to the reform event, which indicates that LLP adoption improves the overall value of audits. In summary, our empirical findings are consistent with the argument that legal liability is able to effectively shape auditor behavior in emerging markets where the other institutional mechanisms are relatively weaker and government intervention is heavy.  相似文献   

将媒体关注、政府审计与财政安全三者放在同一框架下展开研究,在理论分析两者关系的基础上,实证检验媒体关注与政府审计维护地方财政安全的作用路径。结果表明,政府审计在媒体关注促进地方财政安全中起到中介作用,即媒体关注是通过作用于政府审计“免疫系统”功能的发挥,进而有效维护地方财政安全的。  相似文献   

张瑞敏  李小娟 《价值工程》2012,31(9):123-124
近年来,随着国家固定资产投资规模的扩大,中央和地方各级政府投资支出占财政支出的比例越来越大,投资项目全过程跟踪审计已经成为审计部门对大中型政府投资建设项目审计的主要方式。通过实践已取得了较好成效,人们对跟踪审计也有了较全面认识,但由于对投资项目实施跟踪审计是由事后静态审计向事前、事中全过程的延伸,有一些问题亟待进一步探索。文章结合审计实践,分析了当前跟踪审计中存在的主要问题,同时有针对性地提出了具体应对对策。  相似文献   

张学军  杜幕璇 《价值工程》2011,30(27):100-101
目前,我国政府审计与整体审计体系的发展并不匹配,存在很多现实问题,下面将从改善政府审计独立性着手,提出增加地方政府审计透明度,提高审计人员的综合素质等措施,解决我国地方政府审计存在的问题。  相似文献   

本文通过对2003 ~ 2009年A股上市公司审计费用的分析,讨论控制权安排和事务所定价策略对审计质量的影响.研究结果表明,中央政府控股和地方政府控股的国有上市公司的审计费用会显著低于民营上市公司;国内十大所对中央政府控股的上市公司会采取低价竞争策略.研究结果表明政府行为对事务所定价策略产生重要影响,为今后完善法律制度环境、推动事务所做大做强提供了经验支持.  相似文献   

This paper uses panel data from seven Canadian provinces which received Equalization payments over the period 1980/81 to 1995/96 to examine how provinces adjust own-source revenue in response to past budget shocks. Governments respond symmetrically to past own-source revenue shocks: they increase or reduce own-revenue by $0.75 for every unexpected dollar shock in own-source revenue last year. In contrast, revenue responses to past grant shocks are asymmetric. Provinces lower own-source revenue by $0.87 in response to an unexpected extra dollar from Equalization last year. But, they make no adjustment following an unexpected Equalization shortfall. The magnitude of these responses suggest that provinces see a significant component of these shocks to be persistent. Lastly, the results with respect to past spending shocks are mixed. In contrast to recent empirical results on asymmetric responses to changes in grants, the results in this paper suggest that, at least in the short run, unexpected increases in Equalization are unlikely to have a large, stimulative effect on government spending.Received: February 2003, Accepted: November 2003, JEL Classification: H71, H77T. Snoddon: The author gratefully acknowledges the helpful comments of Ron Kneebone, participants at the CPEG conference, Calgary, June 2002, and seminar participants in the Department of Economics and Finance, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, September 2002. I would also like to thank the two anonymous referees for their thoughtful comments.  相似文献   

以2006—2019年省级面板数据为研究样本,运用中介效应逐步检验及Sobel检验,将政府创新偏好作为中介变量,探讨国家审计对区域创新能力的影响,研究发现:国家审计能提高区域创新能力,地方政府创新偏好起到了部分中介作用。进一步分地区检验显示,上述效应存在差异,其中:中部地区国家审计揭示作用效果最显著,可以提升政府创新偏好进而提高区域创新能力;东部地区国家审计建议作用效果最好,也可以通过提升创新偏好促进区域创新能力提升。  相似文献   

政府绩效审计研究与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪40年代以后,政府审计的范围发生了很大变化,政府审计开始进入以政府绩效审计为中心、政府绩效审计与财务审计并存的现代审计发展阶段,能否不失时机地选择并接受政府绩效审计成为衡量政府审计是否具有活力的标志之一。本文对我国现有绩效审计存在的问题及改进措施进行了分析,并为绩效审计的有效实施提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

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