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文章运用环境库兹涅茨理论和综合评价理论,建立了上海综合环境污染与经济增长的科学评价模型,发现与发达国家和一般新兴发展中国家的"倒U"型环境库兹涅茨曲线不同,上海综合环境污染模型呈"正U"型,以20世纪末为分界点,之前环境综合污染水平不断下降,之后环境污染又开始有所恶化.文章还运用Grossman影响环境因素的机理分析模型,从规模效应、结构效应和技术进步效应对21世纪后上海环境污染加剧进行了分析,发现2000年后上海在经济规模扩张的同时产业结构有重工业化的趋势,这加剧了工业废气的排放从而导致了整体环境污染的恶化.技术进步效应的实证分析再次证实了技术进步对环境质量的改变具有正负效应两重性.最后为避免上海环境污染恶化,结合上海产业结构的调整和技术进步对环境作用的正负效应提出了针对性的解决措施.  相似文献   

范欣吴霞 《经济视角》2013,(9):14-16,73
改革开放以来,中国经济保持了长期高速增长,但同时也引发了资源过度消耗与环境破坏。面对资源约束趋紧、环境污染严重、生态系统退化的严峻形势,本文试图运用1991-2011年我国省际面板数据,对四大区域的环境库兹涅茨曲线进行实证研究并分析其差异性。结果表明,东部地区的环境质量随着经济增长逐步改善,而中部、西部和东北地区的环境质量随着经济增长而不断恶化。产业结构、技术进步、政府政策等是造成其区域差异的主要原因,并针对区域经济发展中的差距提出政策建议。  相似文献   

本文利用面板数据分析及其他数学分析方法,结合各省的实际数据对环境库兹涅茨曲线在我国是否存在做了实证分析,发现废气和二氧化硫的排放量数据均与EKC模式吻合,即曲线为倒U型,同时对废气和二氧化硫的排放拐点进行预测。从预测的结果看:我国的区域拐点到来时间是存在很大差异的,这本质上反映了我国区域发展的不平衡性。烟尘的曲线是呈线性增加的,说明我国的某些污染物无法随着经济的发展自动进入EKC的下降区间,需要政府在经济发展模式和经济刺激政策上做出指挥棒式的调整,促进科技进步对经济的贡献,淘汰高污染的企业,真正实现环境状况随着经济发展不断改善的良好态势。  相似文献   

海洋经济增长与海洋环境污染的库兹涅茨曲线实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章基于环境库兹涅茨曲线的基本理论,以中国海洋经济为研究对象,对北 部海洋经济圈、东部海洋经济圈、南部海洋经济圈开展实证研究,选取 2001-2014年 工业废水、废气和固体废弃物排放量为环境污染指标,以全国沿海地区同期人均第 二、三产业增加值为经济指标,建立面板模型和非参数计量模型,研究结果发现:①三大海洋经济圈海洋经济增长与环境污染之间曲线关系不完全符合典型的倒 “U”型EKC特征,包括线性正相关、 “N”型、倒 “N”型等多种形态;②通过对比分析,各海洋经济圈的 EKC曲线也呈现出差异性特征。因此,在生态文明建设背景下,国家应该依据区域海洋经济特征、因地制宜调控海洋经济发展,保持沿海地区海洋经济和海洋资源环境的空间均衡,实现海洋环境与经济协调发展。  相似文献   

文章选取东莞市3项环境指标,运用相关分析和回归分析的方法,分析了环境污染与经济增长之间的关系及其对经济结构驱动的影响,发现1982~2007年东莞市人均废水排放量、人均废气排放量和大气能见度倒数与人均GDP的拟合曲线是三次曲线,人均废水和废气排放量总体上随人均GDP上升,能见度则随之下降.这3项指标与2项产业结构指标呈极显著的相关,东莞的环境污染变化主要是由经济模式和产业结构变化驱动的.  相似文献   

本文根据山西省1991~2006年经济与环境统计数据,采用6种具有代表性的环境质量指标与人均实际GDP建立了山西省环境库兹涅茨曲线的计量模型,并据此分析了山西省经济增长与环境质量变化之间的关系。结果表明,主要环境指标模型的环境库兹涅茨曲线特征并不明显,各污染排放量与人均实际GDP仍处于同步上升阶段,说明山西省环境质量随着经济增长仍处于恶化阶段。  相似文献   

西方发达国家劳资关系随着经济增长普遍经历了从冲突到和解的演化路径。通过计量模型检验倒U型曲线在中国是否存在,从而证明了中国劳资关系从趋紧到缓和的趋势已经出现,并发现这一趋势不仅受到经济增长因素的影响,还受工资增长速度、全球化程度以及社会保障制度的影响。实证分析说明,合理的政策调节可以促进劳资和谐。  相似文献   

广州市环境库兹涅茨曲线分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文以广州市的经济增长和废水、工业废气排放的关系为例,选取了广州市1982~2004年经济增长与废水、废气排放等环境数据,建立了人均GDP与废水、工业废气排放量的模型,并绘制了环境库兹涅茨曲线。研究发现,广州市的经济与环境发展符合环境库兹涅茨曲线,呈倒u形,人均GDP与废水排放量曲线已位于转折点,人均GDP与工业废气排放量曲线已接近转折点,表明该市进入了经济与环境协调发展的有序时期,技术进步和产业结构的调整已产生了明显的环境效益。同时也说明了广州市目前已处于工业化发展的中期,并进入了经济与环境协调发展的有序时期。  相似文献   

文章首先对1998—2009年我国经济增长与大气污染之间的关系进行了实证检验。结果发现:人均GDP与环境指标之间存在明显的EKC关系。进而构建包含社会福利函数和生产函数的基本模型,寻找EKC存在的技术及偏好条件。模型说明只有当边际消费倾向小于环境治理支出增加的污染减少效应与收入从消费转向环境治理的污染减少效应之比时,环境污染才随着人均收入水平的提高而减少,倒"U"型环境污染与收入关系曲线的转折点才出现。最后检验EKC的主要影响因素,并提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

经济增长与环境污染——环境库兹涅茨曲线假说的中国检验   总被引:66,自引:1,他引:66  
本文运用1996-2002年我国省际面板数据,对我国经济增长与包括水污染、大气污染与固体污染排放在内的6类环境污染指标之间的关系进行了实证检验.实证结果发现,环境库兹涅茨倒U型曲线关系很大程度上取决于污染指标以及估计方法的选取.就本文选取的部分污染指标(工业废水排放、二氧化硫排放)而言,也存在以相对低的人均收入水平越过环境倒U型曲线转折点的可能.并且,包括人口规模、技术进步、环保政策、贸易开放以及产业结构调整等在内的污染控制变量分别对环境库兹涅茨曲线关系起着重要影响.  相似文献   

利用环境库兹涅茨曲线,对北京市1998--2009年人均碳排放与地区生产总值的相关性进行了研究,发现环境库兹涅茨曲线呈倒“N”型,而不是常规的倒“U”型。北京市碳排放之所以在不同时间段内呈现不同的升降趋势,是因为除经济增长外,其他因素,如产业结构、时代背景、相关政策法规的实施等也对碳排放造成影响。为了完成“十二五”规划任务,实现建设世界城市和宜居城市的目标,北京市应合理控制经济发展速度、努力推动节能减排和积极开发利用新能源。  相似文献   

经济发展与环境关系的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用1995~2008年我国省际面板数据,对我国人均GDP与人类发展指数(HDI)两类经济发展指标与包括废水、废气、废渣的3类污染指标之间的关系进行了检验。实证结果发现,3类污染物指标与2类收入指标均大都呈现倒N型的关系,只有工业废水排放量与HDI呈现倒U型关系。表明我国各类污染物排放量随着经济的发展还是遵循较一致的路径的,这告诫我们,不发达省份应当吸收借鉴发达省份的环境治理经验,发挥后发优势,避免再走先污染后治理的老路。更为重要的是,已经越过倒N型第二个临界值的发达省份应极力避免经济发展与环境污染之间发生不利的重组现象,例如倒N型重组为W型。  相似文献   

This paper constructs a two-sector environmental growth model with explicit mathematical derivation and economic intuition in a social planning economy. Through the optimal allocation of man-made capital between the production sector and the environmental sector, this paper shows that the trade-off between economic growth and environmental protection exists only when an economy deviates from its steady state. We also provide short-run transitions for both the whole economic system and individual control and state variables. In addition, technological progress in the production sector benefits economic growth rate while the improvement of technology in the environmental sector has only level effects on economic variables. This paper ends with a link between the theory and a hot empirical issue — the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis.  相似文献   

利用长株潭城市群最近10年的经济与环境数据,建立该区域主要污染物排放与经济增长的计量关系模型。结果表明,长株潭城市群环境污染与经济增长的关系符合环境库兹涅茨曲线,除汞为U形曲线外,二氧化硫、化学需氧量、镉等其他7项指标均呈倒U形,且绝大部分指标已越过环境库兹涅茨曲线的转折点,表明长株潭城市群已进入经济与环境协调发展的有序阶段。环境政策的有力实施是促进长株潭城市群经济与环境协调发展最重要的保障。  相似文献   

This paper develops an overlapping generations model where consumption is the source of polluting emissions. Pollution stock accumulates with emissions but is partially assimilated by nature at each period. The assimilation capacity of nature is limited and vanishes beyond a critical level of pollution. We first show that multiple equilibria exist. More importantly, some exhibit irreversible pollution levels although an abatement activity is operative. Thus, the simple engagement of maintenance does not necessarily suffice to protect an economy against convergence toward a steady state having the properties of an ecological and economic poverty trap. In contrast with earlier related studies, the emergence of the environmental Kuznets curve is no longer the rule. Instead, we detect a sort of degenerated environmental Kuznets curve that corresponds to the equilibrium trajectory leading to the irreversible solution. I would like to thank Alain Venditti, Mabel Tidball, Alain Jean-Marie and Thierry Bréchet for their helpfull comments and suggestions. I am deeply grateful to an anonymous referee whose comments have greatly improved the paper.  相似文献   

北京市环境库兹涅茨曲线特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文选取北京市1989~2006年的经济与环境数据,建立了北京市经济增长与主要污染物排放的计量模型,绘制了北京市主要污染物排放的环境库兹涅茨曲线。实证研究表明,自20世纪90年代以来,北京市的主要污染物排放已经得到有效控制,北京市正在走上高增长、低污染的可持续发展道路。产业结构的优化、环境政策的强力实施、环境技术的后发优势和公众环境意识的提高是北京市实现经济与环境和谐发展的关键因素。  相似文献   

在经济发展的过程中,腐败现象存在一种倒U型的发展轨迹。制度建设的滞后,一方面导致了有害于社会发展的腐败的盛行,另一方面也使得腐败成为了改革和发展的润滑剂。而到了经济增长成熟的阶段,随着制度建设的完善,腐败会逐渐下降。  相似文献   

We set up a simple dynamic macroeconomic model with (i) polluting consumption and a preference for a clean environment, (ii) increasing returns in abatement giving rise to an EKC and (iii) sustained growth resulting from a linear final-output technology. There are two sorts of market failures caused by external effects associated with consumption and environmental effort. The model is employed to investigate the determinants of the turning point and the cost effectiveness of different public policies aimed at a reduction of the environmental burden. Moreover, the model offers a potential explanation of an N-shaped pollution–income relation. It is shown that the model is compatible with most empirical regularities on economic growth and the environment.   相似文献   

Many conservationists contend that economic growth and biodiversity conservation are incompatible goals. Some economists contest this viewpoint, arguing that wealthier countries have the luxury of investing more heavily in efforts to conserve biodiversity. Under this assumption, we expect a U-shaped relationship between per capita wealth and proportion of species conserved. We test this environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) using estimates of per capita income and deforestation rates (index of biodiversity threat) for 35 tropical countries. A prior analysis [Dietz, S., Adger, W.N., 2003. Economic growth, biodiversity loss and conservation effort. Journal of Environmental Management, 68:23-35] using conventional regression techniques failed to provide any support for the parabolic relationship predicted by the EKC hypothesis. Here, we introduce the use of quantile regression and spatial filtering to reanalyze this data, addressing issues of heteroskedasticity and spatial autocorrelation. We note that preliminary analysis using these methods provides some initial evidence for an EKC. However, a series of panel analyses with country-specific dummy variables eliminated or even reversed much of this support. A closer examination of conservation practices and environmental indicators within the countries, particularly those countries that drove our initial support, suggests that wealth is not a reliable indicator of improved conservation practice. Our findings indicate that an EKC for biodiversity is overly simplistic and further exploration is required to fully understand the mechanisms by which income affects biodiversity.  相似文献   

The environmental Kuznets curve theory suggeststhat economic growth in the long run may reduceenvironmental problems. In this article, we usea decomposition analysis to isolate eightdifferent factors, in order to investigate theorigins of changes in emissions to air over theperiod from 1980 to 1996. Among these factorsare economic growth, changes in the relativesize of production sectors and changes in theuse of energy. Given constant emissions perproduced unit, economic growth alone would havecontributed to a significant increase in theemissions. This potential degradation of theenvironment has been counteracted by first ofall more efficient use of energy and abatementtechnologies. In addition, the substitution ofcleaner for polluting energy types and othertechnological progressions and politicalactions have reduced the growth in emissions.Consequently, the growth in all emissions hasbeen significantly lower than economic growth,and negative for some pollutants.The results indicate that policymakers mayreduce emissions considerably through creatingincentives for lower energy use andsubstitutions of environmental friendly forenvironmental damaging energy types, inaddition to support environmental friendlyresearch or to conduct direct emission reducingactions, such as abatement requirements orbanning of environmental damaging products.This is particularly relevant to countries andsectors with relatively high energy intensitiesand low pollution abatement.  相似文献   

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