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当前越来越多的在校大学生接受了自主创业的观念,伴随餐饮业的迅速发展,顾客对于餐饮食品的需求趋向多元化,具有浓厚文化特色和独特文化体验的主题餐厅受到越来越多的顾客喜爱,因此本次创业大学生选择主题餐厅作为自主创业的项目。但是目前大学生自主创业仍旧面临巨大难题和挑战,特别是管理能力的不足可能会对餐饮店后续经营带来不利影响,将PDCA循环管理理论这种科学的管理方法引入大学生主题餐厅创业将会促进餐饮店的长效发展。基于此,本文研究引入PDCA循环管理后大学生主题餐厅创业的策划与经营。  相似文献   

在现今竞争十分激烈的情况下,一个餐厅要想在这种竞争中争取更多的顾客,在经营方式上应该来次变革,办出具有一定诱惑力的特色来,这种特色还应调动起顾客的好奇感和参与感。 餐厅构想 这是一处中档餐厅,它的装饰和布置应是暖色调的,给顾客一种温馨的情调。餐厅的临街面是落地玻璃墙,除了表露该店的靓丽、豪华外,还得让外面的行人观看到店内的情景。 店内设立一间约60平方米的厨房,该厨房除了里面墙面外,其余三面全为透明的玻璃墙,以便供顾客看到里面的操作。玻璃上贴有:“不论高低,重在参与”。房内设有八个单灶,可同时供八…  相似文献   

不知从什么时候起,在餐饮业发达的北京、广州、上海等城市,各具特色的主题餐厅悄然出现。主题餐厅以其时尚、个性、文化的餐饮新概念,配之别具一格的装饰布置,征服了口味越来越“刁”的消费者。小荷才露尖尖角餐饮业越发达,食客们就越挑剔。开业与倒闭,由不得自己,全看市场竞争。竞争的结果使得餐饮企业数量越来越多、档次越来越高、装修越来越豪华。为了满足食客们日新月异的要求,美食的花样不断翻新,餐厅的形式也千姿百态。主题餐厅就是商家在激烈的市场竞争中为了争取更多食客的“眼球”和“嘴巴”而独辟蹊径的一种创新。主题餐厅在中国…  相似文献   

马化腾 《潮商》2015,(2):34-36
4月29日,为进一步探讨“互联网+”的发展趋势与前景,促进城市管理创新与产业转型升级,腾讯下午在北京钓鱼台国宾馆举办“势在·必行--2015‘互联网+中国’峰会”,与500位政府官员、各地领导一起,共同就“互联网+”主题展开深入探讨。  相似文献   

“互联网+”时代不仅为高职院校会计人才培养模式带来了契机,还实现了新型会计人才的有效性培养。对此,以“互联网+”思维背景为导向,立足于会计人才培养实践情况,从多角度分析了“互联网+”时代会计人才培养模式存在的问题,并提出了“互联网+”视域下相关人才培养的对策,以实现“互联网+”视域下学校会计人才培养模式的转型升级。  相似文献   

<正>“互联网+”时代为企业市场营销环境带来了新变化。企业需通过探索数字营销创新路径以发挥营销的最大价值,实现企业数字化转型,提升核心竞争力,推动业务长效增长。本文以“互联网+”时代企业数字营销创新路径为主题,对企业营销环境带来的变化进行了简要探讨,强调了企业开展数字营销创新的必要性,对企业数字营销所面临的主要问题进行了分析,并提出“互联网+”背景下企业数字营销创新路径,为企业数字营销升级方向提供参考。  相似文献   

“主题”这个词以前常和旅游业联姻,像人们熟知的主题公园、主题旅游,如今,“主题”开始在餐饮业流行,一些被称为“主题餐厅”的餐馆出现在北京、上海、广州等地。“主题餐厅”不是就吃论吃,而是围绕一个主题,设计一种体验,经营一种文化。  相似文献   

“互联网+”是互联网信息技术与传统各个领域的融合,并能够推进不同领域的创新,“互联网+政务”是政府等公共部门利用互联网技术实现公共部门的政务创新,这种政务创新的实现则取决于互联网上的公共人力资源——屏幕官僚.通过对屏幕官僚的研究发现,他们依然是公共政策的执行者,具有虚拟和现实的特征与影响,其组织认同决定着他们在“互联网+政务”中的作用.因此,在对“互联网+政务”公共人力资源建设时,需要从组织认同的角度去考虑,以激发和保持屏幕官僚的积极性、自律性,进而实现“互联网+政务”的目标和价值.  相似文献   

包天下是具有中国特色的快餐连锁企业,中国餐饮行业的知名品牌。包天下以弘扬中华美食文化为使命,以"为国人提供更多美食选择"为经营理念,以特色美味包子为品牌核心竞争力,融合现代快餐元素,凭借独特的产品优势、优质的服务和舒适典雅的环境在市场上异军突起,为消费者提供了更符合现代生活形态的快餐美食,并创造了一个顾客最喜爱的用餐场所。截至目前,包天下在全国共有员工6000余名,拥有现代化的办公基地和工业园区,为包天下品牌的高速、健康、平稳发展夯实了基础。包天下在连锁体系建设与管理方面,融合现代快餐管理模式和经营理念,建立起中式快餐业原料采购、后勤生产、烹制设备、食品加工与餐厅员工操作的五大标准化体系,以崭新的中国快餐新形象和骄人的经营业绩赢得了社会的高度  相似文献   

“互联网+”是将互联网与传统行业相结合,从而促进各行各业发展。它代表一种新的经济形态,即充分发挥互联网在生产要素配置中的优化和集成作用,将互联网的创新成果深度融合于经济社会各领域之中,提升实体经济的创新力和生产力,形成更广泛的以互联网为基础设施和实现工具的经济发展新形态。本文从通过对“互联网+”的概念、发展动力及其优势对“互联网+”进行探究。  相似文献   

环境文化是餐饮业发展的活力与潮流。餐饮环境文化建设,可从挖掘环境文化主题,扣住主题装饰,注重餐馆、包间、菜品、餐桌的命名,穿插表演性节目,培训服务人员,灌输绿色消费理念等方面进行。  相似文献   

恩宁路骑楼街区是广州粤剧南拳等民间文化艺术的发祥地.为抢救活态的非物质文化遗产,传承城市文脉,打造粤剧名伶故居展览一条街、民间文化艺术乐园一条街、民间艺术旅游商品一条街、西关民居民俗风情一条街,实现民间文化艺术产业化,则是恩宁路骑楼历史街区极有创意的保护规划方略.  相似文献   

我国主题宴会设计现状与创新研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘澜江 《价值工程》2012,31(8):69-71
主题宴会设计的有效程度在很大程度上决定着主题宴会的成败。本文就我国主题宴会设计现状与创新方法进行分析与研究,对于酒店主题宴会开发具有理论与实践的指导意义。  相似文献   

When a product's product provision entails fixed costs, it will be made available only if a sufficient number of people want it. Some products are produced and consumed locally, so that provision requires not only a large group favoring the product but a large number nearby. Just as local governments provide public goods appealing to individuals sharing the median voter's preferences for local public goods, product markets may provide an analogous benefit to individuals sharing living communities whose consumers tend to share his preferences in private goods. Using zip code level data on chain restaurants and restaurants overall, this paper documents how the mix of locally available restaurants responds to the local mix of consumers, with three findings. First, based on survey data on chain restaurant patronage, restaurant preferences differ substantially by race and education. Second, there is a strong relationship between restaurants and population at the zip code level, suggesting that restaurants' geographic markets are small. Finally, the mix of locally available chain restaurants is sensitive to the zip code demographic mix by race and by education. Hence, differentiated product markets provide a benefit—proximity to preferred restaurants—to persons in geographic markets whose customers tend to share their preferences.  相似文献   

Although some researchers have recently studied green practices in restaurants, scant previous research has analyzed the impact of these practices on overall performance in this field. Moreover, these studies have generally focused on mega-sized restaurants in the United States. The primary objective of this study is therefore to examine the motivations for the adoption of green practices in restaurants in Spain and the impact of this adoption on firm performance. The results are based on a survey completed by 374 small restaurant managers. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze links between the studied dimensions. The findings indicate that green practices have a strong positive direct influence on operational performance and competitiveness in Spanish restaurants and that they indirectly influence overall firm performance. Therefore, the results of this paper suggest that being proactive about environmental issues can provide restaurants with a great number of benefits that improve firm competitiveness and performance.  相似文献   

马黎  沈德坤 《价值工程》2013,32(1):71-72
中西方承载着不同的文化,体现着不同的信念,使得中国与西方的古典建筑有了不同的"文化主题"。中国近现代建筑艺术是伴随着封建社会的解体,西方建筑的输入而形成的,即继承与革新成为中国近现代建筑文化的主题。国际上"生态建筑""、绿色建筑""、可持续发展的建筑"等概念在建筑界不仅仅成为一种时尚,更深层次的是反映了一个时代的精神。  相似文献   

The paper empirically studies the relationship between internal institutions, knowledge sharing, and technological innovation based on the data of investigating 163 China's characteristic culture enterprises by applying structural equation model. The study shows that the internal institution of characteristic cultural enterprises can significantly enhance the knowledge sharing of employees in characteristic cultural enterprises; the knowledge sharing of employees will significantly enhance the technical innovation level of characteristic cultural enterprises; the internal institution of characteristic cultural enterprises does not directly and significantly improve the technical innovation level, but indirectly through enhancing the knowledge sharing of enterprise employees.  相似文献   

Issues regarding green restaurants have received significant scholarly and practitioner attention in the last decade, particularly concerning why consumers adopt green restaurants. Although several reviews exist on green hospitality, a comprehensive review of the literature on consumers' green restaurant adoption is currently lacking. The following systematic literature review examines 50 research studies published on the consumer adoption of green restaurant services to address this gap accordingly. Through a detailed content analysis, the research profile and thematic analysis are presented. The review further identifies four key thematic foci: (a) consumer behavior variables studied, (b) antecedents internal to the consumer, (c) antecedents due to the perception of external factors, and (d) moderators. Limitations and gaps from each of the themes are offered with potential future research questions. The novelty of the review lies in the development of a “green restaurant adoption research framework” that cuts across multiple theoretical perspectives to summarize why consumers adopt green restaurant services.  相似文献   

安全是人较低层次的需求,因此是其他高层次需求得以满足的基础。旅游饭店餐饮场所的高档次消费性、高开放性、高人员流动性以及高服务集中性使其成为旅游饭店中安全管理的薄弱环节,加强餐饮场所的安全管理有助于提高顾客满意度,因此旅游饭店对其必须加以重视。  相似文献   

The current study aims to take an in-depth look at the perceived image of an inland cultural tourism destination. This destination has traditionally had a weak image, making it important to study the components of this image and the factors influencing it in order to identify the best strategies for improving the destination’s positioning with respect to its image. This research is part of the ATLAS Cultural Tourism Research Project, which focuses on the image of tourist destinations. The basic questionnaire prepared by ATLAS and applied in a number of different countries is the key element of the survey. The results obtained show the different influences of factors such as information sources (distinguishing between induced, organic and autonomous sources), previous visits to the destination and the places visited during the tourist’s stay on the overall image of the city. This research will help public institutions to project the image of destinations in their target markets using precise information channelled through the appropriate media. In global terms we try to contribute to the study of factors influencing image formation in the case of inland cities not yet on the tourist map, but whose potential resources could make them obvious cultural tourism destinations. From this perspective, the influence of cognitive attributes in forming the image, as well as the atmosphere the tourist experiences in the city as a psychological attribute, have been studied.  相似文献   

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