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随着消费者的服饰理念和大众流行趋势的趋同,快时尚服装的发展在过去几年里引起了人们消费和研究的热潮,进而引发大量国内外快时尚品牌登陆国内市场。这种变化为消费者带来购物便利的同时,也使得品牌本身在消费者视角上产生了品牌重叠现象。基于这种情况,文章着重探讨了国内主流快时尚服装品牌重叠现象和品牌重叠识别维度,最终构建了快时尚服装品牌重叠维度的5层次模型。  相似文献   

李燕  刘咏梅 《现代商业》2011,(30):169-171
近年来,随着国际快时尚品牌快速涌入中国市场,我国本土品牌也在快速转型走快时尚服装路线。作为国际化大都市的上海更是多家服装品牌打开市场的首要目标城市,故本文选取具有代表性的国际快时尚服装品牌H&M和本土快时尚服装品牌Meters/bonwe,分析其在上海市场的发展策略,从中窥探出国内外快时尚服装品牌战略的不同之处。  相似文献   

由于缺少顶级服装品牌,我国服装市场仍然处于较低水平。此外,随着一些外籍快时尚品牌进军中国市场,本土服装企业发展环境不容乐观。为了在激烈的竞争浪潮中屹立不倒,本土服装企业也开始向快时尚转型。基于此,本文通过4Ps营销理论从产品、价格、渠道、促销四个方面对本土快时尚服装品牌UR(URBAN REVIVO)公司营销策略进行分析,并为该企业提出更为优化的营销策略,从而对我国服装业发展提供一些借鉴与指导意义。  相似文献   

随着当前经济的高速发展与生活水平的不断提高,很多消费者开始注重服装的款式、色彩、品质以及品牌的文化底蕴。在服装商场中,同样的品牌、同样的款式,但消售的价格比确大有不同。其中,流行色的应用与把握起到相当大的作用。本文主要论述流行色与服装商场的关系,从而引导消费,促进服装品牌的个性发展。  相似文献   

袁大鹏 《商场现代化》2007,(11Z):214-214
随着当前经济的高速发展与生活水平的不断提高,很多消费者开始注重服装的款式、色彩、品质以及品牌的文化底蕴。在服装商场中,同样的品牌、同样的款式,但消售的价格比确大有不同。其中,流行色的应用与把握起到相当大的作用。本文主要论述流行色与服装商场的关系,从而引导消费,促进服装品牌的个性发展。  相似文献   

近年来,国际"快时尚"服装零售品牌迅速发展,成为服装界的一支新兴力量。致力于"时尚之都"建设的国际化城市北京,已经成为国际"快时尚"服装零售商投资发展的重点市场。本文选取四个有代表性的国际"快时尚"领导品牌,分析其在北京市场选址布局的特征,从中梳理出这些品牌的北京市场布局策略。  相似文献   

中国是服装消费大国和生产大国,世界各地都售卖着MADEINCHINA的产品。然而全国170多万注册商标中,却很难找到世界领先的知名品牌,服装行业亦是如此。当LV、GUCCI等奢侈品牌和ZARA、H&M等快时尚品牌一波波冲击中国市场时,中国服装业必须转型  相似文献   

随着社会经济发展,我国老龄化趋势加速,中老年群体规模不断扩大,中老年人群对于服装类产品的需求也不断增加,消费档次正在逐年上升。本文根据现有网络销售的中老年服装的产品品类展开分析,针对天猫平台畅销的中老年服装产品和消费特点进行了分析和评估。研究发现,网络销售的中老年服装产品整体风格偏于休闲,产品重复性高,版型单一等。未来中老年服装品牌的产品设计可以考虑服装舒适度的前提下,根据当下流行趋势,将更多时尚元素加入中老年服装设计中;同时,中老年服装品牌可以考虑推出多层次服装产品系列,以迎合不同类型的消费人群,发展品牌差异化。  相似文献   

申庆涛 《消费导刊》2012,(5):132-133
随着消费者追求时尚个性度的提高,一些国际快速时尚品牌不断进入中国市场,使得市场竞争日益激烈。本文从快速时尚品牌的消费心理和消费行为的决策因素入手,通过对消费者购买决策的心理模型研究,提出了消费者购买决策是一个信息处理过程。如何掌快速时尚品牌的消费者购买决策行为和购买决策的影响因素,更好为消费者提供服务,是时尚服装品牌企业经营管理关键。  相似文献   

随着信息、经济全球化发展,越来越多的国外时尚品牌涌入我国,其中包括一个独特的品牌群体——"快时尚"。21世纪以来,快时尚以其紧跟国际时尚潮流、款式供应迅速、价格低廉的优势在我国迅速升温、蔓延,并且给我国本土品牌带来了新的销售模式,使得传统品牌纷纷转型,迈向快时尚的步伐。  相似文献   

罗颖 《商业研究》2003,(21):159-162
中国加入WTO后,服装界内的竞争将会越来越激烈。服装企业如何开展自己的品牌定位、拓展、技术创新及品牌的保护和发展就显得尤为重要。在探讨服装品牌营销发展趋势的基础上,结合汉派服装的特点,开创汉派服装今后的品牌营销建设之路。  相似文献   

李庚 《价格月刊》2012,(9):44-46
在市场竞争中,服装企业除了要提高产品质量,选择合理的分销渠道,还要制定合理的价格。在分析当前市场服装定价畸形等乱象的基础上,提出服装定价应随"市"而变,顺应消费者的需求变化,才能在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

Drawing on behavioral reasoning theory, this study investigated drivers of young consumers’ apparel donation behavior. By examining the impact of values (i.e., benevolence and power) and reasons (i.e., other‐oriented reasons and self‐oriented reasons) on attitudes, this study highlights the different motivations individuals have for donating clothing. As predicted, benevolence was positively related to other‐oriented reasons for donations and power was positively related to self‐oriented reasons for donations. Both other‐ and self‐oriented reasons for donating influenced attitudes related to apparel donation behavior. These findings offer an overarching explanation for the seemingly disparate reasons for apparel donation previously identified.  相似文献   

Wearing clothes with prestigious brand names seems to be very important for adolescents. This phenomenon was studied in the context of consumer socialization by examining the influence of three socialization agents, namely parents, peers and TV, on the development of French Canadian adolescents’ brand sensitivity and their relative importance. Controlling for socio‐economic variables, multiple regression analyses were conducted separately for boys and for girls. For both genders, brand sensitivity is related to peer influence. Girls’ brand sensitivity is related to the importance fathers give to clothing brands. TV exposure is not related to adolescents’ brand sensitivity. For boys and girls, peers represent the most important predictor of this consumer socialization. The results are discussed in the light of social and economic pressures and family relationships.  相似文献   

Research with consumers has revealed limited awareness of the sustainability impact of clothing (Goworek et al., 2012). Semi‐structured interviews conducted with a range of experts in sustainable clothing to increase understanding of the challenges for sustainable clothing revealed that a focus on sustainability alone will not drive the necessary changes in consumers’ clothing purchase, care and disposal behaviour for three reasons: (i) clothing sustainability is too complex; (ii) consumers are too diverse in their ethical concerns and (iii) clothing is not an altruistic purchase. The findings identify the challenges that need to be addressed and the associated barriers for sustainable clothing. Interventions targeting consumers, suppliers, buyers and retailers are proposed that encourage more sustainable clothing production, purchase, care and disposal behaviour. These interventions range from normalizing the design of sustainable clothing and increasing the ease of purchase, to shifting clothes washing norms and increasing upcycling, recycling and repair.  相似文献   

Fast fashion retailing is leading consumers towards an increased rate of purchasing and the trend to keep clothing for an ever shorter time with the resulting rise in clothing disposal. The aim of this paper is to empirically explore antecedents of two methods of sustainable clothing disposal behaviour in two countries: donating to charities and giving away to family and friends. Using data from females located in Australia and Chile, the authors test the proposed model with structural equation modelling (SEM). The results of this study show that consumer recycling behaviour is a strong and direct driver of donating to charity. In addition, results find that consumer awareness of the environment and consumer age affect donating behaviour. The findings have value for fast fashion retailers, marketers, environmental activists, ecological researchers, charity institutions and public policy makers.  相似文献   

In this paper, we draw attention to the emancipatory premises of oppositional ideologies and the ideological nature of consumption in the context of fashion. Drawing on the Foucauldian concept of power, we illustrate how a specific genre of self-help literature, which we have termed wardrobe self-help (WSH), produces an alternative mode of discourse about fashion and clothing as a cultural mediator. Our findings challenge the prevailing fashion ideology that capitalizes on emancipation, and unravel the means through which WSH oppositional ideology governs consumers. Consequently, we argue that while oppositional ideologies can blur the boundaries between coercion and consent, and act as vehicles of repression and liberation, they ultimately come to govern, if not limit, consumer choice and expression.  相似文献   

本文梳理沙特阿拉伯《纺织产品技术法规》关键技术指标,分通用要求、标签要求和安全项目要求与我国强制性标准进行对比,针对超过我国的要求进行重点风险提示,为企业组织生产和出口贸易提供指引。  相似文献   


A mixed-method research approach underpinned exploration of antecedents of strategies adopted by Taiwanese small medium-sized enterprises in the clothing and textiles industry to counter the negative economic effect of globalisation and the increasing competitive threat of lower-cost Chinese products. Primary data were collected from 10 case-companies. Phenomenological methods isolated the contingent variables, whereas positivistic statistical analysis quantified the extent of their perceived impact. A range of hypotheses developed from the literature framed the conceptual model. Although the limited data suggest some caution, findings show statistical significance between a perception of good performance and a range of deployed tactics that include: leadership with technical and innovative motivational style of management; horizontal and vertical industry networking, organisational culture underpinning continuous improvement; original equipment manufacture and original design initiatives; specialist staff recruitment; presence in key overseas markets; and integrated IS/IT. Government support initiatives were not regarded as useful. Whilst these empirical findings contribute to our theoretical understanding of strategic issues in this international sector, the results have implication for industrialists and policymakers alike.  相似文献   

本文从宏观制度层面,对后配额时代5年来全球纺织服装贸易(T&C)的整体格局和相关贸易政策的影响,进行了全面而深入的分析。本文认为,2005年至今全球T&C贸易格局的整体走势包括:中国体现竞争优势,但不会处于垄断地位;买家整合采购渠道,服装出口将取决于纺织品生产能力;以及区域性T&C贸易主导地位逐步被削弱。本文同时认为,判断未来全球T&C贸易格局的进一步走向,应关注"中国+1"模式的发展以及一些主要T&C贸易政策对弱势发展中国家所产生的"意外"负面效应。本文的研究内容和结论,对于我国相关政府部门和企业把握全球T&C贸易发展的大方向,具有重要的参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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