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中国汽车工业发展的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国加入WTO将对汽车工业产生巨大影响。在保护过渡期期间以及过渡期结束之后,关税减让、配额取消、服务贸易开放和对外资政策调整的影响将综合表现出来。通过对入世两年多来中国汽车工业发展现状的分析,找出了现象背后的原因,并指出了中国汽车工业现阶段存在的问题,只有解决这些问题才能使中国汽车工业在尽可能短的时间内达到世界先进水平。  相似文献   

姚俊林 《经济师》2000,(9):201-202
我国汽车工业经历了 5 0年的奋斗 ,汽车工业从无到有 ,从小到大 ,已经形成了一个完整的体系 ,取得了可喜的成绩。但从总体上来看 ,无论从规模、产量、质量及品种性能上来讲 ,都可以说是处在发展阶段。随着改革开放力度的加强 ,汽车工业已被专家和有识之士认定 ,中国必须生产自己的客车、货车、轿车和其它专用车辆。随着我国将成为世贸组织的成员国 ,入关税将大幅度的减免 ,进口车必然要冲击我国的汽车工业 ,我们必须抓住这个机遇 ,在国家的宏观调控支持下 ,有重点的把我国的汽车工业进行重组调整 ,只有这样 ,才能在世界浪潮中经风雨见世面 ,…  相似文献   

汽车工业在一国的经济建设与发展中具有重要的地位,中国和韩国两个国家在过去的几十年里,依靠着汽车工业的飞速发展,同时实现了经济的高速增长。本文将从发展历史和速度、发展环境、经济贡献率等五个方面对中韩两国的汽车工业进行比较分析,有助于发现我国汽车工业发展的不足之处,并且借鉴韩国经验完善我国汽车工业之发展。  相似文献   

跨国公司的市场行为:从垄断到竞争--以汽车工业为例   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
赵楠 《经济学家》2004,(1):59-64
20世纪90年代中期前,一些外商投资企业垄断了中国同行业市场。之后由于国内同类竞争者的形成、多家跨国公司进入、进口商品大量增加等因素的影响,跨国公司对中国市场结构的影响开始向竞争性转变。这种转变给我们的启示是:跨国公司对东道国市场结构的影响不能纯粹的界定为垄断性或竞争性;引进外资时,不必担忧跨国公司在市场上会长期处于优势地位,他们对国内企业具有带动作用。  相似文献   

中国汽车工业发展战略选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国汽车工业选择什么样的发展目标,在很大程度上决定着汽车工业发展道路,从国际汽车工业发展的历史过程来看,汽车工业发展大体具有以下几个层次的目标。  相似文献   

中国汽车工业入世后的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
秦海金 《经济师》2004,(1):43-44
中国是世界上最大的汽车潜在市场 ,我国汽车工业在国民经济中具有重要地位。加入WTO后 ,国家为汽车工业所构筑的关税和非关税壁垒很快消失。针对我国汽车工业的现状 ,应加快国内汽车工业兼并重组 ,融入世界汽车工业整合浪潮 ,积极参与国际分工 ,在世界未来汽车发展的关键技术上形成核心竞争力。  相似文献   

汽车工业研发的合作博弈   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汽车工业研发的现状基本上是一个合作博弈的结构,合作博弈理论在汽车工业中是适用的。建立了汽车工业的研发投入“官产学”合作博弈模型,阐述了合作博弈各方在研发中的作角,最后提出了最优化研发合作博弈的结论。  相似文献   

汽车工业研发的现状基本上是一个合作博弈的结构,合作博弈理论在汽车工业中是适用的。建立了汽车工业的研发投入“官产学”合作博弈模型,阐述了合作博弈各方在研发中的作用,最后提出了最优化研发合作博弈的结论。  相似文献   

从无锡布衣到中国民族工业的首户   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈文源  葛红 《江南论坛》2003,(10):48-49
荣宗敬,谱名宗锦,晚号锦园,生于清同治十二年八月初二(1873年9月23日)。荣德生,谱名宗铨,号乐农,生于清光绪元年七月初四(1875年8月4日)。无锡西乡荣巷人,出身寒微,家世经商务农。兄弟俩由钱庄学徒做起,开办广生钱庄;由创办保兴面粉厂开始,成为“面粉大王”;由创办振新纱厂开始,成为“棉纱大王”。经过30多年的艰苦创业,由一介布衣成为中国民族工业的首户,其间经历了3个阶段。一、白手创业(1896~1911年)荣宗敬、荣德生兄弟只读过五六年私塾,就相继到上海的钱庄当学徒,由此通晓了珠算、记账、存款、放款、贴现、汇兑等各种钱庄业务。1891年,…  相似文献   

空中客车对与中国航空工业的合作充满信心,空中客车中国公司总裁马乐德(GuyMcLeod)说:“尽管世界航空业陷入低谷,令人惊奇的是中国没有受到大的影响。我们在中国有一个长期的承诺,追求的是长远的目标,也就是成为中国发展奇迹的一部分。”  相似文献   

A. E. Akinlo 《Applied economics》2013,45(22):2911-2920
The article uses a translog cost function to examine the substitution relations among capital, labour and imports. The results show that capital has a substitute relation with domestic labour and import. However, labour and import have complementary relationship. The implication of this finding is that liberalization policies, if pursued vigorously, could impart positively on the demand for labour. In addition, it suggests that economic growth could be enhanced through trade liberalization.  相似文献   

This article re-examines the relationship between growth in per capita income and environmental degradation using econometric techniques appropriate for smooth transition regressions with panel data. This is a more intuitive and flexible methodology than the polynomial models widely used in the literature, and it can reconcile some of the mixed results found previously. The methodology is applied to carbon dioxide emissions from nonOECD countries over the period 1971 to 1997. Although there is no evidence of environmental Kuznets curve, we find two regimes, namely a low-income regime where emissions accelerate with economic growth and a middle to high-income regime associated with a deceleration in environmental degradation.  相似文献   

In this paper we use the first-order autoregressive scheme in order to introduce dynamics into the AIDS model. We also consider the theoretical restrictions of additivity, homogeneity and symmetry, and use two different specifications of the covariance matrix. We estimate the models using import allocation data for the UK 1952–1979 of five EEC countries and test different specifications against each other.  相似文献   

A cost function analysis of import demand and growth in South Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigates the substitutability relationships among capital, labor, and imported inputs for South Africa, utilizing the estimates obtained from an aggregate cost function. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that capital is a substitute for both domestic labor and imports, but that labor and imports are complementary inputs. This latter result suggests that relaxing South African trade restrictions may have a positive impact, in both the long and the short run, on the demand for domestic labor. Other results suggest that the reduction of market impediments may also positively impact the production of investment goods and economic growth.  相似文献   

This study is an experimental investigation into preference for redistribution of income. It had been hypothesized that (belief in) equality of opportunity in a society diminishes support for the welfare state. This could potentially explain the low taxes and social benefits in the United States vis-a-vis Europe. To verify this hypothesis, participants in an experiment were assigned different “Probabilities of Winning” and matched in groups of four. Next, before finding out who would actually win, they selected preferred transfers to be paid by the winners to the group as a whole. It was found that the average transfers were about 20% lower in the sessions in which winning was determined by performance in a task rather than by sheer luck. This difference cannot be explained by overconfidence in predicting own score. It corroborates the conjecture that perceived determinants of success (i.e. whether poverty results from laziness or bad luck) affect the support for redistribution. On the other hand, greater inequality of opportunity measured simply by dispersion of Probabilities of Winning within a group did not lead to higher transfers.  相似文献   

We apply the differential production theory approach to U.S. import data (1921-70) without imposing restrictions on Divisia elasticities. The estimates of these elasticities are 0.58 for the imports of foods, 0.95 for those of crude materials, 1.34 for semi-manufactures, and 1.16 for finished manufactures.  相似文献   

"This paper discusses some major determinants of rural-urban migration in Nigeria using the logit estimation technique. It utilizes cross-sectional data generated from a national sample survey of internal migration conducted...between January and March 1988.... The empirical results revealed that the significant determinants of rural-urban migration in Nigeria are income, contact, cost, spoken English, ability to speak two Nigerian languages, distance, marital status, sex and ethnicity. The results further suggest that rural-urban migration is selective of single people and males. Proximity to urban areas where prospective migrants have relatives, friends and townspeople is an important factor."  相似文献   


The first industrial development bank in Nigeria was established in 1964 as part of the First National Development Plan. Its original mandate was to provide medium‐ and long‐term finance to privately owned enterprises in Nigeria. Forty years after its establishment (1964–2004) funding still remains the major obstacle to industrial development in Nigeria. This paper argues that the major problem for the bank was the government’s inability to separate the affairs of the bank from politics.  相似文献   

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