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Modeling the demand for alcoholic beverages and advertising specifications   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, the demand for beer, wine, spirits and soft drinks in Ontario is modeled in two parts: an equation is specifiec to endogenize group expenditures and a demand system is set up to allocate budgeted group expenditures across types o beverages. Advertising is allowed to influence both the level of group expenditures and its allocation. Three popula advertising specifications are compared using theJ‐test and the likelihood dominance criterion. Even though all threi specifications fitted well according to standard criteria, the calculated expenditure, price and advertising elasticities wen sensitive to the manner with which advertising is specified. This clearly highlights the need to rely on a sound criterion t< identify a dominant specification. From the identified dominant specification, we found that advertising has very subtle effect on expenditures on alcoholic beverages (group and individual beverages). Thus, advertising is not effective in enlarginj markets and this suggests that firms (especially breweries) use advertising to compete in zero‐sum market share games. From i public policy perspective, our results are comforting but future research should investigate whether the neutral effect o advertising on aggregated expenditures hide substantial offsetting changes in the drinking habits of individuals.  相似文献   

The demand for food and beverages is estimated within a three-stage demand model. The separability structure of the model is checked by nonparametric tests. Some generalized axiom of revealed preference (GARP) violations are detected in one of the subsystems. However, they are removed by small adjustments in the quantities of fish, and the violations are interpreted as results of measurement errors. The almost ideal demand system is used in the static and a dynamic version. The results of various specification and misspccification tests suggest that the static version performs poorly as compared with the dynamic version. Norwegian demand elasticities for disaggregate food commodities have rarely been estimated within a system framework, so the results are of intrinsic interest. The elasticities estimated by using the dynamic model are of the expected signs and reasonable magnitudes. The values are stable over time for most commodities. Elasticities estimated within a subsystem are conditional on the goods included in that system, and they may differ from the more policy relevant unconditional elasticities estimated within a system including all goods. Adjustment formulas are used to approximate the unconditional elasticities from the estimated conditional elasticities. There are considerable differences between the numerical values of the conditional and unconditional elasticities for several of the foods. The unconditional own-price elasticities are in the interval-0.20 to-0.89. The own-price elasticities for hot drinks and for milk are most inelastic. The unconditional expenditure elasticities for food-away-from-home, fish, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages are above one, while the expenditure elasticity for hot drinks is about zero.  相似文献   

This papers aims to analyse the demand for main food groups in Spain. Apart from the traditional economic factors (prices and income), our theoretical framework incorporates the nutrient composition of food into a demand model in the form of food attributes, as a proxy to take into account the rising consumer concern about the relationship between diet and health. A CBS functional form is chosen for the empirical model, which is estimated using a complete panel data set. Ten broad categories, nine nutrients and the most relevant socio-economic variables have been considered. Finally, after employing an appropriate selection strategy, the chosen model is used to calculate expenditure, price and nutrient elasticities, as well as the main socio-demographic effects. Results indicate that the introduction of nutrient-based determinants generates elasticities that differ from those obtained when only economic factors are included, particularly in the case of price elasticities. As the nutrients effect is incorporated in the model through adjusted prices, unhealthier food groups (cereals, white meat and eggs, dairy and sugar) become more inelastic as they are associated with higher perceived prices.  相似文献   

The paper presents estimates of price elasticities of demand for 12 disaggregated alcoholic beverages in Australia: premium beer, full strength beer, low alcohol beer and mid‐strength beer; red bottled wine, white bottled wine, sparkling wine, cask wine; dark and light ready‐to‐drink (RTD); and dark and light spirits. These disaggregated categories correspond closely to the commodities of interest to public policymakers with respect to taxation and health policies. The system of demand equations is estimated with Nielsen's data using a semiflexible Almost Ideal Demand System model in order to impose negative semi‐definiteness on the demand parameters. Results indicate elastic own‐price elasticities for virtually all commodities. Cross‐price elasticities suggest that beverages most linked with negative externalities, namely full strength beer, dark RTD and dark spirits, may need to be taxed jointly. Any proposed tax increase to cask wine may also result in consumers shifting demand to more undesirable beverages. The elasticity estimates are used to illustrate the effect of a hypothetical change towards taxation equalisation based on alcohol content. These elasticities offer crucially needed inputs for analysing any tax change policies.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effects that the 2012 VAT reform in Spain had on households’ welfare, focusing on a major expenditure group: food and non‐alcoholic beverages. Households’ demands are modeled as a two‐stage Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System, which is then estimated by means of a consistent two‐step estimator introduced in Tauchmann ( 2010 ) and not previously used in studies of this type. This procedure allows consistent imposition of the traditional parameter restrictions that utility maximisation requires in the context of a censored model. Our results show that the welfare loss and the increment in the tax bill increase with income. We also show that expenditure on food and non‐alcoholic beverages grows less than proportionately with income. Consequently, households with lower income experience a greater welfare loss relative to their income levels. In short, the 2012 VAT reform in Spain, focusing on this expenditure group, can be considered as regressive.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to explain to what extent meat consumption patterns in Spain are different in rural and urban areas and which are the factors explaining differences and similarities. A demand system using cross-section data from the latest Spanish National Survey has been estimated. Unit values have been used instead of market prices and price and quality effects have been obtained. The main conclusion is that meat consumption patterns in urban and rural areas are not really different as regards economic factors. Some small income and price effect differences have been found, specially for fresh pork and fish, Responses to changes in income and price are higher for fresh pork consumption in rural areas and for fish in urban areas.  相似文献   

This study investigates the demand for 10 disaggregated meat products by U.S. households. A censored demand system which imposes budget constraints in both observed and latent shares is estimated along with a detailed explanation of the estimation procedure. Additional details about the methodology not provided in previous studies should help researchers to empirically apply the model. An innovation of the study is to introduce the censored demand system model for studying the variety of a household's food purchases. Most households buy between seven and eight different products and hardly change the variety of their purchases with changes in meat expenditure.  相似文献   

There is renewed interest in robust estimates of food demand elasticities at a disaggregated level not only to analyse the impact of changing food preferences on the agricultural sector, but also to establish the likely impact of pricing incentives on households. Using data drawn from two national Household Expenditure Surveys covering the periods 1998/1999 and 2003/2004, and adopting an Almost Ideal Demand System approach that addresses the zero observations problem, this paper estimates a food demand system for 15 food categories for Australia. The categories cover the standard food items that Australian households demand routinely. Own‐price, cross‐price and expenditure elasticity estimates of the Marshallian and Hicksian types have been derived for all categories. The parameter estimates obtained in this study represent the first integrated set of food demand elasticities based on a highly disaggregated food demand system for Australia, and all accord with economic intuition.  相似文献   

An error correction almost ideal demand system for meat in Greece   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper represents a dynamic specification of the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) based on recent developments on cointegration techniques and error correction models. Based on Greek meat consumption data over the period 1958–1993, it was found that the proposed formulation performs well on both theoretical and statistical grounds, as the theoretical properties of homogeneity and symmetry are supported by the data and the LeChatelier principle holds. Regardless of the time horizon, beef and chicken may be considered as luxuries while mutton‐lamb and pork as necessities. In the short‐run, beef was found to have price elastic demand, pork an almost unitary elasticity, whereas mutton‐lamb, chicken and sausages had inelastic demands; in the long‐run, beef, and pork were found to have a demand elasticity greater than one, whereas mutton‐lamb, chicken, and sausages still had inelastic demands. All meat items are found to be substitutes to each other except chicken and mutton‐lamb, and pork and chicken.  相似文献   

This paper provides a constructive critique of Corrine Cash's paper “Good governance and strong political will: Are they enough for transformation?”, published in volume 58 of Land Use Policy in 2016. By focusing on how intra-sector dynamics influence land use policies in conflicts revolving around urban sprawl, this paper aims to complement and, to some extent, widen the analytic lens deployed by Cash. The examination of the Spanish wine sector and its lack of zoning policies confirms Cash's argument about the need to go beyond discourses of ‘good governance’ and ‘strong political will’ to understand the dynamics underpinning real spatial processes. However, this exploration underscores the need to add layers of complexity to land use analyses, showing the relevance of intra-sector conflict and logics. In complicating any simplistic reduction of urban sprawl conflicts to rural–urban oppositions, the paper ultimately calls for a more dynamic and multiscalar planning theory to address complex governance issues.  相似文献   

We estimate source‐differentiated wine demand in China using the absolute price version of the Rotterdam demand system. Within the last decade, China has gone from obscurity to an important participant in global wine trade. The continual growth of Chinese wine imports suggests that a one‐time structural shift approach may not fully capture how consumption patterns or demand preferences have changed over time. Thus, a rolling or moving regression procedure is used to account for continual adjustments in import demand patterns and to evaluate overall parameter instability. Our results confirm that Chinese consumers hold French wine in high regard and that French wine demand has consistently increased over the last decade, more than any other exporting source. Consumers in China have gone from allocating about 1/3 to over 1/2 of every dollar to French wine and the expenditure elasticity for French wine mostly increased while the market was expanding. Although Australian wine has a very solid standing in the Chinese market, results suggest that its market share will likely remain unchanged. Marginal budget share and expenditure elasticity estimates indicate that Australia will continue to account for about 20 per cent of the foreign wine market in China.  相似文献   

Traditional buildings are important features of the rural landscape and a valuable documental source about rural technology and ways of life in the countryside. For the last 60 years many traditional farm buildings have lost their original function because of the great changes in the European agricultural sector. Their respectful conversion to adopt new activities provides economic, socio-cultural and landscape benefits for promoters and the whole rural community. Traditional wine caves used for the production and storage of wine are particular good examples of redundant rural buildings needing for viable new uses. The aims of this paper are to present the architectural features of these agro-industrial spaces and to discuss suitable new uses for them. The technical, socioeconomic and legal contexts of the reuse are also examined in the paper. The use of traditional wine cellars in the production of high-quality artisanal wines, cheeses and cured meats, for cultural activities, as restaurants, or in the production of mushrooms, among others, are viable reuse proposals according to the current needs in the Mediterranean rural areas. Nevertheless, special care must be taken when restoring these spaces in order to respect the identity and the aesthetic appeal of the ancient cellars and not to come into conflict with the planning and building regulations.  相似文献   

Pre‐committed consumption represents the portion of demand that is determined by non‐price and non‐income factors. This study uses quarterly data to estimate a Generalised Almost Ideal Demand System (GAIDS) to test for the existence of pre‐committed meat consumption in Australia. Two specifications are estimated to evaluate the impact of seasonal and time trend factors on pre‐committed demand. Evidence is found for the existence of pre‐committed chicken consumption when jointly estimated with seasonal and time trend factors. Results support improved demand modelling of Australian meat consumption using the GAIDS and provide insights into how Australian meat demand is affected by price, expenditures, pre‐committed consumption, seasonality, and trends.  相似文献   

The natural risks of flooding inherent to Mediterranean climates is a well-known fact, but one difficult to gauge and rarely accurately in terms of space, quantity and degree. Fortunately, in Spain the national Cartographic System for Flood Areas (SNCZI) partially compensates for the deficit, calculating the probability of these natural phenomena. The present paper describes the number, location and characteristics of the homes exposed to flooding in Extremadura. The methodology used in the study reveals in great detail the clandestine homes built on land not apt for urban development (via scans and visual detection techniques using the available series of ortho-rectified aerial photographs), particularly those at flood risk (determined by SNCZI cartography). This reveals deficiencies in risk management and land use. Also, the information leads to the conclusion that current action from the Administration is ineffective in preventing any risk of flooding, and that the risk is known, but ignored.  相似文献   

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