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十年来,在价格改革方面,我们做了大量工作,也取得了许多成绩。但是,在价格领域也存在不少问题,其中出现的一个新问题,就是比价关系复归。为什么会出现比价复归呢?我们应该怎样认识和对待比价复归呢?本文试图回答这些问题。  相似文献   

惯性问题的研究是金融学研究的一个热点。Fama(1998)承认,价格惯性与盈余惯性这两种异象的存在构成了对有效市场假说的极大挑战。对两种异象的解释主要围绕着支持与反对有效市场假说的两条主线展开。近年来,一些研究从宏观视角解释与分析了这两种异象;该领域的一个新进展是将价格惯性与盈余惯性问题结合在了一起,有研究甚至认为价格惯性仅仅是盈余惯性的一种表象。  相似文献   

“新解释”起初作为解决转形问题的新方法而知名,但实际上它对于解决转形问题没有提供任何帮助。转形问题的实质是研究价值与生产价格的关系,而“新解释”是直接链接价值与价格,与生产价格没有关系。Foley、Dumenil的“新解释”通过重新定义货币价值后;认为总净产品的价值与价格是相等的,因而其总价值与总价格是定义相等的,而且通过重新定义劳动力价值而得出总利润与总剩余价值也是定义相等的,因此在总净产品的层面上取消了转形问题;Moseley认为不变资本和可变资本都不需要转形而彻底取消了转形问题。“新解释”通过重视货币问题而将马克思的理论扩展到实际的市场价格问题,这是一个进步,但是它却没有涉及转形问题的实质。  相似文献   

我国农业供水价格改革既是一个经济问题,也是一个社会问题,需要认真解决改革中出现的新矛盾、新问题,提高农业供水价格改革质量,使水利工程更好地发挥效益,更好地为农业服务。笔者结合工作实际,认真研究了我国农业供水价格改革现状、存在的主要问题,提出加快农业供水价格改革一些想法和建议,旨在搞好农业供水价格改革,推动水利事业科学、跨越发展。  相似文献   

邓瑛 《财经科学》2012,(11):1-11
2008年全球金融危机冲击之后,各国普遍出现了高货币增长下一般价格水平比较稳定而资产价格快速膨胀的现象。传统的通货膨胀理论和现有的货币政策范式难以解释与应对,"资产型通货膨胀"已经成为后危机时代一个亟需研究的问题。鉴于此,本文从货币及资产价格的视角对国外相关研究进行了梳理,力图厘清资产型通货膨胀的特点、资产价格与通货膨胀的关系、预期及货币在促成资产型通货膨胀中的推动作用,以及如何建立新的应对资产型通胀的货币政策新框架等问题。在综述分析的基础上提出未来研究中的挑战性问题。  相似文献   

价值向生产价格的转形问题是马克思经济学的一个基本问题,也是马克思经济理论当中一个具有决定性意义的理论,对它的解释长久以来一直是国际学术界争论的焦点。冯金华教授从2008年开始对价值转形问题展开了一系列深刻而富有创意的研究,其研究建立在偏离系数法这一基本方法上,根据两部类补偿这一约束条件,通过一系列的证明得出:生产价格总是等于价值的,从而宣称马克思经济学中的价值转形是一个多余的命题。本文通过分析冯金华教授的论证过程,强调了价值和生产价格范畴各自不同的经济规定性,证明了尽管冯金华教授的研究富有意义和创意,但由于其在研究过程中忽视了价值范畴和生产价格的规定性上的本质区别,造成其方法和结论都是错误的。  相似文献   

丰珂 《经济师》2010,(5):84-85
股票的成交量和价格之间的关系是金融市场的一个非常重要的研究对象,长期以来一直是金融领域倍受关注的话题。文章首先利用ADF单位根检验对沪市A股的价格和成交量数据的平稳性进行检验,然后进行了协整检验,检验价格和成交量之间有无协整关系。还利用Granger因果检验、脉冲响应和方差分解,研究成交量和价格之间的因果关系。最后还建立了GARCH模型,对价量关系进行更深入的研究。  相似文献   

当前物价上涨的市场推进机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,我国出现了比较显著的物价上涨,其原因除了我们比较熟悉的供求变化因素外,市场机制本身的推动是一个重要的因素。生活必需品需求的价格弹性很小,这使得生活必需品有价格上升的内在趋势,在一定的市场结构中,这种内在趋势会变为现实。在这种市场结构中,在市场机制的推进下,商品住房价格会持续上涨,猪肉价格则会周期性上涨,并由此推进价格总水平不断上涨。抑制这一类物价上涨,不能仅采用调节供给和需求关系方法,而应该对症下药,需要政府制定相关的价格政策和市场结构调整政策。  相似文献   

汇率是开放经济环境下的核心工具变量,在维持一国内部平衡和外部平衡时起着重要的作用。对于汇率传递问题的关注开始于世界由固定汇率体系向浮动汇率体系转变的时期,目前它仍然是关于外部调整研究的重要内容。本文分析了汇率传递与一价定律、依市场定价之间的关系,使用一个汇率传递模型阐明了汇率变动对价格体系的传导机制。汇率变动对商品出口价格和进口价格传递应该是一个连续的过程。当获知汇率发生变动时,出口商在不完全竞争的市场结构下,出于经营目的会调整其对价格的加成,这反应到进口国的进口价格上已经是一种“不完全”的传递;而进口商品由于存在分销过程,在最终销售价格上包含了相当程度的国内不可贸易的服务成本,这部分成本由于不受汇率变动的影响,因此汇率变动对进口价格的传递会进一步被削弱。  相似文献   

<正> “八五”时期是我国经济社会发展和经济体制改革的一个重要阶段,价格改革要在有利于实现物价总水平控制目标的前提下,继续进行价格结构调整,进一步完善价格形成机制,促进国民经济持续、稳定、协调发展。一、“八五”期间价格改革面临的艰巨任务经过10年努力,我国价格改革闯过重重难关,在曲折中不断向前推进,取得了显著成效。但是,价格改革是一个长期过程,许多旧的价格矛盾目前还没有得到根本解决。近年来在通货膨胀的严重冲击下,价格关系又出现了新的紊乱。当前物价方面存在的主要问题是: ——物价上涨幅度过大。1979—1989年,全社会零售物价总指数累计上升103.35%,年  相似文献   

We examine settings where input prices are negotiated by industry suppliers, rather than dictated by regulators. We find that the input buyer may agree to pay a high price for an input because the high price serves to reduce the intensity of retail price competition with the input seller. Full exploitation of retail customers can result. However, retail price regulation, competition among buyers, and product heterogeneity all can limit the extraction of consumer surplus. We also identify conditions under which input price negotiations will fail to produce a mutually agreeable input price.We thank Dennis Weisman and two anonymous referees for very helpful commentsJEL classification: L43, L51, L22  相似文献   

Seasoned equity offerings involve two significant events: registration followed by the decision to complete the issue or withdraw the registration. We present an empirical analysis of the interaction between seasoned equity issues, insider trading and the incorporation of information in prices around these two events. We find that the manager moves prices through corporate decisions but not personal ones. Specifically, the market reacts to the registration and the registration triggers information acquisition by the market, which is shown to influence the manager's final decision. Trading by managers during this interval does not, however, move prices.
(J.E.L.: G14, G23, G32) .  相似文献   

Using Mexican data, this article analyzes the impact of the workers' remittances on the cross‐section distribution of prices as well as on the evolution of individual relative prices over time for 272 consumer items. The results suggest that there are important differences in the responses of relative prices to remittances according to various categories of these items. While the relative prices of a number of nontradable service items such as housing consistently rise, the relative prices of several durable items such as furniture tend to fall in response to the remittance shock. Furthermore, remittances explain substantial variation in prices for a large number of consumer durables and services at various time horizons. The relative price responses are more volatile over time for most food items and less volatile for nonfood and service items reflecting different degrees of price flexibility.  相似文献   

Fisher hypothesis postulates positive relation between stock return and inflation; however early studies document negative relationship between the two and they conclude that stock cannot be used as a hedge against inflation. In this paper we explore long‐run nonlinear relationship between stock price and goods price. Our sample consists of 19 OECD countries; all or some of these countries have been studied before with the findings of linear cointegration between the stock index and goods price index. Based on unit root tests and linear cointegration test, we apply threshold cointegration tests, Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) cointegration test and panel VAR method. With all these econometric methods we arrive at heterogeneous findings as follows: two countries have linear cointegration, five countries have threshold cointegration, nine countries do not have any cointegration and finally two countries provide inconclusive results. Estimates of Fisher coefficient provided by linear and nonlinear cointegration methods, which range between 1.27 and 1.86, are consistent with previous studies. Impulse response analysis from panel VAR for countries having no cointegrating relation shows that shock to inflation produces negative response in stock return, which supports findings of earlier studies.  相似文献   

On Endogenously Staggered Prices   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Taylor's model of staggered contracts is an influential explanation for nominal inertia and the persistent real effects of nominal shocks. However, in standard imperfect competition models, if agents are allowed to choose the timing of pricing decisions, they will typically choose to synchronize. This paper provides a simple model of imperfect competition which produces stable staggering. Our argument relies on strategic interaction at two levels—between firms within an industries, and across industries—and produces a continuum of staggered price equilibria. These equilibria are strict, and hence stable under a simple adaptive learning process.  相似文献   

When potential bidders in an auction have to incur a cost to prepare their bids and thus to learn their valuations, imposing a reserve price and announcing that in case no bid is submitted there will be another auction without a reserve price is both revenue and welfare improving. Reserve prices that induce less than maximum entry in the first auction may be optimal. Also, entry fees are not necessarily better instruments than reserve prices.Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Number: D44.  相似文献   

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