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The content of China's economic transformation is not single, and this article argues that it includes three parts. The first is the reform of economic system, the second is the change in the pattern of economic growth, and the third is the adjustment of economic structure. Government is the leading force of China's economic transformation, and repeated reform of government institutions has brought about some changes to government functions. But problems are obvious that lag changes of government functions have become an obstacle in China's economic transformation. This article describes the historical evolution and the reality of China's economic transformation, and analyzes the main reasons of lag changes in government functions, and reveals that the transformation of government functions is the key for successful transformation of China's economy.  相似文献   

The current study compares the firm performance in China's listed companies by distinguishing the governance controlling of three types of state-shareholder. The results indicate that the performances in firms with direct government controlling are significantly weaker than other firms. In contrast, the performances in firms without direct government controlling are not significantly different. The results suggest that the introduction of market-oriented state-share holders is a desirable process during the transition economy in China.  相似文献   

With the establishment of the aim of public finance, the non-tax revenue management causes extensive concern of both academy and government in recent years, around which the policy of fee-to-tax reform and income-expenditure going different ways etc. was launched. How to manage the non-tax revenue, which constitutes an important part of the public revenue, plays an important role in the rationalization of public revenue and the building of the public finance system. This paper uses international experience as reference to analyze the situation of the current non-tax revenue management, and the innovation of non-tax revenue management mode from both theoretical and practical aspects.  相似文献   

In this paper, the relationship between FDI and China's economic growth is analyzed by Granger causality test and multiple regression model. It is found that relationship is bi-directional causal. It is suggested that the utilization of FDI should be focused on not only the quantity, but also the quality of FDI with its rapid development.  相似文献   

利用1978~2010年间四川财政支农和第一产业相关数据,运用协整检验理论及误差修正模型,分析了四川财政支农支出对第一产业的增长效应。研究结果显示,四川财政支农支出相对于第一产业GDP增长弹性系数为0.784。财政支农支出结构中对四川第一产业增长效应高低次序依次为:支援农村生产最高,农林水利气象等部门事业费次之,科技投入及农业基本建设支出最差。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of climate change on China's grain production and food security. The research is one of the four studies on future conditions of China's food production system under the influence of climate change using numerical simulation methods, carried out under a national 973 project entitled "impacts of climate change on food systems in China and its adaptation". The other three studies focus on changes in cultivated land area and food production, while this study incorporates their grain yield results into a general equilibrium model to simulate future conditions of the grain market. Our simulation analysis arrives at the impact of climate change by comparing such economic variables as grain production, consumption, and GDP growth rate between a baseline scenario and two climate change scenarios. Our results are summarized as follows: (1) In 2050, the total grain production will reach 689.683 million tons--584.264 million tons of total grain consumption and 42.808 million tons of exports. Without considering losses and inventory demand, in 2050 China's grain supply and demand will remain well balanced, with a slight surplus expected. (2) Climate change is expected to benefit China's macro economy and individual sectors. In comparison with the baseline scenario of no climate change, real wage, real GDP, investment, household consumption, exports, and other macroeconomic indicators will rise under the climate change scenarios. As far as the agricultural, manufacturing, and service sectors are concerned, production, consumption, imports, and exports will each be favorably affected by climate change. (3) The favorable impact of climate change on China's macroeconomy and individual sectors under the high emissions scenario (A2) is stronger than that under the low emissions scenario (B2). (4) In the grain market, climate change is expected to increase supply, reduce imports, increase supply, and demand; and supply will increase more than demand does. All in  相似文献   

中美两国互补型的直接贸易关系紧密,美国金融危机导致美国国内收入水平的下降、美元贬值以及物价水平波动易通过直接贸易溢出对中国进出口贸易状况形成冲击。研究发现,危机通过收入效应对我国贸易状况产生的溢出较弱,而通过价格效应对我国贸易状况产生了明显溢出,并且对我国的出口贸易冲击较大。出口贸易对美国价格水平变化冲击的响应强度、持续时间和衰减方式都发生了显著变化。  相似文献   

知识产权创造是知识产权战略的核心,是自主创新的关键,是推动经济转型升级的重要着力点。基于2000~2009年的省际数据,运用面板数据单位根检验、格兰杰检验、协整检验、混合效应模型对全国及东、中、西部的资本投入、进口贸易和外商直接投资对知识产权创造的影响进行了实证分析,结果表明资本投入、开放经济对知识产权创造具有显著的正效应,但存在地区差异。  相似文献   

从知识流动来看,现阶段国内制造业存在两个问题:第一,行为主体如制造商与配套商、专业院校之间的知识流动通道尚未真正建立;第二,虽然已有知识流动,但由于各行为主体的知识深度都不高,导致知识互动转化不足。知识流动不是自发的,地理邻近或表面上相关的行为主体之间不必然产生知识流动。在国内,地方政府是建立知识流动通道的关键,政府应主动和其他行为主体互动,并成为其他行为主体之间知识流动的桥梁或“二传手”。文章进行了乐器制造的案例分析。  相似文献   

通过投入产出SKYLINE分析法,探讨了中国进出口贸易在国际分工中的二氧化碳排放问题,研究结果显示2007年中国贸易结构在国际分工中具有污染逆差特征。分行业看,净出口二氧化碳排放比例排在前八位的产业部门分别是纺织业、纺织服装鞋帽皮革羽绒及其制品业、木材加工及家具制造业、通信设备计算机及其他电子设备制造业、金属制品业、工艺品及其他制造业、造纸印刷及文教体育用品制造业、电气机械及器材制造业。  相似文献   

从改革开放后的时代大背景出发,以税收发展为主要关注点,对我国税收与产业发展、国民收入等因素之间的关联性进行研究。通过对传统经济学中的税收理论进行研究,提出了模型建立的初步思想。通过查阅相关年鉴信息,获取了研究所需的基础数据。基础数据主要包括各产业历年发展数据、税收发展历年数据、国民收入数据、CPI指数等。将上述数据进行综合处理,作为分析的基础数据。利用高级计量经济学的分析原理和方法(主要是向量自回归模型理论和格兰杰因果关系检验等理论和方法),建立基于我国国情的税收发展与产业发展等因素的关联性模型。通过对模型的分析研究,找到上述因素之间具体的关联性,从而为我国税收改革的方向和具体实施步骤提出了有参考性的意见和建议。以此实现通过税收改革,促进我国经济发展模式转型的最终目的。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the situation and the comparative advantage of Chinese textile & apparel industry. The negative impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Chinese textile & apparel's competitiveness is that it will alter corporation's pricing strategies and lack of green competitiveness. The positive impact is that it will uphold enterprise competitiveness and upgrade enterprise strategy resilience. Chinese textile and apparel should mix CSR strategy into enterprise production, management, employees' training as well as the marketing in order to improve its competitiveness.  相似文献   

Adjustment of Basle Capital Agreement will influence the risk management and capital arrangement demand of the banks with different scales, operation level and environment. It will have widespread and profound effect on the competition strength of every country's banks in the global market. Starting with illustration of the present cond(tion of risk management in China's banks, the paper analyzes the major problems existing in the risk management system of China's banking industry, then puts forward some clues and suggestions to improve and better the risk management system of China's banking industry.  相似文献   

This article studies the change in the industry structure of employment in China based on the practical analysis of data of the change in the industry structure of employment and the production value of three major sectors and GNP. At the same time, the article studies the status quo of the industry structure of employment in China compared with other countries. On the basis of these studies, the article indicates the main problems in the industry structure of employment in China and gives some countermeasures to optimize it.  相似文献   

During the new epoch of reform, the discussion and practice launched by the government and the Communist Party of China (CPC) has experienced 4 stages. Since 1992, China has entrenched formally establishing the Socialist Market Economy System, which is a so-called China's Mode development way led by the Deng Xiaoping's theory. This paper tries to set up an index system to evaluate the development level of China's market economy from 1992 to 2001.  相似文献   

With the rise of coal price, the proportion of loss-making enterprises shows an upward trend in China's coal industry. This paper uses Altman Z-Score model to measure financial risk of 19 listed companies in the coal industry in A-share market from 1995 to 2007. Empirical results show that Year-Based price index of coal price has a negative correlation with the financial risk but has no significance, and coal chain price has a significant negative correlation with the financial risk. Further research indicates that enterprises increase bad investment, and a lot of debts caused by short-term rise in coal prices. The results also show that the financial risk in the coal industry declines with the rise of GDP growth rate and increases with the rise of inflation rate.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the questionnaire on the peasant's intentions of planting genetically modified crops in China, points out the culture education level and the cognition level differences of the inquisition sample, designs four set questions on the intentions of planting genetically modified crops, explains the relationship between peasant's planting intentions and their main income sources and relative income levels, and studies what government should do in planting genetically modified crops from the peasants' point of view. The author makes appro]ariate comments on the subject.  相似文献   

“坚决不打赤字财政”,是陈云一贯而鲜明的主张,因为在他看来,财政赤字与通货膨胀密不可分。建国初期,我国人民饱受通货膨胀之苦,而“币值下跌、物价上涨的主要原因,是政府的财政赤字庞大”。因此,陈云力主财政安排留有余地,尽量避免出现赤字,尤其忌讳将赤字用于投资。在这一思想的主导下,计划经济时期我国财政预算保持平衡,物价基本稳定。新时期以来,我国经济体制和市场环境发生重大变化,财政赤字渐成常态,相应地物价亦呈不断上涨趋势。尽管近年来连年出现的财政赤字主要依靠发行公共债务来弥补,但这终究不是长久之计,当下的欧债危机警醒了我们,陈云提出的“建设规模的大小必须和国家财力物力相适应”是一条不变的真理。  相似文献   

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