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孙动 《现代商业》2011,(3):15-17
目前国内大多数百货零售企业普遍实行的"品牌联营"经营模式导致各大百货商场商品和品牌同质化现象日趋严重,价格竞争加剧,不少企业大而不强,低利运营。本文在概括了"品牌联营"模式典型特征的基础上,着重分析和评价了该模式下的企业盈利能力,认为:百货零售企业"品牌联营"模式制约了企业的持续发展。同时本文从转变百货零售企业盈利模式的角度提出企业获得竞争优势的若干建议。  相似文献   

金玉华当代商城董事长上榜理由经营模式由联营模式向自营模式转变已成为必然趋势上榜等级★★★★★(五颗星)简评商品经营模式是决定零售企业盈利性的重要因素,而盈利性直接关系到零售业可持续发展的潜力。随着国内百货业的不断发展,联营模式的弊端逐渐显现,盈利水平低、经营管理能力下降、商品  相似文献   

联营与自营成为当前我国零售业争论的焦点之一。联营的模式发展至今已出现了诸多问题,我国零售业是否要进入自营?这种转变需要面临哪些问题,本文从国际视角对零售业自营与联营展开了分析并提供了相应的建议。  相似文献   

零售产业相对于上游供应商强势的市场地位和联营的合作方式,导致中国的百货店长期以来一直忽视与供应商合作关系的开发和维护。随着市场竞争的加剧和百货业经营模式的不断变革,这种忽视所带来问题日益凸显,本文指出了在百货业中供应商关系管理不可或缺的作用,并对缺乏供应商关系管理所引发的问题、原因和后果进行了分析,最后指出百货业供应商关系管理今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

马云鹏 《现代商业》2014,(22):49-50
随着21世纪全球经济的迅猛发展,大多数企业正以新的经营模式走入市场。随着超级市场、专卖店等新型业态不断出现,许多发达国家的零售业不断涌入国内,我国百货业迎来了前所未有的机遇,同时也面临着越来越严峻的挑战。在市场经济新形势下,有部分企业采取自营模式,但会遇到诸多问题,自营模式的普及时代还没有来临,我国百货业仍然以联营模式为主要的经营模式。  相似文献   

关于我国百货业陷入联营瓶颈及自营复出的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于我国经济飞速发展的需要,联营模式在百货业经营中暴露出来的一系列问题,自营是否该要复出的问题被人们提到了商业领域的风口浪尖上。本文分析了联营近年来成功的原因及其陷入二房东角色的尴尬与暴露出来的问题,我国目前经济现状与实现百货业自营模式的困难,以及自营进程中需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

吴红光 《新财富》2008,(9):72-78
进入21世纪之后,国内百货业的经营和盈利模式出现了巨大转变,中国百货业正迎来其2001年低谷后的新一轮黄金发展期。从资产和真实业绩分析,国内百货企业的实际业绩存在较大释放空间,大量优质商业物业的资产价值被严重低估。  相似文献   

陈立平 《商业科技》2011,(31):24-28
一、中国百货店联营制的本质及演化进程 1.联营制的本质 零售商原本作为顾客的购买代理,除了通过商品流通服务盈利外,还要承担商品流通过程中所发生的各种风险。但是近20年以来,为了回避这种风险,我国大部分百货店基本采用了联营制的经营模式并逐渐成为了一种商业习惯和制度。  相似文献   

本文首先基于对保险学基本原理的理解阐述了保险公司获利的原理,进而以一些公开统计数据为基础分析了我国保险公司的盈利水平现状、业务模式和主要盈利模式,并从多方面分析了我国保险公司盈利模式存在的问题。  相似文献   

<正>一、中国百货店联营制的本质及演化进程1.联营制的本质零售商原本作为顾客的购买代理,除了通过商品流通服务盈利外,还要承担商品流通过程中所发生的各种风险。但是近20年以来,为了回避这种风险,我国大部分百货店基本采用了联营制的经营模式并逐渐成为了一种商业习惯  相似文献   

The traditional department store was clearly the center of retail activity in cities and small towns in the United States during the first half of the 20th century. However, by the late 1970s and beyond, the department store industry began experiencing financial problems, and serious questions were being raised as to whether their demise was eminent. This article traces the evolution of the industry, and explores some of the underlying dynamics for the changes in the retail trade sector, including the emergence of new alternative retail formats, such as discount stores and category killers. This study further explores the major strategies used by the leading traditional stores with reference to new industry life cycle models and a strategic positioning framework. Of particular interest is the discussion regarding: Were the traditional department stores “locked in” to a declining trajectory? How effective were their strategies to counter the decline of the industry? And what were and are the repositioning options available to the traditional department stores?  相似文献   

A model of consumer preferences of department stores is presented which links preferences to Weighted Differences between various components of Images of department stores and a consumer's self-image--the WDI model of preference. We provide a theoretical and empirical comparison of the WDI model with Moutinho's model that also incorporates the idea of self- and storeimages but does not permit differential weighing of image components. We show that theWDI model is parsimonious and empirically outperforms Moutinho's model of preference.  相似文献   

大中型百货商场战略模型及其适用性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大中型百货商场如何应对全球经济一体化的竞争成为目前理论界关注的一个重要问题。本文试图构建一个大中型百货商场发展的战略模型,研究我国加入WTO后大中型百货商场的生存和发展的空间问题,寻求其合理的发展出路。  相似文献   

胡慧玲 《江苏商论》2020,(3):10-11,16
在竞争日益激烈,需求多元化的时代,以万达广场为代表的商业综合体的出现具有必然性。同时,万达广场的基业——万达百货开始出现大规模的收缩甚至被取消,可见,万达广场模式存在一定的短板。本文在规模经济的视野下,通过对万达广场模式进行剖析,明确万达百货的运营短板,提出百货业实现规模经济则可能解决这一难题,以期对百货业的持续发展起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

This paper statistically tested three hypotheses about relationships between the size and efficiency of department stores in the People's Republic of China. The results show that the enlargement of the size of stores in China had a positive impact on the efficiency of large and medium-sized department stores, and that these department stores derived their economies of scale from cost savings rather than from an increase of the average transaction size.  相似文献   

本文就联营模式产生的历史背景、联营模式存在的合理性及其弊端进行了说明,同时也描述了新形势下相关百货企业的应对之策,并且就百货企业采取自营模式所面临的问题进行了分析,指出了百货企业如欲采取自营模式需要注意的问题,认为百货企业在未来相当长时间内依然主要会采用联营模式,自营模式的时代还未到来。  相似文献   

江辛 《商业研究》2003,(1):161-165
在零售市场竞争日益激烈、消费者需求变化趋势多样化的背景下,现有的百货企业为了谋求生存和发展就必须站在战略的高度考虑问题,不断地创新以适应迅速变化的环境。百货企业应当根据外部环境和内部条件,对各种可能的战略方向的可行性做出合理的决策。因此,必须构造一个百货企业发展的战略模型并对其适用性进行分析和评价。  相似文献   

本文应用“资源基础理论”的分析视角,以国美电器为例,从利用外部资源的角度对我国家电连锁企业的高速增长及其背后的成长机理进行理论与实证研究。分析结论显示,除了采用专业店和连锁经营模式以外,巧妙的利用外部资源是促进我国家电连锁企业高速增长的关键要素。但是,我国家电连锁企业并没有形成一套超越竞争对手的低成本物流体系和低成本销售管理体系,深化商业模式改革和提升赢利能力是今后面临的重要课题。  相似文献   

The location of a store within a mall can affect the sales and profits of the store and its neighbors, and those of the mall׳s owner/developer. Because the interests of retail stores and the mall׳s owner/developer with respect to choice of location might not coincide, bargaining power might come into play. To assess empirically whether relative bargaining power as between a retail store and the mall owner/developer affects store location within a center, we focus on locations of stores near the department store tenants of malls. Department stores might have the bargaining power necessary to affect which tenants are chosen as neighbors of the department store.Using data collected from 148 regional shopping centers (malls) in 2007 in the five westernmost provinces of Canada, we examine the relationship between variables that reflect store location patterns near a department store׳s entrance, and variables associated with the bargaining power of developers. We find that the density of stores selling comparison shopping goods is larger near department stores within centers that are older or have a larger gross leasable area. In addition, such density is negatively related to the number of department stores contained in the center. Because a shopping center׳s age, gross leasable area, and the number of department stores in a center are expected to be associated with a developer׳s bargaining power, the above findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the store location patterns near department stores depend on the relative bargaining power of the developer and the department stores.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend a retail location evaluation model with the possibility to include the effect of department size adaptation at the store level. We relate department-level store sales to a store's competitive and demographic environment, thereby providing richer insights into the drivers of department sales than a model of just aggregate sales. Further, we accommodate heterogeneity in consumer characteristics over space by using zip code level data and unobserved spatial effects in department sales by including spatially autocorrelated error terms.Using spatial panel data for 30 clothing stores belonging to one Dutch retail chain, we demonstrate how to use the modeling approach to analyze and predict sales performance of new and existing stores. We show that the predictive performance of our model is superior to that of a benchmark model that does not include spatial autocorrelation.  相似文献   

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