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我国的稀土贸易在国际市场中具有举足轻重的地位,但稀土出口大国与缺失定价权这一矛盾已经成为我国稀土产业不可回避的问题。鉴于此,本文分析了我国丧失稀土出口定价权的四个因素,并对我国如何在国际市场赢得稀土出口的定价权进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文基于买卖双方视角,运用拓展的SMR模型,选取13个中国稀土主要出口国为研究对象,对1992—2015年中国稀土出口贸易国际市场势力进行实证测度,并进一步探究中国稀土出口管制政策的效果。结果显示:整个阶段中国在国际稀土贸易出口市场中缺乏市场势力;从出口政策鼓励阶段到出口政策限制阶段中国稀土出口市场势力明显上升,反映出稀土出口管制政策成效显著。针对实证结果,本文从没有在源头上实行有效管控、国际市场改变供需结构应对出口限制、中国高端技术匮乏等角度具体分析了导致中国稀土市场整体势力缺乏的原因,并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

目前中国稀土出口面临诸多问题,例如陷入"比较优势陷阱",开发方式粗放,走私严重等。15年我国正式取消了稀土出口配额制,年内还将取消稀土关税。在这一"新常态"下,我国稀土行业应该积极寻找应对策略,提高中国稀土资源利用率,以便更好的发展我国稀土产品出口贸易、提高我国稀土在国际市场上的话语权、将资源优势转变为经济优势。  相似文献   

我国稀土国际市场定价话语权的困境与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国稀土在国际市场上具有供给垄断优势,但却不具备价格话语权。众多原因导致出现这一困境。本文在分析我国稀土在国际市场价格低价销售的现象,研究了我国稀土定价权缺失的原因。最后提出了提升我国稀土在国际市场定价权的对策。  相似文献   

基本格局 中国是世界上人口最多的国家,也是粮食产量最大的国家,同时,中国还是世界粮食贸易中的重要一员。在多数年份,中国是粮食的净进口国,1977年到1996年中国进口粮食24453.5万吨,出口10194万吨,净进口量达到14258.5万吨。中国参与国际粮食贸易不仅是为了调整供需总量,而且通过国际市场进行粮食品种的调剂,主要出口大米、大豆和玉米,进口小麦。 中国粮食出口以大米、大豆和玉米为主,常年出口量占我国粮食出口总量的75%左右。多年来,我国一直是大米和大豆的重要出口国,但80年代以来,大米与大豆出口量逐渐降低,在国际市场上的地  相似文献   

持续几年的稀土纠纷案以中方败诉落下帷幕,但其带来的深远影响却远没有结束。为何我国会在占据绝对市场的稀土市场落得败诉,为何我国会频繁被国际资本围攻,在国际贸易市场处于不利地位,这些都是值得我们深思的。以中国稀土败诉为视角,首先阐明稀土所具有的重要战略价值及目前我国稀土出口的现状,通过分析中方稀土败诉的原因来找出目前我国在稀土产业存在的问题及不合理之处。并结合现实,为我国稀土产业的发展提出合理的对策及几点建议。  相似文献   

中国稀土出口市场势力的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文实证研究中国稀土出口贸易的市场势力。计量研究发现,中国稀土出口贸易的实际市场势力比较微弱,出现"寡头"地位与市场势力缺乏共存的现象。利用微观贸易数据,发现中国稀土出口贸易呈现较强的竞争性市场结构特征,因此,虽然具有国家总量上的"寡头"地位,但却只能获得竞争性定价结果,出口贸易市场势力的缺乏成为必然。利用生存能力法对中国稀土出口贸易最优规模经济量进行估计,发现稀土贸易(生产)的最优规模经济区间为0.5-10%的市场份额区间,其他区间则是规模不经济的,为中国稀土贸易市场势力的增强和政策调整提供了实证依据。  相似文献   

吴园一  邓加宏 《江苏商论》2011,(12):97-99,122
我国茶叶国际市场地位的历史变迁使得研究我国茶叶的外贸竞争力变化较具现实意义。本文通过设计评价指标体系及因子分析法对我国茶叶近十几年的外贸竞争力情况进行了综合评价,从而发现我国茶叶一直具有的是总量优势,其外贸竞争力在不断下降,然而茶叶总量优势也在逐年减弱,但出口潜力等指标的竞争优势却在逐渐显现。所以,避免茶叶总量上的劣势,充分利用茶叶出口潜力的推动作用将是改善我国茶叶外贸竞争力的有效途径。  相似文献   

稀土资源是很多高精尖产业必不可少的资源,我国是世界上第一大稀土资源国,同时也是稀土出口第一大国。近年来我国稀土资源大量出口,从而导致稀土储量锐减。但值得关注的是,虽然我国是稀土出口大国,但仍不具备定价权。大量的出口不仅导致了重要资源的流失,也破坏了自然环境,更可能危及到我国今后的发展。因此,研究我国稀土资源的贸易安全问题显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

农产品贸易是我国对外贸易的重要组成部分,加快农产品贸易的发展至关重要。近年来,我国农产品贸易的总体规模不断扩大,不仅在总量上取得了巨大的成就,在出口额和进口额方面也是名列世界前茅,但还存在出口深加工和技术创新不足、附加值低、非关税壁垒严重、出口管理体制不完善等问题。我国应加快建立农产品加工管理体系,加大农产品质量标准体系建设力度,完善农产品出口管理体制,从而更好的适应现代农产品贸易的国际环境,促进其在国际市场的进一步发展。  相似文献   


The critique of Blois and Hopkinson presented by Hunt is examined. Hunt argues that Blois and Hopkinson: make criticisms of the power-base approach in channels of distribution research; that these criticisms can be categorised under five headings; and, that each of these criticisms is suspect. This rejoinder examines each of Hunt’s claims and argues that they are not fully convincing.  相似文献   

消防应急救援是《消防法》赋予公安消防队、专职消防队的一项法定职责。从法律规范的规定来看,消防应急救援既是政府应急救援的专业力量,也是政府应急救援的骨干力量;从法学理论的分析角度来看,消防应急救援还应当成为政府应急救援的主体力量。  相似文献   

Does greater CEO power come with more responsibility? Previous scholarly work in this field entails divergent results on this question. Based on the upper echelons theory and CEO power literature, this study aimed to explore the mechanisms underlying how different sources of CEO power, including structural, ownership, expert, and prestige power, affect firms’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices and whether such relationships are moderated by firm visibility. Using a panel dataset comprising 6604 yearly observations of Chinese publicly traded firms from 2009 to 2019, we found that structural power is negatively related to CSR practices and that expert power is positively related to CSR practices, whereas ownership power and prestige power have no direct relationship with CSR practices. Our results show that firm visibility weakens the negative relationship between structural power and CSR practices and strengthens the relationship between expert power and CSR practices, respectively. Overall, this study reconciles the mixed results of previous studies on the impact of CEO power on CSR and integrates the effect of firm visibility as a contextual factor. This article concludes with practical recommendations on how to manage CSR engagement.  相似文献   

张闯 《财经论丛》2006,(5):96-101
本文通过对中国农产品营销渠道的考察,发现了渠道权力结构的过度倾斜与权力的失效问题。作者认为,在渠道权力结构理论背后存在着一个隐含命题,即渠道关系双方的规模与实力应当是对等的,或者二者之间的反差在一个合理的区间内。在渠道关系中,如果一方是为数众多、分散且规模弱小的成员,而另一方是规模巨大、实力较强的成员时,就会出现权力结构的过度倾斜,而当渠道中权力弱势地位一方采取一致性的“反抗”行为时,权力优势成员的权力就会失效。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the dynamics of networked power in a concentrated business network. Power is a long standing theme in inter-organizational research, yet there is a paucity of studies about how power emerges and is constructed over time at the network level. The paper adopts process, systems and network theory to interpret a rich single case study from the food industry. Three power mechanisms are identified, gatekeeping, decoupling and resource allocation, which form the basis of a model of networked power dynamics. Empirically tracing the dynamics of networked power highlights the economic contents of interactions. The paper extends current understandings of power as ‘conflict and coercion’ to include influencing, leveraging and strategic maneuvering in the actual performance of networked power.  相似文献   

文章以纵向市场结构为背景对零售商买方势力进行了较为清晰的界定,并依据买方势力的福利影响区分买方垄断势力和买方抗衡势力。然后从理论模型、经验研究和实验设计等方面,系统综述了零售商抗衡势力的测度方法及其对市场价格、市场绩效和社会福利影响的相关研究进展,以此对我国零售业实施相关的规制政策提供一定的理论指导和经验借鉴。  相似文献   


This research attempts to distinguish empirically between the potential influence of a manufacturer as compared to the influence of a manufacturer's salesperson over an industrial distributor. Given the existence of such a distinction, the scope of such influence is examined with regard to a distributor's business in eight different areas of potential influence: price, order quantity, product line, advertising and sales promotion, customer service, inventory, customer credit, and display. Data were collected from 412 industrial distributors in a marketing channel. The authors utilized regression analysis to distinguish between manufacturer and manufacturer salesperson power. Then, factor analysis was utilized to determine if the salesperson does have power over policy areas apart from that of the manufacturer. Research results suggest that the manufacturer's salesperson, compared with the manufacturer, possesses a different domain of power than does the manufacturer in a channel containing an industrial distributor.  相似文献   

余江  叶林 《商业研究》2003,18(3):40-42
分析已有的企业权力理论,认为传统的权力理论由于受到了资本至上的观点和现行法律规定的束缚,从而没有给出令人信服的解释,并在此基础上,确定对企业权力安排的看法,即组成企业的各要素的相对稀缺程度或替代程度是决定其拥有者在企业的权力安排的博弈中所处地位的决定因素。  相似文献   


Purpose: Power is an adaptive process in which power exercised by one firm could be less than, equal to, or greater than that accepted by another over the course of different periods. This study incorporates previous research on power asymmetry to examine the process of power exercise and acceptance over three stages: power exploration, power balance and power idleness.

Design/methodology/approach: Semistructured interviews were conducted with 4 powerful suppliers (the source firms) and their distributors (the target firms) in different industries.

Findings: The exercise and acceptance of power are influenced by expected rewards and expected costs in the power exploration stage and are impacted by dependence and trust in the power idleness stage; in the stage of power balance, power exercise and acceptance will not be altered. Under power shortage, the source firm will attempt to use less power and/or to enhance the levels of power accepted by the target; under power surplus, the source firm will transform the surplus into company performance and/or personal interests.

Research limitations/implications: The findings deepen our understanding of how power is exercised and accepted in a channel dyad over time, and of how firms behave in dealing with power shortage and power surplus.

Practical implications: The findings also provide some guidance for practitioners, so that they may apply power more appropriately based on different power stages in marketing channels.

Originality/value: This study extends our knowledge on power evolution over three stages from both a power holder and an acceptor viewpoint.  相似文献   

住宅供给包括优质住宅供给和普通住宅供给,优质住宅供给刚性强,普通住宅供给弹性大。普通住宅成本最低,也是住宅保障的主要依靠对象。公共住宅金融源于消费者市场支付能力的不足,但囿于公共住宅金融的价值属性,公共住宅金融并不能弥补消费者支付能力的永久不足,只能弥补消费者支付能力的暂时不足。公共住宅金融只有将劳动力价值作为自己发展的经济基础,才能确保公共住宅金融的稳健运行,才能突破西方公共住宅金融的历史局限性。  相似文献   

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